Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I am so angry. Sarah's girl scout leader is a jerk. I have know this for a long time, like since Sarah was in 1st grade, but I thought she changed. In first grade Sarah and the leader's daughter were friends. For some reason near the end of the school year, the daughter was not allowed to talk/play with Sarah. This year, they are in the same classroom, and are friends once again and even though I didn't want Sarah in this scout troop (really not at all, because of this mother and I thought it would be too much for Sarah with all her other activities). On Sunday the leader calls my house looking for us, because she thinks we are supposed to be selling girl scout cookies when we are not supposed to be. Later when we are were we are supposed to be at the time, we were supposed to work, she says, "I just couldn't figure out who was suppose to work then, so she figured it must have been us." What? Tonight Joseph's scouts gets canceled, so I have him walk into Sunrise to get Sarah. We no sooner get home and the leader comes knocking on our door. The money Sarah turned in for cookies isn't right. Pat kept the cash he collected from what he sold at Fry's, and I wrote a check for it and our cookies. And I did not have family write there driver's license number on their checks. (all checks need a driver license, I was so angry I put mine on the ones missing the number, really like that's going to guarantee funds) The leader tells me, that as a parent we can not write a check covering other orders. Counsel wants cash. We can not mix money. How is it mixed, if the amount the girl owes is paid in full? I totally lost it with her, I want to hear this from counsel. I do not feel good, and this is stupity. The asst. leader just recently left the troop because $700 disappeared from the money the girls raised with mistletoe. I was already going to have Sarah look into this other troop that meets Friday afternoons, twice a month, and combines Girl Scouts and Brownies, so Rachel could go too. The leader is getting remarried soon, maybe she thought the girls should help pay for her wedding?

1 comment:

Marlene said...

How ridiculous!!! I hope the other troop works out!