Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007
On Break and Foot Doctor
The last 2 days I've been putting in more volunteer hours, than hours of getting paid for the whole week! Yesterday afternoon was also the band/chorus concerts at school, and S did not get sick. I would have if I was on the risers the stupid maintenance man (plant foreman), did not clean them from the 7th when she got sick. He also did not insure that one of his employees put the risers on the stage (his last day of work before break was Tuesday). The chorus teacher had to do them herself. Well, that's not true, J came to have lunch with me and I made him help her, while I watched her class for her. Today I was there for the girls' parties, but was in and out of them because I needed to take gobs of pictures for the yearbook. I know teachers are busy, but please they surely have had time to take a few pictures of their class. It's not like I just sprung this on them, I've been asking, begging, nagging, reminding since the first day of school. The first 62 pages of the yearbook are due on Jan. 21st, I'd really like to at least work on the yearbook an hour a day during break. UGH. I wasn't supposed to work today, but the cafeteria monitor took today off, and the sub she got couldn't even be there until 11, lunch was about over by then, due to an early release today. The kids were upper hipper being the last day before break and full of sugar from their breakfast parties (donuts and the like) right before lunch. It was kinda funny though, the little kids ate lunch (well not a lot) but the 5th and 6th graders had it figured out, they just ate and weren't hungry.
My heels have really been bothering more than I can possibly stand (pun intended), I called my foot doctor who had an opening today! I just really thought I'll be lucky if I can get an appointment during break. She took x-rays, and made plaster feet impressions (she is going to have orthopedics made for me), and she gave my right foot a shot of cortisone, and will do the left on Monday. I'm supposed to stay off of it for a few days as much as possible, that will make the Monday shot a little tricky since the next day is Christmas. Right now the right foot is pretty much throbbing. Oh, yea she said I could take some Tylenol. Good idea! Wished I would have thought of that before. When she examined my feet, she said she barely pressed on my right heel, it hurt so bad she said I practical jumped to the ceiling. I guess the pain it's just not all in my head. My last rounds of cortisone were 15 months ago, and I need 3 shots in each foot. The shots are really pretty painful, so I hope it works well, on the first shot, OK maybe I can stand 2 rounds. Really whatever it takes. Not being able to walk with out being in pain, is horrible.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Little Villager and Sister Villager-Snow Queen

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
sinus headache
I'm about done in with sinus headaches that will not go away. Yesterday was a long day with one. I worked all day, then goofed around school for another hour waiting for R to finish in her after school reading class. Dropped the girls off at home, went to our church offices for the last planning session before Saturday's outreach party. I am there until 6, pick dinner up on the way home. Fed the kids, take J to scouts, start laundry and tonight's dinner, because it's our bible study night and we are having a dinner Christmas party. Made corn bread, baked a cake, fought with the children to clean their rooms and go to bed. Went to bed with a headache, woke up with a worse one. Laid down this morning to try to get rid of it, that didn't work. Now I have to go to work, clean the house, host a party. Did I mention that P has to work and will not be here tonight?
Sunday, December 9, 2007
S was better on Thursday and Friday, but yesterday started throwing up again. I haven't let her eat more than a few crackers today even though she says she's feeling better. Yesterday was baking Christmas cookies day, R helped for a little bit, but got bored fast. R's friend came over and was a big help, I think I'll invite her over when I bake more often! I had a terrible sinus headache all day on Friday. While the girls were at choir practice P, J and I decorated the Christmas tree. I was out of sleeping pills for Friday too, and didn't sleep all night long. It felt wonderful to sleep last night. I have no idea why I can't fall asleep at night unless I take sleeping pills. I usually have no trouble taking little naps during the day (if, I ever have time, not lately)P went with J yesterday to cut mistletoe, on their way out the door P tells me he found another box of ornaments (we were wondering how we fit all of them on, on Friday night, usually there are too many and P strings them up in between the family and living rooms.) P and I went out last night. The only movies I want to see are ones I want to take the kids to see, so we just went to dinner and then shoe shopping for me :) I have lots of shoes, but they all hurt my feet, I hope the new ones I got last night will be better. We didn't go to church today, I wanted to sleep in and let S sleep so hopefully she'll get rid of this stupid bug she has. It's just about time to leave to take the girls to Snow Queen rehearsal, if they would ever finish getting ready that is.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
3 hours
That's how long it took J and I to do our family Christmas cards. Today was an early release day, and since I didn't get a chance to do them on Sunday, I used this chance to sit down and do them. J did the easy part, licking half the envelopes and putting on all the stamps and return labels. If, I ever got myself organized enough I'd have labels made up for the addresses too, maybe that should be a goal of mine for 2008 to do that before October, well at least before December and I sit down to send out cards. LOL
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
disappointing x 3
My F-I-L makes me crazy. He calls and wants to know if P can get time off to go to the Holiday Bowl in San Diego with him over Christmas Break (winter break, whatever) 4 days. This just makes me nuts. Why would I want my husband to be gone for 4 days? One year many years ago I at least got a vacation out of this deal, F-I-L wants P to drive with him and go to the game and rest a day in between driving. F-I-L didn't ask me what I thought about this plan, just assumed I would be OK, with with it. I already feel like a single parent while P goes off to work 5 afternoon/evenings a week, if he gets any time off during the time the kids and I are home on break, he better be here. 2nd disappointment was I asked F-I-L if he had any plans tonight, S had her chorus concert tonight. He couldn't come, I even told him what it was I wanted. But he consoles me with, well he'll see her on the 16th in The Snow Queen. Whatever, UGH. S has been complaining on stomach pain for 5 days. Tonight in front of a packed cafeteria she throws up for the first time, on the stage, but before they started to sing. I probably already was making parents mad at me, because I was sitting down front on the floor, taking pictures (for the yearbook, but they probably didn't all know that, they probably thought I was just a rude parent ) When S first started throwing up, I climbed up on the stage to get her and take her to the bathroom, luckily I had some friends who sprang up to help me with paper towels and Sprite for her. After she washed out her hair as best as she could, we left. I left my camera with a parent in the front row. I have know idea who she is. She seemed really nice and said she would get my camera back to a staff member for me. I'm a little worried about it, but getting S home was more important.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Getting Ready
I feel stressed this year getting ready for Christmas. This weekend is wrapping gifts weekend. I spent a couple of hours last night organizing gifts (bringing them in from the laundry room and putting them in my closet), I spent 5 hours wrapping today sitting on my bed, and managed to knock a box on top of my head and hit a corner of a box on my eye(it still hurts.) I can't put the gifts away. P and J left a mess and all the outside lights and things in the laundry room, even though I got the gifts out last night there's no way of getting them back in and still be able to do laundry. I can't even open my big freezer, I can barely even see it. The gifts are all over the living room floor. P went and bought our tree today. Usually he and his Dad and one or more of the kids go cut down a tree on this day. Didn't get picked this years lottery. This year we decided to go with a fake tree. Which is sad for P, but better for my allergies. P went and bought it before he went off to a football game with his Dad. It's not set up yet, the kids and I will not be working on it today. P was going to work on the outside lights for a little while before meeting his Dad but because of rain and mud wants to wait until he's off next week. Which makes me sad, I feel so much more Christmasy when the outside it done up too. The kids helped me move the desk that was in the living room back into my room and we moved my chair and ottoman to the living room. For the past 3 years we've had the Christmas tree in the family room, this year I want it back in the living room.Tomorrow will be work on Christmas cards day, and finish up a few crafts, Next weekend, J will be gathering mistletoe the girls and I will spent time baking cookies, and the last Snow Queen rehearsal. Which flows right in to Snow Queen week (well that's how it feels) dress rehearsal on Friday night, and the 4 performances over the weekend. The last week of school before Winter break, then the last weekend before Christmas. Then Christmas! YEA!
