Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sucky Summer- one big whine

In just 3 weeks school will start. The summer has gone by way too fast. I feel really bad for Rachel because she hasn't done much of anything. I'm glad she changed her mind and went to church camp (she had a blast) I'm so thankful for a friend from my bible study group who blessed us with just enough money for her to go. Between my hernia surgery and not feeling well enough to do anything and no money every week, things have just sucked. Because of the binder I have to wear for 2 more weeks, I haven't even taken Rachel swimming, by the time I don't have to wear it any more the public pools will be closed.

1 comment:

Outsource said...

It takes great amount of nerves to present a well edited blog and sequences structured well . Keep posting and we would keep reading.
Great Post