Friday, December 31, 2010
Year Ending
The last few days we didn't do much. I did get my stitches out on Tuesday, which took about an hour and 2 doctors to get out. I then did a little shopping, and almost lost the car. I was scared, cold and alone in a very large parking lot. I finally found it, thank goodness! Wednesday it started raining and the temperature really dropped. Sarah went to a friend's house in Mesa on Tuesday, J and I picked them up and they spent the night out our house on Wednesday. I also went with a few friends for girls night out for a few hours. Yesterday it was cold enough to snow a little bit in Phoenix! Today we were going to go to the zoo, but it was too cold. We started taking down the Christmas decorations. What a mess mt house is now! P went out and got us some dinner, and soon we'll start playing some family games before we ring in the New Year.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Very busy, very fun last few days. On Christmas Eve we attended church at 5:30 and my in-laws met us there. R and all of kids church sang beautifully. After church we came back here and had a little snack of little smokies wrapped in quartered biscuits and soft pretzels with cheese. Pretty tasty. R read us the Night Before Christmas and we opened one gift before going to bed. Christmas morning I had to wake everyone at 8:30, once we read "our" Christmas book (the story of Christmas)we opened gifts. S was very happy with the Just Dance 2 game for the Wii, and R was very happy with her keyboard. J of course loved all his Steelers stuff! We then headed over to Aunt Jul and Uncle Will's to exchange gifts and brunch. My nephew called from his Navy station and we all got to wish him a Merry Christmas. Very cool. We left about noon to come home to get the house ready to host P's family for Christmas dinner. P wanted spaghetti so that's what we had. Opening gifts took awhile since there were 14 of us, with numerous gifts each. After dinner the kids tried out the keyboard and the Wii game. Very fun! Sunday we picked P's Aunt up who was visiting from California for church and lunch out. P had to go to work, but the rest of us got to enjoy watching Alice in Wonderland with his Aunt and parents. Followed by the rest of our families coming over for game night. Very fun, but long day! Yesterday we spent the day with P's family at Amazing Jakes it was very fun. They all left about 4, but we stayed on for 3 more hours, playing more bowling, riding rides and playing games, before eating dinner before we left. It was a great family outing. When we got home we started to watch a movie, I didn't last long and was falling asleep on the couch, I was the first one to bed and then the first one up at almost 11 AM. The saddest part of yesterday was because we were gone so long I think Baby thought we would never come home, she was very, very happy when we let her in.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
It's Saturday and I have 2 weeks off
The girls danced beautifully last weekend. I was sorry to see the weekend end, it went by so fast. This week was another busy week. And big change for our household. A puppy! Baby is 7 or 8 months old and just adorable. R brought her home the Thursday of her band concert. P finally agreed to let us keep her on Sunday. She was a stray or abandoned. Her right front leg is injured, and the vet doesn't think we should do anything about it, since she is getting around OK and it's not hurting her. We'll get her license after she gains some weight she only weighs 4 pounds now and we have her spade. Tuesday night S had her 8th grade chorus concert. Wednesday she had bible study and J needed to buy some secret Santa gifts, we went to Fry's and I did the grocery shopping while he was picking out his gifts and S was at bible study. Thursday night R had her "Pirates" play with her school's drama club. She was very good and it was a very cute play. Yesterday at work when I was walking a student out to meet his mom I fell and cut open my knee. I had to get 8 stitches to close it up. What a way to end the last day of work for 2010. NOT!!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Busy Week followed by Snow Queen weekend
Something every night this past week. Including last night which was R's first band concert. She did very well. This afternoon they had a dress rehearsal for The Snow Queen performances this weekend. Both girls are excited about preforming! I'm tired already! But I love watching my girls and their cousins dance.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sickness and decorating
Yesterday I woke up with horrible pain and pressure all over my face. Called and made a doctor's appointment driving to work. Worked for 45 minutes. Sinus infection. Antibiotics, stay home for at least 2 days. Managed to buy some groceries with waiting for my prescription, no list just winged it. I was planning on going back to work not shopping. Took a long afternoon nap. Started decorating for Christmas. The tree still needs to be set up, and decorated and the table for the village needs to be brought in, and then set up. I felt terrible last night I'm sure I over did it. J and R helped me. But still probably not the best thing to do. But I couldn't stand all the boxes all over the living room. The tree and ornaments are currently covering the couches in the living room. I still have lots of pressure in my head today, I won't be doing anything today. P was off yesterday and he got all the lights and things outside decorated, so the outside looks really good. I can't wait until the kids get home from school one will be sweeping the messy kitchen/family room floor and another will be vacuuming. I think I need to take a nap. I did decorate my blog and the back ground for my computer, with out much energy taken LOL.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving Day 2
I let the kids sleep in, while I whittled away on preparing our feast. I had to get J up to help me with the turkey, it was way to heavy for me. After everything was made, and the turkey in the oven the girls and I went shopping. I am no black Friday shopper, Blockbuster, Walgreens, Target, Michaels, and Dollar Tree weren't so bad, and I got a few deals. I think I am done with shopping, other than a movie that won't be out for a few weeks. After shopping the girls watch Eloise at Christmas, after dinner R and I tried to watch Miracle on 34th Street but I couldn't stay awake. We had a lovely dinner, then S went to spent the night at a friend's house. Other than I've been struggling with a bloody nose for days, the last few days have been wonderful.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving Day One
Watched the parade with the kids. S made us cinnamon rolls for breakfast. The kids played Wii nicely together. S ate her first piece of pumpkin pie. We all went to see Tangled in 3D. It was a very cute family movie (and I didn't fall asleep, which is how I rate if the movie is good, LOL) We came home and got ready to go out to dinner with P's mom, and his sister and her family. It was an enjoyable evening. It was awkward at first because we haven't seen P's sister in 16 years or so. We had never met her husband, who is very nice. Her son is very polite young man. Today P is working till 4:30, and we'll be having our own Thanksgiving meal, just the 5 of us.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgving!!!!
I've been debating if I should do a sappy I'm thankful for list as I sit here watching the parade with my children. And I'm thinking that sentence is what I am most thankful for.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The week in review
Monday I went to work late, first to see my heart doctor, then an interview at R's school. I didn't think I would get the job, but I had to try. Got to Sunset Ridge and got a phone call from Sunrise that R was sick, took me forever to get a hold of P to go pick her up, jeez I had just left Sunrise. Came home from work called my brother to wish him a happy birthday, made dinner, dropped S off at her dance class. Went to my book club. It was just me and the hostess, but we had a fun discussion of the book and lives. Tuesday morning R decides she couldn't go to school, so I got to stay home and snuggle with her all day. J didn't have scouts so I got to watch S's jazz class it's been several weeks. Wednesday I worked a whole day. S had bible study, I dropped her off and P picked her up. Thursday after work I saw my neurologist who wants to try another drug for my back spasms. I called P on the way to the doctor's and told him how to start dinner, he had it almost all together when I got home, which was so wonderful I didn't have to cook! Yesterday the kids had an early release day. Most of the paras went out to lunch together. One of the dearest ones bought my lunch for me. I'd like her to adopt me, she's such the sweetest lady. And she's old enough to be my mother. After lunch we went on walk troughs of different classrooms, then had a team meeting. We went really long and I didn't clock out till almost 4. I went to my favorite teachers room and read waiting for Marcella to bring our girls to the Fall Festival, which started at 5, I'm glad Marcella thought of the awesome plan. The girls had a fun time and I got to show off Sunset Ridge and my favorite student. Slept in this morning till 9, and haven't even started laundry yet, but I guess I must soon, cause it's not gonna get done otherwise.