Friday, November 30, 2007
The only good thing about all my volunteer hours this week is that we made a good profit in the holiday store and that's with making up grab bags for today to get rid of everything. Because I didn't want anything left over, some of the junker stuff the PTO has had for years and years. Everything we sold was $2.00 or less, but we had great stuff (the stuff we bought this year). Name brand stuff and not dollar store junk. We were all done and cleaned up before 10 this morning. Around 11:30 it started raining and it hasn't stopped, I was glad we were done with the store, and I only had to deal with the candy carts and kids who are so not used to rain this afternoon (when it rains it always reminds me of the first snow storm growing up, kids are just amazed). The girls want to go to choir practice tonight,darn it, I have to go back out a few more times tonight. I'd do love to just wrap up in a blanket and relax.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Is this week over yet?
I really hate to wish time away, but I really really wish this week was over already. The school holiday store is happening this week, I've been at school at 8 all week (except yesterday when I went to the doctor first, but then I punched in and got paid for the day by subbing) and I'm tired and my feet hurt. Today I got home the earliest by far at 4:30, which makes for a long day when you don't feel so good.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sinus infection and allergies
That's what the doctor decided was wrong with me. I saw a new doctor in the practice today and I must say she was good, she noticed without me having to tell her I'm on blood thinners, she was careful in what she gave me, in an antibiotic and new allergy medicine.. I always have to remind doctors of that. She wouldn't let me have a flu shot either until I get better, yuck now I'll have to go back for that in a few weeks.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Didn't call the doctor
I felt much better yesterday so I decided to wait to call the doctor about my cough. Of course with the drop in temperature this morning I should have just went ahead and called. By the time I left school today my nose was running again. Now, I wonder if I should wait until the cough is really bad again or just go in and see if she'll give me antibiotics?
Skipped Fall Right to Winter
Without any warning it's cold here in the desert. The temperature was a lovely this weekend, yesterday it was starting to drop. But this morning, was unbelievably cold. It seems like every year the weather does this and it shocks me. You'd think I'd get used to it. Nope. But, hey at least it's not snowing!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
busy, busy, busy, cough, cough, cough
I left my sister's house early on Thursday. R came home with me. J and S stayed. P wasn't even there yet, he had to work till 7. I just felt yucky. R and I laid on my bed and watched Miracle on 34th St. I was sound asleep right after it was over, I heard everyone get home, but I have no idea when that was. Friday morning I felt not much better, but I needed P to help me take my car in to be looked at. While we were out near Arrowhead we did some shopping at Toy R us, Target, Best Buy, Office Max (more like braved the crowds, but we did buy the gifts for the girls from their grandparents) P and I went out for lunch then to see a movie Dan in Real Life, it was cute. Went to Walmart. Picked up my car, then we picked up dinner to take home. I was completely whipped out and sick of coughing. I managed to sleep in till 9 this morning, but really had to push myself to do anything. I really just wanted to go back to bed. P didn't have to work until 5:30, he and J got the Christmas boxes put of the attic, the girls helped me get the stuff out of them so they could put the, empty boxes right back up there. Other than 4 boxes of tree things and the laundry room crammed with outside decoration boxes, there's some order to this madness. After P left for work and J went with his cousin to a shooting gallery, the girls and I went out for gyros and drove down to the 99 cent only store and got some things for school. When we got home we started on a few Christmas craft projects. I am beyond tired and my back is really hurting. I know if I felt better, I'd look at all that we got done today and be really happy. Maybe everything will look prettier tomorrow. And my doctor's office better be open on Monday, they were closed yesterday. It's been over 4 weeks of the coughing junk, I've have it, I want fixed now.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
God has been really working on my heart and what I am thankful for. My friend and all the things her and her family are going through right now because of her husband's motorcycle accident. My friend with cancer. Students whose families can not afford a big holiday meal. Students who are not getting medical help they need for their behavioral problems, over all health, and dentistry. People who drive me crazy. And I'm sure there is much more I could think of. So instead of complaining today about my husband, my heart, feet, back and the cough that will not go away, my children with depression, ADHD, separation issues and 2 are in orthodontic care. I am thankful for my husband who has a job and is trying to be a better husband and father, we have medical and dental insurance, and I've been able to work a lot of overtime the past weeks to help our finances. A lot of great friends and family to count on. I hope everyone has a safe,happy, and thankful day.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
"pig" race
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Pictures from yesterday
I uploaded a few to my Flickr account on the right side bar. Not only was last night movie night, but S had her autobiography yesterday (she dressed for it), and it was the holiday lunch at Sunrise. P was off so he got to go and have lunch with the girls, and I had friends who took pictures for me!
Back to the hospital -updated 3 PM
My Friend M's husband was readmitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon. The rehab place unwrapped his foot after being wrapped up for a week without checking it and it looked gross. I haven't heard from her yet today, but yesterday she said they were going to have to do surgery on it. She therefore didn't come to movie night to help me, but I had lots of great helpers. 3PM- He did have surgery today, and he might have to have up to 4 more, he could possibly have to have his foot amputated. M will be making another appointment with the lawyer on Monday. The surgeon even told her to get a lawyer.
Movie Night is over! We ended up having a few minor issues getting started on time- like McDonald's not being ready with our order at 5:45 like I asked twice, the microphone not working (the principal helped me find one on campus), my movie set up parent forgetting the speakers at his work (he left at 6:40 to get it and got back by 7, but he had to hook it up), but the worst of all is the LCD projector was not in the library, I asked the after school program if I could use theirs and at first she told me no, until I promised I would replace it if something happened to it. It's only a $850 piece equipment. No problem, Ha, you better believe I made sure it got put away safely myself. This week coming up the only PTO thing is our "pig" race for top sellers from our fund raiser. But the following week is our holiday store, and that week will be crazy, if I get through that then we are done with PTO events until the middle of January.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Almost 12 hours later
I "think" I'm done for the night, working and volunteering. I turned in the holiday families from the girls' school this afternoon to my church. I'm glad I got that done, I'm sad that I won't be at the Christmas party for the families (it's the same Sat. at the girls are dancing in The Snow Queen), but I'm glad I got to do my part. I called this afternoon and ordered 170 sandwiches from McDonald's for movie night tomorrow night. We had almost 100 pre-ordered and I ordered some extra. I'm hoping it will be a fun night. I also really hope this meal deal goes off without a hitch, I'm kinda scared about the whole thing, we've never done McDonald's before. And I hope I'm not forgetting anything important, I have volunteers, drinks, chips, candy, student counsel selling popcorn, raffle prizes, mystery bags and the movie are all ready to go. It's been tough working all the extra hours I have been and keeping up with my family, church and PTO, with both movie night and the holiday families being such big projects.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My feet hurt, I wore a pair of Crocs that really hurt my feet all morning and I had lots of walking today. UGH. I came home in between schools and changed my shoes, (another pair of Crocs that I wear all the time. it was too late, my feet are so messed up. When I got home P was just getting up for the day. 12:45. After school, I had a few things to do and got home by 3:30. he was just going outside to mow the lawn. I asked if the house was clean then? Oh, no, but J is cleaning the bathrooms. I needed to take S to dance, start dinner, and go to Costco. UGH. After Costco, I finished making dinner, set the table, then afterwards I did the dishes and I swept, S dusted and J mopped. P did vacuum. UGH. I am so ready to go to sleep.
