Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Class party
This afternoon at Rachel's party at school. I felt very needed, even though there were other parents there, Rachel's teacher only asked me to do things, like Mrs. ____ will come around and staple your papers, Mrs ____ will pass out plates.(after she makes them up!) Mrs. ____ will you put these papers under the table to dry. It made me feel good to be needed, but I wondered if she forgot any of the other parents names! I kinda felt bad for them. I'm sure it has to do with the fact that, I try to help her once a week, and I know most of the kids by name. I think I can do all the girls now, but some of the boys I'm having a hard time remembering their names.
Whining.... I promised Rachel we could have a party tonight since we don't go treat or treating. I didn't know until this morning, I needed to decorate the house for a party though. I put ribbons on a small bunch of mini candy bars to hang up as decorations, only now I can't hang it up. UGH! I tried to stand on a stool, but I can't put weight on either knee to get up on it, I tried the coffee table thinking it was lower and maybe I could get up on it, nope, so I get the small step stool, only I'm too short to reach the ceiling! I reached up without thinking with my left arm, and man that really hurt, I still can't quite lift my hand over my head. I could get the ladder from the laundry room, but I can't get to it right now, I have 2 coolers set up for SOR, Saturday, and a large box of Christmas presents I've already bought. I don't think I can manage to get to it with all my aches and pains and all this stuff in the way.I'll have to have Joseph hang them up when he gets home, but I so wanted to surprise Rachel, who will get home first :(
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Making me nuts
So maybe, I'm nuts already, but I can't stand it, I let Joseph slide the first quarter with not turning in all assignments, and he still managed to pass all his classes, but now he's out of control again. We talked about it before he left for camp Friday, and I asked him some questions I wanted him to think about. He did, and we talked again this afternoon, but I am just frustraed, that he has no motivation to do his assignments, or finsh them. He sees his counsler on Thursday, but right now I'm so thinking what a waste this past years worth of cousling has been.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday night/ Saturday fun
Joesph went on a scout outing yesterday, Sarah had a friend spend the night, Rachel and I went to my friend's house, for her spa, and then we stayed talking to her till after 11. Sarah called me at 11, to tell me it's 11, and were am I. I'll be reminding her, when I have to check on her when she's late when she's out with her friends in a few years from now. The girls played all morning, we went out for lunch, then we went to a movie this afternoon, We saw Flicka, Rachel liked it because of the hourses, but I don't know she really got the story, I loved it and even cried at the end, which I rarely do at the movies. Rachel was too funny during the previews, she kept telling me after all the previews that she did not want to see that, which was good, because I wouldn't have let her see any of those anyway, but after The Nativty preveiw she says, she wants to see that, I asked her who the baby was to be born, she didn't know, but knew it was a good movie.
Help I've fallen...
and had a hard time getting back up. Yesterday afternoon, I was at Bellair golf course, picking up a donation, and on the way back to the car, my left foot caused me to fall, because the blacktop and sidewalk are not the same height. I thought at first I broke my wrist, but it got better, but my left arm is in alot of pain. I messed up my knee pretty good, so Rachel and I know have matching owies on our right knee, tore my pants where I fell at the knee, and brpke the skin on my right hand, it don't feel good, but the worse by far thing is my shoulder, it hurts using the arm. :(
Thursday, October 26, 2006
more randomness
I forgot 2 things last night. First off I am mad at the school nurse. Rachel came home yesterday pretty banged up from a fall, and she didn't even call me, not that I could do anything, but I like to be warned when my daughter comes home from school with 3 large bandages. Her right knee doesn't look so good to me, I'll be keeping a close eye on it for infection. The 2nd thing is I'm thinking if I chop off my left foot, I could get rid of the pain it causes me. I have a blister on my heel, another one on my second toe, and either/and I sprained my ankle some how mysteriously yesterday, or just wearing my sneakers yesrerday is causing the side of my foot to hurt, I can not walk without pain. I am not going to the foot doctor to have her tell me nothings wrong, when I know there is. pain is pain, wether it shows up on the x-ray or not.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Random stuff
This morning I took Sarah to the orthodontist this morning, she's ready for phase one of her treatment, she had spacers put in today, by the time she got home from school one had already came out, ugh, I think I should put my car on autp pilot to that office. Next week, I have to take her to get an xray of her skull, then something else happens, then the following week she get the expander, and she may then also have to get 4 braces put on her 4 front teeth so they don't move out of control. I spent the rest of the day getting ready for bible study tonight, Pat has been working a lot so I said I would prepare for the discussion, and of course clean the house. It went pretty well, but I'm glad it's over, it was easier when Pat wasn't there, I just didn't want to mess up in front of him.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Today the kids who sold 35 items or more in the Fall fundraiser got to go on a limo ride and ice cream at McDonald's. We took 2 limos and seperated the big kids and little kids. I rode in both limos switching at McDonald's, so I could be with both girls.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Scout committee meeting was canceled
