Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Tonight was my sister's baby's high school graduation from Moon Valley. Today also marks the 17th anniversary of my baby brother's death. At my brother's graduation from Deer Valley High School in 1988, my sister was pregnant with my nephew. At the same venue, although there has been a name change to the building. The former Sundome is now Maricopa City Events Center.


Funny story from this morning. I wake the girls up and am hanging out with them a few minutes while they wake up. Rachel tells me it sounds like I'm going to sleep. I ask her what she means, and figure out it's because my nose is all stuffed up. Last night, after I was asleep, Rachel came in my room and told me she was scared, she said I told her to sleep on Daddy's side of the bed. She then tells me, she thinks she'll try her bed first. I do not remember having this conversation at all. I asked her if that really happened last night, she said yes. I say no way, she says way! Smartalic. It's scary that I was so tired I don't even remember this at all. (well not from last night anyway) Too bad I didn't sleep as well the rest of the night. I woke up before 4 and couldn't go back to sleep, till after 6, it was had to drag myself out of bed at 8:30 to go to the chiropractor.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Made it

Joseph made it to camp and the girls and I made it home safely. It was a rough start of the day. The cars were egged and confetti left on them again last night. I was so tired I fell asleep early last night, only to wake up at 12 AM not being able to go back to sleep. At 1, I went out to the kitchen for a drink, and found Pat still awake. We had talked about us all taking Joseph to camp. I am really nervous about driving on 87 and the dirt rode to camp. Joseph wanted to sit up front and just wanted me to take him, so Pat was going to make me just take him. I was mad, I asked Pat to go with me, and I'd sit in the back if he would drive. I knew he really didn't want to go, since he has to close tonight. He did set his alarm and the snooze went off several times before he got up and showered, only to not go because he must get the egg off of his car right away to protect the paint. I also think he was mad at me for not cleaning up the cars, while he showered. I was a little busy getting myself and the girls ready. We were supposed to met at 7 with at the asst. scout master's house to follow her up,and we were late to met her as it was, (Joseph had to be there at 10, we just made it) I called and told her we would be a little late. The kids and I left Pat in the driveway cleaning off his car. We stopped and did a car wash on the way to get most of the egg slime off. I got pulled over and given a warning for driving too slow on the way home. We weren't following the asst. s. m., she was going to camp in Payson for the weekend. The girls and I got lunch and made it home by 1:30, to find Pat back in bed of course, and a paper plate with a crying face and sorry on the counter. I went in our room to put my socks in the hamper and he says, hey, I just said hey back and left the room. I am just too upset to talk with him right now.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I am such a klutz. Which isn't anything new. Even back in high school, I got an award at my job for being the klutziest. My latest fall, was last night. The last step before my feet should have been on sold concrete I tripped and fell and landed on both knees. I didn't bleed much, but they burned all the way to the car, and it really felt like the left one should have been badly bleeding. After sitting for a little while last night, when I went to get up I knew. When I went to bed, I took an ice pack with me, because the pain was moving down my leg to my foot. It is now swollen, hot and bruised. I've been icing it every 2 hours. I just thought about Joseph giving me his leg brace from his injury last summer. I am praying it will fill better if I baby it a few days. It was in major pain driving this morning to the orthodontist. Wiggingly off my tail bone was not fun. It's going to be an even longer drive to scout camp on Saturday. UGH.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Here he is!

He did it! Joseph walking across the football field tonight, for his 8th grade promotion! I was holding my breath, until I heard his name called. Even though I knew he finally got his act together and turned in some work this quarter, well everything but language arts, which he had to play catch up, because he started out the quarter not turning in anything. In his other core subjects he got A's and B's this quarter. I'm praying this will continue in High School.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Tonight was Joseph's scout Court of Honor. It's pretty boring when your kid doesn't get any awards. My BIL has taken over as the scout master. He was trying to get a slide show to work on the screen at the church, only it wasn't working, so the start time was delayed a little, I even had time to come back home and get the spirit stick Joseph left at home, even though I asked him before we left if he had everything. UGH. I'm glad the girls went with my friend to the talent show at Sunrise, they had a much funnier night, and I didn't have to keep them happy. Also up in the air is when Joseph needs to report to camp. He thinks it's Friday, the other boy in his troop thinks it Saturday. Either way, I have to drive him up, and take the girls with me. The other boy's Mom was going to take Joseph, but now she can't, I just don't like driving much at all, but on the Beeline to Payson, it makes me even more nervous. Big news for my nephew, he was accepted in the U.S.Navy today! He's pretty excited. He said tonight he may not leave for boot camp until January, but he's hoping for Aug.