Monday, November 15, 2010
good news
Saw my heart doctor this morning, that horrible stress test came back normal! The irregular heartbeat is normal for a heart valve. And he'll see me in 6 months. I am so relived.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mumbled Mess of a post
I didn't think it ever would be Saturday again. Kidding. Sort of. The week just seemed long because there weren't any days off, or earlier releases and I worked a few hours longer this week. So glad we have Thursday off this week, anyone want to go to a parade? It will be J's last Veteren's Day parade with his JROTC unit, P will be at work. So, the vicadon the doctor put me on really makes me tired. Driving to work is especially scary. I called him and asked for something else which I tried for 24 painful hours. At work I had to work with a different student for a few days, the general education teacher I work with asked if that could please stop, she needs me (there was a sub in the room for me on those days). I love working with this teacher, we have similar teaching styles, and she appreciates me. It is such a wonderful compliment that when she didn't get results from the special ed team she went to the principal to fight for me :) The mapping of our special services team is being redone and we are adding a 6th para professional to the team. I am hoping mine doesn't get all messed up. I like my day just fine as it is. I finally put out some Fall decorations today. I really didn't feel like decorating for Fall until it got cooler than 90. The forecast looks promising this week. R got up this morning to help me get the Bountiful basket, she actually offered so I treated her to McDonald's for breakfast, and fake nails at Walgreen's. She did my nails too, I lost 2 of them with out even knowing, I ripped the others off before I lost any more. J went to a chicken BBQ with his scout troop, and S to my oldest nieces Fall Festival. My friend texted me during the day on Thursday to tell me there was an on-campus reassignment posted for a part-time EL para at Sunrise. I called and left a message for the principal, only someone from Sunrise applied so they got the job, before it went out to district. I was having lots of mixed up emotions about it, therefore I just prayed and gave it to God. I really love Sunset Ridge, I hate driving there, but love the campus and staff. Love that gen ed teacher and our 1st grade class. I hate working so many hours, but we really need the income. I would love to be back at Sunrise for R, who thought it was going to be so great me not being there, only for her to realize she misses me being there. I had the worst sinus headache yesterday, lasted all day, and because of the vicadan I can't even take regular Tylenol any more. OK, that's all I can think of right now.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Stress Test
On Wednesday I took the day off for the nuclear stress test. It was horrible, I made P promise me that I would never have to do that again. Like if I'll ever forget it. First they started an IV but of course didn't get the first vein and he couldn't find a big enough one in my arms, therefore started it in my hand. Hurt something awful. Then there was a medicine that went into the IV, then some waiting, and I had my echo done. Then I had to lie perfectly still for 20 minutes for the "pictures" the machine seemed like a cross between and MRI and CT, only it was completely quite. Wait some more, then the treadmill part. My resting heart rate was 60, my O2 level 99. I was suppose to walk until my heart rate was 150, then continue walking for 1 more minute. After 2 and a half minutes and my heart rate was 90 the gal running the test asked me how I was feeling. Dizzy, she asked if I wanted to stop and I said yes without any hesitation. I then had to have medication to raise up my heart rate with out exercise, I was asked if I wanted to sit up or lie down. I thought I better lie down what if I got dizzy again. The medication was to work for 4 minutes then the 1 minute of the second medication. It was horrible, I couldn't breath. I thought I was dying. I really thought some oxygen would feel good. I had to close my eyes to focus on breathing. It took a long time for my O2 level to come back up. So scary. After that horror, I had anther period of waiting then "pictures" again. It took almost exactly 4 hours. I see the doctor on the 15th, for the results.
Arthritis in my back
Finally made it to the nuerogist yesterday after work. The muscle spasms I have been having is do to arthritis. I never heard of such a thing. I could try physcial theraphy, but he didn't recomend it. PT sometimes can cause more damage than good. I could try a chiropractor, but again it may cause more damage than help me, plus it's not covered well by our insurance so I won't try this. Another option is epidural shots, which he is nervous about because I'd have to be off my coumidin, which isn't so great of an option. Right now were going to do Vicidin for pain. If I don't like that, we'll try other pain meds. He doesn't even care if I become atticted because really I need something for pain, that's not going to just go away on it's own.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
One mystery is solved. I thought my back doctor's appoint was on Friday at 4 PM, when I got there the office was closed, lights off door locked. Bummer I had even remembered the films from my MRI. Of course I tried calling, but no answer go figure! They were closed. Today in church when I was digging in my purse for a pen, I found the slip of paper that had my appointment time on it. I was really supposed to have gone on Thursday at 4, not Friday. Not sure why I didn't get a reminder call, or a you missed your appointment call. Hopefully I can get in this week at 4 any day but Wednesday would work, since I have my stress test and echo followed by R's parent/teacher conference at 4:30. I guess if I have to I can try to go in between things. I'm really stressed about the stress test. I don't think that's a good sign.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
things are better
P and I are talking again. R is the one who made us. She kept asking me for days to say "I'm sorry" It was killing me. I started the conversation with P that R wants me to say I'm sorry. We aired out a lot of things and for a few days now things have been pleasant. We need a budget and a plan to stick with it. I spent some time looking on our online banking yesterday and it's not I who has been spending needlessly. I'm glad this work week is over. 2 early release days and wild 1st grade kiddos and a sub in the classroom (for the past 2 weeks) I'm in for most of the day = not much fun for me. The regular teacher will be back on Monday, her grandmother died and she had to fly to Guam. Thursday after the students were dismissed we had meetings all afternoon. Then because I had a horrible sinus headache I left at 3:30, so I had to stay on Friday till 3:30. Friday afternoon I did some coping for teachers but that's about it. It was pretty boring. yesterday afternoon R spent at a friend's house, her mom dropped her off and we talked for a long time, then went outside and while we were talking ants were biting at my feet and ankles I finally had to excuse myself and go inside they were driving me crazy. I soaked them in the bathtub to no relief when J said try to soak them in tea, so I added tea to the water, that didn't really help, but then one of the bags broke and I rubbed the loose tea on my feet and ankles and what a difference! I got out grabbed some extra thick socks, reapplied the loose tea and was able to sleep last night. I think that's the worst I've ever been bitten by ants. I thought ants go in after dark?
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Angry and Frustrated
P got home Thursday afternoon from the annual father and sons Grand Canyon hike. I tried being really extra nice to him, put he didn't even seem to notice and shut me down. Whatever. Friday morning I mention to him to pick up some milk when he went in to get his schedule. I called and had to remind him. Really he's a grown man, shouldn't he have at least noticed when he poured his milk on his cereal we need milk, even if he forgot the conversation with me? He said "oh, yeah I guess the milk is almost gone" But he probably had just gotten up, it was only 1:15 PM when I called. When I got home from work and picking J up, he says he forgot about the APS bill and we bounced the payment $35 extra cost. Great. He said he would take J back to school for his JROTC fun night, only when it was time to leave he was screwing together his bookshelf that I guess was coming apart. So I ended up taking J. You think he could have made sure the girls we changing clothes, brushing out their hair so we would be ready on time, for our niece's high school football game oh no. Luckily it wasn't very crowded and we didn't stand in a long line to get tickets, therefore we made it for the National Anthem. Climbing up the bleachers I nearly fell and he was behind me and he never asked if I was OK, or tried to steady me. Pretty much he sat like a lump beside me but careful not to talk or touch me, during the game. I just went to bed last night. This morning my alarm went off at 7 to go pick up our Bountiful Basket that I had to charge, since I thought he left for his trip up north with just $.50 (really we were negative) Anyway this morning he did not get up to help me get the basket. He has been coming to help, I guess he really doesn't want to help me today. I started laundry when I got home, P actually got up before noon, but didn't do one thing to help me. The girls had to clean their room today since we weren't going to go anywhere as a family like I asked about doing last week. We have no money, and I just got paid. I am so tired of not having any money to do anything. I know in his mind that if the girls didn't take dance lessons we would have money. Granted R doesn't always love dance, but I really feel like she should be involved in some sport, and right now when I never know when P is going to work from week to week I really can't sign her up for lets say soccer. 