Friday, October 19, 2007

The week is over all ready?

This past week has certainly gone by fast. I'm not even sure what made it go by so fast other than, subbing 2 days, working at the book fair at school another 2 days, conferences for both girls, feed the teacher night, holding yearbook meetings, plus all the regular stuff all week, dance, scout, work, ect. I have been fighting a cold all week too, and I'm about sick of that. Not much rest this weekend though, J has a scout thing in the morning, we are doing family pictures after that, I need to return something to Bed, Bath and Beyond, ect. ect. Sunday I work in the nursery followed by 2 hours of Snow Queen rehearsals for S on Sunday. R might also be dancing in the Snow Queen this year too. They didn't have very many Little Villagers and only 2 for the 3rd week (the week S is dancing). I contacted the director and asked if R could try out. They have a requirement of having to be 8 by performance weekend, R won't be 8 for 7 or 8 weeks later. I just thought since S and I were there anyway and they needed more little girls there would be no harm in asking. So, if R does well on Sunday she will be dancing this year too. Going back to conferences, no surprise S had all A's ans R A's and B's, and since I see their teachers everyday I know how citizenship wise they are doing well.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

How fun for R!