Wednesday, November 8, 2006


Everything I needed to today, and took a nap! Well, I needed to sleep off another headache this morning, after getting the girls to school, I hope I don't have another tomorrow morning Sarah has to go to the ortho again in the morning. Getting back today, I went to the Deer Valley PTA's monthly luncheon, which was good, I even felt brave enough to ask a question and offer a helping idea. When I got home, it was time to clean up the house for bible study, Pat cleaned the hall bathroom, and I did mine, Pat vacuumed before he left for work, I worked on dusting and mopping. By then it was time for the kids to get home from school, looked over homework, then cooked dinner, Sarah left for a girl scout thing, I looked over my notes for bible study, the group came, we had a fun, cleaned up, the girls are in bed, and Joseph is in the shower. Tomorrow will be busy, after Sarah's ortho appointment, I have an appointment with on of Joseph's teacher, then it's movie night at Sunrise, we are showing Cars, I hope it will be a great turn out. And Pat's off, so he'll be able to go with us.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Have a great day! Everything okay with Joey?