Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Well Check!

Today, I didn't send Joseph to school, he had a orthodontist appointment this morning, and a doctor's appointment at 12. Seemed silly to me to drive back and forth to Desert Sky. I did have him help me cut out some things I need for school on Friday, since he was home, and I wouldn't let him watch TV. After the doctor's we went to lunch, and stopped by the Boy Scout store, because he needs to have an extra uniform at camp this summer. When we got home, Pat hadn't left for work yet, I played the guess how much he weighs and how tall is he game. Pat was much closer being to his height than his weight. He's 5' 10"! Weighs 172 pounds! He got to get 2 booster shots too. It's a lot more fun taking a 2 year old, or even 5 year old for a well check, (and playing the guessing game) than it is a 14 year old, made me realize it won't be long before he can take himself to appointments;(

1 comment:

Marlene said...

083That's how tall the teenager was in March of his 8th grade year. Funny they are so close! He didn't weigh that much though. He was skinny until he started lifting so much in high school!