Sunday, April 30, 2006
Sort of Better Weekend
Lazy weekend, for the most part. It would have been better if Sarah wasn't running a temp. since yesterday afternoon. She bounced back before sending her off to bed last night, but woke up this morning with a small temp., I gave her some medicine and we went off to church, I had Joseph check on her during the first service (we were serving in the nursery area) and she was fine, she made it through 2 services. Nothing else wrong with her, other than not feeling much like eating. She started running a temp. again this afternoon and napped a little. I hope she'll be better to go to school and gymnastics tomorrow.
Friday, April 28, 2006
I wanta be outside~
It's been a cool, windy, and even sprinkling kid of day. I'd really like to be out enjoying it. Really the temps. have been lovely all week. I can't seem to get rid of this stupid infection, although today has been the best day in weeks.(my head doesn't feel like it's going to explode) I'm having a little trouble getting a new allergy medicine filled. First it was denied, then it needed approval, now at the doctor's office it has been approved, (by the insurance company) and I got an voice mail telling me also, but the pharmacy needs it in writing, oh, brother. Can't I get a little break? I'd really like to not be suffering any more. As of yesterday the pharmacy said it could take 3-4 days to get it in writing from the insurance, and I'm assuming that means 3-4 business days. Why is it that someone from the insurance office can not fax the approval to the pharmacy, or do we live in the dark ages? I'm just a little upset about this, can you tell?
Monday, April 24, 2006
16 hours of sleep~
16 hours a sleep for my teenager, really puts him in a good mood! He told me good bye this morning and did his homework and read with out fighting with me! I guess there's not enough time in the day for him to sleep so much everyday. BUMMER :(
The rest of the weekend....
Was not nearly as pleasant. Pat got home on Saturday in time for dinner, but he was falling asleep at the dinner table, so much for "how was your day?" questions. The girls hurried and took their showers, they asked their Dad to play a game with us, he told them he needed to feed the animals and get ready for bed first. But what is he doing while I play with the girls fixing the swing in the backyard. It's only been broken for a long time now. After we play, they run outside to Daddy and he's the big hero who finally fixed the swing, in the dark I might add and it's time for the girls to go to bed, so I get everyone in the house to pray. Of course they are all wound up and don't fall asleep for hours, great Pat has to work tomorrow afternoon so who gets to deal with their crabiness- me of course. What do they remember most about theor day- Daddy fixing the swing :( I fell asleep reading on the love seat, so I didn't tell Pat goodnight, but I was already slightly torked at him anyway. Sunday morning, I woke up to hearing the shower on. Pat was showering for church, but did he wake me up or make sure I was awake? NO. It's 8 AM and we have to leave by 8:30, who has to make sure the girls get up, dressed, fed, meds. taken, hair done, teeth brushed, ect. ect. ME of course, he doesn't do anything except he told them to turn off the TV. Pat goes out before us and unlocks his car. But I don't know that yet, until I go get in the car, with a granola bar and water in my hands, because I don't have time for breakfast. He locks his car, since I got in the passenger side of the car, I stupidly thought we were going to church together. He was a real jerk with me, but drove us to church, which was a good thing, because I cried all the way there. A friend I have known for years, said hi to me, and I was rude with her, not on purpose, I told her I was so upset, I didn't;t hear her say hello, she was wonderful she hugged me and prayed for me. During the service I fought back tears the whole time. Joseph called in the middle of the service and said they were back from the camporee. They were suppose to be back at 12, and it was only 9:45, he stayed at someone's house until church was over. We picked him up and went to lunch, I didn't talk to Pat the during the meal, I had a major stomach ache too, since even though I took a granola bar to eat on the way to church, I was way to upset to eat it. After lunch Pat goes off to work, Joseph showers and the girls go to a neighbors house to play, then Joseph lays down because he is so tired, I thought he'd get up in a little bit, he slept from 3 PM yesterday afternoon, until 6:30 this morning. I guess he really was tired! After getting the girls home, and feeding them dinner, I read with them, and then fought with them (they were tired and I was in a bad mood, which doesn't go together well) I put Rachel to bed, and Sarah a little later. I then went to bed, and pretended to be asleep when Pat got home from work, I really didn't feel like talking to him yet. He's off today, but of course he's still asleep.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
"Will you marry me?"
