A few weeks ago, a student grabbed my right wrist (it was a reflex) I reflectively pulled away, which left my wrist scratched, which later turned to bruising. Since then my hand has been hurting, not all the time, just when I use it, it feels weaker and my hand hurts when I am sleeping. It seems to be getting worse and not better. Is it a coincidence? Or did he injure me some how? Arthritis? It's just so weird because the bruise is gone, there's no swelling, but it hurts. I guess I should try to remember to call my doctor and schedule an appointment :(
How is your hand today? Did you call the dr.?
I went in on Monday, (if, I was sick they wouldn't have been able to see me, but this non emergency visit, right away.) Anyway, I've been wearing a splint brace, most of the day, and at night, it's feeling better.
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