Saturday, February 16, 2008


For Valentine's dinner I made spaghetti and baked a cake, per S's request for dinner. R was worried that we were only going to have cake. It was too funny. P surprised me by remembering 2 books I want to read and got them for me. And flowers, candy and a very large balloon. We gave the kids their treats, then worked on a couple of mini puzzles I got for R. I thought it would be fun to do together as a family, until we were doing them, and R got mad. Friday morning I worked at the middle school, even though I could barely walk. I tried different shoes, and different combinations of shoes, but nothing seemed to help. By the time I got home I could barely walk. I was thankful for my cane to lean on, and P was off, so he was in charge of dinner. (he ordered pizza, but still I was thankful I didn't have to cook) Sometime after school J fell asleep on my bed reading. I kept poking him to get up, because I knew if he slept then he would never go to bed. He finally got sick of me poking him and he went to his room, and slept all night long. At 8 this morning when I got up he was awake, I was so shocked, but he really had just gotten up to take out his contacts because he had slept with them in. At which point, I thought things seemed a little too clear myself, and releized I also slept in my contacts! I rarely have done this, I guess I was pretty tired last night myself. Sometime before dinner last night S came and told me R just threw up all over the couch. I was very thankful again P was home. I don't do so well with vomit. When I was a kid I couldn't even blow my nose without gagging. P cleaned up the couch, R came and laid on my bed with me. She threw up again. It happened so fast, I'm glad P had given her a bowl and a towel. She knew I can't handle the smell, and offered to leave my room. I agreed that would be a good idea, I didn't think P would want me throwing up too. He soon came down to our room and asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him and the girls. While I did I also knew I wanted to be on the couch and I didn't know if R could handle sharing the couch, plus I was reading (Touching Stars by Emilie Richards). I fell asleep before the movie was over. S had a stomachache, she took a bowl and towel and fell asleep in the hallway before the movie was over too. (I didn't know this until this morning) R is better today, S is still complaining of a stomachache and I still can't walk without pain. All I've done all day is read, take a nap and (not on purpose) and laundry, J helped me do all the walking back and forth to the laundry room and my bedroom, but I was the brains of the operation and folded hung everything up. I'm thankful it's a 3 day weekend, hopefully my foot can heal before I have to walk on it a lot on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Get some rest! We've got tummy bugs over here too. Bizarre!