Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Body parts are back

I'm not missing any body parts tonight (this morning) as all my children are back under my roof. Why are they all back? Well, Joseph had an accident at camp, the camp doctor called me tonight at 6 PM . He fell and hit his knee good, and the doctor at camp thought it should be x-rayed tonight. Luckily one of the Mom's that was up at camp for a few days was coming home tonight, so she brought Joseph with her. Off to the ER we went, we signed in at 10:05, but didn't get called back until 12:30. (there was an emergency) They did x-rays and it looks like nothing is broken, but we'll have to follow up with his doctor in a few days. They put a brace on his lag, so he won't bend it, and he couldn't put pressure on his leg so he has cruches too. I feel so badly for him, he loves camp, if he has a miracle healing he can go back up in a few days, but really don't think that will happen.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Poor Joey! Glad he's not hurt too badly!