Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Pat's Traditiions
Pat loves that we read the Christmas story before opening gifts. To keep our hearts in the right attitude of receiving. He would also hate if we didn't read it together any more. Going to midnight mass and opening gifts afterwards is his favorite memory of growing up, being a night person he loved it. I don't even remember talking to one another about how when we would open gifts, when we got married, this is how it all started. The Christmas before we were engaged we spent the morning at my sister's house and I gave him his gifts. Then we went to his parents house and didn't open gifts until really late in the day. Pat didn't even have my gifts wrapped yet. I thought that really sucked it seemed like waiting till Christmas was almost over to open gifts, not that Christmas is about opening gifts, but.... and we had to open gifts with a knife to not ruin the paper so it could be re-used. Come on. My Dad was Scottish and not that tight wadded. The next Christmas I think they celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. But I was at work. I know Pat and I exchanged gifts in the morning. I remember being at my in-laws house on Christmas for brunch or something , but then my sister picked me up to go to her house, and I was starving, because there wasn't any food to eat for hours and I was pregnant and too scared to ask for anything to eat. Pat must have had to go to work and met me at my sister's. Joey's first Christmas, they (in-laws) celebrated Christmas Eve during the day again, only I was at work. We had our own Christmas together in the morning and were at his parents house for dinner. At some point Christmas came traditions with our families became what they are now. My sister and I alternating Christmas brunch. and alternated between Pat's parents, brother's and our house for to exchange gifts and dinner. Christmas Eve we clean and cook for the next day then usually attend church, sometimes it's just been me and the kids. A quick light dinner, and reading Twas the Night Before Christmas.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Joseph's favorite traditions
The first thing he said was opening gifts on Christmas morning. But I think that was because Sarah was just begging to open just 1 gift today. Hello sister we don't open gifts 1 week before Christmas, unless they are from your secret sister and your the Mom and can't wait! Or your the Mom and anybody gives her a gift! LOL
Another favorite tradition Joseph would miss if we didn't do is, reading the Christmas story before opening any gifts on Christmas morning. We have read a story book form of the real Christmas story since Joey was a baby. Maybe some year we will read it from our bibles, but I kinda doubt that will fly yet, since all the kids like there turn at reading a page and passing the book to the next person.
A tradition he would like to do when he has a family of his own is for everyone in the family has the same t-shirt that they wear on Christmas morning, and everyone gets to design their shirt how ever they want. Last year I tried to simplify this by ironing on Christmas patches. Everyone was mad at me. So this year we are back to decorating our own t-shirts. Everyone has theirs done, except Joseph!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
One week away till Christmas Eve or 7 days, which sounds closer? I'm a 7 day person. I can't wait for Christmas. I've always been that way. I was the little girl who spent the night with a clock under her bed counting minutes all night long till 4 AM, when I though for sure was time to get up. Mostly myself and my little brother would go in to our parents room and ask if we could go down stairs yet. They would try to get us to go back to bed for another hour. 15 minutes later we were back in our parents room asking again can we go down stairs yet? Even past 3rd grade when I learned at school there was no Santa, I still couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve. I didn't really care who put the gifts under the tree, only that there were gifts under the tree for me! My Dad was an only child and his Mom was a single mom, times were tough for my Dad growing up. Dad loved to spoiled us at Christmas because of that hardship. My Mom grew up in a big Italian home with lots of siblings and half siblings. They celebrated Christmas the best was the knew how, being together and lots of food! This is Pat and mine 20th Christmas together, the first being when were first started dating. I never would have thought the next year I would be 5 months pregnant with our 1st child. Now that we have 3 children and they are getting older, I wonder what their special memories are of some of the traditions we started, I think this week I will interview Pat and the kids on their favorite traditions and blog about it, and who knows if I get them to cooperate, I may even scrapbook it too. What do you think is this a silly thing to do? What's your favorite tradition as a child or parent?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Putting It All Together- part 2
This post will not be nearly as long as the last one, even though it covers more days, most of them are the same, painful days. When I got home I thought it would be so wonderful to be in my own bed. Only it really hurt to get myself on the bed, and situated some what comfortably. I mostly had to have someone help me, and go really slow. I spent my days either siting in a recliner or in bed. Moving between the two with the walker. On, Sunday a home health nurse came to see me, she didn't do much. On Thursday I saw my neurologist for more pain meds. The painful back spasms that started in the hospital have not stopped yet. They are not all consuming, but they caught me off guard since I never knew when one would start, or how long it would last. The days were long and boring. I'm glad we had Baby to keep me company. I couldn't cook dinner on my own, I could sit at the table with a pillow behind me and do the prep stuff, but usually Joseph did the cooking, or taking in and out of the oven part. My neurologist suggested the Laser Spine Institute to me. I had to have blood work done for approval for them to see me. Because of that blood work it was discovered that I am diabetic. At first the doctor wanted to try just changing my diet to see if the blood sugar numbers would go down. Met with the doctors at Laser Spine Institute and they decide I'm not a candidate for their type of surgery. Basically the only thing that can help control my pain is pain meds. The rest of the school year flies by, before it ends, I have my blood work re-checked. My blood sugar numbers are worse then they were 3 months ago. Time to start medication for diabetes. My cholesterol number is really high now too. Added medication for that too. Sarah had her 8th grade promotion and Joseph graduated high school, but have gotten workman's compensation to pay any of my medical bills yet? No. I have not had any income since January, Pat is working 6 days a week, to make up for this drastic change in our income, or mine lack of. In June I had my hernia repaired which has been an ordeal all in it self. Finally in July I start receiving social security again. For myself and the girls, now that Joseph is 18 I don't get anything for him. In August I figure out that workman's comp has denied my claim. I never got the denial letter in March! I have to file an appeal. Which drags everything even longer. Hearing was set for November, deposition in October. I met with a para legal who helped me by getting a hold of the worker comp rep who told her my case was compressible. I also get a letter from my neurologist who confirms that my back was not broken on Oct. 