2 practices a week and a game day. ANd soccer is going to have a price tag too. It won't work for me, I need help all the time for it to work. She only has to keep dancing for 2 more years then she can join as many sports as she wants in Middle School. S on the other hand it would break her heart to stop dancing. She loves it so much. The girls discovered 2 more loads of laundry while they unearthed the floor. S did that laundry. Right before dinner P eats a snack of some lunch meat and chips. I made dinner myself as usual. P ate one chicken strip. I wanted to yell thanks for wasting a paper plate! The kids and I cleaned up while he sat there like a lump. Then got up and started getting ready for bed. It was 5:30, he has to work at 4 AM. J helped me and the girls reassemble their bunk beds and I discovered 2 more loads of laundry, we'll have to work on that tomorrow, my back is killing me. The carpets need a good vacuum too, I'll have to get one of the kids to help me with that. Tomorrow brings us serving during the first service attending the second then racing home for the girls to get ready for Snow Queen rehearsal. Then home to do their laundry, and vacuuming.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Today, since we didn't have school I made doctors appointments. So, at 9:15 I saw my neurologist, well that was after I got off the wrong floor to see him. After we talked and he poked me with his little needle and even though I kinda knew and he confirmed that both my knees are now numb on the inside, it's another rare weird thing I have wrong with me. Anyway because of the numbness and the spasms I have been having in my lower back he ordered an MRI and I get to go back to see him. After leaving that office I had a little break and went to Michael's to exchange the cord S got yesterday, but she wanted the stretchy kind and got the non stretchy kind. Then I went to the building were my cardiologist moved to, and in that building has a radiology department too, so I could schedule the MRI, did that but really they only schedule by phone so I got to do that on their phone, kinda weird. It's not like I even had their number just the order from the doctor. Then I headed to the floor I thought the cardiologist was on, but I had the wrong floor, so I tried the nest floor, only as it turned out I had the wrong building. As I was on hold with the office to find out where the freaking office was I went into one of the other offices in the wrong building and asked and the girl at the front desk who actually knew where I was supposed to be,(the building across the parking lot) which was good, because the person who came on the phone after being on hold for 10 minutes could only give me an address not directions since it was a service. My cardiologist moved in with a new group of doctors, so although I have seen him for many years, I've never seen him at this office before. I saw the doctor and had an EKG done, then he comes back to tell me that I have an irregular heartbeat, which doesn't look good. What. I've had my share of heart issues but not an irregular heartbeat before. He asked if I felt it. No, I don't think so. He orders a stress test and echo, which won't be until the 27th, and it's supposed to last 4 hours, I knew I was in trouble with how long it was going to take when the girl scheduling it says bring a snack. I called P as soon as I made it to the car because I was really quite upset. He left this morning with his Dad and brother to hike the Grand Canyon. I came home for a little bit to check on the kids both girls had friends spend the night last night. I would not have let S or R spent the night at a friends house when neither parent was going to be home all day, and the 17 year old brother was in charge. OK S is 13 and responsible, but I don't think I would like that. Both moms were OK with it. Not that J would do anything, to them but I would not be comfortable with it at all. I left the house at 1 to get some lunch and shoe shopping. It was loud at my house and I was stressed, I had to get out of here. I then went to see the Gynecologist for my yearly visit and mammogram. I thought my appointments were at 2:30 and 3, but as it turned out I was off by 30 minutes they really were @ 2 and 2:30, I still got poked and squashed, and have the results in a few weeks. The GYN gave be samples of an estrogen pill I'm going to try to see if that helps one area of me feel better.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
my blog posts are turning into weekly events
I really like to blog for a few reasons, the first is purely selfish reason. I want to keep a journal of our life as a family, for us the 5 of us, and for anyone else you finds our life interesting. We had an amazing rain/hail storms on Tuesday. I got pelted on the head during the first storm which was at dismissal time. My little first grader I walk him to a parent was really scared. We had to go back in the classroom and wait out the hail. He sat cuddled on my lap with his head buried in my chest crying, I felt terrible. Driving in the rain on the freeway was not so fun, I didn't think I would ever get home. After the second rain/hail storm Boy Scouts was canceled for J. I still took S to her dance class and didn't have any trouble on the roads, but we are only about a mile away and I don't use any major streets to get there. I'm really getting burned out of having to cook dinner every night usually I have to start something as soon as I walk in the door from school I just need a little downtime before I am on to my next job so to speak. I'm praying about what to do to fix this.
Friday after school P and I had to take the van in to get a tire looked at. Then it was the start of picking up friends. S and 1 friend come over to spend the night. R's friend had to wait until I was done with the grocery shopping, P went ti get this friend, then S asked if her boy whose a friend could come over, P went and picked him up. It was very loud in the house and outside with 3 teens and p - 10 year olds. R's friend left about 10, as did the boy who is a friend left. S's girlfriend spent the night. P and I got up and got out Bountiful basket together, we run into one of my sister's friends and we traded somethings. We got her artichokes and she got our red pepper and onions. The kids were pretty happy that we all got our own artichoke for dinner last night. I baked a half a tender pork roast. Yummy meal. P and J went to see nephew/cousin play during his first football game of his season. After P fixed the grill by getting a new propane tank, he took R to see "Legends of the Guardians". Took S's friend home and S and I picked up Karate Kid for us to watch as a family. Pat fell asleep so he missed it, but the rest of us watched it together. We all went to church this morning which was the first time in over a month. The guys and R stayed home to watch the Cardinals game. I have been wanting to spend time with just me and S, so I suggested we do some shopping, have Panda Express for lunch and go to a movie. We saw "Easy A" I'm not sure I really enjoyed it we did talk about some of the scenes. R really wants to see it and I don't think that's going to happen an year soon.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Much Better
I'm feeling better and it's been much nicer of a weekend so far. I'm still coughing, not as much as before but the feeling of someone sitting on my chest is gone. Friday night S spent the night at a friend's house. P took me out on a date! It's been a long time. We had a quick dinner at Chick Fil A because I took too long dropping off S. I haven't seen S's friend's mom in awhile, she's one of my best friends so it was great talking to her IRL not just texting or talking on our cells. Anyway after P and I had dinner we saw the movie Like Dandelion Dust. I loved it. It's been a long time since I read the book by Karen Kingsbury but I think the movie didn't stray far from the book.
This morning P went with me to pick up our Bountiful Basket, then he took me out for breakfast. Came home and started the laundry and P was fooling around doing other stuff. My niece B came over to drop off my camera that she borrow to take pictures for me of the Deer Valley High School Homecoming parade. It was great that she was able to take her 2 year old to see J in the parade for me. B stayed and visited while I made dinner, artichokes and cheese sticks with strawberries and cookies for dessert. It sounds like a strange meal, but it was pretty awesome. Relaxing family day, which I really enjoyed after being so sick last Saturday.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Snow Queen 2010
R will be a Village Miss and S will be a Village Maiden. I'm so proud of my girls for getting a part! (:
The weekend started out fun. S and I went to my niece's high school football game where she is on the Auxiliary Team. She did great, but I, of course had no doubt that she wouldn't :) Such a klutz that I am, I fell leaving the stands and I'm sporting a nice size bruise on the inside of my left knee. We left the game a little early because S had a youth group activity, It was at a place called Jump Street which houses floor to wall trampolines. She had a great time until it was time to leave and her cell phone which she had hidden behind her shoes was gone. She came home very upset, and I was already upset because I had just tried starting the dryer for the last load of laundry before I went to bed and it wouldn't start. I woke J up to help me, nothing doing the dryer wouldn't start. Laying out clothes all over the place and trying to help S calm down and report her phone stolen was not so fun at 12:30 A. M. Saturday I didn't do much of anything other than cough :( P and J got a new dryer for me at Lowe's. Trying out today, not sure on the settings, I'm waiting on the first load to see what happened. Yesterday the girls auditioned for parts in The Snow Queen. Praying they both make it.
