Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prayerful day for....

1. My nephew left early this morning for basic training for the next 5 months 2. United States new president 3. My foot doctor's appointment 4. My niece and her flight to Germany. the flight should take off any minute now. to teach on a military base, and will be home in early June. 5. My friend's daughter who has barely recovered for pneumonia now has a serous case of strep. Today was our school's 100th day of school, so in the kindergarten classroom I was in there were lots of projects and not a whole lot of learning, so I had lots of time to be in a spirit of prayer. Plus the over 2 hours I spent driving to the doctor's office and home again. The doctor did give me shots and man did they hurt. In six weeks when I go back if there is no improvement we will talk about doing the major surgery. AT this point I really don't care I just want to be able to walk.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Thanks for praying. and I hope Jess has a blast and your feet get better!