This is a funny story from yesterday I want to remember. I was at school in a kindergarten classroom doing a craft with the students. I have been really kinda frusrated with this group of kids always saying they can't do something, like cutting, gluing or coloring. Well yesterday's craft I knew would be a challenge for some because it involved tying knots. I showed the kids how to do it then asked them to try a few times on their own before giving up, and to tell me that they've tried and please could I help them. There was this youngster who totally remembered to be polite and waited patiently for me to help him. While I was helping him, I asked him to marry me. This cutie says, "I'm sorry I'm already taken!" I nearly fell off my chair he was so serious. Of course I said that's OK, my husband would probably have a problem with it to.
half over
The weekend is half over already, where did the time go? Yeasterday afternoon I dropped Joseph off at Moon Mountain elementary for a scout camporee this weekend, we were late (15 minutes) but they weren't suppose to leave for another 15 minutes. Traffic was horrible, plus I had to get him something to eat on the way. Thank goodness they waited a few more minutes for him, otherwise I would have had to drive him to the campsite, it wasn't far this time since the camporee is being held at Living Pioneer museum, but really I hate driving and my face/head was throbbing. So after I got rid of him LOL, the girls and I went to the grocery store to get something for dinner and breakfast. After dinner we read and Sarah and I played hangman. This morning the girls and I had a Girls Only special breakfast. We had gotten yummy pastries and used the service glass plates, and we had fun using our best manners. After breakfast they had 30 minutes to clean their room, they fooled around instead, so I couldn't take Sarah to Target to get new hoop earrings (she lost one earlier in the week). But they had to go with me to Pat's Fry's to get a receipt for a prescription that they didn't completely fill on Thursday (my antibiotic). They said they ordered it, but it didn't come in. So I had to take the receipt to 43rd and Catcus to be filled, UGH. The girls worked on their room one at a time when we got home, while I was reading with the other one, and finished the mess up (the room). I finished up the laundry and we sat down and watch Little Women. (I've been wanted to watch it ever since Marlene mentioned watching it with her girls a few weeks ago.) Rachel decided to be Amy and Sarah- Jo. It was fun. We almost made it to the end of the movie (10 minutes left) before one of the neighbor girls called (which is a record for a weekend). Rachel said they couldn't play because they were watching a movie with their Mommy, but this child would not take no for an answer and showed up anyway to get the girls and take them to her house, luckily the credits we starting when she knocked. I that leaves me to make dinner alone, if they make it home by 5:15 and take showers quickly it will be game night tonight.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
My head hurts again-update
I have been having allergy related headaches for what seems like forever. (well over a week anyway, and have another now). The advil just numbs the pain slightly, so I decided it was time to head into the doctor's office. I have an appointment later on, hopefully she can give me another allergy medicine that will help me better then the one I'm currently on, without interfering with my blood thinners (that's always the trick for any medicine I take, but since my blood level has been off for the last 6 weeks, it doesn't seem to me that it will matter much at this point.) Last night when I had to lay down on the loveseat before I sent Sarah to bed at 8:30 was my drawing point of finally deciding scheduling an appointment..... Well, I'm back from the doctor's office, she thinks I have a sinus infection, so I got an antibiotic for that, and I asked her to change my allergy medicine so she put me on something much stronger. I'm sure between the new allergy pill and antibiotic, my blood level will be really off when it's checked again on Monday. But if my headache is gone, it will be well worth it to adjust doses and go back again for a recheck.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
What I let bother me today...
Unforunatally it was a lot. Maybe if I wasn't so tired, somethings would not have bothered me so much. Pat's alarm went off at 6:30 AM, )he didn't get out of bed until 7:15) I got up and put breakfast in the oven, I had gotten up at 6 AM yesterday, and to bed late last night, setting out the kids' Easter baskets. So really just not enough sleep put me out of sorts as it was. Pat made me crazy with mowing the lawn, when we got home from church,I had asked him to hid eggs for the kids when we got home. But even before he went out to do the lawn, he rearranged some furniture without asking me, so that didn't get by me well either. The kids got playstation games for Easter, I had already talked to them about not playing, while family was here, for Easter. Joseph decided not to obey and we had a big thing. I had to get Pat to help me with him, that made me mad too. Joseph refused to apologize to everyone for his behavior, he did talk to Grandpa and Grandma before they left, but was extremely rude to Aunt Marlene. Then he thought I would allow him to use the playstation, after the kitchen was cleaned up, NO WAY! UGH
Happy Resurrection Day!