Hopefully I'll get rid of this cough
I am still coughing a lot. I haven't slept for the past 3 nights coughing so much. I've been trying to sleep on extra pillow, humidifier, night time has been horrible. Yesterday I tried going to The Little Clinic. Was told they couldn't do anything for me. I cried. Pat who was at work took me into the manager's office to help me calm down. S had an orthodontist appointment this morning, P had to work so I was going to have to go in late, but P convinced me to take the day off. I called my doctor's office first thing this morning when they opened and got an appointment, I didn't see who I normally see in the office, I saw my cousin's wife. That was awesome because I didn't have to go through any medical history with her, and she's one of my friend's on Facebook, so she knows how lousy I have been feeling. I left armed with a much stronger antibiotic, cough medicine with codeine and some for the yeast infection I developed from the last antibiotic, I think I feel better already. I can't believe I've used half of my personal/sick days already this school year and we're only starting week 7.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sickness go away
You are so not fun. I think it's ridiculous to be this sick when it's only September. And today's high is supposed to be 105. That's just too hot to have a achy, runny, stuffy nose, plugged ears, cough that won't stop, feverish body. I'm dizzy from the medication I got yesterday, have no energy, don't feel like doing anything and therefore am a little bored. But yeah, I haven't gone to work this week. Hoping Thursday I'll make it. Using 3 sick days this early in the school year worries me.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
More Car Drama
Different car this time. Our 1999 Saturn L-series. Recently the oil light started appearing on the dashboard. When I first noticed it P said "no problem, we've got plenty of time" and was planning on taking it for an oil change the next time he was off. Yesterday afternoon driving home from work, I heard rattling for a about a mile then POP, I smelled burning rubber and the car was losing power rapidly. I was on the freeway with no where to stop. I got off at the Happy Valley exit, and lets just say cars behind me were not happy with me. I pulled off to the side of the road where the old landfill is. Called AAA for a tow. First I thought it was a tire, then after looking at all of them, and seeing stream coming up from the engine I thought must be a belt that broke. (OK, I really don't know much about cars, but one time before I was married I had a belt break so I thought that must be what happened). AAA tow truck driver amazingly was across the street. I wasn't waiting alone for long. He towed the car to a shop at Cave creek and Bell, so the towing cost me $25. The mechanic and the owner of the shop confirmed the problem, a hole in the engine. Which means a whole new engine. I call P at Fry's to come and pick me up to take me home. I cried all the way home and for a long time after he left and went back to work. I was exhausted with a bad cold on top of all this unease. I was coughing so much last night I was vomiting. While I did laundry today, P looked up cars online. He found a 2005 Dodge Caravan in a price range we have to stretch our budget into adding monthly payments. P decided it would be better to get a newer car than replace the engine of an older one, we would need a loan either way. Off we went this afternoon and got it. P is thinking of getting the Saturn to our house to park out front to possibly add to security of our house, hopefully robbers will think someone is home. Now that we have a car payment I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to work part-time. Working full-time is very hard on me.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
September and it's still so hot!
Last week it did cool off a little, like barely under 100. Yesterday we had indoor recess because of a heat advisory. So crazy that it was over 110 in September. Today is supposed to be hot again, looking at the forecast for the coming week I saw some in the 90's temps. You have no ides how much this pleases me. I'm so ready for cooler weather. We didn't make it to my Uncle Don's birthday party. The car overheated on the way. Well, that's my guess anyway because P had it in the shop and they couldn't find anything wrong with it. This should not be called Labor Day weekend, but birthday weekend. My youngest nephew's birthday was this past Tuesday, my sister's birthday on Sunday, my oldest niece's birthday is Sunday, My Mother-in-Law's birthday is Monday, Navy nephew's birthday is Monday. My Father-in-Law's birthday was the 24th, and my youngest niece's birthday is the 12th. Parties all weekend. National guard nephew came home from Iraq this past week, and we'll get to see him too. I had a horrible headache on Thursday. So glad the kids didn't have anything they needed me to do by the time I got home from work I thought my head would explode. P brought me my contact case for me to whip those babies out and Tylenol before he left to go with his Dad to the Cardinal pre-season game. After throwing up, I slept for 2 hours, got up and yelled at the kids, read for almost an hour and slept till it was time to get up on Friday morning. Took Tylenol all day Friday to avoid a repeat of this. I felt OK all day, but I did have a bloody nose around 1 that took a long time to stop. And since recess was inside, I wasn't outside for a long 30 minutes like I was on Thursday. So far today my only complaints are a sore throat and I'm sweating! Tuesday J had a senior meeting at 6, followed by open house at 7 (he only wanted to check in with his JROTC Major, S had dance class at 7, P was at work, J and I had to go get his car at Fry's so we had 2 cars to do all these things. Yesterday S had an after school dance till 5, then she went to the church office for First Friday Jr. High night at 7. She kept me busy, driving her around. P had the worst schedule this week. Thursday was his only day off and he was at the game. Next week so far is a little better with a few nights of him being home for dinner, and off next Saturday. He was supposed to be off today, but was asked to work, so I'm not planning anything until I see he's really here.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Back to School
First week went well for everyone. R hates having to walk home, especially since on the days she has PE last hour, which for now when it's so hot is in the multi-purpose building, which is the farthermost building from the exit she needs to use to start her walk home. P worked 6 days this week, hopefully if he gets any days off during the week, he will pick her up, so she won't be so crabby. It's a big change for her, because I've always been on campus and took her home and she's never had to walk home. J is loving being a TA in JROTC, sounds like it's his most favorite period. S is learning random things about her teachers, and randomly tells them to me, too funny. I have had sore feet every night, and am sporting one new blister on my toe. I wish I could find sandals that I could walk in and not hurt my feet. There was a near break in of our house on Tuesday, either right after J got home from school or right before he heard noise when he was in the bathroom, room into his room and got his knife and by the time him got it, they left, the French door was broken and the carport door unlocked. P and J were up very late last night installing a security system, hopefully we'll all be safe and our things from now own. Were off to Prescott soon to celebrate my Uncle Don's 100th birthday.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I have been thinking about how when I was in kindergarten and we had to learn to tie our own shoes. My sister was given the task of teaching me, and I remember a very long night with her determined to teach and me so frustrated I was crying. But I learned how to tie my own shoes that night. J wasn't really ready in kindergarten to learn how to tie. I only bought him Velcro shoes, unfortunately he didn't start tying his own shoes until 4th grade, which was a good thing because it was getting hard to find shoes that Velcroed in bigger sizes. Why this rush own memory lane. I am spending most of my work day in kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms. Shoes are always untied. I'm just nervous when I see kiddos with untied shoes because falling and tripping. I think I should charge for every lace I tie I'd be a millionaire. Well, maybe not a millionaire, but richer. I could collect a lot on those shoes with the round laces, because they never stay tied even double knotted. I'm officially beyond tired, one more day of the first week, whoo, hoo!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Last Day Of Summer
As I sat here sweating typing that title, it seems a rather a crazy thought. Yet today is my last day of summer break. Which hasn't seemed long enough, maybe it would have if I didn't work 5 of the weeks. If only it was below 100 degreesit would be better. I'm still looking for a part-time job, but in the mean time I'll start the school year off at Sunset Ridge. Tomorrow I won't have to drive all the way there as the all day meeting is close by. Thursday I start out close by at a high school, but finish at the campus. Friday all day at the campus. I am so nervous about this whole thing. Working at a school where I don't know anyone. No students, no parents, no staff, where anything on the campus is located. I haven't even met the principal in person. I do know where the school is since I took a test drive, but I can't get there without my Mapquest directions. I should be cleaning or washing but really I am just too hot and don't feel like it. I know I'll regret not doing anything today, but I just don't want too. Partly that has to do I was up late last night reading. In the book the main character's Mom is dying and I had to get through that part and end on something happier before going to sleep. I was crying so bad there for awhile. Yesterday I took S to get her schedule, then did the dreaded taking the girls to Justice, so they could pick out their first day of school tops. They could be there all day. J still needs some binders, but then we are done ready for school until it starts and they tell me the things I've forgotten. Right now J only has 4 classes, TA in JROTC, JROTC, L.A., and economics. He met with his counselor at the end of last year and they did his schedule. Not sure what happened. I have a call in to the counseling office and hopefully they can get him a full schedule with classes he will be happy with. He just won't have a ride home everyday if they don't give him more classes. R had an orthrodontist at a dreaded 4:20 appointment time. Traffic was horrible. I didn't make this appointment P did, but lucky him he was at work so I had to drive. I made J cook dinner, or there would not have been time to eat before dance classes started yesterday at 6.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
is so stressful. Monday I had an interview for a kinder extended day para professional. Someone else got that job who had more kinder experience. Today I interviewed for an accounting clerk. Which I would love, I had to test before the interview. I'll find out tomorrow or Monday if I got it. The school is very close by. Which really pleases me, I hate driving.
The principal at this school wasn't there for the interview but she listened in to the interview on speaker phone. That was different. She did apologize for not being there in person. It was just strange.
Friday, July 30, 2010
My Birthday in Review
Celebrated yesterday morning with breakfast in Bed that S made for me. Yummy caramel rolls. P and the kids gave me my present. A laptop! I am very excited to play with my own own computer. After breakfast I took R and 2 of her friends to Pump It Up the only summer activity she was able to do with the church kids, other than camp that is. While the kids played I sat and talked with my friend Kim whom I barely ever get to talk with, so that was fun for me! On the way home we stopped for ice cream. The day just flew by,after a lovely summer rain shower it time to go to Red Lobster for dinner. Yummy snow crab legs. I played with computer when we got home until very late. All in all a pretty great birthday. J spent the night at Aunt Jul's house, while they went up north for a few days. S went to The Salt River tubing with the youth group from church, P went hiking it was just R and I and home all day, which was good because I've been dragging.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The very next day...
