Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Movie review
Although we've been off and there's several movies we want to see. This afternoon we finally made it to the first one. Marley and Me. Very sweet movie that you laughed at, related to and cried. I only sneezed a few times too! Now I am feeling very wore out.
But so far a little better today, I hope anyway. I didn't leave my room for much time yesterday. Mostly just for water and food. I did finish reading the Nicholas Sparks book I got for Christmas (in between naps that is) and I went through an almost entire box of tissues. It's totally not fun being sick when you are on vacation.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas was wonderful although I had to wake everyone up at 9. We read our traditional Christmas story before opening gifts. Left the house a huge mess and headed over to my sister's for brunch. Came home and straighted the house a little, showered then headed out to P's brother's house. The cold I was catching managed to stay away all day yesterday. Today not so lucky, (stuffy head, runny nose and the like). P had to go to work this afternoon, but he managed a little play in before he left. Check out the few pictures I posted of our day on the flickr photos on the left tool bar.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
No cavities x 2 and cold
The 2 oldest kids and myself had dentist appointments today. 2 out of 3 of us didn't have any cavities the third one has 2. I'm sure it has to do with his lack of brushing. S also had to go to the orthodontist this afternoon. It took all of about 2 seconds for him to adjust her retainer. Unfortunately the office is in Scottsdale so the whole trip took an hour. I am trying not to get a cold, but I think I'm losing. In between dental offices I tried to rest, but couldn't stop coughing. S and I stopped at Walgreen's on the way home and picked up some cold medicine. I think I have everything I wanted to get done before Christmas done, so I can spend a few days relaxing/getting well before the big day.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Our church "adopts" 30 families from the elementary school I work at and the girls attend. 27 of those families and several from our own church family attended the Christmas party the Angel Tree team (myself and 2 others put together, that was over saw by one of the pastors)this afternoon. While we had a few cliches, everything went according to plan and the families who are really struggling this year were blessed. Yea, God!
For maybe the second time...
In 17 Christmas's P and I have been together, he's off on Christmas Eve (I'm just not sure about the year I was pregnant with R, I know he went to the Christmas Eve church with us, but not sure if he was off the whole day or not.) The first few years of our marriage I would have to work during the day (of Christmas Eve) and he worked at night, and I'd have to work a few hours on Christmas Day, but he would have to work most of the day, when J was a baby, I remember taking him with me to work. (a perk of being a manager I guess) This year will be one to remember, not only is he off on Christmas Eve, and the store is closed on Christmas Day. Yea!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
In the Deer Valley School District grades are given at the end of the semesters instead of quarters. I am so darn proud proud of J for finishing 18 weeks and just barely missing making honor roll by just a couple of points because of his language arts grade (the other classes are honor roll worthy!) It's been so long for J to even come near honor roll. S of course made honor roll and R earned straight A's. Yea! I am so proud of them all!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Almost done
I am so excited I think I'm almost done with my Christmas wrapping. There's a few DVD's I still need to get, but I feel so much better about having the wrapping done. Tomorrow is the last day of school until January 5, 2009. 17 wonderful days off. There's much to do the first 4 days, but the 5th day I'm not getting out of my pajamas all day! Then it will be Christmas Eve, YEAH!!!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
After 27 years of working at the same location, and 16 1/2 years closer to another location, P was transferred to the store by our house. Today is his first day there. I just looked up the phone number there to call him, because I just got home and the house feels so cold. Maybe it just feels cold because it's cold (for Phoenix) and damp outside. It's 71 degrees inside, which in the summer would feel stifling. I went today to have my blood level checked again today after school, and it was at a perfect number! Yeah, hopefully it will stay there for 2 weeks until I have it checked again.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
We ended up not buying the correct amount of tickets for the Snow Queen shows. It left us 1 adult short for the 2 PM show today, and 2 extra tickets for tomorrow's shows and J doesn't get to see his sisters and cousins at all. J was gone all day, I've been home alone for about 5 hours now. I had several projects I was working on at first. and then when they were done, I planned on resting/relaxing for a few hours. I know houses make noises, and there are lots of outside noises coming it, and I've always been OK with this by myself. However, today I was jumpy. And a little freaked out. Maybe J was to last night when he was home alone and that explains why the TV was so loud, or maybe not, he is a teenager. I think I wouldn't have been so freaked out if P would not have said not to leave the "big" Christmas gift in the house after it's wrapped, in case we get broken into again. Thanks a lot buddy. Made me much more alert to souds, and not at all relaxing.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Long week
Lots of drama at school this week, nothing I can get into here on the blog, I'm just saying too much drama adds for long stressful days. Monday night I was so thankful I didn't have to go out anywhere (J's driver's ed classes are over!) Tuesday night I spent a few hours at my sister's chatting with her and my oldest niece, and holding my great nephew for a little bit. J had his scout meeting there (the boys had to clean and prepare the mistletoe for sale this weekend) Wednesday after the girls' dance classes, we hosted out bible study Christmas potluck. I needed a few things at Fry's afterwards J drove me, then he springs on my how he needs a new jacket and could we go to Kohl's. They are open till midnight till Christmas. I asked J if we could make this painless as possible for me (like making up his mind quickly) While, he was poking around I decide to look around and ended up finishing my Christmas shopping. It was a pretty painful $$$ shopping trip so late at night. Last night I thought I'd take it easy on myself and just do some laundry and start wrapping some gifts. I am a terrible wrapper, and even then it took my a couple of hours and it feels like I've barely started. UGH. This morning I managed to forget to have S take her medicine, didn't put my camera in the car, and a few other things. P who was in bed when we left for school, heard my whining message I left after arriving to school and brought S her medicine. Today after school the girls and I drove downtown for their rehearsal for this weekend's Snow Queen shows. It was tough getting there by 4, when I work until 3:15. But we did it, but a lot of other girls didn't. R kept moving around and couldn't sit still at all, waiting for her turn to dance. S on the other hand sat still but was whispering to me the whole time she wasn't dancing. Basically they drove me nuts. Then there's the whole drive home nightmare. I hate driving at night, I don't know downtown very well at all, I totally get mixed up and confused. It took awhile before I figured out how to get on a freeway to get home, only that didn't start out very fast because of an accident further up the freeway. We made it safely home but my nerves are shot.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Saw this at Party of Six (Bold what you have done. I also italicized what I’d still like to do.)
