Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I am so angry.
Sarah's girl scout leader is a jerk. I have know this for a long time, like since Sarah was in 1st grade, but I thought she changed. In first grade Sarah and the leader's daughter were friends. For some reason near the end of the school year, the daughter was not allowed to talk/play with Sarah.
This year, they are in the same classroom, and are friends once again and even though I didn't want Sarah in this scout troop (really not at all, because of this mother and I thought it would be too much for Sarah with all her other activities). On Sunday the leader calls my house looking for us, because she thinks we are supposed to be selling girl scout cookies when we are not supposed to be. Later when we are were we are supposed to be at the time, we were supposed to work, she says, "I just couldn't figure out who was suppose to work then, so she figured it must have been us." What?
Tonight Joseph's scouts gets canceled, so I have him walk into Sunrise to get Sarah. We no sooner get home and the leader comes knocking on our door. The money Sarah turned in for cookies isn't right. Pat kept the cash he collected from what he sold at Fry's, and I wrote a check for it and our cookies. And I did not have family write there driver's license number on their checks. (all checks need a driver license, I was so angry I put mine on the ones missing the number, really like that's going to guarantee funds) The leader tells me, that as a parent we can not write a check covering other orders. Counsel wants cash. We can not mix money. How is it mixed, if the amount the girl owes is paid in full? I totally lost it with her, I want to hear this from counsel. I do not feel good, and this is stupity.
The asst. leader just recently left the troop because $700 disappeared from the money the girls raised with mistletoe. I was already going to have Sarah look into this other troop that meets Friday afternoons, twice a month, and combines Girl Scouts and Brownies, so Rachel could go too. The leader is getting remarried soon, maybe she thought the girls should help pay for her wedding?
Not well, again :(
I saw my doctor this morning. She says, I have a sinus infection. The cold I had was getting better, but yesterday I was so stuffy and had a headache all day. I had to take a nap yesterday, and I fell asleep last night before 9:30, and I slept all night, I did not feel rested this morning. My nose is just dripping and my ears are full of fluid. I'll be taking another nap today.
She also gave me a sleep aid to use when I have trouble sleeping. I'm hoping I can get well, then get a good sleeping pattern and stay well, already.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
76 years ago today
My Mom was born. Pat said he didn't feel good this morning, (but of course was fine enough to go to work), so just the girls and I went to church. Then we went to one of my Mom's favorite places to eat afterwards to celerate the date of her birth. Long John Silvers. Even though Rachel doesn't rememeber Me Me, (she was only 6 months old when she died), I shared some stories with the girls, and we had a nice lunch.
Made it home, but couldn't get in the house!
Yesterday and today, Sarah had to sell Girl Scout cookies. Today I had to sell with her. Of course it was the same time as I needed to be available to pick Joseph up from his camping trip 4 PM.
I asked the asst. scout master yesterday if she would drop Joseph off to me at Fry's. He asks her to just take him home, which would have been fine, except, he didn't take a house key with him camping, and she didn't wait to make sure he got in the house OK. If I was dropping a boy off at home, I would make sure I make sure he got in the house. Especially if no one was home!
She stops by Fry's on her way home anyway, because she needed something, and to tell me they were back. And she probably talked to me for 15 minutes. Our neighbor was at Fry's shopping a little later and I asked her to take Rachel home (this is about 6:30), since Joseph is home now, and she was really getting bored. She comes back with Rachel, I'm thinking Joseph didn't hear Rachel knock at the door, because I had called him like 6 times, I figured he was down in my room watching TV, (and man was I getting mad at him) and never heard the phone or the knock at the door. Nope he was relaxing on his sleeping bag under the carport, waiting for us to come home. I gave the neighbor the key and she took Rachel back home. I felt bad just assuming he was in front of the TV, I just didn't think he would be outside, not able to get in.
If I was locked out, I think I would have used a neighbor's phone to call someone or at the very least ride by bike to Fry's to get a key to get in the house. (his bike was out front) He must have been tired to not have thought of anything other than rolling out the sleeping bag for a nap!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Scouting adventure
Today, Joseph left for an over night camping trip in Flagstaff. Needless to so, we had to go shopping last night for warm clothes, gloves, ect. Thank goodness, we got our tax refund so we could buy the stuff he needed.
