Friday, March 10, 2006
Flashback Friday... Spreading the News (I couldn't decide so here's all 3!)
Well, with my first pregnancy, we were using birth control, because we wanted wait a year after we got married. Well, less than 2 months later, I thought I was pregnant. I was so scared to tell Pat. But he was excited. So the next day after work I got a HPT and waited 6 hours to pee, well almost, because the test said, in first morning urine, I couldn't wait till morning, for goodness sakes. Pat was at work, he called me, which was/is totally unusual for him to do and I told him on the phone, he was excited and said he had been telling co-workers all day that I might be pregnant. What a relief I felt, I thought he'd be totally upset because it happened before our first year anniversary.
My second pregnancy we tried and tried for months (15) I didn't think it was ever going to happen. Pat was at work again when I tested, I had laid Joey down for a nap, and was lying down on our bed waiting for him to come home, when he came home, I told him, he was so happy, he called his parents right away, after he told them, he asked if they would watch Joey while we celebrated. We went to a movie, we saw Mission Impossible. When we went to pick Joey up, Mark and Marlene where there and we told them too.
My third pregnancy, I didn't think would ever happen. After more than 2 years trying to get pregnant, after Sarah was born, (we didn't use any birth control and were trying the whole time). I saw a fertility doctor and he put me on a low dose of Clomid to see how my body would react to it. Very well! I got pregnant that month! I had been to the fertility doctor's office for a biopsy of my uterus on Wed. 4 days before my period was due and I took a pregnancy test and it was negative, I cried all the way home. On Sunday, when I was a day late, I went out and got a HPT and tested, it was positive! Pat had taken Joey and Sarah to get some dinner for us, I just showed him the test, when they got home. We cried. The next morning I took another test and showed Pat and we cried again! A little later that morning, I was online and Marlene IM me, she asked how I was, I don't remember what I said, but she knew by whatever I said that I was pregnant, she made me get off-line so she could call me, she couldn't scream for excitement for us online she said. We told Joey and Sarah that night, Joey being 6 was excited, Sarah was only 29 months, so she really didn't get it. We wanted to wait and tell Pat's parents until after Marlene's son The Teenager's birthday party the following Saturday. We told Joey not to tell anyone, well, during the party he asks Marlene's Social Butterfly, "do you know my Mom is going to have a baby?" Everyone heard him. So needless to say Grandma, and Grandpa heard during The Teenager's party instead of after.
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Well at least all the family was there when they found out right? Isn't it ironic how you were not trying the first time and got pregnant and when you were actually trying it took you longer? But either way, you got three beautiful babies :)
Trying not to, and getting pregnant and then trying and not, was so horrible. It didn't make sense to me, still doesn't.
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