Monday, May 21, 2007

donuts with Dad

donuts with Dad
Originally uploaded by muffinmet.
Pat had to take this of himself and Sarah. I was way to busy to take pictures, or enjoy the morning. We had a great turn out this morning, with just one problem we ran out of cups for the juice. Luckily I was able to borrow some from a teacher. We had enough donuts, with plenty of leftovers for the teachers.

Afterwards, I took Rachel's teacher the scrapbook, I made for her . She loved it. Then the PTO had to help put together emergency buckets, cleaned up the PTO workroom, put drinks on ice. Managed to come home for an hour for lunch. Then back to school to sell candy (everyday this week to get rid of everything, we really don't have much left)

I was yawning so badly while I was sitting still during Rachel's dance classes. Now I must be off to pick up Sarah. I think going to bed early is in the plan for tonight, hopefully the kids will agree with that, Pat's at work.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Is the week over yet?

Next week, I mean. Last week of school, one last PTO family event, serve at church in the nursery, Joseph's scout court of honor, Joseph's 8th grade promotion, getting Joseph ready for his 5 week adventure in scouting, driving to the scout camp on Friday. I wished all those things we as simple as just typing the words, but they'll be work getting them done, and I don't mean to complain because it's going to be hot for a really long time still, but, it's hot, too hot already and it's not even June. The heat is already making me tired. And Pat has to close 4 nights this week. I guess I should just get used to it already, but I can't. I hate that it seems like he's never home. And I was angry today because like most days, he just gets up and does his things (walk on the treadmill and take a shower) and then just goes off to work. Not that I can complain too much, the girls were over at a friends house swimming all afternoon, and Joseph is away with his scout troop. But who took them to these places, me. Why would he want to get up really early on a Saturday morning to drop off our son? Or drop the girls off on his way to work? I did ask him to call me when he got to work and he looked if his store had the coolers the PTO needs for next year. He did call, and I went to get them, when I saw him I saw him talking and smiling at a co-worker and the more I think about it the more upset I become. I want to him to be talking and smiling at me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I can't find my social security card. I kinda need it to fill out paperwork to work. I had scheduled orientation for tomorrow. Yuck, now I will be going to the social security office instead to apply for a new card. If I knew where my birth certificate was I could use that for ID, but I don't know where that is either. UGH! My orientation was postponed till Tuesday.


I went to the chiropractor this morning. I haven't gone in weeks, busy and sinus issues have kept me away. He gave me a natural allergy pill to try to see if that helps me from so much sinus pressure and headaches. I hope it helps. Yesterday afternoon after going to see Spiderman with Pat, (I'm sure going from a cold movie theater to the hot outside is what triggered it) I had another bad one, and lasted for hours, pain and sick to my stomach. Sometime after dinner and dropping Joseph off at scouts did it finally get better.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Prayers please-update

Sarah's teacher had bypass surgery in Feb. and had been back to school for 3-4 weeks already, but now is back in the hospital with an infection through out his body. His wife also teaches at Sunrise, and they are planning on retiring at the end of the year. When I saw her today she was just a wreck, which is so not like her. When he first had the surgery she was very positive. Mrs. was Sarah's 2nd grade teacher. I'm sure Sarah is also upset that Mr. is back in the hospital. Update- 5/16 He is doing better, the antibiotics they are giving him in the hospital are making him feel much better. Sarah has been praying that not only would he get better, but that he would get better fast, so he'll be able to come back to school before the last day.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I'm getting a little sick of this

First our house was toilet papered and confetti all over the cars and mail box on Easter, then a few weeks later confetti all over the yard, and cars. Now this morning eggs. All over the cars, doors and carport walls. This is just not funny any more. Pat said last night he had a feeling something was going to happen. UGH, I can't believe it :( This is just some of the mess found this morning. I didn't have time to take pictures of the cars. The kids and I stopped on the way to church and got a car wash. All the egg slime is not off the roof of the car, Joseph is outside now with the girls hosing down and scrubbing the mess. YUCK!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out here in cyper space!