Sarah spent the night last night at a friend's house. I wake up way to early for a Saturday morning, and wake Rachel too, because Pat had to go to work this morning. Joseph, who was supposed to set his alarm failed to set it. I was so mad at him, if I spend money for him to go on this camping trip and the troop leaves without him, he's going to owe us big for a long time.
He hurries and gets himself ready, we get to the meeting spot on time, just the boy who lives at the house we met at is there, the scout master did not print off the permission slips, and is not there yet. Rachel and I had to wait for him. 2 more boys show up, we wait another 15 minutes, the asst. scout master leaves and drives to the scout master's house, (after trying to call his house and cell) he never comes to the door, but his mother (he still lives at home) gives the asst. the permission slips.
4 boys went to Flagstaff with 2 women overnight. Please pray for their safety and that they stay warm. The are going to the observatory tonight and doing some cave thing or something tomorrow before driving home. Yesterday's high was 32 in Flagstaff, it's going to be cold for them overnight.
Friday, February 23, 2007
I can't take it any more. Sleepless nights, every night is just NOT fun. I guess it's know wonder I can't seem to get well. The sleeping pills that I bought do nothing for me. I've even tried doubling the dose 2 nights in a row. My legs are freaking out when I am trying to sleep, so maybe, I have restless leg syndrome.
I called my primary care doctor today, to schedule an appointment. I want fixed!
The principal got to the bottom of the orange throwing at Rachel kid. A girl walking home with them yesterday threw an orange first, but missed her target. (not one of my girls), so that's when the boy who thought he was being targeted threw the orange that hit Rachel. Joseph was so upset that someone would hurt his little sister, he wanted to go beat the kid up. I of course wouldn't let him, because that's really the wrong way to handle the problem, but on the other hand I was proud that he was willing to stick up for his sister.
After I "graduated" from DVU last night, I emailed the principal about the fundraiser flyers we needed done already. She emailed me back OK at 5:30 this morning.
I was at school all morning, doing this and that, (mostly coping) so I was at school when Rachel and Sarah got called to the office about the orange throwing. One of the secretaries said, "you know you have good kids, when they have to ask where the principals office is". Both my girls didn't have a clue where it is, they've never been sent to the office.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Frustating Day
I left today wide open so I could get PTO flyers copied and out for our Spring fundraiser that starts on Monday. (Gold Canyon Candles)
The principal needs to approve all flyers that get sent home. The PTO secretary gave them to her for approval. We had wanted to put in pictures of what we are planning on doing with the profit of our fundraiser. We do not have district approval yet to buy the things we want, so we were told we couldn't do that.
I went to school today, thinking, I'm just going to be copying all day. Nope.
I go and make up new flyers that don't include pictures or references of what we are planning on buying.
So, at this point it should have been easy to get them approved and copied, right? Nope, not if the principal is not on campus. She came in sometime this afternoon, but because there were several issues she needed to take care of, she didn't get to look at the flyers yet.
I'm really hoping that she'll get to it in the morning. UGH!
The girls come home from school today, with Rachel crying and Sarah explaining that a boy threw an orange at Rachel on the way home from school, hitting her left cheek. This same boy smashed Sarah's lunch one day last week. I called the school to tell them what happened. I hope this child does not get away with hitting Rachel.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
This afternoon, Rachel met with a counselor for the first time. Although she's getting better, going to bed, school, dance, play at friend's houses, she still has a lot of fear that something is going to happen to me, therefore doesn't want to be apart from me. She's OK sometimes, but not always.
The counselor gave her some assignments to do, and she'll go back next week, to see how she's doing on her assignments.
Rachel has fear about something happening to other people too. Like last week she dreamt that Pat died. She was upset about it, and talked about her dream a lot, but in no way did she freak out like if I left the house or she went to bed or something.
I'm praying counseling will help her see that she's not alone with her fears and that everyone has them and its normal, and that she learns how to handle them.
I "need" her to get better, or I'm going to "go" insane.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I haven't had time, or felt well enough to work work on my scrapbooking for a long time. Plus it is so un-motivating to crop alone. Tonight, I got out some supplies and did 4 pages, while Joseph was at scouts.
The pictures are from Girly Girlz, a Christmas gift to the girls from their great Aunt.
I have tons of pictures I want to work on, the first Friday of every month starting in March, I hope to host a scrapbooking group, and someone shows up, so I don't have to crop alone.
Another longish day, because...