Thanks be to God for sending His son to die for us. I'll recap our day later, must get ready for church now.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Coloring of the eggs!
This morning's mission, color Easter Eggs. We tried something new this year, and tye dyed them. The kids had fun, it was fast and way less messy. SO we all had fun! Check out my pictures for other pictures of the kids working on their eggs.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Happy Birthday to my Hubby!
He has a hard time remembering how old he is, all this past year he has said he was 40, when in fact he was 41. Wonder what he'll say now? He has to work till 5:30, then take Joseph to scouts, I hope he has a good day. Since we've already celebrated his birthday with him all weekend, I'm not feeling to bad for him, but if it was my birthday and I had to work, I'd be mad! I love you Happy Birthday Heman!
Sunday, April 9, 2006
Good weekend~
I didn't have to cook all weekend, so it was a great one! :) We took the kids to see Ice Age Friday afternoon, then Pat picked Thee Pitts Again for dinner (we were celebrating his upcoming birthday) We gave him his gifts, pictures of the kids dressed like Star Wars characters he loved them! Then Saturday night we went to Famous Dave's for dinner for Pat's birthday with his side of the family. We always go out for lunch after church, we take turn picking, it was Pat's turn, we went to Crackle Barrel. Pat got to pick all weekend, but I didn't have to cook, that was the best part!
busy week ahead
A crazy week ahead, so much stuff to do so little time. Here's my list so far for the week, so I remember to do everything or get everything done. I do hope I don't forget anything. Monday.-blood test, pick up Sarah's prescription form, drop it off at pharmacy, clean bathrooms, take Sarah to gymnastics, book club at 7. Tuesday-clean house and do laundry, come up with something easy Joseph can make for dinner,(It's also my hubby's b-day), go see The Veggie Tales with Rachel and my youngest niece in the afternoon, scrapbook night, Joseph has scouts too. Wed.- Sarah's field day, grocery store, take Joseph to counseling session, McTeacher night at McDonald's for Sunrise, and bible study. The last 3 things on this day quite overlap. Thursday- help in Kindergarten classrooms with an Easter craft and egg hunt. Take girls to dance, have a another quick dinner that Joseph will be cooking again, take the girls to school for bingo. Then it's Good Friday! Yea! :)
Friday, April 7, 2006
This morning has been rough already. First I woke up way before my alarm and couldn't go back to sleep. Then I'm trying to get dressed, but Joseph is in my bathroom, with the door shut, and Pat is sleeping, it is very hard to get dressed in the dark. Then Rachel spills her cereal on the floor, she sweeps it up, but it is a sticky mess on the floor, so I mop. Then I go to put my contacts in and Pat is in my bathroom, I don't want to turn on the light since his head is down and he's going back to bed, so I put my contacts in, in the dark, which is harder then getting dressed in the dark. Then Rachel and I have a big fight about her not having socks, which I don't get since she hasn't worn socks all week, so she should have plenty of socks. Oh, and the hall bathroom's toilet's water would not shut off, Pat heard it, I guess he thought I could fix it, since after he used my bathroom he went back to bed. So I'm like saying, so your not going to get up and fix the toilet? He thought I had fixed it, "yeah right!:, I think. SO NOT my job.(he did get up then) I'm hoping the rest of the day gets better!
