Saturday, February 24, 2007

Scouting adventure

Today, Joseph left for an over night camping trip in Flagstaff. Needless to so, we had to go shopping last night for warm clothes, gloves, ect. Thank goodness, we got our tax refund so we could buy the stuff he needed. Sarah spent the night last night at a friend's house. I wake up way to early for a Saturday morning, and wake Rachel too, because Pat had to go to work this morning. Joseph, who was supposed to set his alarm failed to set it. I was so mad at him, if I spend money for him to go on this camping trip and the troop leaves without him, he's going to owe us big for a long time. He hurries and gets himself ready, we get to the meeting spot on time, just the boy who lives at the house we met at is there, the scout master did not print off the permission slips, and is not there yet. Rachel and I had to wait for him. 2 more boys show up, we wait another 15 minutes, the asst. scout master leaves and drives to the scout master's house, (after trying to call his house and cell) he never comes to the door, but his mother (he still lives at home) gives the asst. the permission slips. 4 boys went to Flagstaff with 2 women overnight. Please pray for their safety and that they stay warm. The are going to the observatory tonight and doing some cave thing or something tomorrow before driving home. Yesterday's high was 32 in Flagstaff, it's going to be cold for them overnight.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

We're praying here!