1. Started my own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than I can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world Both
8. Climbed a mountain Hated it
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sung a solo long time ago
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched lightning at sea
14. Taught myself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown my own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France.
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of my ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught myself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40.Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had my portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie Just eh home made ones
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies for S
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had my picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House not inside
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Ridden an elephant
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My memory is not what it used to be. I thought I remembered to set my alarm for this morning, to be at church for the 9 O'clock service because we were supposed to be at a meeting/party for leaders then. I must have dreamt it because it didn't go off. I heard P around 8 and wondered why he didn't wake me. He didn't feel good he decided not to go, but he didn't wake me to tell me this. I decided then to have a relaxing morning and go to church at 11 with the girls (J was at my sister's house), only at 9:15, I get a call from someone at church asking me were am I because I am supposed to be in charge this morning of the nursery to 3 year olds. As the morning progressed I remembered the conversation from last week about me doing this. But to be fair with myself, I was asked to do 3 different things in the next month and just got them mixed up. OK, so obviously I had not gotten this right, but say I'll be there at 10:30 to do the second service and clean up, which is a pain in the butt, packing everything away since we don't have our own building. I was supposed to over see set up, and felt terrible when I got there and heard it didn't go so well. Had I set my alarm to begin with I would have at least been there for the beginning of the 9 o'clock service and made sure everything was OK. I think it might be easier if I worked every week, then I wouldn't have a problem remembering which week I'm serving and which week I'm not.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I felt on hold this week in my preparations of getting the house decorated for our life group party and Christmas. And still the week seemed to fly by. (I was on hold waiting for P to get the decorations out of the attic) I thought he'd work on that on Tuesday when he was off, but I was wrong. Thursday when he got off work, I mentioned to him that J would not be home on Saturday when he would be off next (other than getting the tree, which was an all day affair with his Dad on Friday, I knew it would be, it's always an all day affair when he does anything with his Dad), P figured out for himself if he wanted help getting the stuff down and in the house, he needed to do it then. I was much too tried Friday after school to start anything. And I had to have my blood level checked again. It's now higher now than it was a month ago. The nurse suggested not walking into any walls or getting in a car accident, very comforting. NOT. Now I have to go back in a week for a another check, but it won't be for 10 days, because my schedule and the nurses didn't work out. Today after I got up way to early for a Saturday morning, and dropping J off, I started unpacking boxes, woke the girls up for dance, then while S was at dance R and I got quite a lot accomplished. P has been working on the tree since about 1 and may just be finished now. I didn't help at all I've already been struggling with a headache, I really don't want to get so close to the tree.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I am liking J having his permit, and him wanted to drive all the time. This afternoon I had errands to do and he drove. He had fun too, he thanksed me for letting him drive me around :) And he filled up the gas tank, which was the cheapest I have bought gas in a long, long, time. Yeah for lower gas prices! J had his last Driver's ED class last night. The DMV could waive him taking the driving test in March, because of this class. My back is no better, I know I need to schedule a doctor's appointment, I think I'll try my regular family doctor and skip the neurologist, that I saw in Oct. Taking Tylenol all day only slightly dulls the pain, and I'm taking 4 tablets at500 mg 3 times a day. So not good for my liver.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
my aching back
I've been having different issues with my back since about school started in August. I thought it was due to all the new physical strain from working. And it probably is. I can usually take some Tylenol before work and am fine until I get home, not always, some days I am hurting a lot before the end of the day. I did have an MRI in October to see if there is anything new wrong. Nothing new. This weekend I really put a lot of strain on it. Doing too much in such a little time frame. Last night I took some of the heavy pain killers left over from my foot surgery, I'm thinking I need to do the same tonight. We are hosting a small Christmas party on Dec. 10th, thus feeling a time crunch to get the house decorated for Christmas and goodies made. (I'm not sure how much time or energy I'll have after working) Today I started putting away our every day decorations, so I'll be able to out the Christmas stuff out faster when P and J get it out of the attic. I ran out of boxes, so I'm not quite done. I also need to clean, but I'm thinking right now that will have to wait until at least tomorrow.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Feelings this morning
