Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Big difference from a child being independent and to teenager who needs? or wants Independence. This afternoon, I'm at Sunrise and I get a call from Joseph and he tells me he's going to a friend's house and then they are going to church, and he'll be home around 9. What!!!! I think it would have been better if he asked me if he could do these things, instead of telling me. Joseph has never gone to a friend's house after school before, so that in itself is a huge step for both of us. I'm very thankful he remembered to call me and tell me, but don't you think it would be better if he asked me though?

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Yes! Because what if you needed him at home or had other plans? and it's a respect issue. You're still the parent and he's still the child, even as a a teenager. We went round and round about that issue for a month or so several years ago. He got it though and asked instead of telling after a while.