Friday, November 24, 2006

Oh, what a relief

I'm starting to feel better, but it took a trip to the hospital to get better. Wednesday morning, I knew I was bad, I even called Pat at work, which I rarely do. I talked to my friend at 9, (I tried to get in to the doctor's office, but couldn't get an appointment) she called me back about an hour later, and basically told me she was taking me to the emergency room. She called Pat from the hospital and told him she'd stay with me until he could get there. I didn't have wait at all to be seen, after my vitals were checked and the triage nurse heard, cardiomyophy, they took me right back to a room. The started oxygen, and an IV, did EKG's, and took blood. They figured out I was bleeding somewhere internally. I was admitted, my sister left work to come to the hospital, then she went to my house, to be there when the kids got home from school. Her pastor came to see me and prayed for me. No sooner did he leave 2 of my pastors came in. Jul brought the kids to see me, so they wouldn't worry. Friends from our life group came and stayed with me, while Pat went and got something to eat. They had to give me some blood, since I was very anemic, that's why I was feeling so shaky,looking rather pale, and was having a hard time breathing. I spent Thanksgiving in the hospital, they couldn't do any tests on me because my blood was too thin. Pat brought the kids to me before he went to work, and my in-laws came in the evening to see me, Pat came back after he got off work. Even though it was sad to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving, I was feeling very thankful for my family, friends and pastors who without their prayer and support, I wouldn't have gone to the hospital and gotten well. Thank you all I love you!


Marlene said...

we're glad you're home a feeling better!

Karin said...

Glad you're feeling better!

PhoenixMom said...

I'm SO glad you're doing better!