With P. I have been seeing a counselor for a couple of months now, so I can learn how to communicate with him better. One "homework assignment" was to start to make lists for him to do. He's been doing OK with that, except I don't give him more than I really know he'll do, but there are plenty of other ways he could help me. Well, Tuesday night is laundry night, I try to keep up on the laundry twice a week, so I don't have 8 or 9 loads on Saturday. Anyway, the past 2 Tuesdays I have fallen asleep before it's finished, and he has on his own brought it in and laid it all out on the couch. (it would be too much work to put it away I guess, I know I was sleeping but the next day?) It's pretty frustrating to come home from working all day to have to put away laundry when your husband was home until 2:30, or off that day. Last night I finished 3 loads of laundry, and had the last (jeans) in the dryer before I went to bed, I didn't leave a note, but I left the laundry basket on the couch with the hangers in it for all the stuff in the dryer, I thought he would get the hint. I was wrong. UGH.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Slept in and Updates
I looked last night and made sure my alarm was set, but only caught the minute part not the hour part. Oops, S woke me up when she got in the shower at 7:20, which wouldn't have been that bad, but she needed to be at chorus at 7:30, and I needed to be at DV middle school at 7:30. We rushed through our showers, I ate a cereal bar on the way, and she brushed her hair, she was 10 minutes late and I was 15. The best part was, I felt a whole lot better this morning. My cough is still hanging on a little, but not nearly as bad as it was. I guess that extra hour of sleep was well needed, but maybe it was yesterday when I didn't do anything except drive J around for the Vetern's Day parade, and took the girls to dance, I didn't do anything else. My friend C started her chemo last week, I saw her on Sunday she looks good, she said she felt a whole lot better 3 days after her first treatment. My other friend's (M) husband (K) was released to a rehab place yesterday afternoon. He didn't need any surgeries on his foot or shoulder. No idea how long he will be in rehab, but he's on his way to recovery. M met with a lawyer today about the accident, she's worried about the other guy's insurance not paying. (K) could be out of work for a long time, it will not be easy for their family. M is planning on going back to work tomorrow. One more thing about DV Middle, I love the principal there, he is so on top of things and not stressed out like some principal's I know. He has made me feel really welcome, and I'm not even there to cover the whole day, I have to leave after second lunch to get to Sunrise in time. I'll be working the rest of the week there.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Emergencies- updated
I've been called to the office at school twice this week, and it's only Wednesday. Today was an early release day and one of our crossing guards got stuck at a doctor's office. I was on campus doing other things when I called, I had a counseling session this morning, but because I'm working hard on getting the rest of the holiday families set up needed to go to school at the end of the day. I'm glad I was there, to cover, but man was it hot outside at 12. One of my best friend's just called me her husband was in an accident on the way home from work. He rides a motorcycle. All they told her on the phone was he was awake. Why I didn't think of asking what hospital I don't know, so I'll have to wait until she calls me to make sure he's OK. Just one of the times you get a phone call and are shocked that you can't think. Please pray he is OK. I was able to get a hold of her as she walked in to the hospital, she was waiting until they put her in a quiet room to talk to her. His brain was exposed in big chunks, he has some swelling of blood around his brain, his left shoulder could be broken, and his right ankle or leg is broken. It's going to be a long, long recovery. My sister and I went to the hospital to check on them last night. He was awake, in a lot of pain, and couldn't remember the accident at all. The hospital was planning on rechecking the swelling with a CT scan at 10 last night, hopefully that there was not a lot, or he could have to have surgery right away.
Monday, November 5, 2007
I don't shop at Walmart on a regular basis. But on Friday night I went to pick up a donation gift card for the PTO and thought I'd look around a little, I had a little time to spare before picking up the girls (who where singing with the church group.) J was with me, I ended up finding a few things for the girls for Christmas. I left J with my debt card because I needed to go to the bathroom, bad, and I needed to leave to get the girls. Half way to pick up the girls I jokingly said to J did I spend $200 dollars. No, he tells me the amount but then says wait the receipt says (blank), which is $40 more than the merchandise I bought. I called right away and went back. I was told the register balanced, so I would have to wait 24 hours to get my money back. I was mad. I made J strip when we got home just so I knew without a doubt that he didn't take the money. Many phone calls by me later, and P today, because I was working all day, and 71 hours later I got my money back and a $20 gift card for my trouble. Which really isn't the point of being ripped off, and having to go back twice, and fighting for my money. $40 didn't seem like very much until I thought about well, if I make $8.00 an hour (I make a little more than that, and more an hour when I sub as a para pro) that's 5 hours of work, then it seems like a lot, especially since if I wasn't working all this overtime like I have in the past 2 weeks, I only work 10 hours a week. UGH.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Keep praying
I don't understand all the details, but my friend C's cancer has compromised her immune system which is not good. She had a port put in this past week and starts chemotherapy on Wednesday. She's really scared and in denial and doesn't want talk about it. I just don't know what to say either. Maybe it's best not talk about it, I don't know, I'm scared for her and her family too. This is a BIG trust GOD, and His will to be done, other than praying and being with her, I feel lost and want to do more, but I don't know what. Her mom told me this morning that C will be participating in a new drug therapy group.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Long Week updated 8:30 PM
I am so tired and my cough from my stupid cold is still hanging on. I worked everyday this week, totaling over 35 hours. I had a lot issues with the PTO volunteers to deal with too. The Vice President quit today. The person I really have a problem with, decided today to not sell candy, and call the other volunteers and tell them not to come too, thinking that since Wednesday was Halloween kids all ready had enough candy. What? I don't think that is her decision, she's not even a board member nor did she check with myself or the other president. I called J to come help, and a teacher helped out, until I could clock out and even though kids had Halloween candy we still sold over $100 in candy, chips, and drinks. Go figure! Which is less than we usually sell, but not by much, but we only had one cart set up, we usually have one in the front of the campus and one in the back. My problem person emailed us (me and the other president) and resigned as did her friend who held the title of secretary, which I kinda figured would happen, but hoped she would not. I've made 3 phone calls to make sure no one else was going to quit, and they are not. I feel a whole lot better, that things will go smoother now, but I can not stand that none of them resigned in person, and left mid year. I had told them on Sunday I would not be back next year, (I would not even think about quiting mid year)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Today was a dreaded PTO board meeting. It was at my house, so I couldn't walk out today like I wanted to last month. But I did ask someone to leave. Feathers were straighted, so she didn't really leave, but I think I got my point across very well. I told them all I will not be part of this board next year. Maybe it was good to tell them and they'll straighten up their acts and do what they say they are going to do. That would be nice. I could go on and on, but I need to let this go. For now anyway!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I am so tired
I did not sleep well last night, which is not a good thing when you need extra sleep because you don't feel good and you have a way to busy of a day planned the next day. Just for fun I added in working all day too (we really need money and I could have worked at 2 different campus'). The PTO fundraiser orders came in today, not without it's share of headaches. But the last one of the day really stressed me out. At least 2 orders went to the wrong classroom, and haven't been found yet. One is the PTO vice president's, who has not been much of a help to me at all with this fundraiser, so to say it made me a little nuts it's putting it mildly. Tomorrow I will be working all day again, and I'm sure the headaches with the fundraiser have just begun.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
4 times
Today I drove to Sunrise 4 times. Good thing it's close by. Once to take S to chorus, once to take R and neighbor girl to school, I came home and laid down, with the phone because I knew the school was going to call me in. I was almost asleep and I was right.