I am feeling at the moment so thankful no one was home yesterday when we were robbed. And J did not walk into finding them. Thank you God for keeping my family safe. I can't keep thinking about this, and how violated I feel because our stuff was touched. The police didn't get any finger prints, so they must have worn gloves. I have thought of other jewelry that is gone, while it breaks my heart that these irreplaceable things are gone, I can't keep thinking that things could have been so much worse.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Our house got broken in today. While we were all at work and school. J came home to find the house a wreck. He called P, who beat us home by seconds. I'm pretty sure they got in through the back french door, and left through the front door. A few replaceable things, like mine and R's cell phones, S's bike. But irreplaceable rings. My mom's wedding band, the ring that was once a pendent or necklace of my grandmother's, my class ring. R was pretty upset. We went to my friend's house until it was time to go to dance. Then I took the girls to dinner after their classes, while P and J waited for the police. I really hopped the police would have came, but they still haven't came. It could be hours yet P says, since it's not an emergency. Nothing big like TV's, computers, etc.) was taken, but they sure made a mess. They really must have been after cash and jewelry. The house will be a mess until the police come.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I think my memory is going
Yesterday I was going to post and talk about last week, but I was thinking oh no was last Monday the 17th? and I missed going to my book club. Not only was it the 17th, but I went to my book club! None of us read the book, Faukner- The Sound and The Fury. I was strange the first few chapters I read. Before my book club I had a meeting at church. Luckily P was off and made dinner and took J to his driver's ED class. Tuesday all I had to do extra was laundry and take J to scouts. Wednesday the girls had a dance class each, then P and I met some friends for dinner. We left dinner early, so we went to Fry's to pick up a few things. We almost never shop together, it was kinda fun, and felt like a little date. Thursday morning R wakes up not feeling good, I call in sick and stay home with her.(P actually had to work during the day, Rest all day with R really did help my cold get so much better. It's not completely gone, but I'm feeling way better. Friday after work, I had to have my blood level checked, The number went down by a point, but it's still a little to high. I'll be going back again in two weeks to recheck it again. I was starving when I left the doctor's office, I picked up Taco Bell for our dinner on the way home. Sunday we skipped church again, took the girls to their Snow Queen rehearsal. Dropped them off at home, and had J drive to Costco, then he wanted something to eat, so he drove through his first drive thru. I goofed around with my ebay items I sold and finally made it to bed at 10. Way past my bed time. The kids are just getting there second wind then, but I've been trying to teach them responsibiltiy and they know if the goof off at night they have to play the price and be tired the next day, I used to fight with them on it, but why should I then we all would be tired the next day. And that's not so pretty. Must be off now to pick J up from his class.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Can you see much of a differance?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Last week was Kinda short
But not quite long enough for me to get rid of this stupid cold, that's been dragging on for ever (well not really just kinda feels like it)Monday J had driver's Ed, the girls and I went shopping, while he was there, then S went and spent the night with her oldest cousin. Tuesday J had his 2 hour drive with his driver's ED teacher. He even wanted to drive to his high school to met her, which was a first. He was pumped up about driving, when he got home. He was supposed to march on the Veteran's Day parade with his ROTC class, but they only could take 50 students, and it was the ones who signed up first and sold their quota for the fundraiser they had, got to march. J didn't do well making his quota, if he would have started sooner, he might have made it. It was a tough lesson for him, he really wanted to march in the parade. Wednesday night was the 6th and final 6 weeks in a row bible study meeting. We are going to go out for dinner to celebrate the fact we made it, this week coming up, then take a few weeks off, have a Christmas party, then start back up every other week in January. Sounds very refreshing to me! Thursday Pat was off and I felt terrible, he cooked dinner, and I stayed in our room. I tried to watch all my shows, feel asleep about 15 minutes into one, and woke up for the last 15 minutes of the second one. Watched those 15 minutes then went to sleep for real. Friday I got to go on the kindergarten field trip to the Wild Life Zoo. It weather was lovely until it hit 85 degrees around lunch time. Yesterday was dance and laundry day. I did 8 loads of laundry during the week, how is it the hamper is full again on Saturday? R and I did watch a couple of movies to relax when the laundry was done again. Penelope and Star Wars-Clone Wars. On the way to Snow Queen rehearsals today the girls and I called my big brother in PA to wish him a happy 50th birthday. It was great talking to him, and maybe someday he'll start a blog of his own and I can read about his daily life, and not just him reading mine. DO you get the hint big brother? After rehearsal the girls and I stopped at Big 5 Sporting Goods to get something for J for Christmas, I noticed in their ad this morning something he really wants and it was $15 dollars off, I wanted to get it right away before I forgot, or they sold out of the item. While the girls were off goofing around, I spend 2 hours listing somethings on ebay, to help with my ebay shopping of late. Now I'd like to go off to bed, and dream of not so wacky dreams like I have had the last several nights.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Scary, doctors, and movies
Monday morning J missed the school bus again. Up until this year he has never missed the bus. It's really frustrating when he does, since I am in the middle of getting myself and the girls ready for school. I don't talk to him much on the way, for two reasons I'm usually taking my medicine (at the red lights) and eating an energy bar, and I want to talk to him logically instead of out of anger. When we got home from school that afternoon he was not home. Very unusual. I tried calling his cell phone but had to leave a message. I call P at work to see if he knew anything, he doesn't. I had a doctor's appointment and had to leave. I left S in charge of R and told her to call me if he came home. Surprisingly enough my blood pressure was almost normal and the appointment was fast. I tried calling J again 3-4 more times during this time and checked in with S twice. I had tried calling the school before I left home but couldn't get anyone but I could have left voice mails on all the office numbers! I started driving to