Saturday, August 1, 2009

sussessful event

We had lots of families show up for the Desert Breeze backpack party. Under the outside canopy wasn't so bad. I ended up getting the sponge water relay game started, then face painted for about 30 minutes before we headed inside for corn dogs and chips. They kids seemed to enjoy the message, then we handed out their backpacks, and otter pops as they were leaving. We had a relaxing evening, played Yahtzee, then watched a movie that I promptly slept through almost as soon as it started. I usually last a little longer than that. I guess I was pretty tired. Hope I sleep tonight. P did something with the car, hoping it would fix the problem, unfortunately it didn't. We'll have to take it in this week while P is on vacation.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Glad your event went well! Hope the car issue gets sorted out.