Hopped in the shower, got dressed and went to work. Came home after school to get J for his counseling session, but had to pick R up from her reading group she's in 3 days after school before taking him. None stop kind of day. We had fast food for dinner, before starting laundry and taking J to scouts. I am so tired. The cold I was fighting last week, is winning this week. UGH......
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Not me, thank goodness. I think I've had my share of surgeries. My FIL is having his hernia repaired tomorrow. It is out patient surgery. But still it's surgery. My friend C is having a double masestomy on Tuesday. She had a bone scan done last week, good news is the cancer is not in her bones. She'll be in the hospital for 2-3 days. To me that doesn't seem long enough.
Friday, October 19, 2007
The week is over all ready?
This past week has certainly gone by fast. I'm not even sure what made it go by so fast other than, subbing 2 days, working at the book fair at school another 2 days, conferences for both girls, feed the teacher night, holding yearbook meetings, plus all the regular stuff all week, dance, scout, work, ect. I have been fighting a cold all week too, and I'm about sick of that. Not much rest this weekend though, J has a scout thing in the morning, we are doing family pictures after that, I need to return something to Bed, Bath and Beyond, ect. ect. Sunday I work in the nursery followed by 2 hours of Snow Queen rehearsals for S on Sunday. R might also be dancing in the Snow Queen this year too. They didn't have very many Little Villagers and only 2 for the 3rd week (the week S is dancing). I contacted the director and asked if R could try out. They have a requirement of having to be 8 by performance weekend, R won't be 8 for 7 or 8 weeks later. I just thought since S and I were there anyway and they needed more little girls there would be no harm in asking. So, if R does well on Sunday she will be dancing this year too. Going back to conferences, no surprise S had all A's ans R A's and B's, and since I see their teachers everyday I know how citizenship wise they are doing well.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Can't Win
Today after school a student had a bad bloody nose. While I am helping him in the nurses office, R falls and cuts her toe and rips her toe nail. Back to the nurse's office we go. I feel bad that she got hurt while I was helping another student.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Adopt a family outreach
My church adopted 30 families from the girls' school for the holidays. This year they will be doing it again but with some changes. The first one is the contact person who the church worked with is not at our school this year. It is a cool thing that I am a district employee so I can be the church-school connector. The families will get a Thanksgiving food box donated by the youth groups and delivered to the families. Then in December the life groups will provide gifts for the children and another food box. The only "catch" so to speak is we want the families to come to a Christmas party at our church offices for a meal, presentation of the birth of Jesus, games, face painting and such, then at the end of the party the children take home their gifts and stockings. I'm nervous about coming up with 30 families that need help and will attend the meal/program. Last year everything was delivered to the family homes. But it will be way cool, to see what God does.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Keep praying
My friend C had her biopsy this afternoon. Her mom called me and told me that the doctor didn't leave a mark. Not knowing what that meant, I had to ask. The lump was too large. She will met with her doctor on Thursday to discuss treatment, which will probably include a mastectomy, followed by chemo and radiation. I didn't talk C tonight, she was trying to sleep, the drugs were helping her. Other than my cousin who died of ovarian cancer 9 years ago, I have not had anyone close to me with cancer. C's mom told me tonight that when we're sick we have to trust God with our lives. Which I totally believe, but I also know that's not the easiest thing to do. A prayer group that I attended at the time of my Mom's stroke/heart surgery/heart failure/death,I remained in the group then just 8 months after my Mom's death I learn that my heart aneurysm was at a delicate growth increase. I knew I needed surgery right away.I felt like a time bomb, it wasn't so easy to trust God at this point. The prior 14 months were very stressful, didn't help much with that trust either. Through the prayers of this group, and so many other people, I was able to let go and trust God. Not that I didn't flounder because it would be a lie to say I hadn't. I was very blessed in having a wonderful and supportive friends. I pray that I will be a supportive and prayerful friend to C.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Snow Queen
S was cast as a Village Sister, today was the first rehearsal. The Village Sister part is a new part, and will require S to rehearse with the Little Villagers and Middle Villagers. There are only 2 Village Sisters in each show. It was hot in the studio today, it was a long 2 hours for me.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
This week was spirit week at school, for some silly reason I didn't take any pictures. But that's not the point right now. One day was career day. On that day, I walk in to one of the Kindergarten classrooms, and one student asked me if I was feeling OK? I have been trying a new allergy medicine, on this day it started not working very well. So, I tell him, well actually my nose is runny today. He says "wait right here". He goes to his desk and pretends to pour me some medicine, and brings it back to me. I then notice he is dressed like an ER doctor. Later he even asked me if I was feeling better yet. He already was one of my favorite students (even though I really can't have favorites), he's just so cute. I was thinking later, do my kids do "cute" things like this any more? Not nearly as often as when they were younger. How very sad is that?
laundry tips
I had a terrible dream last night that I barely can remember now, but couldn't get away from it in my sleep. Finally I looked at my clock to see what time it was at it was 7 AM, if you know me, Saturday is my favorite day because I get to sleep in (on most of them anyway). I tried going back to sleep, but my back was hurting, finally at 8:30 I got up and started the laundry for today. I was pulling the jeans/dark clothes out of the dyer and out fell a dollar bill. But not a one dollar bill, but a twenty. Do I wait until someone asks about missing money or mention it? I think I should keep it, as my tip. Tip number 2 if you do laundry before everyone is awake there's less laundry. Why? Because the children think their bedroom floors make good hampers. I have the 4th and final load I am doing in the dryer now, and they just woke up, so I think they'll be doing their own laundry, or waiting till Tuesday when it's laundry day again.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
My freshman

Oh Where, Oh Where... update
Have my little girls gone, oh where, oh where can they be? P went to look for them. Today is an early release day. I did not go to school at all. I didn't tell them to come right home. I just thought they knew. I guess I was wrong. I'm sure they are in the office or waiting on the map area for me. oops, I did not think this through very well. They were waiting for me on the map. They were not mad at me when they saw the mac and cheese for lunch. I defiantly need to remember to tell them what to do when I know I'm not going to be at school.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Depressed update on my friend
I've been feeling depressed all weekend with P and J away hiking. I miss them. J got home about 2:30. I missed talking with P last night, due to a little issue I was having with the girls and the phone. Today, I talked to him for a few minutes, but I had to see about picking J up so I didn't have a lot of time to chat, and the phone he was using was messing up and loosing it's signal. :( One of my best friends, C from church has breast cancer, her mother told me, her mom said that C is not ready to talk about it yet. Surgery could be as soon as this week.I saw C at church before her mom found me and C was at my house on Wednesday night, she seemed OK, more worried about her husband going hiking with friends this weekend. P is not sure when he'll get home tomorrow, I have my book club at C's mom's house at 7, I was going to stay home to met/greet/stay with P, but my heart says I need to go and be there for my friends. When I talked to P about it, he was in total agreement that I need to go. When C's mom asked me if I heard about C, I wanted it to be that she was pregnant, I just sat in shock after she told me, breast cancer. Big Prayers for C and her family. C went to see a surgeon yesterday (Tuesday). He didn't even examine her, took one look at her films and said we need to do a biobsey ASAP. Probably on Monday, the hospital needs 5 days for the radiologist to read the films. C has 2 lumps in her right breast and 3 of her lymph nods are effected too. She's really pretty scared, as is her husband and 9 year old daughter. C's mom is holding everyone together, right now.