I didn't sleep well again last night, so it took many hours to get 3 loads of laundry done today. I had a few errands to do today, I finally left the house just before 2, drove to Arrowhead to pick up Rachel's pictures first. I have to park a half mile away, walk into JC Penny's and the portrait studio is closed, there's a sign that says "at lunch, back at 3 pm) Well, since I drove all the way to Arrowhead, walked a half mile into the store, I wasn't leaving without my pictures, but I couldn't wait until 3 to get them. I helped myself. A customer came in, while I was looking for them, asked if I worked there, I said no, but asked her what she needed, she just had some questions that I could answer. I didn't feel as bad about taking the "extra sheets" they always put in the envelope then. Left without getting caught, I just think it's silly that they would take an hour lunch and not have someone in the studio during that time.
Picked up Sarah's glasses, and she's had them for almost 3 hours and hasn't lost them yet! That's like a record for her.
Stopped by the grocery store and picked up a few things including sleeping pills, I'm going to take tonight, and just pray that not only will they help me fall and stay asleep all night, but also not mess up my blood levels.
Sarah's scout meeting got canceled tonight, but she brought home the leader's daughter's homework (they are in the same class, and Sarah's friend was not at school today), so I took Sarah to give it to her, and we picked up some more girl scout cookies.
Pat's a work darn it, or I'd be done with all this driving around. Joseph still has scouts, and if he ever finishes getting ready, we'll be off.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Pat was off today and so were the kids. We had planned on a picnic lunch,and play at the park at 19th and Larkspur. I hadn't planned on rain though. Pat had to close last night, so lunch at the park would have been fun.
The neighbor girl spent the night last night, so the girls played with her all morning, then Sarah's friend came over to work on a school project with her. I ended up taking Joseph shopping for jeans (since our plans were rained out). We went to Mervyn's and there wasn't one pair in the right size. We came home to get some shoes he wanted to return at Kohl's, found jeans there. But it took a long, long time. We had thought about taking the kids to do indoor mini golf, but there wasn't enough time before dance classes. I suggested we go out to eat an early dinner or really late lunch. We went to Valle Luna. I was disappointed. The rice was crunchy, the chimi wasn't all that good, the waitress forgot to bring the ranch dressing Rachel asked for (of course Rachel was not at all happy, so neither were any of us then)
Saturday, February 17, 2007
For some of my growing up years, I would have to spend helping my Mom clean the house on Saturdays. I really hated it, not so much the cleaning, but that she would "rest" in between jobs and it would take all day long to clean the house.
I hated that, I wanted to spend time with friends or do other things.
Today, as I was home all alone, while Pat was at work, Joseph at a rifle range with his scout troop, and the girls at a friend's house. It wasn't all that much fun, cleaning/doing laundry by myself. But it was nice to have clean floors for a few hours with no one walking/spilling stuff on them.
I left a few chores for them to do, like unloading the dishwasher and putting away their own laundry. I kinda blew it by not having Sarah to put away her laundry, after she asked to spend the night with her friend, I guess I'll have to out hers away.
I had another sleepless night last night, so I'm really tired, and just to prove that I'm insane I told Rachel she could have a friend spend the night. She wanted to desperately last night. She called 2 friends, but it was getting late when she called, so they are both spending the night tonight.
The stupid cold I have is still hanging on. Joseph didn't go to school yesterday, he slept from 8 am-2 pm said when I made him get up he felt a whole lot better. He hasn't complained of feeling dizzy, since yesterday morning. But I think he also knew if he was dizzy I wouldn't have let him go to the rifle range, so he was healed with his 5 hour nap yesterday.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Health Updates
Joseph seems not to be as dizzy as before his nap. Of course now, he's not all that tired to go to bed tonight, so who knows how he'll feel in the morning.
I thought I was getting better, just my chest tight earlier. Until I go to my DVU class tonight and I start coughing and couldn't stop. It was very embarrassing and a very long hour and a half. I'm still coughing at home too, yuck, I hope I can sleep tonight.
