Wednesday, September 6, 2006

This and That

So, yesterday Joseph was going to try out for boys volleyball. I took him to the doctor for the sports physical and filled out all the paperwork. Yesterday was the girls' school's first PTO meeting, of which I needed to get ready for since I'm the vice president. I asked Joseph to take the activity bus home or call my cell phone. They kids are not allowed to use the front office phone at his school, but really there has to be a phone he could have used. He decides to not try out because I won't be able to sit in the parking lot for who knows how long so he has a ride, this seems very stupid to me, whatever, I was glad he wanted to try out, but I was really worried about him making the team and me being spread too thin with all the other after school stuff, driving the kids here and there, I didn't know how I could always put in pratices and games, that I would want to go to, but then what would leave my 6 year old at dance by herself? I think not. Joseph also scratched his eye yesterday by leaving a torn contact in his eye, so he was only seeing out of the left, so he might not have made the team anyway, but I feel bad anyway. The PTO meeting went really well last night, we had 24 parents, 5 teachers and the principle. That's a huge amount of participation for our school, so we were pretty happy about it. We accoplished a lot and finished within the hour, like we wanted to, short and to the point, unlike meetings in the past. Today I was able to go to the district luncheon and got lots of info to take back to school, some I don't understand, some I already knew, some was interesting and of course some was boring. After the luncheon I headed back to school for the fall fundraiser kick off. Then I did some banking for school and shopping for the PTO. I like the shopping part. Now my headache that I was getting at the luncheon which was getting better, is now bad enough to take something for it. I usually wait until they are really bad, now it is, UGH!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

What a bummer for Joey! And I am so glad to be done with parent organization stuff for a couple of years. it can really burn you out after a while!