Monday, February 19, 2007


Pat was off today and so were the kids. We had planned on a picnic lunch,and play at the park at 19th and Larkspur. I hadn't planned on rain though. Pat had to close last night, so lunch at the park would have been fun. The neighbor girl spent the night last night, so the girls played with her all morning, then Sarah's friend came over to work on a school project with her. I ended up taking Joseph shopping for jeans (since our plans were rained out). We went to Mervyn's and there wasn't one pair in the right size. We came home to get some shoes he wanted to return at Kohl's, found jeans there. But it took a long, long time. We had thought about taking the kids to do indoor mini golf, but there wasn't enough time before dance classes. I suggested we go out to eat an early dinner or really late lunch. We went to Valle Luna. I was disappointed. The rice was crunchy, the chimi wasn't all that good, the waitress forgot to bring the ranch dressing Rachel asked for (of course Rachel was not at all happy, so neither were any of us then)