Friday, October 20, 2006

Busy week

Lots of volunteer hours this week ar school. Monday the Fall fundraiser stuff came in, so I was at school 1/2 of the day. Tuesday I was there all day, fundraiser stuff in the morning and book fair in the afternoon. Book fair again Wed. 11-3, (and we had a PTO board meeting for 5-8:30) yesterday book fair from 10:30-6, I did come home for a little bit, then went back. The PTO served dinner to the teachers, so I stayed and helped put the leftovers away. This morning I went and helped Rachel's teacher, then helped sell candy after school. Needless to say was I was very tired. I took a nice long nap. Which is good since in a little bit a few women are coming over for this spa party I said I'd have for a friend. I think that other than Joseph having to sell more popcorn tomorrow there is nothing else to do, and Sunday just one service at church and Sarah's Snow Queen rehearsal.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Have a restful weekend!