J's school after my appointment, because now it's 4:40 and I'm really starting to get a little freaked out. I have my cell phone in my hand, and just before I reach the school he calls. He had asked me about doing wrestling this year, and I had filled out the paperwork, but he had failed to tell me when practice was/started. Yep, that's where he was. I was way more relived that he was OK than angry, but we did talk about both missing the bus and this when we got home, and he had to do extra chores for missing the bus. Not that that helped on Tuesday when he missed the bus again, grrr. Tuesday afternoon, I had to see my heart doctor, and had my blood levels checked. It was very high. I guess I know why I've been feeling off lately, and bruising easier. He was pretty concerned, and wants to me come back in 2 weeks to retest, and then see him 2 weeks after that. He doesn't want it to get too high and that it lands me in the hospital. Nor do I want that to happen. Finally on Thursday some fun happened. P and I went out for dinner then saw Changeling, it was very good. I was out of my prescription sleeping pill and so I thought taking 2 over the counter ones would help me sleep. They did not work at all. I wasn't the least bit groggy, and not getting any sleep does not help the body fight a cold. Yesterday P and I took the girls to see Madagascar 2, other than the mean old lady it was good. (J was spending the night at my sister's so he could get up early today to go fishing with his uncle) I gage that on not falling asleep during the movie, even with no sleep the night before. After the movie we went to Fry's and picked up my prescription. I had no trouble sleeping last night. I have no idea why I can't sleep without them, no matter how tired I am. R had to sit though S's dance classes this morning, since J wasn't home and P had to work at 9 today (now that's unusual too!)S got invited to help grandpa today, he picked her up from the dance studio and so she didn't have to sit through R's classes. But I got to sit thought all 4, and now I get to do laundry.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Note to self
Check your own pockets for things before you wash clothes. Otherwise you might find redish lipstick all over all the clothes you just washed. Which ruins quite a bit of clothes.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Because my kids attend public school, they don't get to dress up on Halloween, they do get to have a fall festival party, and kindergarten kids can dress up in fairy tail characters. Since I spend my day with a kindergartner, I had to dress up too. I really wanted to find a red cap with a hood and be Little Red Riding Hood. no such like, except for a very sexy looking one that would not be OK for school. Therefore I ended up dressing as the Evil Step Mother from Cinderella. It was fun dressing up and walking around campus, all the upper grades come out and watch the parade. It made me feel special when students would call out my name. I think we all need to feel special, makes the bad days so much better. After dinner S and R went out trick or treating, S as a baseball player her costume from the last dance recital. R wore the baseball costume of S's for the recital 2 years ago. I didn't take any pictures :( They went up and down our street and were done. before I could get my camera they were out of the costumes. But I added a few of R in the Hannah Montana wig she wore to my flikr pictures soon.
Time spent and money too
Dropped S off at dance at 9 this morning, then went to the grocery store. I have been avoiding this trip because I knew I would be spending lots of money. I really try to only go to the grocery store myself every 3 weeks or longer if I plan right. Since P works at a grocery store, he can keep us supplied with milk and bananas, and if a few things are needed we'll just call him to bring it home, because if I go to the store I will find other things that are on sale and buy more than just what I needed. This way we save money. Dropped off the groceries, and picked up R for dance. S and I went to Khol's, next week is spirit week at school. S needed pajamas for Monday's pajamas day. We looked around a little spending some time together, then we stopped and got drinks and burgers at Sonic (love the 99 cent large drink all day deal they have right now and I had a BOGO free burger coupon). Dropped S off at home, then went to the dance studio to spend a little time watching R. We went home and worked on a few loads of laundry. P went to work. R was bored. S was going to go spend the night with her oldest cousin. So R and I went to Saver's and I got a brand new Lucy looking gown (Narnia's Lucy)for R 50% off. And we found some prairie skirts for hippie day on Friday. R and I went to eat (see previous post) Then we went to the Halloween store near our house, we found some hippie colored glasses, a fringed vest, and a peace sign necklace all 50% off. When we got home, and we bought J back something to eat. R and I watched the American Girl Kit movie. It's been a fun day, spending time with my girls and spending money :)
plastic gloves
Used correctly, can protect food service workers from spreading germs. I'm thinking the gloves get contaminated more often then they are changed. For example tonight R and I went out for dinner to a fast food restaurant. I observed picking teeth, sticking hands in pockets, taking money, slapping other employees backs and preparing food, with out changing the gloves. And this person seemed to be the management on duty. Yuck, and I just ate there.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
My girls have this obsession with these toys and playing the games online. S more so than R, but between them they have lots. We have no diet soda in the house that is not expired (for the last 2 weeks). Expired soda tastes way to horrible to drink, not that I haven't repeatedly tried to. But after a sip, I dump out the rest. I guess I keep thinking it's not so bad and keep trying until that first sip, then I think, what was I thinking? I drink water all day long when I'm at school, I just want something with a little flavor and bubbles every once in awhile. Today I was desperate for a diet coke, that the girls and I stopped at 7 Eleven for a 44 ouncer. Who knew they sell Webkinz at 7 Eleven? I didn't have to buy any, but I did anyway, only one for each girl. 2 reasons, first I forgot to have S take her ADHD medicine today and I know it will keep her out of my hair so to speak, playing with a new character, and the ones they had were all retired ones and not easy to come by (so the girls tell me).
