Monday, October 12, 2009


The 3 day weekend is over. Friday after school, I went grocery shopping so there would be one less thing to do during our 3 day weekend. We all just hung out as a family Friday night. Sat. I did a few errands and got meals prepped for this week, and laundry done, and I watched disc 2 of the first season on Fame, and watched My Life In Ruins. I had a sinus headache that would not go away. I was sound asleep before P made it home from work at 8:30. Sunday morning I had to leave extra early to set up for church, and greet/sign in the babies through 3 year olds, for both services. Grabbed some lunch, picked up girls took them to their Snow Queen rehearsal. Very disappointed to find out that S and R, will not be dancing the same weekend as their cousins. There's nothing we can do about it, so even though it upsets me, I am not going to let it destroy me. Dropped S off at Aunt Jul's for the rest of the day and night. The rest of us played a really long new game P got on clearance at Fry's called- Pirates. R and I got bored with it, so we weren't very upset when we lost all our gold coins. I have been watching all the new medical dramas that just started. One was on last night, I feel asleep last week watching it, and again this week. I just kinda wanted to like it because the hospital is in Pittsburgh. I'll give it another chance. Today we dropped my car off to be fixed, AC, weird lights coming on, new tire, oil change, clicker thing. Saturn fixed it all except the clicker thing they have to order, today while we were at the movies. We went to the Toy Story (s) in 3D, I think it was a waste to spend the money on seeing the movies that we own, even if they are playing in 3D. P loved it, so I guess that's good, that one income maker did. I need to be off to bed, but I'm curious about why P's Dad called P and his brother over to talk about the weekend grand Canyon hike that they are supposed to leave for on Friday.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I'm glad you finally got the AC fixed! And it sounds like a mostly good weekend. You know I'm really bummed about the girls too:(
And before last nights episode with dad, i thought you might be thrilled about the canyon trip being canceled and getting your hubby home for the weekend!