Friday, September 28, 2007
One guy off, one to go
The girls and I will be alone this weekend. P is off to hike the Grand Canyon with his dad and brother. J is leaving later to hike the lava tubes with his scout troop. Keep us all in your prayers, please! Speaking of J, he is really getting into this high school thing, he wants to join the rocket club, and he he trying out for color guard for ROTC on Monday, which means he'll be pretty busy. I'm so glad he wants to finally do/be in something. I am a little nervous with how I'll be able to handle all the extra stuff, I'll have to do, for him (like rides and money) I need to remember to take it one day at a time. Which is easier said than done, LOL.
Many of you know I don't watch a lot of T.V. but I do have 3 favorites that I try to watch regularly. It works out that they are all on Thursday night, which helps me to remember to watch them. Last night was the premiere's of all 3, and all I can say is boring, boring, boring. I'm very disappointed in all three of them.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I hate being hung up on
It hasn't been that great of a day. Being hung up on twice is not what I call great fun. The issue has been worked through as of this moment, but I have a lot of doubts. I am so frustrated and upset.
Monday, September 24, 2007
What lovely weather!
The weekend was lovely. Temperatures down lower than 100 even if it's 99 is still wonderful. Pat and I met up with 2 other couples for Happy Hour, I can't drink, Pat had a beer. We had a fun time, then went over to one of the couples house hung out for awhile. We even got a little rain on Saturday, seemed like a do nothing kinda day to me, so we watched movies and read. Sarah had her Snow Queen audition on Sunday, she would really like to be cast as a rosebud, we'll find out by Friday if that's the part she gets. We had to hurry right off, to get home and Sarah changed to go to her friend's house. I had a PTO board meeting at 3. I'm having a very difficult time with a person on the board, and I almost walked out on the meeting, that's how far I felt pushed. I have already decided not to be om the board next year. It breaks my heart, I love being in charge, I just can't do feeling so frustrated any more. Pat's on vacation this week. I didn't feel so good after school today, I asked him to take the girls to dance. R was upset that I didn't go, I had to promise to rest and feel better while she was at dance, so we could do something together to make it up to her because I didn't go to dance. I did feel a little better, so we chalk painted. At first she thought it was dumb, but them really got into it and loved it. Silly girl.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
volunteer hours
I'm clocking in a lot of volunteer hours this week at school. Tuesday was the hearing screening all morning. Today and tomorrow morning working on the fundraiser packets that were due today. I'm sure even next week, I'll be working on the ones that come in really late. Tonight is McTeacher Night at McDonald's. PTO did not plan that very well :( oops, oh yeah that was me!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Oh my achy feet
My feet are mostly fine while I'm walking around at school, but after I get home and sit to make sure homework gets done, my feet are pretty much done too. The whole rest of the evening is not much fun for me hobbling around. I've been wearing off brand Crocs for awhile now, at first they were wonderful for me. But now not so good. I've ordered 2 pairs of real Crocs that I hope come in soon. And they bring my feet some happiness or I may chop my feet off. I just can't stand the radiating pain every night. Tomorrow night is a school event, McTeacher night at McDonald's. I'll be on my feet a lot and I'll have to put on my best acting abilities, so know one knows how bad it really is.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wild Goose Chase kind of day
R had a friend spend the night and they girls had a great time and fell asleep by 12. I had a meeting at church this morning, afterwards J and I started out looking for jungle boots. We had looked up the address for Allied Surplus before we left, which lead us up to 43th Ave. and Dunlap. The sign was on the marquee but the shop was no longer there. We try Sportman's Wherehouse, they had lots of boots but not the ones J said he needed. The employee looked up where we might find these boots, and we are off to 35 Ave. and Osborn. I made J call first to make sure they had them and in a size 13. Me not knowing if Osborn is north or south of Thomas gets off the freeway at Indian School, but there is no 35th Ave. on Indian school, backtracking in neighborhoods I don't know make me feel really uncomfortable. Somehow I did manage to get us to the right spot and J got his $81 boots. Left there and had to drive back to the Target near Sportman's Wherehouse because J also needed play dough for a school project, and a lint roller for his ROTC uniform. I had called Pat and asked if he and the girls could start the laundry because I was already getting really tired and would be crying if I came home to find nothing done. Laundry was started and the house was cleaned up. Yeah! I was so pleased. As, I am waiting for more laundry to dry I check my email kind of a big mistake. I now have 2 pains in my side that are making things very difficult at school. Really makes me wonder how they handled authority as a child, did they always argue with their parents and teachers then too? Unless some changes are made I can not be part of the PTO board next school year, if they are in it I am out. It's only been a month and they are making me more nuts that I already am. It's frustrating because I really enjoy being part of the board, I just can't stand my authority being over ruled, without talking to me about it first. Here's a little example- I ask someone to call and remind the parents who have volunteered for our vision screenings this coming week and to tell them where to met at 8:30 or before. Someone else said that calls were not needed, and we could tell them when they get there. I'm like, WHAT! I don't even know some of the people who signed up. The nurse needs 9 people. We have 7 or 8, what if something comes up and a few don't show up? We're in big trouble. UGH! I guess it was just easier last year because I was the one make all the calls and doing the schuduling. In other news, I went to the luncheon yesterday with Ms Principal and asked about what happen on Thursday and me taking 2 classes. The secretary was wrong in not finding a way to cover the shift. It would have been way better for me to come in earlier and take the kids one class at a time for teacher's prep. Hopefully she'll remember this, but she's kind of a scatter brain so I won't hold my breath with that. I also asked about special ed para pros shifts not being covered, and they should be, and again the secretary doesn't understand that either. Title 1 para pros who work with the reading specialist do not get subs. It doesn't seem that hard to me to remember this stuff, but I guess i's just me. Is it really any wonder they is so much frustration on campus?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Day Off! Heat Vent
Today was the 2nd early release day of the school year. Because I cover afternoon preps, I had the day off today! So far, I haven't had to sit through any boring meetings either. I feel better today. I bought some lavender and peppermint oils for my sinuses. What relief! R had a bloody nose yesterday morning and again last night, I think I should be oiling her up too. Anyway back to my day off, I think I worked (volunteered) harder today, because I didn't have to work. I am so sick of this heat, and sweating. When oh, when is it going to cool down?
Monday, September 10, 2007
Today was so weird. But it was nice having the morning all to myself and not working. I could have done something really productive, but really, I didn't feel like it. I did have another sinus headache, (I had several last week and working was way hard)Today I just took some medicine and relaxed. After my lovely 2 hour shift, and taking the girls to dance, it's back again. UGH.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Crafty Day!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Chorus, PTO and stuff
Sarah joined chorus again this year. Tue. and Thurs. mornings from 7:30-8:15. Today was the first day, and if I had Rachel ready, we all could have gone to school. I have several things I'm behind on. I went in early on Tuesday, and stayed late, and last night was our first school wide PTO meeting. Today was the kick off of the school's major fund raiser. We had 2 assemblies this afternoon, and almost perfect times of my kindergarten classes. I got it to work out that way, so I would be at both assemblies, as co-president of the PTO, I thought I should be there, and because I was working, I got paid too! Speaking of pay, today I got my second paycheck. The first one was for only 4 hours, this one was much larger, and they got the pay rate adjustments done right. I get paid more as a para pro, even though really that doesn't make sense to me. The para pros are in a classroom with a teacher, but as the monitor I take the kids to my classroom, and have to plan activities to do with them. Tomorrow should be my last day working all day for awhile, at least until I'm called in that is. The new gal is supposed to start on Monday. I think I have a doctor's appointment next week, maybe even Monday, that I won't need to reschedule now.
