Saturday, May 13, 2006

The drive that didn't get anywhere :(

I'm not big on driving, but I love my my son, so I drove to Payson, by myself this morning. (I was going with another person, but I changed my mind about that last night) So first off, I have never driven to Payson before. Silly me, I think if, I'm told to get off, Loop 101 at Shea and then take the Beeline (or 87 like the sign says, not Beeline), that as soon as I get off at Shea I'd be on the Beeline.WRONG. First you have to go left until you pass, Fountain Hills, and come to a T in the road, then take the Beeline (87) to Payson. I tried to call Pat at home (he didn't have to be at work until 11), but he was online, so I called my sister and then she called her husband at work, who called me back on my cell, and told me what to do, gheez.Finally, after a long drive, with lots of ups and downs, around mountains, that make me nervous I get to Payson. Find the 260 and turn right like I'm suppose to do, then drive 20 minutes or so looking for the sign for the camp place were this meeting is supposed to be. I drive over 30 minutes and don't see any signs. Will (B.I.L.) said they were really small. After I pass Christopher Creek, I know I've gone to far. I turn around, try to call Will for help, but I have no "bars" on the phone, just great. So I drive towards Payson, and finally get Will, who suggests that I ask in town at a service station for directions, only now it's a little after 11, it will take me another 10-15 , minutes back to town, then find someone to help me get there, and drive back. The meeting started at 11, and is only supposed to be 45 minutes, so I'm thinking why bother, stopping and asking anyone. I did stop for a potty break and lunch at McDonald's before driving home. That was one expensive McDonald trip! And there's a McDonald's within a mile from my house. And what I most want to know is, this is the age of computers and why couldn't the information and forms for the meeting just be available online? Trying to look positive at this experience at least I'll know how to get Joseph to camp in Payson in a few weeks! (It's not at the same place the meeting was, and he's been there before, and Will promised me a detailed map) I left the kids home to do laundry (I separated it before I left, so really all they had to do, was set the washer and dryer, which I make Joseph do for me anyway when he's home) and I'm afraid to go see what they've done with it, so I writing this to stall~

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Oh no!! Sorry it worked out that way!