Thursday, July 24, 2008

I knew it was bad

But not as bad as it was. The girls' room. For a very long time now, I've not had the pleasure of seeing their bedroom floor. And, if and when I did, they just pushed everything in the closet/corners/in front of shelves so it looked kinda clean. It's still not as clean/cleaned out as I would like, but after several hours yesterday and about 4 today, they are getting testy, and my back hurts. Doesn't seem that long ago I went though this with them, I must say it doesn't motivate me into wanting to do it again anytime soon (ever,if I could help it).

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I hear ya! It's amazing how much little crap girls have and how it distributes itself around their rooms! Just this summer SB has really taken the lead and responsibility for making sure their room stays clean. There is hope!lol!