Monday, September 24, 2007

What lovely weather!

The weekend was lovely. Temperatures down lower than 100 even if it's 99 is still wonderful. Pat and I met up with 2 other couples for Happy Hour, I can't drink, Pat had a beer. We had a fun time, then went over to one of the couples house hung out for awhile. We even got a little rain on Saturday, seemed like a do nothing kinda day to me, so we watched movies and read. Sarah had her Snow Queen audition on Sunday, she would really like to be cast as a rosebud, we'll find out by Friday if that's the part she gets. We had to hurry right off, to get home and Sarah changed to go to her friend's house. I had a PTO board meeting at 3. I'm having a very difficult time with a person on the board, and I almost walked out on the meeting, that's how far I felt pushed. I have already decided not to be om the board next year. It breaks my heart, I love being in charge, I just can't do feeling so frustrated any more. Pat's on vacation this week. I didn't feel so good after school today, I asked him to take the girls to dance. R was upset that I didn't go, I had to promise to rest and feel better while she was at dance, so we could do something together to make it up to her because I didn't go to dance. I did feel a little better, so we chalk painted. At first she thought it was dumb, but them really got into it and loved it. Silly girl.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I think it's funny that Sarah WANTS to be a rosebud. That's the one part SB has never had any desire to be. She hates the costume so much. We were actually talking to our friends at church about it yesterday and ALL agreed we hated that costume!lol!