2010 when I last had an MRI, and clearly the fall in January caused the fracture. The deposition was horrible the lawyer wanted to know my whole life medical history. Near the end I started to cry. I just want the stupid medical bills paid. About a week goes by and he calls with a deal that workers comp will pay my bills and anything I have paid out of pocket. The hearing is canceled, thank goodness I so did not want to have to go to court. At the same time this is all happening Social Security decides that they would like the money they paid me while I was working and earning more than $1000 a month. Amazingly, someone who used to work for Social Security had just visited my bible study group and I was talking to someone else about the whole thing and she overheard, she suggested that I offer to pay a little each month, they usually agree to that and I won't have to get a line of credit or loan to pay them back. Pat went with me when we met my case worker. I offered to pay $50 a month and she agreed that would be fair, she had a copy of all our monthly bills so she knew how little money we have. Thank goodness that was over and settled fast. Thank God that woman came to bible study and got involved in the conversation. Back to workman's comp. The lawyer does write out a settlement in the middle of November. Which I have to agree with and have notarized. Then it went to the judge, and the judge approved it, and I get another letter from the lawyer agreeing with the judge I approve the settlement, and once again have to have notarized. Now it's December 18th and I am still getting bill collectors calls. Worker's comp should be paying off all those bills soon. And the around $500 Pat paid out on some of the bills will be reimbursed to us, by those places we paid. I can't believe it's been almost a year. The cold weather seems to affect the pain in my back. It hurts more now that it was. I also have to not do too much in the same day or I'm in loads of pain. Walking long distances and standing for a long time really hurt too. Pat is still working 6 days a week. We are still paying catch up on a lot of bills. I also had to apply for long term disability from the state, and they just started paying me $50. Which isn't a lot, but that is exactly the $50 we cut my social security. Thank you God for that blessing too!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Putting It All Together- a journey from January 4, 2011
January 4, 2011, I was working at a local elementary school and I took 2 students to lunch at 11:40 AM. One was a new student and one I had been working with for a semester already. Lunch did not go well, the new student is a six year old with multiple handicaps, He was not use to eating in a large cafeteria with many students. He could not feed himself, and what I did manage to put into his mouth he ate like an animal. He had raisins in his lunch I thought if I gave him a few at a time, like feeding a toddler he would be able to fed himself. He grabbed all that a put down and shoved them towards his mouth. More fell onto the floor and surrounding area than anywhere else. The other student that was with me was mad at me for giving all my attention to the other guy. When I was helping the second student I'll call C, the new student (K) grabbed at his messy noodles in some weird sauce and made a huge mess and I mean huge! It was unbelievable that I got him and the area cleaned up to go out side for recess. At 12:10 PM, as we were walking outside a teacher offered to assist me on the playground. After our wonderful lunch, I gladly said "yes". C had been swinging on the special "red" swing everyday during recess, prior to this day, he knew that's what he wanted to do. The new student would not do anything, and we (the teacher and I) were concerned that he might run away from us or throw sand. We moved C from the swing and K was very happy on the swing. C of course was upset. I felt badly for him. Beside the red swing is a regular child's swing. I first thought C might sit on my lap to swing, he is unable to use a regular child's swing developmentally. As soon as I sat down I knew that was a very bad idea. As I was steadying C on the soft turf and I was standing, I lost my balance because of the design of the soft turf ending and sand beginning design of the playground. I probably would not have fallen, but there was a student laying in the sand under the swings. I fell backwards onto my back because of his leg sticking out.
I was in pain instantly. The teacher that was with me sees me in the sand and asks "am I OK?", "No" I respond. She asks if we need to call 911. Without giving it any thought I responded "YES!"
I in the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, and I've had my share of painful things. The whole time I am on the sand the little boy is saying over and over, "I'm sorry my leg was there, I'm so sorry", did I mention he kept saying it over and over again. It was breaking my heart. I wanted to get up and tell him it's OK, I'll be alright, but I couldn't move to do that and it really hurt me not to be able to. The time 12:15 PM. I tried rolling onto my side trying to get relief from the pain. I'm not sure how much time it took for the paramedics to get there, it seemed like an eternity, with staff and students looking on. Luckily, the principal acted quickly and had the students return to their classrooms. When the paramedics got there, they rolled me on my back, ow, please don't touch me, but help me is all I'm thinking. They attempted several times to start an IV, so they can give me something for the pain. After failing to start one they shoved the needle with morfine in my arm, it didn't seem to help at all. They strap me on the gurney and start rolling towards the ambulance. I thought I was going to fall. One of the paramedics noticed I was uneasy said "you have a thousand straps holding you, your not going anywhere". I doubt it was a thousand! In the ambulance before we started going anywhere they wanted to get an IV going. After a few more attempts they got a poor one, but they got one. On the way to the hospital they had to give me oxygen because I wasn't breathing normally, a usual side affect they said of the pain medication. Time just seems to blurr quite a bit from this point on, I remember, my husband finally getting to the hospital, I remember someone wanting to cut my pants off, talking to a doctor, having a CT scan, 2 co-workers bringing me my purse and car keys, my in-laws stopping by for a few minutes, learning I was going to be admitted to the hospital, getting into the room at 11 PM. But really those 11 hours went by really fast, I really must have been drugged. I do not remember when they told me I had a compression fracture. The next day I had an MRI, and met with lots of different doctors. One wanted to fit me for a plastic brace, one wanted to put cement in my back with big needles, one was concerned that my blood levels were too high. I just did what they all wanted me to do, so I have this plastic binder that I brought home from the hospital that I have never worn, and don't even know how to put it on. I managed to get my blood levels normal enough to have a cement procedure. Two things that doctor didn't tell me is that I would be laying on my stomach while he did this, and I would be awake. I still would have done it, because he said that afterwards I would be pain free immediately, Sounded amazingly wonderful to me. He didn't tell me when I would have it done it either, he would just come get me when there was time, either Thursday afternoon, or Friday morning. Seems like I barely agreed to it, and he comes and takes me to the basement for the procedure. It seemed kinda scary going down to the basement, even