Monday, April 24, 2006

The rest of the weekend....

Was not nearly as pleasant. Pat got home on Saturday in time for dinner, but he was falling asleep at the dinner table, so much for "how was your day?" questions. The girls hurried and took their showers, they asked their Dad to play a game with us, he told them he needed to feed the animals and get ready for bed first. But what is he doing while I play with the girls fixing the swing in the backyard. It's only been broken for a long time now. After we play, they run outside to Daddy and he's the big hero who finally fixed the swing, in the dark I might add and it's time for the girls to go to bed, so I get everyone in the house to pray. Of course they are all wound up and don't fall asleep for hours, great Pat has to work tomorrow afternoon so who gets to deal with their crabiness- me of course. What do they remember most about theor day- Daddy fixing the swing :( I fell asleep reading on the love seat, so I didn't tell Pat goodnight, but I was already slightly torked at him anyway. Sunday morning, I woke up to hearing the shower on. Pat was showering for church, but did he wake me up or make sure I was awake? NO. It's 8 AM and we have to leave by 8:30, who has to make sure the girls get up, dressed, fed, meds. taken, hair done, teeth brushed, ect. ect. ME of course, he doesn't do anything except he told them to turn off the TV. Pat goes out before us and unlocks his car. But I don't know that yet, until I go get in the car, with a granola bar and water in my hands, because I don't have time for breakfast. He locks his car, since I got in the passenger side of the car, I stupidly thought we were going to church together. He was a real jerk with me, but drove us to church, which was a good thing, because I cried all the way there. A friend I have known for years, said hi to me, and I was rude with her, not on purpose, I told her I was so upset, I didn't;t hear her say hello, she was wonderful she hugged me and prayed for me. During the service I fought back tears the whole time. Joseph called in the middle of the service and said they were back from the camporee. They were suppose to be back at 12, and it was only 9:45, he stayed at someone's house until church was over. We picked him up and went to lunch, I didn't talk to Pat the during the meal, I had a major stomach ache too, since even though I took a granola bar to eat on the way to church, I was way to upset to eat it. After lunch Pat goes off to work, Joseph showers and the girls go to a neighbors house to play, then Joseph lays down because he is so tired, I thought he'd get up in a little bit, he slept from 3 PM yesterday afternoon, until 6:30 this morning. I guess he really was tired! After getting the girls home, and feeding them dinner, I read with them, and then fought with them (they were tired and I was in a bad mood, which doesn't go together well) I put Rachel to bed, and Sarah a little later. I then went to bed, and pretended to be asleep when Pat got home from work, I really didn't feel like talking to him yet. He's off today, but of course he's still asleep.


Marlene said...

I'm sorry things are rough right now. I don't know how you manage the silent treatment. I could never not talk to Mark that long.

Janet said...

I was really REALLY MAD.
We talked this afternoon, and things are OK now