Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My day thus far... It's going to be a long day

This morning before I left for physical therapy, I started some laundry, in addition to all the regular morning stuff. I usually do laundry on Tuesday night, but I really didn't feel so good last night. I fell asleep before J got home from scouts, (his uncle brings him home for me) and I don't even really remember sending R to bed, I'm sure I must have since she was in her bed this morning when I woke her up. As usual my head is swimming with thoughts as I drive to PT, only instead of going to there, I almost drove to DV Middle. Luckily they are close by and not in 2 different directions, so I was only a few minutes late. As I am laying down, while the elec. shock torture is happening to my knee, I remember that the PTO needs to pick up muffins we are having donated by Me Me's Cafe. Thank goodness, someone else volunteered to do this, and I just had to make reminder calls to make sure they were going to get picked up. I drop by home after the knee torture, and start anther load of laundry, before going to the doctor's to have the knee looked at. The doctor does think more therapy would be a good idea. UGH. Stop at Home Depot to get painter's tape, (for school to hang posters) Come home to work on laundry before going to work. It's pretty sad that I started this laundry before 7 am and only have 1 load done at 10:30.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

What a day!