Monday, September 29, 2008

In a funk-be warned I'm whiny

I have been really down lately, I am crying over nothing or things that would not normally upset me. Enough that I scheduled a doctor's visit to talk to her about this. Maybe my anti-depressant needs to change. I am felling totally out of control. Friday afternoon I did the grocery shopping for a few weeks, so I didn't have that huge chore on Saturday, even though I knew my feet would greatly protest. But some how I've got to figure out time for relaxing. All I did on Saturday was, take J to his ROTC thing, took the girls to dance, picked up J, and read. J even grilled the chicken breasts for dinner, and there was leftovers to go with them, so I had no cooking. Sunday we went to the first service, came home for S to get ready for her Snow Queen rehearsal, and I started laundry. Then last night I had a church event I had to attend as a leader of a bible study group. Hope by 8:30. The rest of this week and next will be more running around. Every afternoon is booked with something. And where is Pat in all of this madness? At Fry's working till 9:30 PM or later. I'm tried when do I get to sleep in. I need a break!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I completely understand. Even with Mark around there's just always too many things going on.
Hope you feel better.