though it was brightly lite, it was the basement, scary things happen in basements, I don't know why I had things like Frankenstein and weird labs were going through my head. It was very painful when the doctor is hammering into my back, maybe if I was wearing earplugs it wouldn't have seemed so bad, because then I couldn't hear what he was doing, I think I should suggest that to him. With each whack I just squeezed my eyes as tight as a could, at some point I thought "why are you not done yet"? The whole thing took less than an hour, but let me just say that when someone it whacking holes in your back, and sticking huge needles in those holes it seems a lot, a lot longer! That evening one of my co-workers brought me some beautiful flowers and visited with me for a long time. I was thinking any time now the pain will be gone. Not that night. Friday morning I woke up having horrible back spasms. Not pain free yet? Friday afternoon C's mom came to visit me. She was so glad I was OK, she felt horrible that I fell. He son had nothing to do with it. Yes, I helped him steady himself, which caused me to loose my balance, but really if the playground was design was better, and the other little boy wasn't laying under the swings, I probably wouldn't have fallen. I did learn that, I had not done such a wonderful job steadying C, because he also fell, but in an apposite direction of me. He was left bruised, down his leg. I felt terrible, I really cared about C a lot. Anyway back to no pain relief all day Friday, saw the doctor who did the procedure who said sometimes it takes a few days to get better. No! That's not what you lead me to believe before? Saturday morning they wanted to discharge me from the hospital, but I had to be able to walk 50 yards first. PT ordered a walker for me to use, and helped me get steady with it and walk the hallway. It took forever to walk 25 feet, the 25 feet back to my room didn't seems as far? My theory on that it for the first 25 feet, I had not idea where the stopping point was, all I see it a long hallway, and the not knowing when I could turn around made it seem much longer. The way back I felt a little bit more confident and I had the end in sight. Amazingly I showered on my own, for the first time in 4 days, and was dressing when my kids came to get me from the hospital. Coming up soon: recovery at home.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
insurance, social security and hernia
It's been a rough day. I had to go do a deposition for the lawyer representing DVUSD. I was already emotional before I started because I do not like driving in unknown places looking for a building I've never been in before, and parking in a parking garage not knowing where the building is from were I parked, and hoping I'll be able to find my car again. I ended up being 15 minutes late :( I hated talking about all my medical issues with the lawyer, I fell at work it should not matter what else is wrong with me, or has been wrong with me since birth. I just feel like this whole thing is a joke from the insurance company (i.c.). I left crying. I'm sure they won't settle and I'll end up in court on November 2nd. The biggest issue seems to be that I never got the denial letter dated March 9th. I had been in contact with the insurance carrier all summer and when I finally learned I needed to appeal the denial is when the i.c. sent me a copy of the denial, some how I will have to convince the judge I did not receive the first notice. That is why I appealed later than 30 days. The claim should not have been denied in the first place and the i.c. told the lawyer I had this information on the phone. I told the lawyer this information this morning and showed him where she (my lawyer) wrote what the i.c. told her on my papers. The DVUSD lawyer is going to call the i.c. and verify this, he said he would call me back tomorrow, I hope he does, but I doubt he will, I'm sure days will go by before I hear from him.
I was supposed to met with social security yesterday, only I got a letter on Friday that said, they would be closed on Monday, really it was a holiday and it took them to Friday to relive they would be closed? They wanted me to go in today to met with my case file worker, at the same time I had to be at the deposition. I left a message with them on Friday and today when I got home from the deposition, of course they did not call back, and the number listed on the contact info on the letter had a number that is no longer in service number, so I had to call an 800 number. I'm sure I'll get a letter tomorrow saying "where were you, and because you didn't come in we will decide your case" for you type letter. This makes me beyond crazy.
Then to top off my afternoon, I saw the surgeon who did my hernia surgery in June. The area has not gone down since I saw her 8 weeks ago. Because it's trickier to just stick a needle in me and drain some fluid, because of the blood thinners, we decided I would wear the binder for 3 more months and re-check it, then go through the needle procedure. Even after she drains the fluid I will have to wear the binder. I am sick of the binder! Why can nothing be simple for me?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I for to mention that my kidney function is up to 65% it was at 40 something. I'm glad that the new medication he put me on is working.
At least 3 more weeks wearing the abdominal binder. It's been an even hotter summer wearing it. I think it's getting better, but I won't know for sure until the middle of October when I see that doctor again.
Lawyer update
She faxed the letter to the insurance carrier and their lawyer, and she amazingly talked to the person in charge of my claim. This amazed me because almost every time I would try to call this person she would not be in and had to leave a message, and she would rarely call back, then she gave me her cell phone number, only she never answered it, and would only sometimes return my calls. Anyway, my lawyer knows they should not have denied my case. She told me to call the insurance lawyer when I got home, which I did but he hasn't looked at my file yet, so hopefully by the end of the week I will be submitting all the really past due bills off to be paid, and the money that is due to me will be making it's way to me. I may still have to go to the deposition, I'm praying it will all get resolved and I won't need a hearing. I am really praying hard everything happens quickly! I am so stressed with not having money all the time.
Monday, September 26, 2011
School's started with a bang for the girls
Sarah is always busy with friends wanting to do things, Color Guard, hurting her hand in racket sports, had to have wrapped but thank goodness it wasn't broken. This past Saturday was her first High School dance. Homecoming! She went to a friend's house and a bunch of them got ready together, before they dinned out at McDonald's! The dance was at ASU west, not sure why, Sarah said she had a fun time. One of Sarah's classes this year is dance. What she has shown me looks really good.
Rachel is liking band and thought she wanted to do choir also, but there's some issues there I can't into on a public site.So she'll just play her flute for right now. After going round and round with Rachel and dance classes, she has decided not to dance this year. Next year hopefully they will still be offering silks, because she really wants to do that. I looked into acting classes for her, but they are not in our price range for right now.
Joseph hasn't been doing a whole lot. He'd like to take some law or government classes, but until he gets a job that won't be happening. He has his mind set of working at a certain Fry's and that's it. He'll give it to November then start applying other places.