Thursday, April 6, 2006
I haven't gone to many meetings of my girls' school's PTO, (because of the stupid times the meeting have been scheuled this year) but I as able go tonight. I guess next year I'll need to get to some more because I was elected the PTO V.P. tonight! Yikes!!!! I hope I'm not in over my head.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Rachel had an appointment today to have 2 baby teeth pulled. She totally freaked out. (I didn't tell her until it was almost time to go.) Joseph and Sarah were home and they were trying to help calm her down. Joseph said he'd go with us, to make her feel better. On the way there, he takes out a picture of himself for her to take in the room when she has the procedure done, since he can't go back in the room with her, this totally cracked me up. She was a little nervous walking in the office, the staff is great and said they'll give her a little laughing gas before they start. So, she goes back by herself (with Joseph's picture) and it very brave and doesn't fuss or cry. The dentist calls me back to help her get up, but Joseph is right there, asking if she wants him to carry her. He can be a wonderful brother! She wants to walk out, we go to the grocery store to buy her some yogurt and jello for dinner on the way home, she was totally fine at the store except she's really embarrassed about the gauze in her mouth so she keeps her hand over her mouth the whole time. I was a little scared about the whole thing, she is so afraid of pain.(that's why I didn't mention the pullings to her) This is why- Right before her 6th birthday she decided that she would have to adopt to have children, she didn't want to birth any. She's since then asked me more about childbirth and thinks now she can have a baby when she gets married as long as they give her medicine. Pretty deap thoughts for a 6 year old to be worrying about already.
Cars And Computers
Cars And Computers-For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on. At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the automobile industry, and stated, "If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon".In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press release stating : If GM had developed technology lie Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics :1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.2. Every time they repainted the white lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car.3. Occasionally your car would die on the motorway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all the windows, shut off the car, re-start it, and re-open the windows before you could continue.
For some reason you would simply accept this.4. Occasionally, executing a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to re-start, in which case you would have to re-install the engine.5. Mackintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run only on five percent of the roads.6. The oil, water, temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "This Car Has Performed an Illegal Operation" warning light.7. The airbag system would ask " Are You Sure?" before deploying.8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio aerial.9. Every time a new car was introduced, car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.10. You'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off. Someone dear sent this to me and I thought I'd share it here.
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Is my new favorite place to buy scrapbooking supplies. I felt a little overwhelmed when I first walked in, not knowing where to start browsing. They have so much fun stuff, I really just wanted to get some fun numbers for the page I want to do of Joseph's 13 year old pictures. I could spend a lot of money there, but I kept it down for today, but when I get some money I'm going back!
Sunday, April 2, 2006
One on Top of Another
It seems like I just finished a menstrual cycle and it's started again, I guess, it needs to make up for the wonderful 8 free weeks I had :(
I guess that also explains the headache for most of the day, and the grouchiness all weekend.
This and That
The "pie" from last night only got great reviews from Sarah. Joseph and Rachel don't really like pudding. Who knew? Not me, it's been a long while since I've made any type of pudding, I just figured they would all like it, because of the sweetness factor. They all thought it was fun though, which was good, I would have been mad otherwise, because it took forever to cut, and roll the candies to look like vegetables. I had a headache this morning, so when my alarm went off I got up and took some medicine, and since none of the kids were up yet, I went back to bed, and decided to skip the leadership meeting this morning at church. I got up for real then at 9, and the kids and I went o church at 11, (Pat was working) I like to go to that service, because it's the only service for Jr. and Sr. High kids. I want Joseph to have some kids his own age to hang with. Well, he took Rachel to her classroom, and was asked to stay and help. I'm glad he has a good heart and stayed and helped, since it was only 1 woman and all the preschoolers and K-ers. But geez I wanted him to his service. I took the kids to lunch at Red Lobster and Rachel and I shared a lunch, she wanted salad and french fries, I wanted lobster, it was a good trade. But I ate too much, so now I have a headache and stomach ache. I found out at church that Joseph won the prize for his age group, for the most donations from the bowl-o-thon. We have no idea what his won, he should get the prize in the next week or so.
Saturday, April 1, 2006
Happy April Fool's Day!
Ok, so it's not a big holiday, but I love this day. Growing up, my Dad would "try" to get each of us kids before school. So there's lots of warm fuzzy memories. I have in the past made some interesting food things to "fool" my kids. Today is no exception, I made chicken NOT pies for dinner. I saw the recipe in Family Fun. Joseph, asked what I was doing, he was a little worried since my April Fool's jokes always include food. Like one year I made mashed potatoes that looked like ice cream, and another meatloaf cupcakes. I think they'll like this years "fool" the best, it's vanilla pudding, various candies and pie crust. I'd do the link from Family Fun, but I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet, so if you want to see the recipe, go to and click on the April Fool's link to get to it.
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