After I took the para professional job 2 things happened. R was going to her friend's hour who lives in Anthem, so I decided to stop by the school I took which was on the way, from home with no traffic it took 20 minutes to get to the school. Which for me is a long drive, since I'm used to a 2 minute drive. When I got home I saw a 4 hour a day position posted for a school a few miles away from J's high school and S's middle school. I have an interview set up next Monday with the principal. I would prefer the 4 hour a day job. But I'm going to trust God on this, he knows where he wants me to work, and who knows what still might come up. Friday afternoon, the kids and checked in to a local hotel, we swam for a few hours and had a fun time. They left to get pizza and go home. P met me at the hotel when he got off work. We went to the restaurant in the hotel and had a fabulous dinner, we tried things we wouldn't normally try, it was fun, I had champagne which was awesome, the server refilled it a few times and before we left, she refilled it again had me take the glass to the room. It's been a long time since I've drank so much I had no problems with it, and even my blood levels were fine the next day. P and I had a fun time celebrating our anniversary alone. Saturday back to reality and laundry. Monday I took R out to start school supply shopping, and for her to pick out a pair of shoes for school. Today P and I took the kids to Amazing Jake's. It was very fun, but it would have been better if we had several more hours to stay and do more things. Tomorrow is S's day for school supplies, maybe a hair cut, and Vans.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
"Be Still"
On April 21st, the last professional day of the 2009-2010 school year, the meeting started out with "some of you won't have jobs next school year". I knew right away I would be one of those hearing the news personally, since I only had 2 years full-time with the district. The meeting was held in the same auditorium as our church meets. Every week since then sitting in service was a reminder of being surplussed. Not that I could forget it on the other days of the week. Then July 1st came and I was put on the reduced in force category. I started applying to other districts. I actually had an interview for Friday that I canceled. As I have been praying about working it seemed like I was hearing God tell me to "be still". Today I was offered a job (really there are 2 campus openings in my job category and I had my choice of which campus). I chose the one closer to home, about 15 minutes away, and the school has been excelling for the past 3 years. I barely got off the phone with HR and the principal called to welcome me. She sounded really nice. The job is 35 hours per week, which is more than I want, but now that I am a district employee again I can post for jobs that are in the same job class but fewer hours, I don't know when something will come up, but I feel better about at least having a position to start the school year with and to work with. Please keep praying for us!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It's my party...
And I'll cry if I want too. Summer is just flying by. Only 1 more week of summer school, then 2 weeks till my birthday, then 2 weeks till school starts. It's making me depressed for lots of different reasons, the top 2 my baby will be a senior, and I don't have a job yet. I just filled out an online application for Washington School District. They have (3) 18-20 hour a week jobs posted that I'm qualified for and aren't in the kitchen or crossing guards, which I really can't do physically even if I was interested. 4th of July found the kids and I at church and out for lunch as usual, P worked till 7:30 PM, therefore no fireworks, which I think the kids are getting to be OK with, since it's been several years, I hate the heat, which is usually my excuse. We played outside after it got dark, R made a cake all by herself as a special treat. On Monday P was off and we took the kids to see Toy Story 3, it was a relaxing 4 day weekend.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
It's so strange to only have 1 kid at home
Sunday night was so quite. Yesterday afternoon we picked up my youngest niece and spent the afternoon at a public pool, after lunch at Subway that is. We came home and did some crafts. The girls started on the shrinky dinkys first. I suggested they read the directions first. They were so funny, they freaked out when they curled up, not knowing that happens first then they strink, but had they read the directions, they would have :) Then they moved on to a wind chime craft, and wouldn't you know it, I leaned over the table and got paint all over my dress. UGH. We had dinner and watched "Because of Winn-Dixie". One of R's favorite movies. I think she wishes she was Opal and could rescue a dog to come live with us. This afternoon I took R bowling just the 2 of us, it was fun, without competing brother, sister, or friend. When we got home she let me have an hour to myself, and I used it wisely, I took a nap! She kept coming down to my room "checking" on me. Yes, I'm still here, no, I haven't left you, yes, I am still trying to fall asleep. I didn't have to check on her at all, since she was checking in on me! Tomorrow afternoon P and I are going to take her to see "The Karate Kid". I just need to plan something for Thursday, because S will be home on Friday and we'll have lots of laundry to do, before J gets home on Saturday, and he'll need the washer to do his stinky boy clothes.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
It's been awhile
Last weekend was busy with dance recitals and getting R off to camp on Sunday. We even managed to take P to one of his favorite restaurants for Father's Day lunch. Someday soon we'll get to celebrate our 18th anniversary which was also last Sunday. The girls did wonderfully on stage, I am so very proud of them. Fast forward to Thursday, I got a call from the church children's director that R is sick and I need to come pick her up. P was out hiking, I tried to call him to go with me, after 20 minutes of no return call I sent J to get gas in the car. When J got back and P still hadn't called or come home J and I drove to Prescott to get R. She looked OK, but she hadn't eaten all day, on the way home she laid down in the back seat the whole way. Friday she complained of a headache, she was head stuffy, and dragging quite a bit. But she was eating! This morning I took J to the drop off point for scout camp, he'll be home next Saturday. S had friends over, and R and I hung out in my room watching movies. Tomorrow S leaves for church camp. She is very excited. R will be the only kid all week, she's worried that she's going to be so bored. I'm worried I'm going to be exhausted keeping her from being bored! Monday we have plans to hang out with her cousin, which will be fun and she has to go to her Aunt Jul's house a couple of mornings when P and I both have to be at work at 8. It's been a long time since I've had to ask someone to watch one of my kids, that seemed weird.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Dance Rehearsal part 2

Saturday, June 12, 2010
This week went by fast

Monday, June 7, 2010
Clean! Well Almost
Yesterday afternoon I decided I wanted to start helping my girls clean their room. I had 3 large totes and they pulled stuff in them that was on the floor, closets, in corners, etc. Several times over, as I would go through the totes as they were filled and separated the trash from the possessions. I sat on my bed and did this while watching a movie, with the fan on me. First time ever I cleaned their room and didn't sweat. We weren't done last night, it all carried over to today. There's still more to do, but from were it began, the room looks amazing! They did the closet themselves and when I saw how organized the clothes were I wanted to cry because I am so impressed. P cleaned up the back patio some, so that looks good. Unfortunately the vacuum is not working and the carpets really need vacuumed. P thinks it is just the bag and after he gets a new one (why is it, when ever you really need the carpet vacuumed you don't have any bags for it?)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Lazy Week
We haven't done much of anything all week. It's been grand! R went to a birthday party at Foothills Aquatics on Monday, she loved it. I went to Bath and Body Works and Jo Ann's and saved 50% at both places. Great holiday savings! And we have lots of yummy smelling stuff, and I have a few projects to work on. Other than dance classes and S went to a movie with a friend we haven't left the house. Even though there's lots of things I want to do around the house, I found playing on the computer and reading way more appealing. J and I are off to met a Marine Sergent in a few minutes. He's not really looking into joining the Marine's but wants to get information on all branches of the military. We got the results from the knee doctor and is ACL is completely closed! No surgery!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
School's Out!
Today was the last day of school for the year. Next year at this time I will have a graduated child! And one promoted to high school! It's going to be one busy season. All 3 kids had a great year. I am very proud of them for working hard earning good grades, making good friends, and not getting into any trouble!
