Saturday, May 26, 2007

Made it

Joseph made it to camp and the girls and I made it home safely. It was a rough start of the day. The cars were egged and confetti left on them again last night. I was so tired I fell asleep early last night, only to wake up at 12 AM not being able to go back to sleep. At 1, I went out to the kitchen for a drink, and found Pat still awake. We had talked about us all taking Joseph to camp. I am really nervous about driving on 87 and the dirt rode to camp. Joseph wanted to sit up front and just wanted me to take him, so Pat was going to make me just take him. I was mad, I asked Pat to go with me, and I'd sit in the back if he would drive. I knew he really didn't want to go, since he has to close tonight. He did set his alarm and the snooze went off several times before he got up and showered, only to not go because he must get the egg off of his car right away to protect the paint. I also think he was mad at me for not cleaning up the cars, while he showered. I was a little busy getting myself and the girls ready. We were supposed to met at 7 with at the asst. scout master's house to follow her up,and we were late to met her as it was, (Joseph had to be there at 10, we just made it) I called and told her we would be a little late. The kids and I left Pat in the driveway cleaning off his car. We stopped and did a car wash on the way to get most of the egg slime off. I got pulled over and given a warning for driving too slow on the way home. We weren't following the asst. s. m., she was going to camp in Payson for the weekend. The girls and I got lunch and made it home by 1:30, to find Pat back in bed of course, and a paper plate with a crying face and sorry on the counter. I went in our room to put my socks in the hamper and he says, hey, I just said hey back and left the room. I am just too upset to talk with him right now.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I really don't even know what to say. I can see why you are mad.