Monday, January 28, 2008


I know this will not be a big surprise to some of you. Stop laughing big brother. But I fell today at school. Are you still laughing? You better stop now. My shoe slipped off a wood chip that was on the sidewalk. I fell hard on my left knee, since the tail bone injury from the school bus fall, I didn't have checked out for months. I decided to have it looked at. 5 x-rays determined it is not broken, but swollen and bruised. I have this neat brace to wear and a cane. And I'm supposed to keep ice on it as much as I can. I will have to go have it rechecked on Wednesday. The cough is much worse too (couching up lots of gross junk), because the knee happened at work, I couldn't get a side of antibiotics with the pain pills. bummer.

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