Monday, April 9, 2007

Too much fresh air

Yesterday was windy and lovely outside, I didn't even think about my allergies, until this morning, when my head was so stuffed up, it was hard to breath. I laid down for an hour after I sent the kids off to school, before the appointment I had this morning. I didn't make it to the appointment, 5 hours later, I woke up! While I was sitting watching Rachel dance a few hours later, I thought my head was going to burst. After dinner, I laid down, and fell asleep, went and got Sarah, and before the kids went to bed, fell asleep again, they kept waking me up to tell me good night, I about jumped to the ceiling every time. I want to try to stay awake for a few hours, at least one anyway, so I can take some more medicine, and hopefully wake up tomorrow pain free. The house is a wreck from Easter stuff everywhere and me not doing anything all day :(

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Hope you feel better!