Monday, September 25, 2006

My Helper!

My hubby is on vacation this week, it was so lovely to have him home after school today to help me. Sarah had her first student counsel meeting today after school. Rachel had dance, Sarah would have needed picking up during Rachel's classes, then I would have had to get Sarah dinner and to her dance class, which is right after Rachel's classes. I usually have to leave at the end of Rachel's jazz class to pick Sarah up at home, (because I've left her home to get her homework done and have dinner), but today would have been crazy with the meeting added in. Pat got Sarah from the meeting for me made sure she ate and took her to dance and he's picking her up too! It is a nice break. Sarah will have meeting once a month on Mondays, so I'll have to juggle all this myself for the next 8

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I'm glad you got some help!