One less thing to do today. If I would have know 5 minutes earlier I wouldn't have just called my book club and said I wouldn't make it tonight. I didn't know when we were meeting I missed the last one too, I read the book, a few months ago, so I could have talked about the book even. I felt stupid to call and say I know I just said I'd not be there, and now I will be. It's better for me to be home with the kids on a school night fighting with them to get to bed, then to leave them on there own anyway. (yes, Pat is at work again, and he'll be at work tomorrow when I'll have to take and pick up a girl scout and boy scout at 2 different schools)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Relaxing Weekend
Friday night's spa party was fun, my girls and my friend's girls loved it. But they had a hard time sitting still through all the product talks part of presenation. I don't blame them on that, but the consultant was getting frustrated, by the distractions, I thought they were fine. I think the company needs to add stuff for girls, girls like to pampered too. Joseph went and tried to sell popcorn on Saturday, the girls and I went and did some errands. I surprised Pat at Fry's, by meetings him there when he got off work at 4:30, we went out for dinner and to a movie. It's been a long time since we've gone out. This morning, I just couldn't get motivated to take the kids to church myself, (Pat had to work at 11), we needed to go to the first service, since Sarah had to be at rehearsal at 1. The girls and I went to Wal-Mart, and picked up some headsets for school that I ordered. Today was my friend's anniversary, I offered to take care of her girls so her and her hubby could go out. We made homemade pizza and chocolate cookies, then they had a good time giving each other makeovers and doing nails. I did laundry, they had way more fun. Tomorrow will be back to craziness, Sarah has a student council meeting after school, Rachel has dance from 3:45 to 5:15, I'll have to leave to get Sarah from her meeting, in the middle of that, she has dance from 5:15 to 7 PM, Then I have to take all the kids to the scout committee meeting, that I'll be late for because it starts at 7. Pat will be at work. Who knows when Sarah will have time for dinner or homework tomorrow. I guess she'll be up late.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Busy week
Lots of volunteer hours this week ar school. Monday the Fall fundraiser stuff came in, so I was at school 1/2 of the day. Tuesday I was there all day, fundraiser stuff in the morning and book fair in the afternoon. Book fair again Wed. 11-3, (and we had a PTO board meeting for 5-8:30) yesterday book fair from 10:30-6, I did come home for a little bit, then went back. The PTO served dinner to the teachers, so I stayed and helped put the leftovers away. This morning I went and helped Rachel's teacher, then helped sell candy after school. Needless to say was I was very tired. I took a nice long nap. Which is good since in a little bit a few women are coming over for this spa party I said I'd have for a friend. I think that other than Joseph having to sell more popcorn tomorrow there is nothing else to do, and Sunday just one service at church and Sarah's Snow Queen rehearsal.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Is it time for bed yet?
I am so tired, it's been a long weekend. I got a lot Christmas shopping done, because mervyn's was have a big sale, plus the extra 20% discount. The girls and I went yesterday, I picked up 2 pairs of jeans for Joseph, when he got home last night he tried them on, they did not fit. I got the same size his current jeans are that are a little big, but these were way too small. Then Pat asked if I used up all my 20% savings, because he wanted new pants for work, and I had told he we were going shopping on Saturday, ugh. He wasn't in as much trouble since we had to go back to exchange Joseph's jeans today anyway. While there today Rachel had to go to the bathroom, so after I got back with her Joseph had picked put 2 t-shirts he liked, and since he rarely gets new clothes that he picks out himself, I got them for him, on sale and with the discount they were only 8 bucks each, yea! So speaking of Joseph, he made it through the Order of the Arrow ordeal, even slept in the rain part of the night on Friday night, they had mercy on the boys and let them move under the ramanda at midnight. The next day they worked the boys hard doing service projects, while they fed them next to nothing (part of the ordeal). He said he had a great time, who would ever guess that? The boys were fed a good dinner and then had their closing ceramony. He got home about 8:30 last night. I think he really likes me, (sometimes anyway) because he bought me a mug for my collection (order of the arrow), that was very nice of him to see it, think of me, and then buy it too. This morning the kids and I were at church for both services (Pat had to work at 11, he didn't want to go to church at 9 fearing he wouldn't make it to work in time), anyway the kids stayed in the nursery to help me, Joseph always does, but I let the girls stay too. I'm glad I did, while I only had 6 toddlers, most were high maintence, and I was the only adult. The girls were great with the little ones, Rachel figured out that this one little boy should get his way, being the baby in our family she usually gets her way, so I guess thats how she knew, but when she told Sarah you gotta let him have it, or he's going to scream, really cracked me up.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
On a roll
I've gotten stuff done the last few days, I was so worried on Monday I was going to be sluggish all week. Yesterday was long though. District luncheon, McDonald's (McTeacher night), and bible study (it was here too, so I had to make sure the house looked good before going to McDonald's) McTeacher night was fun, I took pictures and sold cookies, and came home smelling like I worked at McDonald's (you know that lovely greasy smell?) This morning I've managed to go to the grocery store, it has been weeks since I've done my big shopping trip, put everything away myself and started dinner that needs to simmer all day. After I finally get some pictures downloaded to costco I need to go to Starbucks and get a gift basket they are giving to school and then pick up the pictures, write thank you notes to the teachers who came to McDonald's last night, it should be after school by then, Sarah has dance, and my 3 shows I watch are on TV tonight. Very full day!
