Tuesday, September 30, 2008
doctor office visits
This afternoon I had to go get my blood level checked. I made the appointment yesterday morning. The office front girl says "my appointment is tomorrow." But they did the test anyway. I was the only patient in the office, I'm so glad they could find a nurse to spare, to poke my finger. I have had so many of these done, I could probably have done it, if they would have let me. But the funniest thing was when I went to get on the elevator to leave, my doctor was walking out of it. Which isn't very funny now is it? But my first thought was that's about normal appointment with him! Usual appointments he's in and out in less than 60 seconds. On my way home I have to stop at the kids doctor's office to pick up S's prescription. There was a woman in front of me on her cell phone at the counter. I'm not sure who she was talking to, but it didn't seem to be related a child/sickness/doctor type thing but she just stood there hammering away. As the office worker rolls her eyes and I wait. You'd think she could have found somewhere else to stand and yak? Or better yet sit down and watch her 3 children. (I know this part because they left when I did)
Monday, September 29, 2008
In a funk-be warned I'm whiny
I have been really down lately, I am crying over nothing or things that would not normally upset me. Enough that I scheduled a doctor's visit to talk to her about this. Maybe my anti-depressant needs to change. I am felling totally out of control. Friday afternoon I did the grocery shopping for a few weeks, so I didn't have that huge chore on Saturday, even though I knew my feet would greatly protest. But some how I've got to figure out time for relaxing. All I did on Saturday was, take J to his ROTC thing, took the girls to dance, picked up J, and read. J even grilled the chicken breasts for dinner, and there was leftovers to go with them, so I had no cooking. Sunday we went to the first service, came home for S to get ready for her Snow Queen rehearsal, and I started laundry. Then last night I had a church event I had to attend as a leader of a bible study group. Hope by 8:30. The rest of this week and next will be more running around. Every afternoon is booked with something. And where is Pat in all of this madness? At Fry's working till 9:30 PM or later. I'm tried when do I get to sleep in. I need a break!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Prayers are helping and other randomness
The young girl, is doing better, she still has a many more surgeries needed, but she's stable.
J turns 15 1/2 on Thursday. What this means to him is he get to obtain his drivers permit. I noticed last week, in the paper about a driver's education class, 12 weeks, once a week, 3 hours per night. He started tonight. I'm getting a wee bit tired already tonight and I'll have to go pick him up at 9.
The calendar said Fall today, but the thermometer said 102. Bhaaaaaaaaaaa I actually sayed cool until at 2 PM, then walking around dropping students back to classes, and then bus duty turned on my sweat glands. EEK.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Poor customer service at restaurants
Seemed like a theme this weekend. Friday night we were out for dinner with P's family for his Mom and Dad's birthdays. A lot of the food was delivered cold. The waiter was not so good about handling this situation, to the fact it felt like he thought we were lying. And even when he brought back my sister-in-laws it was still cold. I ate some of my meal, at the restaurant, but it wasn't that hot. And a baked potato should not be cooked so much that it tastes like mashed potatoes. I brought home most of my steak and mushrooms and ate them for lunch yesterday, the meat was so fatty, GROSS I didn't eat much of it. Very disappointing. The manger and waiter didn't really seem to care all the much about making us happy, only to try to blame the kitchen. Today the kids and I went to JIB for lunch. The guy taking our order couldn't seem to stop filling up the little bags for future salad orders, to take our order or repeat that he got it right. He handed me the receipt and asked me to check if it was right. S decided she wanted something else, after I paid for everything else. The first order was called to us, pretty quickly, but my curly fries were very hard and cold. And my burger that I asked for extra sauce on, had extra mustard instead. I don't complain, just wipe the mustard off and ask J to go ask for some sauce and S's order. The manager didn't believe we ordered this item, and told him it belonged to someone else. What? They must have given it to someone else, because when I went to the counter and still had to fight with the manger, he got someone to start cooking the item. The manager never apologized for the mistake. He did get the sauce for me, but had to finish talking to the guy at the grill about something personal first, now my burger is also cold. UGH. The manger did at least bring S her food when it was done cooking, only she can't eat it because it's too hot, and the rest of us were done eating, and she was full because she ate most of my cold fries.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Please pray
I have a huge sinus headache. At lease I don't have to go anywhere else today. This past week have been incredibly busy. But I wanted to ask for your prayers- a young girl from my neighborhood was hit by a van on Thursday afternoon. Yesterday they didn't know if she would make it. Today I found out she did and has made it through one of the many surgeries she will need. She is still in critical condition.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
No sleep
For the tired, well not much anyway. I couldn't figure out last night why I could not fall asleep. I had a sinus headache and took some Tylenol, before going to bed. Usually when I take Tylenol on top of my usual sleeping aid, (I usually take this at dinner, so I don't forget later) I am asleep before I can turn the lights out. Not so last night and I was too tired to try to figure out why that was, so instead, I just tossed and turned most of the night, (dumb reasoning I know, but I was tired) my headache did go away though. This morning I'm looking through my medicine storage container that I have to use, so I remember to take all the pills I take daily. All the pills for yesterday are gone, and I remember taking my medicine last night at dinner, I was stumped, if I took the sleeping aid why didn't I fall asleep? I look at today's assortment of pills and don't see that familiar little blue one. I guess if I don't put the pills in the storage container I don't take them either. Some how yesterday morning when I'm filling up the stupid thing up, and getting myself and 3 girls ready, for school I didn't even notice I had missed putting that pill in, and then didn't notice not taking it at dinner. I'm glad it wasn't one of my heart meds I forgot. But geez, I could also do without a burning throat today, because of lack of sleep.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What to do? x2
S signed up for art club at school, every other Wednesday before school. Today she gives me a permission slip for chorus which meets twice a week before school on Wednesdays and Fridays. In the past chorus has been on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I didn't think they would overlap, at the time I signed the permission slip for art club. She wants to do both, but really wants to do chorus. But I feel bad that she's signed up for art club, not knowing chorus was going to be on different days this year. Part of me thinks she should do art club because she already committed to it, but then I think that stinks, that she can't do both. And the art club is way cool, they actually do art, not like in art class were the students draw most weeks. But don't even get me started on this. I could go on and on about how frustrating that is as a parent and for the kids. And I have to work with this teacher, so I don't really want to make her mad. My second "what to is" is about the neighbor girl who's mother pays me to care for her before school. This child drives me nuts. Last weekend I felt trapped in my own house. She called every 30 seconds. If we didn't answer, (we only answered her call once all weekend) she'd call right back again, but never would leave a message. I knew it was her without caller id because if we didn't pick up, she would call R's cell phone. She knows she better not call my cell phone unless her house is on fire or a parent is hurt/not breathing and she needs my help. I've already been through enough calls from her, on my cell for her to be taught that, by me. This weekend has been better, so hopefully I got through to her about calling all. day. long. But I ask myself is this really my job? and where are her parents at? do they not realize that she is using the phone constantly? Then on, Tuesday morning my girls had orthodontist appointments at 7:30. P took them, the neighbor girl did not show up at my house before 8, when I have to leave for school. I didn't get a phone call to tell me she wasn't coming. After she called all weekend long, that made me so mad. I didn't call her, because really it's not my responsibility to call, it's her mother's, right? When I asked her about it she lied to me, and said her mom's cell phone and house phone batteries were dead, which I could almost believe since she was calling my house all weekend. But then the other neighbor girl asks, how girl #1 mom could call girl #2 her dad about girl #1 walking to school with girl #2. Did ya follow all that? It was not easy trying to get ready for work, listening for the door, and no one knocking on the door. No respect right?
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