Pat has been working a lot of 6 days a week, weeks to help us out financially. In July we got social security started back up, were in a hole right now so it's going to take awhile to get out of it.
I have a lawyer and I am fighting the denial from Valley Schools. Saw my doctor today and he wrote a letter stating that the fall caused injury, and my preexisting condition did not. Tomorrow I met back with the lawyer, I have to met Valley School's lawyer on Oct. 11 and my hearing is set for Nov. 2. I have been so stressed about all this, it feels like I can barely function at all. I first said that I just wanted my bills paid, but now I'm thinking they need to pay me everything I am intiled to.
Friday, August 26, 2011
End of Summer beginning of school
My sister had us over for dinner of some of my favorite foods for my birthday. French bread, salad with meats and cheeses tossed in and potato skins. For dessert Jessi baked me an apple pie that was served with vanilla ice cream. Yum! We tried to play the game I got for my birthday but it wasn't very children friendly. Pat and Becky had to work, when they showed up we just sat around and talked, which was fine. The following evening Pat took us to Red Lobster for dinner, yummo :). The next few weeks were spent getting the girls ready to go back to school, and they had to clean out/shovel out their room. It barely got done in those 2 weeks. Sarah also had band camp Mon. though Thur. from 3-9 PM. Joseph had those 2 weeks to get out his graduation thank you cards, I just really felt they were past due anyway and he should get them done before the new school year starts! One of the Thursday's Jul took me to see my cousin Mary's new house, it is a very cute house, way closer to her only child and his family. Mary had a luncheon spread out for us. It was nice to visit and eat. Rachel and I went to the dentist twice the second week, first for cleaning then we had to go back because Rachel had a cavity.
Rachel had met the teacher night, the Thursday before school started. The 6th grader will move around to the other 6th grade teachers for different classes. One teacher teaches science, another teacher does math and the 3rd teacher does social studies. The students will stay with their homeroom teacher for language arts. This year 6th graders can earn the right and the fiances to go to San Diego field trip. Rachel is pretty excited. Sounds better than Sarah's over night at the zoo, of Joseph's camping trip in Prescott.
School started Aug. 15, 2011, the girls had great first days. I couldn't get Rachel to take the hip hop class she said she wanted to take, so then I signed her up for a musical theater class, she went in the class, but didn't stay in. Now she's thinking she'll take a jazz class I am so embarrassed she needs to call to set that up. I was feeling sad that Sarah decided to not dance this year at The Dane Shoppe, I started cry when I finally called to tell them. She'll be dancing at school, and of course Color Guard, she wants to do Winter Guard too. I think she'll be pretty busy.
I saw my wellness coach and she was pleased my diabetes number came down a little on the medication she put me on. One of the cholesterol numbers is still high so she wants me to add fish oil. Those suckers are huge! I saw the surgeon for an ultra sound. The space where the hernia was should be at least 50% clear of fluids mine is only 20%. She wants me to wear the binder as much as I can for 8 weeks and she'll recheck it. She just doesn't want to drain it with a needle, because that could cause infection, and it sounds painful to me.
Getting up so early is really wearing me down. Sarah has me awake no later than 5:30, 4 times in the past 2 weeks I had to wake her. Then of course Baby wants to go outside, by then Sarah has eaten and is taking a shower in my bathroom. She keeps coming in and out of my room at least 7 times every morning so it's not like I can go back to sleep for an hour. My second alarm goes off at 7:45 for Rachel, that's when I get up and take all my meds. , eat a little breakfast, and get ready to go to the gym or my woman's bible study. I am so glad I joined the gym, I feel like I have more energy, and while I'm in the water my back doesn't hurt at all, not if I could live in a bubble of water I'd be pain free, not real logical that it, but it's good to have dreams! I do have to go right away right after Rachel leaves for school or I know me I just won't go. After lunch I need to take a little nap to get me through the rest of the day. Hopefully sooner I can cut it down to 30 minutes so I can do something else during the day, like read or scrapbook. I'm going to make this dream a reality in a few more weeks.
I was planning on going to my church's woman's retreat this weekend. we just didn't have the money for me to go. Hopefully next year.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Kidney and Hernia
The area where the hernia was is bulging a little, the skin needs to learn there's nothing there any more and not stretch out. I have to see the surgeon again in 4 weeks and she'll look at it and see if she needs to drain it. I also am having some pain on my right side, kinda like menstrual cramps but a little higher, the surgeon said that it could be from the surgery and she can do a pain block or something (I guess I want to know what that means because I'm not into any painful procedures right now.)
The kidney doctor was very through and looked at all my medical records and ordered more from old ultrasounds. He did put me on a different water pill, that should be safer on my kidneys. It's my left kidney that is 60% smaller than my right. He thinks it's strange that it's just starting to be an issue. So not only do I have to have my blood work done next month for my regular doctor, I have to have it done again on September, along with a 24 hour urine test. I just hate to be have blood drawn they always miss the first several times, and I'm left bruised on both arms and/or hands.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Sucky Summer- one big whine
In just 3 weeks school will start. The summer has gone by way too fast. I feel really bad for Rachel because she hasn't done much of anything. I'm glad she changed her mind and went to church camp (she had a blast) I'm so thankful for a friend from my bible study group who blessed us with just enough money for her to go. Between my hernia surgery and not feeling well enough to do anything and no money every week, things have just sucked. Because of the binder I have to wear for 2 more weeks, I haven't even taken Rachel swimming, by the time I don't have to wear it any more the public pools will be closed.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Gotout of the house today!
I had a doctor's appointment this morning with my wellness coach. The appointment didn't last long, in a month it will be time to check my labs already. It doesn't feel like it's been 3 months already. Well I guess 2 months, but still wasn't I just poked? The doctor's assistant forgot about me in the room, she was supposed to bring me the lab order, after waiting 15 minutes I left the room, she was sitting at her desk she looks up and sees me and says, "oops" I was not all that impressed that she couldn't even apologize for keeping me waiting? If I didn't go looking for her, how long do you think I would have been in that little room? I still don't feel comfortable driving, I asked Joseph to take me, if he wasn't in the waiting room waiting for me, I might have tried waiting it out to see if they would have ever found me. On Monday he'll get to take me to see the surgeon for my follow up, and take Rachel to get a shot. Tuesday I see the kidney doctor, I am kinda nervous about seeing him, because I don't want to hear there is something else wrong with me.