Monday, May 24, 2010
The word of the day-surplus
I'm praying the word of the day on July 1st, is not RIF. 2 of us sped paras were surplussed today.I hope and pray it all works out quickly and favourable for us. 2 and a half more day for my current contract. Then I'll have 2 weeks off before working 4 weeks of summer school. We maybe facing some very hard choices with our budget. Somethings that will break my heart.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Being Lazy
I feel like being lazy for a little while longer today. I took yesterday off (I want to use up all my personal time before I loose it, if I don't get hired back next school year) I didn't do much of anything all day. I actually went back to bed for awhile after I got the kids off to school. I never feel asleep, but I had some lovely quite time. P was off, he took me to lunch and we went to see "Robin Hood" I don't know that history very well, so it took a long time into the movie before I caught on what was happening. After the movie I dropped J off at my sister's because he went to Geronimo (the Boy Scout camp) with his uncle, for the troop to do their service project before camp, J will be home on Sunday. S went to her last dance for 7th grade. P and I watched "The Tooth Fairy" with R. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I read till very late, because I wanted to finish my library book that was due today, I tried renewing it, but someone had it on hold, so I couldn't, and it's a series and I have the next one to read, I didn't want to wait to request it again. It was very hard getting up this morning to pick up the fruit and vegetable co-op. I wish the house was clean and laundry done so I wouldn't feel guilty in not doing anything right now. I'm also the only one awake, which doesn't really motivate me into doing anything either.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Long Days
Thursday night R had a little concert at school, at the same time as S had her jazz class, I dropped R off at school, dropped S off at dance, went back to school to watch R, picked S up from her class. I'm so thankful the school and dance studio are less than 2 miles apart. P was at work, of course. R wants to try to play the flute next year. Luckily my friend played when she was in high school, the band teacher is going to check it out tomorrow and let me know if it needs any work done to it, I am hoping not, or not expensive so we don't have that rental bill come August. J had an MRI on Friday after school of his knee again. His new doctor didn't feel the torn ACL at his examine a few weeks ago, and wanted to "see it" for himself. The surgeon who did J's surgery in January left the practice, sigh. We didn't leave the MRI place until 5:30, needless to say we got food on the way home, I was tired, hungry, thirsty, and R and I had to be back at school at 6:30. The 6th grade hosted a "Win It In A Minute" night. It was lots of fun, and without planning it, R had a friend, and whose Mom is one of my friends were there, games and hanging out waiting our turns was fun too. Sadly we didn't win any prizes. I helped get donations for the night too. R and I stopped and got Sonic ice cream on the way home. It was a fun date night with my baby! Then things turned really sad. R started to feel yucky about an hour after we got home. She threw up several times. Yesterday she drank a Sprite, but didn't feel like eating, mostly she was plopped on the couch all day. P who was supposed to work yesterday till 7:30, was sent home around 12:30, they were cutting hours and it was his 6th day, therefore he was the first one to go. I was shopping at the time, he helped me finish up. J went fishing with his uncle, S was working on a game project with a friend. P helped me with the laundry, which was good because I started not feeling so wonderful,luckily I never threw up. After I made dinner, but didn't eat it, P and I watched Pirate Radio, some of it was bad,I feel asleep and missed the ending, it's been a long time since P and I had a date night, at home or away, so that was nice that we were able to watch a movie together, just the 2 of us. Today after serving in the nursery and church, and Subway for lunch and I did a few errands, J and I watched To Kill A Mockingbird, which he had just read for school. It's been a few years since I read it, so I didn't really remember what was added, changed, or not put in, but he did and it was so funny hearing him tell me, usually I'm the one who has read the book and complaining what is different.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Dinner Funnies
Dinner was hilarious I made eggplant cubes in melted butter. I told R to take two small pieces, than I started saying something to J in the corner of my eye I saw her slipping the bowl away and I told her two pieces or the whole bowl. Right at that second she pulled the bowl back and put two on her plate and I suggested not to eat the peel (because it was hard) so she bit some and tried to spit all of it out of her mouth. "that's is a great way to in courage J. to take some" as quick as she could she replies "yum"! After that I remember a comic strip from this morning I wanted to share with them, after telling them what it was, J brings over the newspaper, and both J and R get a side and they are now reading all the comics. Which on one hand I think it's great they are reading, but on the other hand, it's time to clean up the kitchen now that dinner is over. What did I start?
Friday, May 7, 2010
My Mother's Day gift
A few months ago, the glass top of my stove cracked and developed 2 holes. This left me 2 burners to cook on, and one of the burners has never really worked well. (I had it looked at and the repair guy said "it was my pan and not the stove", I tried to convince the guy, that my pan works perfectly fine on the other burners, he wouldn't budge with his assessment so I never really used the burner unless I really had to) I've had to for months and it drives me crazy. Therefore, I asked P if for Mother's Day I could have the glass top replaced. On Monday, the repair person came out to replace it, but he tells P that it would be cheaper to replace the whole range. So, P decides to do that, but he still had to pay the service fee of $139 to the repair guy, who did nothing. The new range came today. It is very nice, and has 5 burners one for keeping something warm. The oven is a regular one and conventional. I have never used a conventional oven, so I'll have to learn how to do that. I made homemade pizza for dinner, which turned out wonderfully, and the kids thought the new oven was great, I just think I made good dough!
A blessing!
Yesterday I got an email at school that said I was hired for the "extended school year" program for special ed students. I applied in February. 4 weeks of 4 hour days 4 days a week, June 14th to July 15th. What a great blessing! I still have no clue what I'll be doing next school year, we're still praying for a part-time job to open.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Is it depression or illness? and I hate Saturdays
The last 2 nights I have gone to bed by 8 PM if not earlier. I sleep though the nights with just the normal wakings during the nights. Thursday all the Para professionals met with the school principal. The bottom 2 paras will not have a job next year, I would really like a part time position at the campus, that's what I will be looking for, right now, please pray for me that the job God has in store fore me I will be ready to do it. I am working 3 days in June as the school secretary.That is a nice blessing. Can't what to see what God has in store for us,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Much more of an expensive day
On the way to church on Sunday the car made a horrible rumbling sound, then staled, we were at a traffic light, J was driving. First attempt did not start the car, I suggest he give it a little gas, knowing it will either start the car or flood the engine, but figured it wouldn't hurt to try since we were not going anywhere anyway. He started, but it was rumbling a little bit still, I was to nervous to go to church, and then it not start afterward. He turned us around for home. When P got home from work we dropped it off at the car shop. I can't even tell you what was wrong and I talked to the mechanic. The one thing I did understand him telling me was the back brakes were 90% shot. Grand total of this adventure went on my credit card because it was more than my take home pay for a month. The worst thing is I think the car is still rumbling, well maybe the engine is just loud. I think I'll just turn up the radio so I don't hear it.
Friday, April 23, 2010
expensive day
On Wednesday P's car was towed from where he had it parked while he was at work. P has been parking in the bank that is in the same parking lot as his work location, for months. When he got off work he went into the bank to find out what happened. They resurfaced their parking lot, and had the cars that were parked in the lot were towed. He was given the information to where he could pick the car up. When he called the guy who owns the towing place says he has to leave for a doctor's appointment, so P can not pick up the car until Thursday. What? P calls him on Thursday and says it will be after 3 when we can come to get the car, since I work till 3. He agrees to come back between 5-6 PM to get let us have the car and only charge us an extra $20. The grand total of the towing was $170. The whole thing was just so ridiculous. I had a hard time sleeping on Wednesday night. I took my sleeping pill, then 4 Tylenol, and at midnight when I still was not asleep, I took some night time cough medicine. I finally fell asleep around 1 AM on the couch. Not great sleep I had, and thank goodness J turned on the radio at 6:45, which woke me completely up. (P had woke me up, with his noise and lights when he was getting ready to go to work, but after he left at 6, I fell back to sleep, hard enough not to hear J getting ready for school.) I did fine all day yesterday at work, but as soon as I got home I was exhausted. Driving home after picking up P's car, I fell asleep for a second and my car swerved and when up a curb. Thank goodness it was a curb and not worse and I am fine, but there's a big chunk out of the metal thingy that covers the wheel and the tire needed to be replaced. I drove the rest of the way home with a flat tire. I was very close to home when it happened. I asked J to start to put the spare tire on, I thought it would be a good idea for him to do that and I figured he would only get as far as getting the spare out of the trunk before P got home anyway. He and S were moving the car father in the driveway, when I hear a loud crash. Everybody and everything is fine, the cabinet in family room fell over. Just use you imagination to what happened. S was in the drivers seat. P dropped off my car to Firestone last night, I fell asleep on the couch before 8, and at 8:30 I woke up to banging and went to bed. I sleep completely through the night until I woke up for the first time briefly at 5 AM. I really was tired.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
That's what I would call the professional in service I attended this afternoon. I hate that Arizona does not value our children's education. Education budget cuts, there's got to be a better way to reduce the state budget. Yes, working for a school district I see a lot of waste, but teachers being RIDed, which seems to me like will only increase classroom sizes and stress out remaining teachers, classified employees that will loss their jobs, leaving no office and a few supporting staff members to assist stressed out teachers. It's going to be tough to make it though the last 5 remaining weeks of school not knowing if you will be working come August, and if your children are going to be in classrooms with more than 35 students and one stressed out teacher. Home schooling would not be an option at this point.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Almost Friday!!!