Friday, October 24, 2008
Busy week

Friday, October 17, 2008
S got sick in the middle of the night. Therefore she missed chorus and school. When I told the music teacher why she missed chorus, she says we need to pray for her weak stomach. I think OK, so she threw up last year on stage during a chorus thing, and was sick last night, it's not like she's sick every week, or even all the time. But praying is a good thing. It just seemed weird when she said it. I left her home while I took J to the DVM for his permit test. She napped the whole time, so she was OK, by herself. I felt fine about J getting his permit until they called his name, after he took the test. Then I sat there and thought with a clenched stomach what if he passes? He'll be on his way to driving, YIKES! He did pass, and wanted to drive home, LOL, but I think maybe a few outtings in an empty parking lot, and use of the driver's ed simulator needs to happen first.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
run around...slow day
J decides to ask me this morning for a ride to school. He says he can't take projects on the bus. He had his model volcano to get to school today. It wouldn't have been that bad to take him, but S also had chorus at 7:30, and I had R's conference at 8. P's car was in the shop. R had a dentist appointment at 9. P took her. But there was lots of running around way to early this morning. But then my day slowed way down, as in almost stopped. The student I work with most of my day was not at school today. I did silly begging for work jobs all day. Then at the end of my day, the student I have for the last 45 minutes, has a temperature and is waiting for his mom to come pick him up. Back to begging. After school there's much running around again getting P's car from the shop, getting girls to dance, trying to get homework done. No time to cook dinner, pizza carryout to the rescue, bible study starts in an hour. What a crazy mixed up day.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New trick in bed!
No not what you may think. Somehow I've been scooting down my bed as I am sleeping (taking my pillow with me), when I wake up I can't seem to locate the alarm to turn it off. The first time it happened it just seemed strange. But now that it's happening almost every morning, it's just plain weird. It was a nice long weekend. Friday night out to dinner with my in-laws for my brother-in-laws birthday. After 2 hours R was getting a little bored, so she said she was sick. We left, I wasn't really ready to deal with a melt down. Sat. J had to be at John C Lincoln for a ROTC project, at 9, at the same time S's first dance class start. J got to get dropped off early. I had a meeting at church at 10, left both girls at the dance studio. J called around 11 saying he was done. Since I wasn't he walked over to Jack in the Box to wait for me. Picked J up around 11:30, then S, dropped them both off at home, went back to the dance studio to wait for R to get done. J went to spend the day at my sister's. The girls and I went shopping. Justice to get boots, they had to have, and they were on sale 25% off, and I had fun bucks to save another $30. I'm having this trend eating fresh fruits right now, so we went to Sprouts too, and loaded up on some treats for the week. Read and played outside the rest of the afternoon. Then we made fajita pitas for dinner. P got home and we started to watch a movie, only I didn't last long. (I feel asleep) oops.
Sunday was kinda another long day with church at 9 and then the girls and I came home and started laundry before taking S to her Snow Queen rehearsal. Got back for that then finished up the laundry, J got home from my sister's and we started to work on his volcano project that's do on Wednesday. Didn't get to bed until after 12. I was thankful for no school on Monday and we could sleep in. 9:30 wake up time was awesome. Reading was a big part of the day. S had to make a model of a plant or animal cell, and label the parts she spend hours working on it, I thought it looked pretty good. Can't wait until she's graded on it. I did have to drive out to Mesa yesterday afternoon to see my foot doctor. Because I am not completely pain free in the foot I had done, he gave me a shot of cortisone in it. I asked him to do the other one too. I did notice today and improvement in my right foot. This work week is crazy. I had a class after school tonight, that was supposed to get out at 8, but we were done a little after 6. The class concludes next week, and they said we would get out early next week too as long as we pass the test. Thursday and Friday are half days, but I still have to work full days. We decided to work late on Thursday till 6, then leave at 12 on Friday. Then I hope I remember to take J to the DMV for him to take the permit test. J is going camping with his scout troop leaving at 4, P will have left at 10 with his Dad and brother hiking trip across the Grand Canyon. It will be just me and the girls holding done the fort.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
It was such a long week, with something to do every afternoon/evening this past week. P worked every night too (other than Friday) By then I was so tired. P was off all weekend, we were able talk about my frustrations, and his needing to help me. It's been a nice weekend, he's been off and helpful. I hope it keeps up. We went out to dinner just the two of us last night for the first time in what seems like forever. The weather has cooled down this weekend too, it's been lovely all around.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
doctor office visits
This afternoon I had to go get my blood level checked. I made the appointment yesterday morning. The office front girl says "my appointment is tomorrow." But they did the test anyway. I was the only patient in the office, I'm so glad they could find a nurse to spare, to poke my finger. I have had so many of these done, I could probably have done it, if they would have let me. But the funniest thing was when I went to get on the elevator to leave, my doctor was walking out of it. Which isn't very funny now is it? But my first thought was that's about normal appointment with him! Usual appointments he's in and out in less than 60 seconds. On my way home I have to stop at the kids doctor's office to pick up S's prescription. There was a woman in front of me on her cell phone at the counter. I'm not sure who she was talking to, but it didn't seem to be related a child/sickness/doctor type thing but she just stood there hammering away. As the office worker rolls her eyes and I wait. You'd think she could have found somewhere else to stand and yak? Or better yet sit down and watch her 3 children. (I know this part because they left when I did)
Monday, September 29, 2008
In a funk-be warned I'm whiny
I have been really down lately, I am crying over nothing or things that would not normally upset me. Enough that I scheduled a doctor's visit to talk to her about this. Maybe my anti-depressant needs to change. I am felling totally out of control. Friday afternoon I did the grocery shopping for a few weeks, so I didn't have that huge chore on Saturday, even though I knew my feet would greatly protest. But some how I've got to figure out time for relaxing. All I did on Saturday was, take J to his ROTC thing, took the girls to dance, picked up J, and read. J even grilled the chicken breasts for dinner, and there was leftovers to go with them, so I had no cooking. Sunday we went to the first service, came home for S to get ready for her Snow Queen rehearsal, and I started laundry. Then last night I had a church event I had to attend as a leader of a bible study group. Hope by 8:30. The rest of this week and next will be more running around. Every afternoon is booked with something. And where is Pat in all of this madness? At Fry's working till 9:30 PM or later. I'm tried when do I get to sleep in. I need a break!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Prayers are helping and other randomness
The young girl, is doing better, she still has a many more surgeries needed, but she's stable.