Friday, July 1, 2011
What's going on?
I'm sorry I haven't been the best of blog writers lately, a lot has been going on. Sarah had her 8th grade promotion ceremony the night before Joey's graduation (May 26th), after her's we had family over for a quick little reception. My nephew Micah was on leave and he took us out for dinner after Joey's graduation. Memorial Day weekend was a blur of activities. Then I spent the next week getting ready for Joey's party. The party was nice, a few of my cousins I haven't seen in a long time were able to come. After the regular party we played games with my sister and family, it was fun but a long day. On June 6th I saw a surgeon about a hernia I have had for about a year, and recently started growing much faster and it was quite large. She wanted to operate right away, but I wanted to wait until after the girls' dance recital and our anniversary. The girls' did beautifully in their recitals, even Rachel who says she hates dance classes is pretty amazing on stage. Pat ended up having to work on our anniversary but we did go out to dinner just the 2 of us, it was a early night since we had to be at the hospital the next morning at 5 AM for my surgery. Everything went as expected during the surgery other than it was much larger than the surgeon thought it was. I was discharged the same morning. That first day/night home all I did was sleep and take pain medication. The next day I tried to start eating and drinking, that didn't go well, I was so sick to my stomach, even the thought of food kept me from putting it in my mouth and nothing sounded good. I tried to keep drinking, but it usually came right back up again. On Saturday I couldn't stop sweating, no fever just sweating and my skin was clammy. I couldn't sleep finally at 4:30 AM I got a hold of the doctor on call and he said I needed to get to the emergency room for IV fluids. They had a hard time getting an IV in, 4 people tried at least 3 times each. Finally the doctor put in a central line, which was very painful, but was wonderful once they had it in, because they could draw blood and give me IVs without poking me any more. One downside to it was I couldn't get out of bed with it. I can not use a bed pan, that was not fun. Once the IV fluids and some antibiotics started kicking in, I started feeling much better. By evening they gave me clear liquids to see how I would tolerate them, I didn't have any problem, yeah! Monday dinner they gave me real food (well as real as hospital food it), no problems getting sick. On Tuesday they decided I didn't need to be in the hospital any more. I've been home and haven't had any nausea problems. The 10 lapo sites from the surgery are very painful, but not abnormally so. I take my pain medication and move around slow and it's not too bad. Because of all the abdominal pain I can barely feel the pain in my back, or maybe it's the extra pain medication is helping it too!
In the mist of all this Joey spent a week up north with my sister and her family, Rachel went to church camp for 4 days, and Sarah has been at camp this week (she comes home tonight).
I'm hoping July to be much more relaxing.
I have to also say I have wonderful amazing friends from school and church who have been providing meals for us.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I think I've been had-update
The kids were supposed to go work at grandpa's today. The girls have been paying back money they owe us from when they broke the monitor of my laptop. So, they really need to go work. At 9, Sarah woke me up to tell me she doesn't feel good, and could I tell grandpa. When I woke Rachel up she comes out to the kitchen and says she's ill too, and blames it on a small amount of chocolate she had last night after dinner. Joseph does go with grandpa, which is good, because really he's the best worker. Sarah was up late last night with going to the drive-in with her youth group and had a friend spend the night. Gee do you think that's why she's sick? but she's just fine and is outside with her friend. Rachel who is supposed to be cleaning her room since she couldn't go to grandpa's is not doing such a fabulous job, and she just came out to use the computer. She yelled at me I'm taking a break. I feel like I could cry or hurt somebody.
I called a meeting when Pat got up with the girls. Sarah went to grandpa's to work, because I also forgot she needs $400 for camp $75 by tomorrow and we have $8 in the checking account until Thursday. Rachel worked on her room until Pat went to work then got lazy again. She did take a little nap before dinner, so she quite possible is not feeling well. The room is still pretty messed up. I just can't get on the floor and clean, so they have to do it. My back has been freaking out all day, I'm getting a little tired of it.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Ladies Bible study
For a few months now I have been attending a ladies bible study, we just finished a 6 week study on Ruth. I have known I needed these ladies to prayerfully pray for me and our provisions, but I haven't had the courage. Here's what's going on-In February we were notified that my social security would stop, and we owe them a whole bunch of money because apparently I was making too much money working (not the whole time I was working just 9 months too much). Which really sucks, because we seemed to be struggling with social security and my income. I wrote a letter stating how I was injured at work in January and would not be be able to pay them back now. I haven't gotten a response back yet. When I was first taken to the hospital after the fall at school the hospital used my private insurance instead of having me fill out a workers comp form. Valley schools which is the school district's insurance provider, still has not paid any bills including the ambulance, hospital, doctors, etc. I can't seem to get them to pay. I filled for short and long term disability and even though I have finally gotten through to my case worker, which was no small feat, my claim is still pending. They say due to my employers not sending them a job description. Deer Valley says it has sent it twice once with the original paperwork they submitted on my behave and then faxed later. 5 1/2 months after the fall I have not had any income. Pat has worked 6 day weeks for a few months now, unless he's off on Sunday then he only work's a 5 day week. (If he works Sunday that's already time and a half, so if he works 6 days that week, he doesn't get paid over-time, but he gets paid for 6 days) Anyway back to the bible study. On Wednesday we were talking about what we learned most or got out of the study of Ruth. I was the last one to comment, I knew I was supposed to. I can see myself as all the main characters. Naomi- bitter and angry at God in the beginning of the story. Ruth not understanding who this God of Naomi's is but trusts him just the same. As I told the group some of my story I started to cry. They prayed for me right then and one of the ladies gave me a lawyer's number she used for an issue she was having with a school district (not mine) and her special needs son, and another woman who offered to pay the fir t$100 to the lawyer. Talk about touching my heart. I haven't been able to contact the lawyer yet, I put the number in my cell phone on Wednesday then had some problems with it so I haven''t been able to call, hopefully I'll be able to call on Monday and if she can't help me know so someone who can. I need my bills paid and it would be really great to get my long term disability paid so I had a little income.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