Monday, September 3, 2007
I can't even sleep in
Not that I didn't want to, but I guess my interal clock said it was time to get up. But I am still very tired. I tried to go back to sleep, after breakfast (no one else was awake yet, anyway). But I had read an email this morning that had my mind reeling. It's still reeling, this person is like a pain in my side that won't go away. I'm not sure what to do any more, I'm leaning heavily on just not responding to her, but I'm not really sure that's the best option. Will she then think she's "won", then? I just really don't have the energy to go round and round with her again.
Pat and I went out yesterday afternoon and talked, really it seemed like I did the talking and he did the listening. I'm praying he heard me, and there are some changes.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
I'm a little sick of the heat
I know I'm not the only one in and around Phoenix that is sick of the temperature breaking records for number of days over 110. The heat is making me sick, physically and mentally. I hope that today being the first of September there will be a turning point and the temp. will start to drop. I still don't have an end date insight of when I can stop subbing, the school has hired someone, but it takes awhile to get references and paperwork done. I really like for the most part the special ed kids I work with, and will miss being with them everyday, but I am looking forward to having some mornings off too. Working with these special ed kids, make me so thankful that my kids are normal learners. Even with J not doing any work all through middle school and barely passing, it wasn't the case he couldn't do the work, he just chose not to. High school has been good for him, he is doing awesome! I really never thought I would see 100 percents in his grades again. But, not only do I see them after 3 weeks of school, I see 5 of them! S and her ADHD is under control with medication and even though she's had a little problem with a water bottle goofing off in class and changing her answers on a worksheet, (her teacher talked to her about by changing the answer she's really cheating herself, by not marking it wrong and learning her mistake) she is doing really well. R is doing really well and making some new friends, and since I've been on campus she's loved hugging me throughout the day, so she doesn't miss me. I love that because I'm on campus my girls can't get away with anything, because I'm right there and their teachers can tell me things right away. Now the other member of our house is driving me crazy. Enough that I took over J's counseling session yesterday, and made my own for later in the month. I was so glad that after hearing what I said, the counselor said to me, it sounds to me like you are a single parent and don't have a partnership in your marriage. That's exactly how I feel. She gave me an assignment to schedule a time with him so we can talk. Last night he thought we should talk, but I asked if we could wait until Sunday afternoon, when I am not trying to sleep (it was well after 11 PM last night)When I'm tired and already emotionally drained is not a good time to talk to me. Please pray for us and some how I will be able to share all my hurts, and frustrations with him.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Early Release Day
Today was an early release day. I did not have to stay for meetings, so yeah, I only had work this morning and so a survey today. I also made sure the 5 K kids that ride the bus got on the bus, I'm not how would have done this, if I wasn't on campus subbing for the special ed para pro, I guess I don't need to worry about that for 2 weeks when the next half day is. I'm hoping by then the district will have hired the para pro and I won't be working all day long still. It will be fine every once in awhile to sub, but everyday and as hot has it has been, has been a lot for me. Anyway, since I was "off" this afternoon, I took a lovely hour nap! Now, it's time to go back "on", S has dance and J needs to go to the library to get a book for a book report.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday Monday
How did it get to be Monday morning again so fast? The weekend just flew by. Keeping up with the house, errands and kids is not a day off. Holding a 3 hour PTO meeting followed by dinner out (even if it was The Cheesecake Factory) does not count as a day off. I can't wait until next weekend, 3 days worth, maybe I'll be able to relax one of those days. And at the very least talk to my husband. I don't think he gets it how very tired I am.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I am so tired! But I was drinking diet coke late
Which means I might have a hard time falling asleep. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday! And I think I have no where to go tomorrow night. Monday after a long day at school, the girls had dance, followed by my book club. Tuesday night I had a card making class that I singed up for before I knew I'd be working all day. Last night was bible study. And tonight was our first PTO night, we had a great turn out at Great Skate. Sarah had dance till 6:15, and of course Pat was working, so I had to ask Sarah's Grandpa to pick her up and bring her. I feel that so often I am a single parent. Today was payday, but it was for the in service day before school started, 4 hours of pay isn't much. Next pay check will me much better, and I'm hoping we will be able to save part of my pay for Christmas shopping.
Monday, August 20, 2007
This is going to be a very busy week.
Working all day, the girls' dance classes, J's scout's and I have something all week to do. I'm so tired even before this week starts. The weekend sure went by fast.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
What the girls and I did last night
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tonight is open house
I've been on my feet almost all day. Defiantly sweating all day, and now tonight is open house. I can't wait to sweat some more and stand for the next several hours. J and I had to go to Fry's and then back to school already this afternoon, to get water and put it on ice for the PTO. It's really hard to work all day at the school and still keep up with PTO stuff. The principal said they have a few calls in to replace the para pro that I'm subbing for but so far no one has called back for an interview.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
2nd day
J didn't set his alarm, I had to push him out the door in 10 minutes, so he wouldn't miss the bus, UGH! My day was better, I just wished there was some training involved with doing my subbing job in the morning. Basically I was told just to go with my instincts. That's a pretty far margin if you ask me.
Monday, August 13, 2007
part 2, my how you've grown
First Day!
Was so hot! Recess was canceled and the kids had rainy day schedule. My kids did great getting up and getting ready with out too many melt downs ( really only R, her shorts didn't fit right) I had a pretty easy morning, going in between special ed students, making sure they were doing OK. The afternoon was terrible. First off my room's AC did not work on Friday. The facility guy said it was fine, I think he just didn't want to go up on the roof. The other monitor and I decided to combine our classes today, since her room's AC was working. My first class was wild, really beyond wild. The second class was better, but I had to go after 1 of them that left the room without permission! It was tough not knowing their names, and being the first day of school and them not knowing the rules. The girls had a good first day. J must have done OK, he's a little busy with watching all the TV he's been without all day to get any answers from him!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I did it!
I have my scrapbooking caught up, until I take pictures tomorrow that is. After church the kids and I went to Costco to pick up pictures and had lunch. For 5 hours I worked diligently on my goal. I can start to work on my own wedding scrapbook again now. P watched a movie with S before he went to work at 5. R went to a friend's house. J got the use of the computer for hours on end. Everybody was happy doing their own thing. Packed lunches, did nails, fought over what they were wearing for the first day. I still can't decide what I'm going to wear. The girls are goofing around in their room and J is supposed to be showering. I am so ready for bed.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
What grade are you in?
I am struggling a little bit remembering what grades my own kids are in. Yesterday someone asked about J and I said he was in 8th grade, opps so not right, didn't I just tour the high school campus he will be going the day before. I can't stand that S is a 5th grader, and R a 2nd grader. I'm sure if asked I would get this wrong too. Don't even ask me how old I am. I just did a survey and put the wrong age. I must have way too much on my mind.
My Monkey
Friday, August 10, 2007
Apple of my Eye
Have you seen that song video? I've seen it at the movie theater several times. Yesterday when S and I were at the movies, I asked her why all the apples were boys. Her reply "the girls must be the pears!" Do you have a pear shape?