J turns 15 1/2 on Thursday. What this means to him is he get to obtain his drivers permit. I noticed last week, in the paper about a driver's education class, 12 weeks, once a week, 3 hours per night. He started tonight. I'm getting a wee bit tired already tonight and I'll have to go pick him up at 9.
The calendar said Fall today, but the thermometer said 102. Bhaaaaaaaaaaa I actually sayed cool until at 2 PM, then walking around dropping students back to classes, and then bus duty turned on my sweat glands. EEK.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Poor customer service at restaurants
Seemed like a theme this weekend. Friday night we were out for dinner with P's family for his Mom and Dad's birthdays. A lot of the food was delivered cold. The waiter was not so good about handling this situation, to the fact it felt like he thought we were lying. And even when he brought back my sister-in-laws it was still cold. I ate some of my meal, at the restaurant, but it wasn't that hot. And a baked potato should not be cooked so much that it tastes like mashed potatoes. I brought home most of my steak and mushrooms and ate them for lunch yesterday, the meat was so fatty, GROSS I didn't eat much of it. Very disappointing. The manger and waiter didn't really seem to care all the much about making us happy, only to try to blame the kitchen. Today the kids and I went to JIB for lunch. The guy taking our order couldn't seem to stop filling up the little bags for future salad orders, to take our order or repeat that he got it right. He handed me the receipt and asked me to check if it was right. S decided she wanted something else, after I paid for everything else. The first order was called to us, pretty quickly, but my curly fries were very hard and cold. And my burger that I asked for extra sauce on, had extra mustard instead. I don't complain, just wipe the mustard off and ask J to go ask for some sauce and S's order. The manager didn't believe we ordered this item, and told him it belonged to someone else. What? They must have given it to someone else, because when I went to the counter and still had to fight with the manger, he got someone to start cooking the item. The manager never apologized for the mistake. He did get the sauce for me, but had to finish talking to the guy at the grill about something personal first, now my burger is also cold. UGH. The manger did at least bring S her food when it was done cooking, only she can't eat it because it's too hot, and the rest of us were done eating, and she was full because she ate most of my cold fries.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Please pray
I have a huge sinus headache. At lease I don't have to go anywhere else today. This past week have been incredibly busy. But I wanted to ask for your prayers- a young girl from my neighborhood was hit by a van on Thursday afternoon. Yesterday they didn't know if she would make it. Today I found out she did and has made it through one of the many surgeries she will need. She is still in critical condition.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
No sleep
For the tired, well not much anyway. I couldn't figure out last night why I could not fall asleep. I had a sinus headache and took some Tylenol, before going to bed. Usually when I take Tylenol on top of my usual sleeping aid, (I usually take this at dinner, so I don't forget later) I am asleep before I can turn the lights out. Not so last night and I was too tired to try to figure out why that was, so instead, I just tossed and turned most of the night, (dumb reasoning I know, but I was tired) my headache did go away though. This morning I'm looking through my medicine storage container that I have to use, so I remember to take all the pills I take daily. All the pills for yesterday are gone, and I remember taking my medicine last night at dinner, I was stumped, if I took the sleeping aid why didn't I fall asleep? I look at today's assortment of pills and don't see that familiar little blue one. I guess if I don't put the pills in the storage container I don't take them either. Some how yesterday morning when I'm filling up the stupid thing up, and getting myself and 3 girls ready, for school I didn't even notice I had missed putting that pill in, and then didn't notice not taking it at dinner. I'm glad it wasn't one of my heart meds I forgot. But geez, I could also do without a burning throat today, because of lack of sleep.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What to do? x2
S signed up for art club at school, every other Wednesday before school. Today she gives me a permission slip for chorus which meets twice a week before school on Wednesdays and Fridays. In the past chorus has been on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I didn't think they would overlap, at the time I signed the permission slip for art club. She wants to do both, but really wants to do chorus. But I feel bad that she's signed up for art club, not knowing chorus was going to be on different days this year. Part of me thinks she should do art club because she already committed to it, but then I think that stinks, that she can't do both. And the art club is way cool, they actually do art, not like in art class were the students draw most weeks. But don't even get me started on this. I could go on and on about how frustrating that is as a parent and for the kids. And I have to work with this teacher, so I don't really want to make her mad. My second "what to is" is about the neighbor girl who's mother pays me to care for her before school. This child drives me nuts. Last weekend I felt trapped in my own house. She called every 30 seconds. If we didn't answer, (we only answered her call once all weekend) she'd call right back again, but never would leave a message. I knew it was her without caller id because if we didn't pick up, she would call R's cell phone. She knows she better not call my cell phone unless her house is on fire or a parent is hurt/not breathing and she needs my help. I've already been through enough calls from her, on my cell for her to be taught that, by me. This weekend has been better, so hopefully I got through to her about calling all. day. long. But I ask myself is this really my job? and where are her parents at? do they not realize that she is using the phone constantly? Then on, Tuesday morning my girls had orthodontist appointments at 7:30. P took them, the neighbor girl did not show up at my house before 8, when I have to leave for school. I didn't get a phone call to tell me she wasn't coming. After she called all weekend long, that made me so mad. I didn't call her, because really it's not my responsibility to call, it's her mother's, right? When I asked her about it she lied to me, and said her mom's cell phone and house phone batteries were dead, which I could almost believe since she was calling my house all weekend. But then the other neighbor girl asks, how girl #1 mom could call girl #2 her dad about girl #1 walking to school with girl #2. Did ya follow all that? It was not easy trying to get ready for work, listening for the door, and no one knocking on the door. No respect right?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Is this day over yet?