My sister talked with my brother tonight, he got the pathology report back he said his spleen was enlarged due to Hairy cell leukemia. He sees his blood doctor soon and will find out what treatment plan he will have, please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Bad Mother
Sarah calls me at 8:45, saying she's forgotten her math and language arts book. After my bad night's sleep I'm asleep so I didn't hear the phone. Joseph's school nurse calls at 10:30, on my cell phone I don't hear that either. My sister calls at 11:20, I don't hear that either. At 11:45 she shows up at my house, in my room. I freak out. I think. " Has someone died?" Really she just rescued Joseph from school and brought him home. He's dizzy and doesn't feel good. He was complaining of getting a cold a few days ago and he took 4 ibuprofen this morning before school, so I'm hoping the combo of those 2 things is what's wrong with him. I had him take his contacts out, and lay down, I'll see how he feels after a nap. I'm not going to take Sarah her books, she needs to learn to take them herself, I've taken her a few things recently, but I think if I keep rescuing her by bringing in stuff she's forgotten she's not going to learn anything. Maybe having 2 late assignments will help her to remember her stuff.
Long Day
Yesterday was both wonderful and long!
The 5th grade field trip went well, but it was kinda strange that our group's tour guide thought I was the chaperone in charge of the whole group. I just had a few problems with a few of the boys, wondering away from the group, not sitting down, and when we were in the theater 2 boys were rocking on the auditorium seats (I guess they thought they were at Harkins or something). It was kinda strange being with a group of kids that I really didn't know any of their names.
I call Pat from the very loud bus on the way back and ask him to meet me at Jack in the Box for lunch, because were not going to have much time to eat, because Rachel wants me to come to her class party, which I find out that morning it starts at 1:30. I get off the bus, on my feet, (thank goodness) at 1:15. Meet Pat, who isn't there yet, order lunch, Pat shows up, we spent 15 minutes together, while I eat really fast, drive back to Sunrise and I am only 15 minutes late for the party. But when I walk in the office door, the secretary asks me, did Mr. T see me? Followed by Mrs. S wanted to know if I went home after the field trip because she needed something. I wasn't gone that long people!
Rachel's party had just gotten started when I got there, and she had a fun party.
After school, Rachel's friend came home with me, to work on homework with Rachel. They are both in the same reading group, and they've had these large packets each week to do for homework. I asked their reading teacher about this today, because it really seems like way to much work for 1st grade. Come to find out they are supposed to be working on the packet in class and finishing it at home, not doing the whole thing at home. She said she's been wondering why some of the kids have been staring into space, when they are supposed to be working on their packets. I guess she just didn't think about asking them why! This is her first year teaching, and the kids have been going to reading groups just for a few weeks now.
Homework gets done, I get the roast in the oven, check Joseph's grades online, ask him about a few things, scan his science packet that I have to sign that if he looses this assignment he won't get another copy and the thing is worth 500 points. I thought it best to copy it, so he will have a back up.
While I'm scanning pat shows up and asks me to scan and print something for him, then Joseph shows up with a scout thing he needs scanned and copied too. I'm thinking they both need to learn how to use the scanner.
We had a lovely dinner, of roast pork, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and green beans. I didn't have time to make a fun dessert, so we did the next best thing, we opened up our Valentine candy and dug in!
While we were enjoying our candy, the sky looked really strange something through the windows. We run outside and she the most wonderful full rainbow. We get a couple of pictures before it starts pouring really hard.
After the girls go to bed, Pat and I watch a little TV with Joseph, before we retire to our room :)
I try to fall asleep, but I'm having restless leg problems and can't go to sleep. I take some Tylenol which doesn't help, come out to the living room and read, which has worked all week long putting me to sleep, but not last night. I finish the book, it's taken me days to read, but from my pelvis down, I am not relaxed yet. I take another one of my back pain medicines which relaxes me. I finally sleep, but it's 5 AM now, and my alarm went off at 7. I'm pretty tired, if I ever get these girls ready for school, I'm going back to bed.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
I woke up this morning, very tired, but as I stumbled out to the kitchen, I found a gorgeous vase of red roses for me :) From my valentine!
I left the kids' treats on the counter last night and I'm very proud of them they've gone over to look at them but didn't open them to try to eat some candy for breakfast.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Forget that I said I had a good memory in the last post.
I really don't.
I asked Pat to take me to lunch tomorrow for Valentine's Day because he's off. We were going to go at 12, because he has an eye appointment at 2.
Thank goodness for my friend, who called to talk to me about the 5th grade field trip tomorrow. I had totally forgotten about it. I'm sure I would have remembered this at some point though. I don't have a 5th grader but we are short on trained volunteers, so said I would go to help out so they didn't have to cancel the trip. But even if I didn't have to chaperone tomorrow, it is the PTO president's lunch tomorrow, so I wouldn't have been able to go to lunch with my husband anyway.