Monday, October 9, 2006
No energy
I've been so dead on my feet today. Well, that is when I've been on them, which hasn't been much. I haven't done anything except take the girls to their dance classes. I didn't even feel up to cooking dinner, so we had sandwiches.I have lots to do the next 2 days, I hope I've stored up enough energy to get everything done.
Friday, October 6, 2006
3 day weekend, YEA!
I am so tired today, I am so glad there's a 3 day weekend ahead. I slept terribly last night, first I couldn't sleep, then the thunderstorm woke me up. I had that high adrenaline rush all day, but now feel like I could crash. I was at school for 4 hours this morning, PTO stuff and helping Rachel's teacher. Then I walked around Costco and Target, (I couldn't find what I was looking for). Came home for an hour, then went back to school for another 1.5 hours. I sure wished I wouldn't have scheduled driving school (for my ticket) for tomorrow. I have to be there at 7:30, I hope it's not a long day, and I get to bed early tonight.
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Much more calm day in the neighborhood
The fire department was at the burned house until late last night, boarding up the windows, doors and garage. Pat went over and ask the neighbor if he needed somewhere to stay and to come have dinner with us, the red cross was taking care of him with a place to stay and he was so upset, he wasn't even hungry. Pat didn't get the details of the fire, he could tell how upset he was, he did mention that since he paid off the house he has not carried home owners insurance. Pretty sad. And noe me- I went to the foot doctor last week and she gave me the last cortisone shot I can have, it hurt way more than the last two. While my foot was numb (hours) I must have stepped on something without knowing it, my heel is hurting worse than before. Pat thought he could feel something under the skin. I poked around with tweezers last night, and no I can't put weight on it. Ugh, enough with the foot pain.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
I'm so glad Pat is back home. They got home before the ETA yesterday. Pat was glad to see me, and was all over me, and what did I do, before all the kids were in bed, I fell asleep :( I still am not feeling all that great, I didn't have anything to do this morning, so I went back to bed after taking the girls to school too, hoping to suprise Pat when he got up. The suprise was on us both, the house across the street is on fire! There's a fire truck in our driveway, helicopters flying overhead. Pat said he heard the firemen knocking on our door, I heard nothing. (I rarely hear anything in my room) There is smoke every where outside, and I can smell it inside, I think it would be safer for me to stay inside, but it is scary.
Sunday, October 1, 2006
Now I'm getting a cold...and our day
I feel yucky, stuffy head, achy body, headache, dry eyes, runny nose, sore throat. UGH! I was too tired to get out of bed this morning, I was supposed to be at church at 9 for a meeting, I didn't make it, turned off the alarm, thought for sure I'd wake up to go to the service at 11, Rachel came in my room a little after 11, looking for me. She and Sarah had just gotten up. I'm thinking it was good we all stayed in bed this morning. Joseph of course beening a teenager got up after 12. We started some laundry, then we drove around for a couple of hours, while Joseph dropped off a few donation letters for his scout troop. I knew it would be a bad day, and not be able to catch the right people, but since scout-o-rama is 4 weeks away, I thought it would be best to send him out as soon as possible. Next Saturday I have to take care of my ticket and he'll be needing to start selling popcorn for scouts too. Sarah and I went to Costco, the girls went to a neighbor's house for an hour, and I took a nap.Now it's bed time YEAH!
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