Working all day, taking a girl to her dance class, cooking dinner, cleaning up from dinner, getting ready to host our bible study group makes it a long day. And soon the house will be full of people, then the cleaning up afterwards. But really everyday seems to be, today just more so. P has been working late shifts and not home for dinner, and his only night off this week is Friday, but he'll be going to a football game with his Dad. I am glad he gets to spend time with his Dad, I just wished there was a night he was home and could help me with dinner. Today was my first in service day, it wasn't at all as bad as I thought, but we were only on campus taking a test, and meeting with 3 of the Spec Ed teachers, so it was not boring, and actually kind of fun. Too bad we couldn't do that type of training every month. I don't know if my foot surgery really took. But maybe it's still too early to tell, the doctor did say 3 months, and it's just been 6 weeks or so. I just thought by now it would be better by now :(
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Best Kind of Day
I had to take a CPR and First Aid class this morning. Which meant I only had to be on campus for a few hours this afternoon. Made the day go by, swimmingly fast. Next Wednesday there is an early release day for staff development, bet that doesn't go by as fast. I've got my schedule worked out so that I don't have as much walking (at least not as much as last week) The only draw back is I am with a kindergarten student most of my day, which would be OK, except she doesn't walk on her own, her walker is short (because she is) and it kills my back.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Not too relaxing...so far that is
When business takes over from fun, I feel stressed. That's how I am feeling now. Some of the business I can fix, so hopefully next weekend does not leave me in the same stressed state. I don't even feel like I accomplished all that much yet. I'm to tired and the only reason I am sitting here blogging this is because P and J are in my room watching a tape of the Cardinals game from earlier and I can't go to bed until they get out, which I hope is soon, because we've got to get up for both morning services tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Oh my achy
feet and leg muscles. Today I had less walking, then the first 2 days of school, but this afternoon my feet hurt worse. And my legs got a good workout today sitting in a kindergarten chair, for a lot of the day.
That's the word I'd use to describe the first 2 days of school. Not only for me but for the kids as well. J missed the bus on the first day, it was a little early, he was a running little late. Today should be better, my schedule will change hopefully for the better. As it was I was in one classroom for 30 minutes then off to another place, usually that meant all the way across campus. Yuck. I've been so tired the last 2 night I've falling asleep sideways on my bed, watching the Olympics, P has had to help me move so he can go to bed.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
If only...
Back to school meant cool fall temperatures like I remember first days of school in PA. But, growing up I don't remember ever starting school until after Labor Day. Not that it would make any difference in Phoenix though, because it will be hot until about Thanksgiving, maybe not as hot in a couple of months, but not cool for a long time yet. I'm going to miss the coolness of my house and my fans! Not looking forward into climbing into the car to come home at the end of the day, after it's baked out in the sun for 7 hours. This summer has felt like it has gone by faster than any I can ever remember. Jeez, it doesn't seem like we did anything. But really I guess we did, J was at scout camp for 5 weeks, S had her leadership camp, went to church camp, dance recitals, 6 Thursday outings with friends from church, foot surgery, oral surgery, doctors and orthodontist appointments, movies gone to, etc, etc. It doesn't feel like we did too much, that the summer went by faster, but it did seem like at one point over the summer that very rarely all 5 of us were at home at the same time, that makes me a little sad, but maybe we got along better by not being all together so much! We are ready to go back to school, other than the thoughts of having to pack lunches and doing homework!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Car Things
I hate even getting gas, and when I'm out and the car decides not to start, flat tire or the car stalls, etc. I tend to freak out a little. For this reason when I was single my brother-in-law whom I'd call when ever these types of things happen, gave me for my birthday one year a AAA membership. When P and I got married, he thought renewing it was pointless. I was not comfortable in canceling, because what if I'm alone with the kids and something happens, or just alone, and I can't get a hold of him. Today was one of those days I am thankful for AAA, as I was out doing errands this afternoon, and just out of the blue, the car does not start. Luckily I had just gone to the library, so I had something to read, while I waited for nearly an hour, and I was able to wait inside for the AAA service guy. The battery was shot. To Checker I went, and got a new battery, it was 2 years and 2 weeks ago we last got a battery, it feels like it was just last year, I was a little concerned that the warranty would be used up, but it wasn't so yeah, it didn't cost anything for a new battery, the warranty starts over and Checker took out the old battery and put the new one in. Which I would just be clueless how to do. I even forgot where the lever was to open to hood (the Checker guy helped me with that too)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Family Service Project

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Today's Field Trip

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Made me feel good after turning a year older yesterday
That title is longer than some of my posts! I am on an outreach team at church and one of our outreaches is adopting 30 families from Sunrise with backpacks filled with supplies (like an angel tree but with backpacks). The church is hosting a party on Saturday for those families and 7 single parent families from our church at Sunrise. Today the music/media pastor wanted to check out the school, so he can make sure we have all the sound things we will need, I had to get up early to met him there. The summer day care program kids were on campus today. One of little girls from one of my classes asked if the pastor was my boyfriend! I should hope not, we are both married! And she's met P on more than one occasion but probably forgot. I hope that she wouldn't think I have a boyfriend on the side. But it was sweet that she could have thought a young man of about 25 would be my boyfriend. I could be he's mother, if I had him at 17 that is. Having a baby the year I graduated from high school wouldn't have been something I would have wanted to do. I'm just going to take it as a compliment that she things I'm much younger than I am.
