Thursday, February 22, 2007

Frustating Day

I left today wide open so I could get PTO flyers copied and out for our Spring fundraiser that starts on Monday. (Gold Canyon Candles) The principal needs to approve all flyers that get sent home. The PTO secretary gave them to her for approval. We had wanted to put in pictures of what we are planning on doing with the profit of our fundraiser. We do not have district approval yet to buy the things we want, so we were told we couldn't do that. I went to school today, thinking, I'm just going to be copying all day. Nope. I go and make up new flyers that don't include pictures or references of what we are planning on buying. So, at this point it should have been easy to get them approved and copied, right? Nope, not if the principal is not on campus. She came in sometime this afternoon, but because there were several issues she needed to take care of, she didn't get to look at the flyers yet. I'm really hoping that she'll get to it in the morning. UGH! The girls come home from school today, with Rachel crying and Sarah explaining that a boy threw an orange at Rachel on the way home from school, hitting her left cheek. This same boy smashed Sarah's lunch one day last week. I called the school to tell them what happened. I hope this child does not get away with hitting Rachel.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Poor Rachel (and Sarah too for that matter!). I hoop the kid doesn't get away with it either!