It has been a long work week. AIMS testing week. R will test tomorrow and have 4th grade science on Monday, I'm ready for the days to go back to normal. Also steroids make you so thirsty, I feel like I could swim in my own body. And I have been needing to eat lots, too, my metabolism is way up, if I don't eat enough I'm shaky, it's a very weird feeling. I'm praying that not only am I having reactions to the medications, they are helping my body heal. Last night was the first night I remember dreaming in a long time, so I must be getting better, a sign right?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Happy Birthday to my Man!!!
P spent his day at work :( When he got home he wanted to open his presents from us before we met his parents for dinner. Dinner out was nice, but it's very hard to hear well in loud restaurants. He and J are waiting to play on the computers, I'll post some or a picture or two later. Also news worthy the antibiotics, steroids and inhaler are doing there jobs, I have felt better today. Not 100% yet, but a big improvement. YEAH!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Yeah it's Saturday!
I made it through the week, but everyday was a major battle. I was tired all day, everyday. Last night I started a coughing fit that lasted forever. The cough medicine I got for my doctor didn't work all that well, I first thought of just calling on Monday for another appointment. This morning after I didn't sleep well again (due to coughing), I went to The Little Clinic inside the Fry's P works, after dropping J off at school. (His ROTC unit is working at PIR today.) I was very impressed with the nurse practitioner, she called the doctor who is on call to make sure she didn't miss anything and was giving me the correct prescriptions. Slowly I am getting some laundry done, and I have dinner in the oven. The girls are wasting this perfectly beautiful day inside watching TV. I'd like to waste it taking a nap! I'll have to be up late tonight, it might be 11 or later before J is back and needs a ride home, UGH.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Doctor and Memorial
Yesterday when I still wasn't feeling very well, I made a doctor's appointment, and amazingly enough I got an appointment for yesterday afternoon. She gave me a prescription for the cough I can't seem to shake and something for what she thinks is wrong with my stomach (she thinks it's my ulcer, but we'll see), I had to have blood drawn and do a stool sample. Yuck was that gross this morning. My insurance wouldn't cover the medicine for my ulcer, the pharmacy and doctor's office are trying to work that out, while I wait for the results of the tests. My Uncle Penner died in January, he moved to Oregon 7 years ago, his memorial was today, he was cremated and his ashes are being buried at the Veteran's Cemetery in Phoenix, he was the last living sibling of my Mom's, there were 8 siblings/half-siblings spanning 21 years, my Mom was the baby of the family. His daughter Judy and his granddaughter Dina flew out from PA and I got to see a lot of cousins today. It was a lovely day, high of about 75, a little windy. I some how still manged to get a little sunburn.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!

Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Happy Birthday to my first born!
17 years ago. I remember the day of his birth so vividly, it seems impossible that it was so long ago. Happy Birthday J! I love you!
Friday, March 19, 2010
How can it be?
It seems like the week has barely started but yet it's late on Friday night. Interesting today at lunch there was a Mom with 3 children, the Mom commented that she couldn't wait for this week to be over. My first thought was how sad. My second thought was teachers and staff don't want it to end! Really the Mom has to deal with the little darlings 3 weeks during the school year some other odds and ends days, weekends and summer break, teachers get to deal with them the rest of the time.
Today R and a friend and I went to see The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was cute. Had lunch then picked S up to go to Great Skate. S was meting a few friends there. Although R doesn't really skate she really wanted to go, it was touch in go to see if we were going to stay. She made it and had a good time.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Glasses and Movies
Took R to the eye doctor this morning. She finally needs glasses. She is very excited about that fact. Right now for school and the computer.
Took the girls to see Dear John this afternoon. Not much like the book at all, I was disappointed in it, the girls sat through the whole movie but it's not one they'll want to watch again. Hopefully on Wednesday we'll all be able to see Alice in Wonderland.
Tomorrow's Spring Break adventure is Chuck E Cheese, even though the kids are getting older they want to go play :)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
where I've been the last few days
Friday, March 12, 2010
Nervous and Excited
The week went by fast, thank goodness. But golly it's already Friday and I'm leaving in an hour for the retreat. The newspaper said the high was supposed to be 50. It rained yesterday, so I doubt any of the snow from last weekend is still hanging around. I think I could deal with the cold if surrounding area was pretty. I think there's going to be mud! I have not left any directions for my husband and children. I did go over things with all of them. How disappointed do you think am I going to be on Sunday when I get home? I feel totally out of my comfort zone both the retreat and not leaving lists.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Better Week
Thank goodness! I don't think I could handle stress like the stress from the week before 2 weeks in a row. J went to his first Military Ball last night. His freshman year he didn't want to go, and last year he had a fever, so he missed it. He said he had a good time. I'll have to get him to tell me more about it when he's not so tired. He got home about midnight last night and was up by 6:30 showering to go to a Boy Scout meeting this morning. He is currently resting/napping in front of the TV, hopefully later I'll get to hear about the Ball. The girls and I went to bingo night at Sunrise. S was the only one who won a prize and very sweetly gave it to R when we got home. J is thinking about working at scout camp this summer. The director he had problems with last year will not be there again this year. The interviews are next Saturday. This week will be a short week work wise for me. I am taking Friday off and hopefully will be able to see S in her Middle School's talent show. I've asked her every day what time it will be and looked on the school's web page and still I don't know when it is. Hopefully P will go on Friday night and video tape it. I'm leaving early Friday afternoon to attend my church's woman's retreat in Williams. I can't wait, and the timing just seems perfect year with the next week Spring Break, a Spirit filled weekend, followed by a relaxing week of no work. No plans for Spring Break, I'm hoping we can do a few little things as a family on whatever days P has off, we'll see what we can afford and when he's off. If nothing else we'll go to see a few movies.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Stressful week
That was my week in a nut shell. I have had stomach issues all week because of it (still do), and then last night I had terrible leg cramps all night. I just couldn't go to work today. P is bringing me home bananas so hopefully at least the leg cramps will stop soon.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Bad headache=very bad mood
That was me yesterday. Every little thing made me mad. The kids didn't clean up after themselves all day, until I blew my top. P wanting to "help" me make dinner, he stood in the kitchen waiting to be told what to do. I hate that. I lost it with him too. He took the car and left for a long time. Which of course made me even madder. The kids and I had to get up to be at church at 8:30, P who had to go to work at 11 AM, stayed in bed. That behavior makes me even more angry. I guess it's no wonder my stomach has hurt something terrible all afternoon and evening.
Dear John
I think read this before, and I thought I had the book here somewhere, where I don't know. But it's the book I recommended for my book club which meets in a few weeks. I finally went out today and bought the paperback version of the book. I read a little this afternoon confirming I've read it before. R wants to read it. I think I'll let her and we can have our own discussion on the book. Do you think this is a bad idea? She's only 10.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dance competion
My niece in PA will be competing on Sat. with her dance troop in Pittsburgh. Hopefully I'll remember to go to the site on Sat. about 7:30 PM to watch. The song is Fire Burning #144
Field trip
I got to go on the 3rd grade field trip today. 2 long hours keeping track of kids as they ran, OK moved quickly from one display to another. P took R on this field trip last year and they had a lovely time. This weekend they are having a free family day, although panning for gold is $2. I will not be taking the kids. Rocks and minerals are fine to wear, but to study them or collect them other in jewelery is a bit boring for me. I brought home 3 little rocks for R, who loves rocks. J asked were his amber was? Sorry big guy I didn't remember (I only kinda remember having a conversation with him about this) nor did I take any money. R's rocks were free.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I so wish it was bedtime already!
I did not sleep well last night. I'm sure do to the fact that being home all day, (except to go to the eye doctor) and not doing much, did not wear me out. I was feeling OK, at school today. But after I had been sitting still for 30 minutes, waiting for J to finish his PT, I laid my head back on the wall and took a little nap. Not completely refreshing. But not horrible either. I'm waiting on the 4th load of laundry in the dryer to finish and J to get home from scouts, so I can go to sleep.
