Thursday, October 26, 2006

more randomness

I forgot 2 things last night. First off I am mad at the school nurse. Rachel came home yesterday pretty banged up from a fall, and she didn't even call me, not that I could do anything, but I like to be warned when my daughter comes home from school with 3 large bandages. Her right knee doesn't look so good to me, I'll be keeping a close eye on it for infection. The 2nd thing is I'm thinking if I chop off my left foot, I could get rid of the pain it causes me. I have a blister on my heel, another one on my second toe, and either/and I sprained my ankle some how mysteriously yesterday, or just wearing my sneakers yesrerday is causing the side of my foot to hurt, I can not walk without pain. I am not going to the foot doctor to have her tell me nothings wrong, when I know there is. pain is pain, wether it shows up on the x-ray or not.

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