8 hours
I was at school for nearly 8 hours today, half of the time I was getting paid! 2 of the special ed para pro quit already. The principal asked if I was interested in the position. I am not, but I will not mind subbing for any classified position. Monday morning I am subbing. My classroom, is the farthest away from the kindergarten classrooms. I will also have to do playground duty for 15 minutes. While the second graders our out there. I worked for several hours today on my room, and I called in support to help me (my kids). We stopped and got dinner, and then I dropped the kids off at home and went to Walmart to get some plastic storage containers. There was nothing in my room, and I'm starting from scratch. Tomorrow was already packed with having to go to the grocery store, doing laundry, and cleaning the house, now I need to add working on my classroom. R didn't want to go sat hi to her teacher, she just wanted me to point her out to her, guess she was too nervous. S made herself at home in her teacher's classroom.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Long and Fun
Today was a long day, because it started so early. I am not looking forward to getting up at 6AM starting next week. Today started at 6 AM because J and S had orthodontist appointments at 7:30 AM, YUCK. Afterwards we went to J's high school to tour the campus, which would have been funner if it wasn't so dang hot already at 8:45 AM. Rested and read for awhile, then S and I went to see Daddy Day Camp, which really wasn't as funny as the first one. After our movie we went shopping, and stopped at In and Out Burger and split a cheeseburger meal and chocolate shake. When we got home P took J to a movie Die Hard. I wanted to get all my scrapbooking caught up for the year before school starts, I don't know if that will happen, (working on my neighbor's stuff slowed that down, but I made good money.) Anyway tonight I worked hard on my goal, I'm closer, but not sure if I'll make it or not. Tomorrow I'll be at Sunrise in the morning to give the teachers their back to school gift from the PTO, then I hope I have enough time for lunch before I start work at 12:30. If I ever get Sarah to go to bed tonight, that's where I'm headed.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Many paper cuts later, 800 student folders have been assembled. What a relief that chore is done. The PTO also served lunch to the staff today, which was supposed to start at 11, but the teachers weren't back from their meeting at the district office, so instead of the eating last, we ate first. I am looking forward with meeting with the principal on Friday to answer the many questions I have about my job. Unfortunately, she probably won't be able to answer them. I don't think someone at the district office has thought is position all the way through. I am so tired, I think I'll try to rest before bible study tonight.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
working hard
I started working this morning at 8:30, calling Starbucks for a donation, then picking it up. At Sunrise, stuffing folders, and such till 2. I was starving when I left. Rode 5 miles on my bike, cooked and cleaned up from dinner. Started laundry, and did it all myself, so 4 loads, just took 3.5 hours, not like the 3 loads in 5 hours last week. Tomorrow I'll be back at school working on folders, cleaning up our workroom for the year, and service lunch to the teachers and staff. Tomorrow I'll get to have lunch before 2, yea. We have our life group/bible study group coming tomorrow night, cleaning the house has to fit in somewhere too. Just trying to take the days one at a time this week. Friday will be good, because it's the first day I get paid for working at school.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Power school
The power school website for DVUSD was up just now, and I got to check who my kids' teachers are. S is very pleased. I already had known who R's teacher was going to be and am not real thrilled with that choice for her. J had her in 2nd grade, and while she's a good teacher, I just don't know if it will be a good fit for R. J will have ROTC 2nd period, he'll be happy with that. I don't know any of his teachers I hope they're good.
Who's your doctor?
Don't ask me, when the GYN office asked me I couldn't answer. Here's why. I went to have my mammogram done today. I've been going to the same office since I was pregnant with J, but a few years ago my doctor retired, so I just switched doctors. Then last year, I had to see on of the other partners for my ablation, and really all the names on the door sounded kinda familiar, since I've been at the office for so long, and another one of the doctor's delivered R, and with another one assisting. I was stumped when they asked me who my doctor was. At first I guessed wrong, I came up with the ablation one, not my one who took over my chart when my doctor retired. The mammogram tech was laughing at me, but she totally understood, and before she was done, we figured out who my doctor really is. Before I had the mammogram done, I had my blood checked next door at the heart doctor's office. It was slightly high again. I have to go back and have it rechecked again in 2 weeks. My blood pressure was a little high too :(
Why I am awake in the middle of the night.
There is some excitement with fire trucks. Rachel heard them and came and got me, I'm not sure what's going on yet...
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Friday evening, Rachel was watching a movie in my room, Pat and Joseph were watching one of the Lord of the Rings in the family room, and even though Sarah was so tired she went to a friend's house. The guys had the TV so loud it wasn't even possible to read in the living room. I laid down on Rachel's bed to read, and fell asleep, why is it when you are trying to be awake you fall asleep, and when you are trying to sleep you can't sleep? After my nap, and Sarah got home, I started laundry, because wouldn't you know it, all Sarah's clothes were sinky from camp. Not nearly as bad as Joseph's were, still the hamper is in my room, therefore wanted them washed. It took until 2 AM to do the laundry. It would not have taken me that long if I did it myself, but I had help. First Joseph, then Pat, couldn't seem to handle moving the clothes from the washer to dryer or starting machines. I say lightly that I did the laundry, I really just separated it, and put it away. If it's late at night, or hot, or whatever other excuse I can come up with, I have taught the 2 oldest kids how to use the washer and dryer, to help me so I don't have to go outside. (especially since the house across the street was tore down, you can see the front of the house from Grovers, which though it isn't Bell Road, it's busy enough for me not to be prancing around outside in my little nightie.) If ever we moved into another house, one thing on my lists of many wants would be a house with the laundry room inside the house. Saturday, S went to another friend's house P and J toured the Cardinal's stadium with J's scout troop, while Rachel and I went to Recollection's for their Fall open house. I made the free project, signed up for 2 classes, and spent some of my earnings for the scrapbook and frame I did for my neighbor. We met Pat's parent's at Lone Star for dinner. I had never been there before, the steak was so much better than Bill Johnson's, no flame burned flavor, very yummy. My in-laws were so wonderful, they had gone to Flagstaff for Cardinal's camp weekend, drove back to Phoenix for dinner and drove back up again last night. I didn't know this until it got out accidentally. They didn't want me to know, because I would feel bad, which I did. I had started to get a migraine last night, took some medicine and went to sleep, probably before the kids did. This morning, I was still so very tired, I didn't wake up for church. I was supposed to go to a leadership meeting tonight, but my headache was coming back, and I wasn't driving, and Pat went to work, I didn't want to get stranded with a headache and no way home, if my ride wasn't ready to leave yet, and I didn't think it would be a good idea to drive.
Friday, August 3, 2007
She's Back from Camp

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Once I was there
There I mean as Sunrise Elementary school, where I am co-president of the PTO and kindergarten monitor, do I realize I have much to do to get ready for school. It's like once there you just get sucked into it, or something. Since Pat is on vacation this week, I asked him to help me pick the school t-shirts, and I took in all the stuff I had bought for the school. Then I thought of copies needing to be done, request forms to be filled out, going through mail, and on and on. I was just there 3 hours today. But there is so much more to do to get ready. And I need to look in my classroom and decide what I'm going to do with it, and plan what I'm going to do with the kids the first week of school, help put together welcome 800 packets (but all the stuff isn't in yet)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Another job
I just got back from my neighbor's house, and her and her mom loves the pages I did so much, they asked me to do a frame of various wedding pictures too. I guess I'll be going shopping tomorrow and looking at frames.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I have my neighbor's scrapbook done. 19 pages of people I don't know. I left room for her to add journaling if wants. I'll take her the pages tomorrow and find out if she wants me to add anything. I'm not sure if she wants me to put them in an album or not, they are just the pages. I'm not sure how much I should charge her either, I used stuff I already had, since I had started my own wedding scrapbook last summer, but haven't worked on it since then. I just kinda got stuck on my own, and have been working on other things. Someday I'll go back to it, and will need more stuff. But I think mostly I want to charge her for my time, 6+ hours. It feels good to finish something.