JROTC Awarda
Last night was Joseph's awards ceramony. He recived 4 awards- Daughters of the American Revelotion Award, which was a certificate, ribbon and bar. Top student 100% all year in JROTC which was a plague. 4 cadets from his unit won this award which is rare. His 3rd award was a button for being a TA all year, and the last one a certificate for his 4 years in JROTC. Pictures are on my facebook page.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Back hurting day
I woke up with my back hurting, the kind that hurts because you've been in bed too long. It didn't get better the rest of the day as it swung into the painful spasms kind of pain. Laundry needed done and I lost 2 of my helpers while they were helping their grandpa with yard work so it was just me and Rachel. I have to help her with the machine part and she carries the baskets in and out of the house for me. The older ones I just send out and they bring me the laundry when it's done to fold/hang up to be put away. I usually try to start my bible study lesson while doing laundry on Saturday, but Rachel would not leave me alone. It was good we talked, and hung out, but you know it if I'm not doing my normal routine it makes me feel uneasy. I just need to put those study hours some where into my schedule this week. After the laundry was done I gathered all my Easter decorations for Pat to put in the attic when he got home from hiking. He got home around 4, with the van so then Rachel and I did a few errands. Walgreen's picked up pictures, library, and grocery store. Rachel is not as good as a helper at the store yet as Joseph or Pat, but she'll get better. Other than a few things I didn't put on my list, and milk, and fruits and veggies we should be good for 3-4 weeks. Rachel really wanted fondue for dinner last night, we haven't used the fondue set in a long time. I didn't know we didn't have any gel for the pot heating source. I just cooked everything at the stove instead. It was very tasty and yeah I didn't get sick from the steak! After dinner Rachel and I watched a movie together. It was one long non stop day, and I barely left the house!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Joseph-AIr Force update
Tuesday, I got a call from Joseph's recruiter. He was to report to MEPS yesterday morning at 5:45 AM. I think it was exactly 30 days since he was first there and was told he would hear something in 30 days. Thank goodness Pat had to work at 6 AM I asked him to please get up a little earlier to drop Joseph off. Joseph's knee was looked at and an x-ray done. Knee is cleared. He got done a little after 11, which was perfect, I was still able to go to my bible study before having to pick him up. It was a long drive for me, 1st Street and Washington. I had to park and sign in, to sign him out. Pat had just had to drop him off. Luckily there was a parking spot right in front of the building, I don't expect that to happen every time he needs picked up, but I was thankful for yesterday! He needs to report on the 26th and May 9th. Vision and psych evaluation.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sarah's knees
Took Sarah to the an orthopedic doctor today, I'm not sure what he said the official problem is, but he did say it's normal for girls her age to have the pain and swelling problems she has been having. He is going to have her do physical therapy and she her back in 2 months. I hope the PT helps her, she's been sitting out of her dance classes for 2 weeks now. And not doing PE in school.I asked about using a brace during exercise and dance, the doctor said we could try if we wanted but it usually causing itching and it gets abandoned. She wanted to try it though, she knows how much her knees hurt. I bought one to start with to see if she likes it. No sense in wasting another $15 if she won't be using them.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I hate bullies, I hate that my baby has to go through this at school. I hate that one girl is so "powerful" that she makes all the girls miserable. If you not my friend so and so can't be your friend, etc., etc. This is nothing new, it kinda slacked off for awhile. I hesitate to get the principal involved again. She met with the girls and made them promise to all be friends last time which I don't think really solved the problem. Maybe put a band-aid on it, but band-aids fall off, and you can be left with a scar. I don't want Rachel to be left with a scar. I know the principal just doesn't have time or make the time for students like she should. Oddly enough I got this article from my principal the other day. This is some of it
- Teach them that bullies get their power from our negative emotions. The more upset we get when picked on, the more powerful mean kids feel.
- Show your child how to trick bullies by pretending to be calm. If our children can learn to act calm when bullies hassle them, they become far less attractive targets.
- Teach your child to confuse or bewilder bullies by responding to verbal taunts with replies like, "Thanks for noticing" or "I appreciate the feedback."
- Help your child develop great social skills so that they are liked, accepted, and protected by positive peers. Kids who don't know how to relate in healthy ways often find themselves gravitating toward peers who treat them poorly.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wholesome Sweeter. I hope I win. Should be good for diabetics.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Happy Birthday 1st born!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
3rd quarter grades. Of course I've known what the kids' grades were thanks to the school districts online grading program. S struggled a little this past quarter. She was not on her meds the entire quarter. She pulled up all her grades at the end and made honor roll. R had a great quarter and her teacher only had wonderful things to say about her yesterday at her parent/teacher conference. Her writing especially has really improved. Which I had noticed myself, she's came a long way from her writing from a year ago. J who doesn't get a report card at the end of quarter only at the end of each semester has straight A's right now! I'm a proud Mommy x 3!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Almost 2 years ago I got sick from a roast beef I had made in the crock pot. I haven't been able to eat any beef except ground for 2 years. (steaks, beef ribs, etc.) No one else got sick from it. I bought a roast last week at the store because it was really cheap, I thought I'd try eating it. Yesterday afternoon I put it in the oven. No way was I going to cook it the same way or smell it all day cooking. I had to gag it down to show the kids it wasn't so bad, the whole time though I thought I was going to throw up. Thank goodness for the puppy who helped me finish. I don't feel so great today, and actually threw up the water I drank this morning with my meds. I haven't eaten anything, I don't really feel like eating and I'm scared. It will be a long while before I eat beef again.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Spring Break-relaxing!
