Saturday, September 13, 2008

No sleep

For the tired, well not much anyway. I couldn't figure out last night why I could not fall asleep. I had a sinus headache and took some Tylenol, before going to bed. Usually when I take Tylenol on top of my usual sleeping aid, (I usually take this at dinner, so I don't forget later) I am asleep before I can turn the lights out. Not so last night and I was too tired to try to figure out why that was, so instead, I just tossed and turned most of the night, (dumb reasoning I know, but I was tired) my headache did go away though. This morning I'm looking through my medicine storage container that I have to use, so I remember to take all the pills I take daily. All the pills for yesterday are gone, and I remember taking my medicine last night at dinner, I was stumped, if I took the sleeping aid why didn't I fall asleep? I look at today's assortment of pills and don't see that familiar little blue one. I guess if I don't put the pills in the storage container I don't take them either. Some how yesterday morning when I'm filling up the stupid thing up, and getting myself and 3 girls ready, for school I didn't even notice I had missed putting that pill in, and then didn't notice not taking it at dinner. I'm glad it wasn't one of my heart meds I forgot. But geez, I could also do without a burning throat today, because of lack of sleep.

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