Sunday, March 29, 2009
I had a fun and Spirit filled weekend with 110 other women from church. I rode up north with 2 other ladies Friday afternoon. It certainly was much cooler in Herber than it was this weekend in Phoenix and man was it windy Friday night and this morning. The food was great, bed comfortable (even though I couldn't fall asleep at all Friday night). I felt very blessed to pray and minister to my small group. P had to go off to work, I got to see him for just a few minutes, and he has to close the next several nights, I think I may see him again on Wednesday night :(
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Who Knew?
That you need to have a permit for at least 6 months before you can get a license? J said he knew that, but of course didn't tell me until after the lady at the DMV told us. He'll need to wait until after April 17th to get his license.
16 Candles!
Monday, March 23, 2009
what a mess

Saturday, March 21, 2009
coming home early
J went hiking/camping this weekend with his scout troop. They were supposed to be home late tomorrow afternoon. He called about an hour ago saying they were on their way home. He said they decided to come home a day early. Then he mentions he fell and hurt his knee. (he said they had decided this before he got hurt, but it makes me wonder) The opposite one from the one he hurt at camp a few years ago. He doesn't think he needs to go to the ER, I'll look at it to know for sure. We have an abundance of knee braces, (2, but he only needs one) and he still has his crutches so he'll be able to stay off of it for a few days if he needs to. I thought R and I would have a quite night just the 2 of us, with P at work and S spending the night with Aunt Jul. I guess not. update- 8:30 PM- he's home and the knee looks a little swollen, he has a brace on it and is icing it, I felt around and didn't feel any movement like if he broke his knee cap. We'll see how he does the rest of the night and tomorrow morning, then we can decide if we need to take him to the doctor's office. Rest and ice it is my prescription for him. Dr. MOM that I am. HA!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I either didn't take my sleeping pill last night or it didn't work, I was up most of the night. Around 2 when I still wasn't all that sleepy I should have taken one, but didn't. I thought if I just laid down I would fall asleep. I was wrong. P had to work at 7 this morning. He told me goodbye before he left and the next thing I know is I hear someone rustling around in my bed. So I as "who's that in my bed?" P answers. I have terrible thoughts run through my head before he has a chance to explain that it's only 5 AM. he set his alarm for 3 instead of 5 and didn't notice what time it was until he went out to the car to drive to work and the clock in his car says 4:57. Needless to say he laid back done for a few hours before going to work for real. He did offer to watch a movie with me, since we were both awake but I thought he should get a little more sleep.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Fun Days
Sunday Pat took the kids with J's scout troop to the Reinesson's (someday I really need to learn how to spell this!) Festival. I had the day to myself. I went to church, then out to lunch came home read and took a little nap. I sent my camera with them for them to record the day for me, but for some reason they forgot it in the car, All I have is pictures of them in their costumes they wore to the festival when they got home. Yesterday we went to the zoo and indoor aquarium it was a fun spring break day for all. I'm still recovering today. I have things I want to do, but I'm thinking it might not be until at least tomorrow before I start them! I posted a few pictures on flickr on the left side bar.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Is it Spring Break Yet?
I am pretty ready for it to be. Don't get me wrong I really love what I do and the child I spend most of my day with, she has made such progress from where she was in the beginning of the year, just in so many areas, today I tested her ability to toilet (this was from a meeting we had about her yesterday) and she did great! She's going to do so well in 1st grade, she'll always be a little slower than her piers, but she's getting there. My neck and back back have been messed up most of the week. My personal RX for Spring Break is to sleep in, do a few activities with the whole family, and scrapbook some. I'm even getting together with a friend on Friday morning to help motivate me in this scrapbooking goal (I haven't worked on anything in about a year :( ). Just one more work day and tomorrow shouldn't be so bad since the kindergartners and 1st graders are going to The Phoenix Children's museum. That should be fun! I am looking forward to it.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
April 9th
I finally heard from the surgery scheduling girl yesterday. The first available day the doctor can do the surgery on my feet is April 9th. I really thought she was going to offer me later dates in April, so I was happy to hear the 9th. The only thing I thought of when I said that date was fine was, S's field trip is a month from then so I should be healed pretty well and have little trouble walking. When I told P when it was today, he says,"happy birthday to me". Then it occurs to me, that the weekend following the surgery is his birthday and Easter weekend. I didn't mean to do that! But I didn't mean for any of this feet problems either, or that no other treatments worked for it. I will have "boots" for each foot, so I'll be able to get around, just how fast, and how comfortably will remain to be seen. I should have some lovely pain medicine too. Another bright side of the 9th is I won't have to take the Friday after the surgery off because it's Good Friday and it's already a paid day off for me.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
6 weeks ago, I had my last cortisone shots in both feet. After a few days following that I had 4 wonderful pain free weeks. Then the pain started again. I drove on hour after school today to see my foot doctor. It's no longer a matter of wanting surgery but when he can do it. He's scheduled already into April. If it's not early in April I won't be able to do it until after May 8th, S has an over night field trip, I'm already scheduled for. I get paid to go, of course I'll be working, but really it won't be much of a difference even if I just went as a parent. The doctor did offer to do both feet at the same time. Which I am very glad about. I only have to go through the worry of surgery and recovery once. I sure hope AZ makes enough money to put cop cars all down the freeway in some spots it seemed like ever mile, that backs up traffic. I did see one car being pulled over, it was in the carpool lane, which of course during rush hour, is the only lane that is moving. The worst part of that is, the car and the cop car had to stop the other 3 lanes to pull over. Ridiculous. It seemed to me that caused more of an accident waiting to happen cars driving a little to fast. My neck and shoulders are sore and tight from all the driving.
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