I got to celebrate a day early with my family. Pat was off om a Saturday, that alone is enough to celebrate! I got up at 9:30 and no one was awake yet. I read the newspaper in peace. By 11 the girls were up, and I started my quest of waking Pat up. Finally at 12 Pat and the kids brought me breakfast in bed. And my gifts too. This is my favorite gift. I saw it a long time ago and fell in love with it. Pat remembered and got it for me! When Sarah was born he gave me a print of a Mom holding her newborn, and both girls thought it was of me and them as a baby. I love this one, Mom holding her older daughter, it was cute when I opened it the both though it was them still :) After breakfast, we went to play indoor mini golf. Which at times was stressful with the kids, by the time we left everyone was happy. Well maybe not me, Pat beat me by 3 points! This lion one is the hardest hole. We went to Abacus Inn for an early dinner. Followed by coming home and watching Shrek, and the end of the Phoenix Suns lose to the Spurs tonight :( Then Pat and I started our marathon of watching 24.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Geez is it hot today!

Earlier in the week, I noticed my winter gloves in the car and thought I should put them away. This afternoon after leaving my car parked in the sun all day (I did have the shade in the front window) I couldn't even touch the steering wheel. I was glad I didn't move the gloves, I used them has hot pads to drive home. I think I will not be moving the gloves anytime soon. Our school was locked down for almost an hour this morning. The kids were not in danger, it was a custody issue. After finally getting though my craft project with the K class this morning, I helped Rachel's teacher test reading, for the quarter. Had lunch with Rachel, did the afternoon K class craft with them. Then I went back and got the rest of the kids through the reading test. Now I've just gotten home after selling candy after school. I'm thinking Joseph should cook dinner, I'm tired, but maybe he is too, he had his field trip today. To the Wildlife Zoo. (what a dumb field trip for 8th graders) Tomorrow (Pat's off) we are going to celebrate Mother's Day. Pat has to work on Sunday, I don't remember when, but he'll miss going out for bunch with his Mom. That reminds me, I need his help getting her gift put together.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Reference check

The school is trying to do my reference check. I haven't worked in a long time, so it's not that easy to do. I gave them numbers from people I work with at church in the children's ministry. But that wasn't enough, the secretary called and asked if there was any former parents from the child care kids I took care of that they could call. I'm thinking you've got to be kidding me right? I haven't done child care for almost 7 years. I tried looking though all my old records to come up with a name and phone number. I must have put the kids files somewhere else, because all I found were business receipts. I pulled out the phone book, and luckily found the phone number of the Grandmother of one little boy I took care of. Amazingly I remembered her last name, which isn't even the same as her grandson. I called her and left a message to let her someone would be calling her, she called me back, a little while later. It was fun to talk with her after all these years, she hasn't changed much at all! Her grandson doesn't live with her any more, but he lives close by, and she volunteers at his school once a week. She's still an awesome grandma!

In 2 weeks

School will be out for the year! Man has this year flown by. I am excited for the break and having the kids home, (Joseph will be gone for the first 5 weeks though) I am also hesitant to have them home too. It drives me nuts having to constantly be after them to clean up after themselves. Just makes me feel like I must be doing something wrong that they haven't gotten this concept yet. It's not like it's something I've just recently started or anything. I know it isn't my fault, God gave us all free will, it just seems like he gave my children a higher portion!Yesterday was a blur. Busy all day and our life group met last night, I fell into bed last night, and was still so tired this morning. I laid back down after I got the kids odd to school, it wasn't very restful though, because there's been a lot of noise coming from outside this week, as workers are working on cleaning up the burnt house across the street. It's taken them 3 days to clean out the backyard and now today they have a crane and are starting to attack the house. I'll be glad when the eye sore is gone. Today after school, Rachel has a counseling session, Sarah has dance and then her chorus concert. My oldest nephew has his ROTC awards ceremony tonight too. I figured out how to sort of be at both. My sister will pick Joseph and the video camera up on her way home from work. Pat has an early day today, he's off at 6:30, he'll go to Moon Valley and watch the ROTC thing too, which is closer to his work than Sarah's school and the ROTC thing starts at 7, Sarah's chorus starts at 6:45, Pat has more of a chance to get to Moon Valley on time than Sunrise. This has been a very hard decision, wanted to be at 2 places at once and not disappointing Sarah or my nephew. In theory it sounds like a pretty good plan, I just hope it all works out. On a really sweet note, this morning a friend of mine brought me a small vase of 3 roses one for each child for Mother's Day. In Mexico they celebrate Mother's Day today. What a sweet girl she is :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Well Check!

