Saturday, March 7, 2009

April 9th

I finally heard from the surgery scheduling girl yesterday. The first available day the doctor can do the surgery on my feet is April 9th. I really thought she was going to offer me later dates in April, so I was happy to hear the 9th. The only thing I thought of when I said that date was fine was, S's field trip is a month from then so I should be healed pretty well and have little trouble walking. When I told P when it was today, he says,"happy birthday to me". Then it occurs to me, that the weekend following the surgery is his birthday and Easter weekend. I didn't mean to do that! But I didn't mean for any of this feet problems either, or that no other treatments worked for it. I will have "boots" for each foot, so I'll be able to get around, just how fast, and how comfortably will remain to be seen. I should have some lovely pain medicine too. Another bright side of the 9th is I won't have to take the Friday after the surgery off because it's Good Friday and it's already a paid day off for me.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I'm glad it worked out date wise! Let me know how I can help you. At least J will have his driver's license by then!lol!