Thursday, April 20, 2006

My head hurts again-update

I have been having allergy related headaches for what seems like forever. (well over a week anyway, and have another now). The advil just numbs the pain slightly, so I decided it was time to head into the doctor's office. I have an appointment later on, hopefully she can give me another allergy medicine that will help me better then the one I'm currently on, without interfering with my blood thinners (that's always the trick for any medicine I take, but since my blood level has been off for the last 6 weeks, it doesn't seem to me that it will matter much at this point.) Last night when I had to lay down on the loveseat before I sent Sarah to bed at 8:30 was my drawing point of finally deciding scheduling an appointment..... Well, I'm back from the doctor's office, she thinks I have a sinus infection, so I got an antibiotic for that, and I asked her to change my allergy medicine so she put me on something much stronger. I'm sure between the new allergy pill and antibiotic, my blood level will be really off when it's checked again on Monday. But if my headache is gone, it will be well worth it to adjust doses and go back again for a recheck.


Marlene said...

Hope you feel better!!

Marlene said...

Good luck with that!

Mark finally got some medication for his migraines. He has stress related migraines at least once a week and they last for 2-3 days. It is very difficult. The meds seem to be helping though.

Anonymous said...

Sinus infections suck~! I get them all the time so I know where you're at! I hope you feel much better soon!