Today, I didn't send Joseph to school, he had a orthodontist appointment this morning, and a doctor's appointment at 12. Seemed silly to me to drive back and forth to Desert Sky. I did have him help me cut out some things I need for school on Friday, since he was home, and I wouldn't let him watch TV. After the doctor's we went to lunch, and stopped by the Boy Scout store, because he needs to have an extra uniform at camp this summer. When we got home, Pat hadn't left for work yet, I played the guess how much he weighs and how tall is he game. Pat was much closer being to his height than his weight. He's 5' 10"! Weighs 172 pounds! He got to get 2 booster shots too. It's a lot more fun taking a 2 year old, or even 5 year old for a well check, (and playing the guessing game) than it is a 14 year old, made me realize it won't be long before he can take himself to appointments;(

Monday, May 7, 2007

Less than 6 weeks away

It will be recital time for the girls. I had a doctor's appointment today, and had to schedule a follow up, for 6 weeks from now. The day after recital. (that's how I figured this out) And at dance today we got the recital information on which shows the girls will be in. Wonderfully, their dances and their cousins (a total of 10 different dances, are all on the same day!), 2 shows, but really I was bracing myself for being at 4 shows over that weekend. Rachel and Sarah have been practicing all weekend, the songs are already starting to get on my nerves! Today during Rachel's classes I noticed she knew the dances so well, she was ahead of the music. Silly girl.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Offered a job!

I had my interview today, for the 2 hour a day position at Sunrise. The job sounds wonderful. I will be working 1-3 pm, and will plan activities to do with kindergartners during their teacher's prep time. The K's will not go to specials like the older kids do, I will be the specials for them. It's a lot better of a job then I thought it was. The district has to do my reference check before, I'm officially hired. I'm not sure how long that will take, but I'm so thankful for this great chance to do something, that I might actually like and help out our finances.

I can't fall asleep...UGH

Too much on my mind. I went to Phoenix College this afternoon and took the para pro test. The testing was supposed to start at 3. I got there a little after 2, I had to register first. I signed in, went to the cashiers office (paid for the test) and was taking the test by 2:30. The first part was writing, I had to write a pretend business letter, their was a practice one before the real test, and it was timed. I finished the practice with time to spare, hit the submit, and it took me back to the main menu, I thought I did something wrong, when in fact the computer program accepted my practice for the test. So, I thought right away I must have passed the writing part. Next I did the math section, I had to flag 3 of the questions, because I wasn't sure I figured them out right (all the tests are timed) I went back to them after I finished the rest and I still finished up the math with time to spare, took a break and went to the bathroom, came back and took the reading test. I also finished way before the time ran out. I was a nervous that maybe I just went to fast and didn't get the questions right, but I took a deep breath and submitted my answers. The gal printed my scores and right away, I knew I passed all 3 tests! I am so proud of myself. I couldn't wait to get in the car and call Pat and tell him. It was a little after 4, it didn't take me nearly as long as they said it would to take the tests. Now, I'm praying all goes just as smoothly with my interview tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Hire me

I've practiced the para pro test twice, tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to go to Phoenix college and take it. It's supposed to take 4 hours, I'm praying I do well on it. Hopefully, I'll be able to work the last few weeks of school. I applied for the 2 hour aid position for next year at Sunrise, and have an interview on Thursday afternoon. Test first...interview for next school year...get hired on for the remainder of this school year, that's my plan. What's God's? Time will tell, please pray for us.