Hopefully we'll be back from the Halle Heart Center by 1 and Pat and I can grab something quick before his appointment.
I made homemade candy for Valentine's Day, and as I was setting the gift plates up for Pat and the kids, it dawned on me I didn't make or buy a card for Pat. I just really don't feel all that creative right now, I'll have to try to put something together tomorrow, UGH :( I am so mad at myself UGH, UGH, UGH
Doesn't usually describe me. However this morning I totally forgot I would take care of 2 girls from Sunrise before and after school. I took Sarah and Rachel to school at 7:30 for chorus was just lying on the couch waiting for the laundry to get done and someone knocked on the door. It didn't even occur to me then who was at the door, man was I surprised to see them. The mom had asked me more than 2 weeks ago, so I can try to blame my forgetfulness on that, and I feel terrible too, so maybe I have an excuse. It really wasn't that big of a deal, I just fed them breakfast and drove back to school. My head feels slightly better today, but of course now my nose is all runny and I'm coughing, but the ears are worse. And either I'm getting some stomach thing now too, or just another side effect of the cold, I feel so nauseous. Blah.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Cold, again
It seems to me that I just got over having a cold. Well, this morning I woke up with a horrible sore throat. I guess that might explain the way I was feeling yesterday. My blood level must have been off, trying to fight the virus. The germs win :( I just feel icky, we didn't even go to church this morning. Pat had to go to work at 12, I got dressed for a little while, when Rachel had a friend over, but now I'm back comfy in my jammies. I've been trying to read/stay awake all day, which has been a struggle too. UGH!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I don't feel so good
Who knows what's wrong with me now, but I really don't feel so well.
I was fine earlier in the day, and even made it to my Aunt Mary's memorial service. Which is a big thing for me, because I just don't so well, at memorials and funerals. We were a few minutes late, because I was fighting with Rachel again. The service was nice and cried just a few times, during the remembering part of the service.
I had to go to Target to get a few birthday presents for Rachel's friends. I stated to feel shaky then. Took Rachel to the party it was at Chuck E Cheese, when I stood up to leave, I thought I was going to pass out, and walking to the car, I had to stop once to catch my breath.
I just feel run down now, I hope this is really nothing and I wake up in the morning feeling well again.
Friday, February 9, 2007
6 months away
OK, I only know this because I went to the dentist today and had to schedule my next cleaning. The 2007-2008 school year starts in 6 months. That doesn't seem possible. I know the this year is more than half over, but still it seems too close to only be 6 months away. Speaking of school, I have been attending Deer Valley University, on Thursday nights (well it's a 4 week class and I've gone to 2 of them already). Anyway, I've been learning a lot about the school district, and they have be way more fun and informative than I thought they would be.
I decided to apply to be a substitute, since you no longer need a teacher credential to sub, and our income can be a little greater without it effecting my social security disability benefits, I thought I try to work a few days a month. I'm hoping a few days a month my body can handle working a whole day. I'm waiting to hear back from the person at the district who is checking my references.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Craft Night
Tonight the PTO tried something new. We held a family craft night. It wasn't a huge hit, but we did have families come that have never come to any other event. I asked my two oldest nieces to come help, since we didn't have any parents volunteer. They both had a great time. I was going to post a picture with this post, but I couldn't decide which one, so you'll have to click "my pictures" on the left to see them.
It was kinda cool, because we got the art teacher involved and she did a craft at her table. The principal came and made a "love bird" for her husband for Valentine's Day. A few other teachers came too, so that was neat.
It's been a long day, I am ready for bed. I'm glad there's no school tomorrow. Joseph has to be at the ortho at 10 though. Then Rachel gets to have her pictures taken at 12, and I've got to clean the house and study what I'm going to talk about for bible study tomorrow night. Tomorrow's going to be long too. Yikes!
Another not so smooth morning
So today, Rachel goes to school just fine but Joseph not so fine.
I dropped the girls off at school at 7:30 for chorus (Rachel gets to go hang out, so I don't have to drive back and forth, she only manages to go some of the time, because she's usually fighting with me and not ready to go when we have to leave for Sarah not to be too late). I come home and Joseph is still here. He has made a big mess with the school bookcase. He tells me he is looking for 2 library books that are due. I help him find one. He doesn't want to go to school, because he will get a detention because the books are overdue. The school calls and warns parents about this, but I haven't gotten the call yet. But he's worried, so he decides he's not going to school then, and he says he doesn't feel good either. Well, he missed the bus so I have to drive him to school, it's a good thing Rachel went to chorus this morning, or she would be late for school. He tries to make a deal, if he gets his hair cut, can he stay home. Which would be a great deal, except he wants to dye the roots black and the tips bleach blond and have it gelled up. I was thinking a normal hair cut and he could stay home.
