Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kidney and Hernia

The area where the hernia was is bulging a little, the skin needs to learn there's nothing there any more and not stretch out. I have to see the surgeon again in 4 weeks and she'll look at it and see if she needs to drain it. I also am having some pain on my right side, kinda like menstrual cramps but a little higher, the surgeon said that it could be from the surgery and she can do a pain block or something (I guess I want to know what that means because I'm not into any painful procedures right now.) The kidney doctor was very through and looked at all my medical records and ordered more from old ultrasounds. He did put me on a different water pill, that should be safer on my kidneys. It's my left kidney that is 60% smaller than my right. He thinks it's strange that it's just starting to be an issue. So not only do I have to have my blood work done next month for my regular doctor, I have to have it done again on September, along with a 24 hour urine test. I just hate to be have blood drawn they always miss the first several times, and I'm left bruised on both arms and/or hands.

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