Wednesday, April 5, 2006


Rachel had an appointment today to have 2 baby teeth pulled. She totally freaked out. (I didn't tell her until it was almost time to go.) Joseph and Sarah were home and they were trying to help calm her down. Joseph said he'd go with us, to make her feel better. On the way there, he takes out a picture of himself for her to take in the room when she has the procedure done, since he can't go back in the room with her, this totally cracked me up. She was a little nervous walking in the office, the staff is great and said they'll give her a little laughing gas before they start. So, she goes back by herself (with Joseph's picture) and it very brave and doesn't fuss or cry. The dentist calls me back to help her get up, but Joseph is right there, asking if she wants him to carry her. He can be a wonderful brother! She wants to walk out, we go to the grocery store to buy her some yogurt and jello for dinner on the way home, she was totally fine at the store except she's really embarrassed about the gauze in her mouth so she keeps her hand over her mouth the whole time. I was a little scared about the whole thing, she is so afraid of pain.(that's why I didn't mention the pullings to her) This is why- Right before her 6th birthday she decided that she would have to adopt to have children, she didn't want to birth any. She's since then asked me more about childbirth and thinks now she can have a baby when she gets married as long as they give her medicine. Pretty deap thoughts for a 6 year old to be worrying about already.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I'm glad she's doing alright!