Saturday, May 19, 2007

Is the week over yet?

Next week, I mean. Last week of school, one last PTO family event, serve at church in the nursery, Joseph's scout court of honor, Joseph's 8th grade promotion, getting Joseph ready for his 5 week adventure in scouting, driving to the scout camp on Friday. I wished all those things we as simple as just typing the words, but they'll be work getting them done, and I don't mean to complain because it's going to be hot for a really long time still, but, it's hot, too hot already and it's not even June. The heat is already making me tired. And Pat has to close 4 nights this week. I guess I should just get used to it already, but I can't. I hate that it seems like he's never home. And I was angry today because like most days, he just gets up and does his things (walk on the treadmill and take a shower) and then just goes off to work. Not that I can complain too much, the girls were over at a friends house swimming all afternoon, and Joseph is away with his scout troop. But who took them to these places, me. Why would he want to get up really early on a Saturday morning to drop off our son? Or drop the girls off on his way to work? I did ask him to call me when he got to work and he looked if his store had the coolers the PTO needs for next year. He did call, and I went to get them, when I saw him I saw him talking and smiling at a co-worker and the more I think about it the more upset I become. I want to him to be talking and smiling at me.

1 comment:

Marlene said...