Monday afternoon to J to his recurter for hie health evaluation Tuesday. More on that later. The girls had dance, then S spent the night at her BFF's house. Tuesday R an I had the house to ourselves. We went crazy!!!!! Reading!!!!! Sarah comes home to get ready for dance and spent the night again at her BFF's friends house. Wednesday I went to my woman's bible study group, them did a few errands, picked R up so I could help her pick out $100 worth of shorts for the summer she only have a few pair that fit correctly. Thursday I spend the day scapbooking the girls watched National Treasure over and over again. Then S went to her 3rd dance class of the week. Normally she would have had her tap class on Tuesday, but she's going to be dancing with the preforming group class that meets on Thursday's. Once again S was at her friend's house today and she got her ears pierced. She'll be home soon. It really seems like she hasn't been home much at all. Today the other 2 children had to help me with laundry and grocery shopping. I'm falling asleep as I am typing this. And I too a good 30 minute nap today, what's the deal?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
busiest week I've had in awhile
Sunday, P took me and the kids and the puppy to a park for the afternoon. The weather was lovely to sit and watch them all play. Monday I did have my blood work done, then P took me out for breakfast. In the evening he took me to my book club. I had read the book and recommended it, but it's been a long while since I read it, so I didn't talk much, but I got out of the house and got to be with 3 dear older women. Tuesday P took me to Sunset Ridge and I got to visit with my favorite classroom ever. I read a few stories, answered questions and helped with a writing assignment. It was so fun! P helped out a little too. Wednesday morning I went to the ladies bible study at our church office. I think I'm going to start going every week, while I'm not working. The are just finishing up a teaching of Ester, and will start Ruth in 3 weeks. Thursday I didn't do anything/go anywhere. P who was on vacation actually worked an 8 hour shift. Friday P took me back to the doctor's. My cholesterol is very high, and she put me on a medication for that. My blood sugar is borderline high, she gave me a meter to track my glucose levels and scheduled an appointment with the nurse practitioner to go over a diet plan. My labs from a few weeks ago I was low on vitiiam D, and my thyroid, but they were fine this time. I'll have to have the blood work repeated in 3 months. This morning P took us to a St. Patrick's Day parade. It was fun doing something all together as a family, after the parade we went out for lunch and to the library. Tomorrow at church we are having a church celebration and baptism. S is going to be baptized. She is really excited.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Blood Work tomorrow
Since I'm not having surgery, I scheduled my fasting blood work for tomorrow (the follow up from a few weeks ago). P is on vacation this week, it seemed like a good day to get it over with and then I can probably get into see the doctor before the end of the week for the results and he can drive me around.
Back Update
P and I spent the day on Thursday at The Laser Spine Institute on Thursday. I had a physical and a lot of testing, including, blood work, a pregnancy test (just to make sure I wasn't, even though I told them I wasn't), back x-rays, EKG, chest x-rays, etc. Met with the surgeon who said that surgery would not help my back pain at this time, but I could come back in 6 months for a consultation. I was very frustrated to hear this. I so wanted to have surgery, because then I thought I would be better sooner. 6-8 months healing is a long time. I'd like freedom from pain with out having to take high doses of pain pills. I'm not 100 pain free on them, but it's mostly tolerable on them, unless there's standing or walking involved. Sleeping is OK, unless I have to move in bed. Sitting is OK, but with a pillow behind my back, and then I have to move around often so I'm not sitting on my tail bone. I can't drive on the pain meds. I'm going a little stir crazy at home, not being able to just jump in the car and go. I think I'm going to have to not take the pills so I can leave the house by myself sometime.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Field Trip and Surgery
Today was R's field trip to the Halle Heart Center. I love this field trip the center is like the science center but only for the heart. I've been there 3 or 4 times and I was originally going to go with R, but because of my back I couldn't go. R still hasn't because the bus on the way to the center was involved a minor car accident. Everyone was fine, but they didn't make it to the Heart Center. My best friend was on the bus she sent me a text right away when it happened. Thank you God the kids were all OK. The school called all the families after they moved to a new bus and were on their way back to school. They will reschedule the field trip. In other news I was scheduled for my back surgery today! It will be on March 7th! Please pray that I'll do OK during the surgery and it will really heal my back.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Blood work
I had blood work done last week as part of my clearance for surgery. While she cleared me I need to follow up on my blood work. My cholesterol is high and my blood sugar. And I think something else but the nurse rattled it all off so fast I didn't have time to process it all. I do know she said the doctor thinks I should be on medication for the cholesterol and I am diabetic but we can wait until after surgery to follow up on the labs. Great just what I need more things wrong with me :(
Sickness and AAA and thank you notes
R has been sick with allergies which has felt forever. She's been using her inhaler, taken Clartin and she's still not getting better. She's missed school all week. Yesterday she didn't have a fever so she's trying to go to school today. Tomorrow is her filed trip to the heart center I don't want her to miss it. Please let her be well. In the medical world AAA stands for Ascending Aortic Aneurysm. For some reason the laser spine institute thinks I have an abdominal aortic aneurysm. I'm trying to get my heart doctor's nurse to work this out with them, I talked with her all day yesterday trying to get it straightened. While I'm glad the spine institute is being so through I really wish they would believe me already! Last night I was helping R with her thank you notes from her party. I know the party was a few weeks ago and usually I get out or make the kids get out thank you notes right away. But I wanted to use a group picture from the party and had to get them printed. As I was muttering to myself about not getting them out sooner, I realized again not many of her friends brought gifts. Is that the new norm? I would be embarrassed sending my child to a birthday party with out a gift. And this party was for 2 girls, and R got more gifts than the other girl, which I felt bad about too. What's the deal you just send off you child to a party and some of the parents didn't know us, and let us drive your child 45 minutes to the party location and then of course 45 minutes back to our house with out meeting them or sending a gift or card? One boy didn't show up in time so we picked him up and he's older brother came too? What??? I wouldn't do that if the party was even at so someones house but this party was going to cost us $16 per child, I think the parents owe us a thank you and not us thanks for coming to my party notes. Of course these boys had no gift for either girl. $5 or a homemade card would have been better than nothing. Maybe I'm just wrong, and gifts aren't really about attending a classmate's birthday party. But weren't they embarrassed when the girls opened the gifts they had? I would have been very uncomfortable even as a 10 or 11 year old.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Happy Birthday to my Baby Girl!