Monday, July 30, 2007
One of my neighbor's asked me to do a scrapbook of her brother's wedding, which was last October. I said I would, since I thought it would be no big deal, except it is really hard to put expression into the pages, when you don't know any one in the pictures. OK, I know the flower girl and the sister of groom. (I don't know my neighbor very well at all, though) There's not that many pictures, and a lot of them are basically the same. I've worked for hours on it this afternoon, and put together 7 pages so far. I'm done for today. I hope she likes them. Since it's been almost a year since the wedding I know she's in not much of a hurry to have it done, I would like to get it done before school starts, so I don't have it hanging over my head to finish for her. I have know idea why I would say I would do this other than, I was flattered that she asked me.
recap of my birthday
Woke up early with breakfast in bed, and my presents from my hubby and children. Went to church and served in the toddler room, there was 2 extra adults, and we only had 7 2 year olds. Pretty boring. Went to service on the way in I was handed my card and muffin from the church office staff. After service, we hurried home to get Sarah's stuff for camp. they were going to met at the church office, which is within walking of our house. Instead they change to meting back at SDOHS, (which had we known we would have put her things in the car when we left in the morning.) Then the rest of us went out for lunch for my birthday. Rachel was complaining of a stomachache, she fell right to sleep as soon as we walked in the door. Pat and I left Joseph in charge and went to a movie, using my birthday coupon from Cold Stone. My sister and BIL came over to bring me my birthday present. After they left, I was reading and feel asleep before I finished probably 10 pages. I'll have to figure that out when I pick the book again. opps.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Happy Birthday to me
Last year I was OK turning 40, but this year I am really struggling with being 41. Plus I had a nice party last year and a day having spa treatments. For some reason 41 just sounds so much older to me, and I've noticed a few more wrinkles this year. I've had a migraine most of the week, I hope I wake up without it today. We are scheduled to work in the nursery in the morning at church, and Sarah leaves for church camp for the week at 2. Pat is on vacation this week, I asked him what we were going to do, he said he'd let me know. I'm hoping this means he has planned stuff for us to do. I hate it when there's nothing planned and he's on vacation.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Arrowhead Staples Rocks
Yesterday, I wanted to check out Recollections big sale. I found some things,and a cute idea to do for my BIL's birthday. I had already stopped at the Staples at 7ave, and Bell to pick up some folders for our school. They let me get 135 for 1 cent each, because I talked to the manager and told him they were for a school. (The PTO puts together welcome folders for all the kids, so need 800) After we left Recollections I said to myself isn't there a Staples near Arrowhead? Yes, I remembered correctly, and asked how many folders I could get and they said I could do as many as I want, but they have to ring them up in transactions of 25 each. So, wonderful. I got 600! Which was only 24 transactions. Which was great for the school, but not so wonderful for the customers in line behind me. They were able to call some help up, which I'm glad for because I was feeling terrible about taking all the cashier's time, but I was also was so grateful that I wasn't going to be having to go out all week to get folders. I already had 75 folders from the last time they were on sale for a penny. So, yeah, I'm done buying folders.
Three times as much
Joseph had counseling sessions this afternoon, we stopped for dinner and Wildflower Bread Company afterwards, and since Payless is in the same strip mall the kids wanted to look for shoes for school. The girls and I got shoes for less than Joseph's size 13 sneakers on sale. I'm sure I could have looked around for other shoes for him that were cheaper, but since he liked them, and they fit well, I just bought them. At Christmas I got him, what I thought were totally cool sneakers, but he hated them and we were at Kohl's for hours (I am not kidding, it was so not fun for me) while he tried on shoes to exchange them. I liked it when the kids were little and they didn't get much or any say in what shoes they wore.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The doctor's office just called, my labs came already and back normal. It feels slightly better today, but I can tell when I look in the mirror I can tell my throat is swollen. I think I'll wait until next week and see how it is before I go see a ear, nose, and throat doctor. This morning I went to have my finger poked for my blood level check, and it was way off, so I'll be adjusting that med dose, and having that rechecked in 2 weeks. Not the kind of out come I wanted today. I hate not knowing what's wrong with me.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Human pin cushion
That's what I feel like every time I have to get blood drawn, or an IV started. For some reason, no one can every get a vain on the first or second try. It usually is 3 or in some cases more tries. Last night I couldn't sleep. For some weird reason, below my chin on my neck felt very sore and I felt a bump. I asked Pat if he felt it and he couldn't. Talking and swallowing has been an issue today. I called and got an appointment at my doctor's. I didn't think I had step throat, but I know something is wrong. This is not a "normal" pain for me. Of course, they did a throat culture, which was negative. She sent me to the lab to check my thyroid, again. I say again because that's what they always do when they don't know what's wrong with me. I'll know hopefully by Friday what the blood work shows. In the mean time I'm to continue with warm salt gargles. If its not one thing it's another with me, jeez to I hate it.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
What a Day
Last night, I woke up at 12:47 AM, but I had been so wiped out I thought it was 12:47 PM, and I had slept that long, which also meant I would have missed taken Joseph to the orthodontist, which would have been really bad because they emailed reminded me and called (if you miss the appointment they charge $25. Anyway, back to last night, I stubble out to the family room and find Pat who is busy feeding the fish and stuff, notice that it is dark outside. I had to ask, "so it's like almost 1 in the morning?" Man, was I confused. I went back to sleep, and got up at 9:30 AM to go to the orthodontist. When we got home, I spent the rest of the day, cleaning and getting ready for a BBQ tonight, with our life group. And I invited new people, and another life group, so the house was packed 15 adults and 9 kids. I am tired and sore. But it was a fun night, and I think everyone had a great time.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Gift of What?
Rachel wanted to watch a movie with me today. She found one of her all time favorites to watch, Sleeping Beauty. She used to watch this daily. So, I was really surprised when she said, the second fairy's gift was of SALT. I'm like, what? She said song! Rachel was so relieved it was song and not salt, silly girl!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Scrapbooking Night
I host with the ladies group scrapbook night at my house once a month.(on the 1st Friday)I kinda forgot about it today, as I made plans to take the kids to the movies, and we stopped for fast food for dinner. When we get home at 6:30, I'm like holy cow it's scrapbook night. Luckily the house was pretty OK. I am so behind on lots of scrapbooking projects I want to get done. So the night helped me get a project done for someone. That felt good to have one thing scratched off the to scrap list, but I really need some more motivation to do KEEP IT UP!. I guess it sounds like a need a cheerleader. Anyone else need a cheerleader in their life to do or finish a project? Maybe we could cheer each other on.
It only took 4 days, the girls' room is clean. Yes it was that bad, but there was plenty of goofing off too. I only went in there once and lost control with them, I just kept sending them back in if they came out to whine or complain. This afternoon, I am taking them to see a movie as a reward. Last night Pat and I went out as my reward for putting up with the nonsense for 4 days.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
I've been goofing off of the internet for to long this morning, waiting. I woke up early this morning, so I've had plenty of time to spare and getting frustrated that no one else is ready to go to church. I can hardly wait until the girls are teenagers, and they even take longer to get ready. I have a feeling we'll either be really late, or they will not be going with clothes on. Joseph feel asleep at 3 yesterday afternoon, got up on his own for dinner, then went back to bed, and slept all night. He didn't want to get up this morning. I think he's finally in the shower, but if he doesn't hurry he will not be eating breakfast.
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