I'm just a little torked at him, he had hours yesterday at look for these books, but instead spent the time in front of the TV. He's really going to be mad when he gets home and finds the TV unplugged in my room.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Long Day!
After serving Rachel in bed, I started the laundry, that I didn't feel like doing this weekend. Took the girls to school. Went to Fry's to pick up Rachel's class cupcakes. Went to the doctor, I tried asking him if I can take anything when I can't sleep, he just said "oh too bad" I think he didn't understand me.
Finished almost all the laundry when I got back, then went and got Rachel lunch at McDonald's. Pat met us there and we had lunch together. Then I worked on PTO stuff for tomorrow night's craft night. Pat helped me roll some coin so I could make a deposit. Dropped him off, then went to the bank, then back to school because Rachel wanted me to help pass out her cupcakes.
I tried something different today and took the girls to get a snack then we went to dance to see if Rachel would be better about dancing. She did GREAT! She was happy and really dancing for the first time in weeks. I think the coming home before going to dance was just too hard, once she was home she just wanted to be home. I'll be doing this every week.
The only snag in this whole thing was, I asked Pat to put a key under the mat for Joseph when he went to work but because it wasn't on the spare key ring he didn't do it. I call home 3 times, get really worried, call Pat at work, (because I thought he left him a key). I call the neighbor to go look for him, she knocks on the door and looks around for him. I call for the 4th time, I am getting frantic, but I know if I leave Rachel without telling her where I'm going she will freak out. I call my dear friend and ask her to drive around the neighborhood and look for him. She gets to my house, his bike is there which is a good thing, she knocks, calls for him and looks in the laundry room. No kid. I call Sunrise to see if he walked there looking for me. Nope. Rachel comes out to change shoes finally and I go home in search of him. I find him. In front of the TV in my room. He had a house key in his pocket. That TV is getting unplugged for awhile.
After Rachel's dance classes, we went to Fry's to get some soda for school, then I treated her to Sizzler for her birthday dinner.
I am just exhausted. I hope I can sleep tonight, I meant to call my brother today, but I ran out of time again :(
Breakfast in Bed!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
The day
So, I thought because I slept great last night, I would be very well rested for the day. Nope, I had a very hard time staying awake during church, so I gave up and laid my head on Pat's shoulder and took a nap.
Rachel had a birthday party to go today, we fed her lunch and off she went, all by herself, without freaking out too much that I was leaving her.
Pat grilled us steaks, while I took Rachel to her party. Yummy, we haven't had steak in a long time.
Joseph and I went to my friend's house to look at her daughter's computer, for some strange reason, it has the capabilities to play the game, but it keeps freezing the computer. We didn't get far, when I left to pick Sarah up at my sister's. I tried when I got back, and the game worked for a little while before it restarted the computer, then we tried again and it froze up. UGH, I really wanted to figure it out.
I slept!
I had the best night's sleep last night in a week! I fell asleep last night before Pat got home from work around 9:30. Either Rachel's party really wore me out, or maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to sleep again. Really Rachel's party was fun, all the girls were very helpful, it was to the point of fighting over helping, but they worked it out, it was to fun to watch them.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Party on...
This afternoon, Rachel had 6 friends over for her spa birthday party.
I painted the girls' nails and did makeovers, the girls made sleep masks, and ate lots of fun food.
This is Rachel opening up, one of the presents she really wanted. She's very happy with them, and I feel more comfortable with her on four wheels, then just the 2 Sarah has on her Heelys.
Friday, February 2, 2007
Sad/Good News
Last night, I couldn't sleep again. (I've been having this problem all week.) Well, last night I keep thinking about my aunt, and my head wouldn't stop thinking about church hymns. This morning before 8 my sister called me. Which can only mean one thing, she needs something from home, one of the kids needs a ride, or someone has died. Aunt Mary passed away peacefully late last night. I have a zillion memories of her and I'm the youngest niece, so my older cousins have way, way more. She will be greatly missed. The good news is my brother was well enough to leave the hospital today, I'll be calling him sometime over the weekend, to check up on him.
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