R is 11 today. I can't believe it, doesn't seem all that long ago I went to the hospital late on a Friday night to have her. She was supposed to be delivered on the 10th and everything was set up then for her birth. But she decided she couldn't wait that long to be held. My doctor went away for the weekend, so another doctor delivered her. It was pretty scary. P was not allowed into the operating room. You were born so fast, I remember I just wanted to sleep afterwards, but the doctor's kept yelling at me to wake up. The nursed were yelling ask about the baby, I remember asking a few questions like how much did she weigh, length. But really I wanted to sleep. I remember a lot of activity in the room. I really didn't know then what was going on. I remember hearing her lungs are solid white, but I didn't know if this was good or bad, and if it was me or the baby. They wheeled me to the ICU and I remember the doctor's all standing at the end of my bed talking and watching me. I do not remember much more from that day, other than my Father-on-Law coming to see me and he had on a long sleeve red shirt. He wasn't the only one to see me, but the only thing I remember. After we had the film developed after R was born I was shocked to see me holding the baby and feeding her, and I don't remember it at all. P said when they first brought R to be the first I did was uncover her and I counted all her fingers and toes. The first few days after she was born I didn't get to spend very much time wit with her. After they moved me to the telemetry floor I spent lots more time with her, and one time after not having her for a long time, P helped me walk to the nursery and we took her. She was a very good eater and would down a 2 oz bottle in minutes. We tried nursing, but we both ended up crying. I had just decided to stop trying when I went to see mt heart doctor as a follow up few days after leaving the hospital and he put me on a beta blocker that could harm the baby if I nursed, I'm so glad I had just reached a point of wanting to stop trying before that appointment. But it was all so very upsetting because I really wanted to nurse my last baby. Anyway that was 11 years ago, unbelievable. I love you, R happy Birthday!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Party # 2
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
First Birthday party of the season! LOL!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Girls and their birthday parties
Both girls have their birthdays coming up. They both want fabulous parties instead of presents. S wants to go to Castles and Coasters with some friends, and they want to go by themselves. I'm not ready for that. It's a big place and she's only gonna be 14. I suggested going to a movie and having a sleepover. I'm not sure I convinced her of that. R wants to go to Amazing Jakes with some friends. There is no school on Feb. 2nd which would be a great day to have the party during the day/during the week it's much cheaper. I'm worried about the fact it's a long drive to get there, and will parents really drive that far to drop off their kids? If they stay we would have to pay for them to hang out, play, and eat? We could take some kids in our car, and do I go not to be able to have any fun and how painful it would be walking around there? So, do I let P be in charge of the party? We've never done that before. He sometimes isn't even home when the kids have their parties. I just feel awful about not going, but if I stay home then one more friend could ride in the car. I want them to be happy, but I want them safe and darn it I really don't want to miss their birthdays.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
2 weeks
2 weeks ago today is when I fell. Seems like I've been living like this forever. Yet it's only been 2 weeks. The pain medicine MS Cotin is helping a lot. I haven't had bad spasms since Saturday night. But the medicine makes me tired. I just started walking short distances (in the house) with out the walker. I had J pull out my scrapbooking stuffyesterday so I have something to do. Today I organized pictures and did a few pages. Nothing fabulous but cute pages. Was able to sit for a few hours. Yesterday I began contacting the Lazer Spine Institute, today P faxed them a large packet of information. Hopefully they will hear back from Worker Comp, fast and I can get in for an evaluation right away. If they can fix my back like their website claims I could be pain free 5 days after treatment. Is this to good to be true? I hope not, and I'm praying they get in me soon. I also need to contact a surgeon that my neurologist recommended. They want copies of my latest MRI films, which P picked up on Friday, their office in by St. Joe's hospital and they want to films before scheduling an appointment. P will have to take them the films when he's off on Thursday. It's very hard not being able to do much of anything. I feel like a lump of coal.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Still in tons of pain
Not a whole lot of relief, I am on a much stronger pain med. now and I have 2 referrals to see 2 surgeons about maybe some surgery that will help, I'll start calling on Monday. I had to have the MRI films to schedule the appointments. I did get out of the house today, J had some pictures taken for his graduation announcements. Since we've been home from the hospital I've haven't been able sitting at the kitchen table for long. Today I have sat here for over an hour. I'm just starting to feel uncomfortable. Tonight we are going out for dinner with P's family to celebrate my sister-in-laws birthday, I hope I do as well or better at dinner.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Rough Night
Since I've been home I've really only have had one good night of sleep. Last night was the worst. I slept for 1 1/2 hours then woke up, my back started having horrible spasms. Took some pain meds. They got worse. Played on my laptop for hours. Had some ice cream at 4, when I could finally take more pain meds. I slept on the couch from 4:30 to 6:15. I see a long nap in my future today. I have a doctor's appointment at 9:30 hopefully he can get me better pain relief. I have to add that I am so in love with R's puppy. She's been watching over me, and snuggling when I'm alone during the day. She really is the cutest little one.
Friday, January 7, 2011
I've fallen and can't get up
Tuesday I was on the playground with the 1st graders. I went to walk behind the swing when I tripped on a boy's leg. I knew right away I was in some serious pain. 911 was called and I was transported to the hospital. X-rays and CT scan showed a compressed fracture in the L1 spot of my vertebrae. Wednesday I had a MRI to see if there was any other damage. Yesterday I had the fracture fussed with cement, that was one very painful procedure. Hammering on my back to drill holes to squirt the cement in. Today I walked with a walker to the nurses station and back to my room. I am sitting up right now as I type on my laptop. First time I've been able to sit up. It's not pain free but not as bad as I would have imagined. It's going to be a long road of physical therapy.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
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