I'm glad P bought me a big box of chocolates for Valentine's Day, but I'm sorry I opened it! Dinner wasn't so great tonight, therefore the candy tasted even better, after 5 pieces I put the box away, I could had eaten at least 5 more.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Since P worked until 7:30 on Valentine's Day we celebrated with the kids dinner on Saturday. They played poker with their candy after dinner. It was so cute. The girls who don't play poker got out the dictionaries to help them know what hand is higher, very smart. Last night P and I went for a long walk, then got some ice cream on the way home. Today he's off at 4:30, so we may go to a early movie. J spent the afternoon, early evening with his oldest cousin yesterday, they went to see a movie then hung out at Castles and Coasters played a round of golf, did the bumper boats, and Indy cars. What a fun date they had!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Headaches of all shapes and sizes
The biggest physically one,was on Sunday. After church I just vegged in front of the T.V. for hours watching movies in the dark with ice packs.
The week was long and stressful at school and home and trying to keep up with everything and everybody really dragged me down. I am hoping for a nice relaxing 3 day weekend. Nothing is to planned, p works during the day tomorrow, then 11-7:30 on Sunday, and 8-4:30 on Monday. I'm very thankful he has a good job, but I can't help to wish his was off more when we are.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Birthdays and been busy
Both girls are a year older! A teenager and one who hit double digits for the first time. We celebrated their birthdays and their cousin's birthday, who's birthday is 3 days before S's. with family last Saturday. Then P and I took S and a few friends to hang out at a mall. The girls didn't want us hanging around so we ate and did some walking around. The only things we bought was a birthday gift for one of R's friends and dice for school. That wasn't so fun! Nothing for me! The week whizzed by, all the regular stuff during the week (dance and scouts) and R had a birthday party Tuesday night at Pump it Up, and J had 2 physical therapy sessions. Wed. was no school, I didn't do a whole lot, took my sister to PT, did some laundry, and did the drop off, pick up for dance and S's youth group. Last night R had her party at a hotel nearby with an indoor pool. 3 of her friends were sick, R was beyond upset and 2 other girls couldn't come either. I thought it was going to be just her and me at the hotel. A last minute invitee called and said she could come, and R asked S to come. P and J got dinner for us and stayed while we all ate together by the pool but we took the cake back up to the room for later. The 3 girls got along very nicely. The were all sound asleep by 1 AM. We got up at 8:30, had a yummy breakfast at the hotel, then the girls played in the pool for an hour and a half before check out. R's party was her birthday present, and I think it's the best kind of gift, memories and not stuff. And even though it was very disappointing to her that more friends couldn't come, she'd like to do the same thing next year. We'll see, if she's still talking about it in 11 months.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Freaking out
J had his appointment with the knee doctor today. He has to see him again in one month, during that time we can discuss the ACL surgery. I know J really wants to have it and the sooner the better. I think it would be best to wait until the beginning of July after scout camp and 6 weeks before school starts. This will be J's last year as a "boy" at camp, I think he would miss not going. I also think it would be easier for me to take him to PT 3 days a week, when I'm not working, and he's not in school. For the first 4 weeks after surgery he has to wear a knee brace that will make it hard to climb the bus steps followed by 2 weeks of crutches. The doctor thinks he could just wait and see if anything happens before surgery, but because J is planning on an Air Force career that is not an option. J will have to quit his job at Fry's, the doctor would not give a no restriction release, which Fry's wants. The doctor wants J to wear a brace all the time to stabilize his knee now too. This visit took 2 hours and $61 plus $11 for pizza for dinner. I left the girls home alone. As J and I were headed down the street in our neighborhood, we see a large puff of smoke, we couldn't tell were it was coming from fast enough for me. It was not our house and the girls are safe. Not sure how the fire started, the police department was 2 houses down dealing with an 18 year old threatening his parents with a knife, when one of the officers looked over and noticed the attic was on fire. Good timing? I hope so, the fire department had the fire out pretty fast.
Monday, January 18, 2010
I drove my husband's car all day, which is amazing thing because he doesn't let me drive his car. As in I could count on one hand how many times I've driven it in all the years we've had it. But today he had no choice but let me use it, as 2 kids had dentist appointments, 2 kids had doctor appointments and J had physical therapy. The dentist was fast, we were out of there in less than an hour. The doctor's office took over an hour and we didn't have much waiting. It was great how through the visit was for both girls. PT took over 2 hours. I hate first visits. I was supposed to go to my book club tonight, but I'll need to go pick P up from work, then we'll have to go pick up the battery for my car. What a long day this has been.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Now I've lost a week!
No not really, but I haven't blogged anything in over a week. Last Saturday I spent the day cooking and cleaning and washing yuck, but then we went out for dinner for my sister-in-laws birthday, that was fun. Sunday we served in the toddler room, the kids and I stayed for service and P went to watch the Cardinal game with his Dad. Monday after school I had to take J to his pre-surgery appointments. (doctor, crutches, blood work)Tuesday I thought I was taking J to scouts and rushed about doing things after school, only to be told there was no scouts. sigh. J's knee surgery went well on Wednesday morning, the doctor removed a 2cm by 1.5 cm piece of cartilage.. He will need to have his ACL fixed it as it is torn, the doctor also released the tendon in his knee cap so it floats into the correct place, J will have to have that done to his right knee too. J wanted me to stay home with him on Thursday. We played games and hung out. Friday morning I was felling pretty yucky and stayed home again. I didn't feel like eating until about 2:30 PM on Saturday, just the thought of food make me feel yucky. Today we all over slept and missed church. I thought P had set the alarm and he thought I had. I took R this afternoon to see The Princess and the Frog, finally. S went to a concert with her grandpa, P took me to see It's Complicated. When we were leaving the theater the car would not start. A fellow movie watcher group helped jump it. P took it to Checker who said the battery was fine it just needs to be charged. P will have to take it back tomorrow for them to do that. I'll have to take P's car tomorrow as the kids and I have a day full of appointments. Dentist, doctors and physical therapy.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Losing my brain
Thursday night I put together our grocery list. I keep having to go back and add things because of things I didn't remember to put on it. On Friday morning just as I was heading out the door for school I thought of 2 more things. I didn't have time to find a pencil (which sometimes takes awhile at this house, and forget about finding a pen) and to write the items on my list. So I left remembering that one item started with 3 letters and the other with 4. By lunch yesterday I could only remember what the 4 letter item was. It bothered me the rest of the day, and the hour I'm walking around the store. I had to make a pit stop to the bathroom before checking out. While in there I over hear a little boy saying to his Mommy he is done with his gum. The light bulb in my brain goes off! GUM! That's my 3 letter item! I like to keep gum at school for after lunch because I hate being in student's faces with blah breath. After lunch yesterday I grabbed my last piece, and one would think that would have triggered my brain that, that was my missing 3 letter item, but sadly it did not. I thanked the little boy in the bathroom, his Mom thought I was funny. I just think I'm losing my brain. What reminded of this story is that I just thought to myself, there's something else I want to do online right, but I can't remember what it is :( I'm sure it wasn't any big deal and I can do it later, but it still bothers me that I can't remember what it was.
Friday, January 8, 2010
8 weeks to Spring Break
OK, I'm not totally counting down the days, but a co-worker had mentioned it on Monday morning that we have 9 weeks and days off in those weeks until Spring Break. Thus since we managed to survive one week, 8 more to go! I thought the week went by pretty fast, and that's always a good thing. After having a 2 week break from dance, the girls resumed classes this week. R who sometimes fights with me about taking classes, was jumping around all over the place, well I guess dancing, she was to excited to go to her classes. I guess the 2 week break was good for her. S on the other hand said "I hated we had 2 weeks off!"
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Working Order
Well my stomach issues are in working order, kind of, I'm not having nausea anymore, but my colons are working overtime anytime I eat anything. But I'm not having the terrible pains I was having, so I'll venture on. Only one nostril at a time let me breath out of my nose, but I'm going to look positive at at least one side is working.
The inside Christmas decorations are put away, and the everyday stuff is back up. The living room still needs a little work, P was having a hard time vacuuming, the breaker kept tripping, so he gave up. P is off on Wednesday so hopefully the outside lights will be put away then. Tomorrow we go back to school. No one here is all that excited about it. It's going to be tough getting back into the swing of things after 2 lovely weeks off.
Friday, January 1, 2010
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