Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm not sure how the week went by so fast

I'm tired, getting a cold (I think, my throat has been sore for days and today my nose is runny and stuffed up) My feet hurt, and my back is messed up again. And today my right knee is a little swollen and stiff from a fall I had last night. Luckily it was at the very end (clean up) of the school carnival. S helped her teacher with face painting to earn a partial scholarship for the 6th grade overnight field trip. Which is a good thing because, we just had to buy her a new retainer, because I didn't know it was in the sink and after I did the dishes when I got home from the retreat on Sunday I turned on the garbage disposal and heard an crunching noise. So not good. Anyway back to the carnival P was off so he kept an eye on the girls while I served snow cones all night. I was supposed to be in charge of the craft table but because of the wind crafts didn't happen. I wasn't sure if maybe the whole thing should have been postponed because of the wind, it was pretty windy. But I'm glad it worked out and is over. The kids had a great time.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Yikes about her retainer!!