Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Camp R

Since R was the only one not going to camp this summer, we've been having her own camp this week, just her and me. It's been lovely. Lots of crafts made, baking, outings,(to see a movie, and to the library) J spent the night at my sister's house Saturday night, and again last night, he will be home tonight after boy scouts. Not sure if we'll have time to do much tomorrow J has an appointment with his counselor in the early afternoon, then we'll have to get the house cleaned up for bible study. The movie R and I saw was Kit Kitteridge: An American Girl. We finally finished reading together the last one this morning. I love all the AG books, so at first I was disappointed in some of the changes in the movie. I knew there would be changes, the other 3 AG movies differ also. But R and I think Kit has the most differences. It was still a good movie, but just like it is often said books are always better than the movie. My foot is really sore and swollen today, I really didn't do much other than walking in and out of the theater and library, so I can't figure out what's causing the swelling. I'm thinking I should keep wearing the boot for another week and see what happens. Rachel informs me it in now time to play Old Maid.

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