Monday, July 28, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008
I'm so hot...and tired
Today I took the kids back to school shopping today, like 5 hours of shopping. My foot did OK, it hurts but in a different way than before, and surprisingly it's not swollen! I had already started on some of the school supplies, but still needed a few things J knows he'll need. I hate middle school and high school because you never know what the teachers want until after school starts. Backpacks, shoes, a few shirts for J and a pair of shorts, a new shirt each for the girls. Back to school sure is expensive. I didn't even get the tissues, hand sanitizer and the like, I'll wait on those when the stuff that already gets donated runs low in the classrooms, before getting that stuff.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Now you're cooking
Yesterday, I had a brain storm. While I had the oven on (stupid idea for summer in Phoenix, P needs to look at the grill) I thought I should just fill the whole thing up, instead of turning the oven on 3 different nights. I made a roast chicken, pork tenderloin, roasted red potatoes, and a meatloaf. We had the pork tenderloin and potatoes last night for dinner (so yummy), we'll have the chicken tonight and I put the meatloaf in the freezer for one day next week. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I used to one cooking day for a month, but haven't done that in awhile, I did start out the summer cooking on Monday for the week, but that required the oven and the stove use, which meant standing in a hot kitchen, which I did knowing I could cook once and be done with it for the week, (other than using the microwave to reheat)made it OK. But yesterday was great, I turned on the oven, and kitchen fans, then left for a cooler part of the house, a few hours later had 3 meals other than side dishes for a little work and no sweat(OK a little).
I knew it was bad
But not as bad as it was. The girls' room. For a very long time now, I've not had the pleasure of seeing their bedroom floor. And, if and when I did, they just pushed everything in the closet/corners/in front of shelves so it looked kinda clean. It's still not as clean/cleaned out as I would like, but after several hours yesterday and about 4 today, they are getting testy, and my back hurts. Doesn't seem that long ago I went though this with them, I must say it doesn't motivate me into wanting to do it again anytime soon (ever,if I could help it).
Saturday, July 19, 2008
S camp group pictures
Friday, July 18, 2008
One home, one gone again
Seems like a theme from our Summer Break-
J left for 5 weeks in July, S spent 2 days twice at Aunties house J spent at least 4 days there also. S just got back this afternoon from church camp. Now tonight J leaves for a scout weekend. Then there has been all the busy stuff like S's leadership camp, dance recitals, dentist, orthodontic, and oral surgery visits. Plus my foot surgery and doctor visits. I hope the last few weeks before school resumes we'll have time time to spend together all of us, as a family hanging out. Peaceful Time to reconnect with each other before, we are all pulled in different directions again.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Crazy Girl

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Camp R
Since R was the only one not going to camp this summer, we've been having her own camp this week, just her and me. It's been lovely. Lots of crafts made, baking, outings,(to see a movie, and to the library) J spent the night at my sister's house Saturday night, and again last night, he will be home tonight after boy scouts. Not sure if we'll have time to do much tomorrow J has an appointment with his counselor in the early afternoon, then we'll have to get the house cleaned up for bible study. The movie R and I saw was Kit Kitteridge: An American Girl. We finally finished reading together the last one this morning. I love all the AG books, so at first I was disappointed in some of the changes in the movie. I knew there would be changes, the other 3 AG movies differ also. But R and I think Kit has the most differences. It was still a good movie, but just like it is often said books are always better than the movie. My foot is really sore and swollen today, I really didn't do much other than walking in and out of the theater and library, so I can't figure out what's causing the swelling. I'm thinking I should keep wearing the boot for another week and see what happens. Rachel informs me it in now time to play Old Maid.
Monday, July 14, 2008
How very lovely it was to take a shower for the first day after my foot surgery. I don't think I could handle only bathing once a week, all the time. Sponge washing is just so not very refreshing, even though I did stick my head in the sink to wash my hair daily, nothing beats a full shower! J had his stitches out this morning, which took seconds. We waited longer in the waiting room then it took for the assistant to cut them out. I went to the foot doctor this afternoon, and I can stop wearing the boot, yea! But I have to keep my stitches covered and dry. I guess it's because my foot has been wrapped for 6 caused the ankle to feel like it's been twisted. I have a little brace to wear for a little support, that hopefully I wean off of it. I won't know for 3 months if the surgery worked or not. As the new cells regenerate.
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008
Being a mom
Me not doing much for 4 days has left the house in a state of shock. I'm feeling a little better today but have noticed when I'm busy cleaning and picking up scattered about things, I feel yucky. So until I feel much better my poor house will be in shambles.
------------Being a mom--------------
A man came home from work and found his three
children outside, still in their pajamas, playing
in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers
strewn all around the front yard.
The door of his wife's car was open, as was the
front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog.
Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger
rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV
was loudly
blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn
with toys and
various items of clothing.
In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink,
breakfast food was spilled on
the counter, the fridge door was open wide,
dog food was sp illed on the floor,
a broken glass lay under the table,
and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door.
He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys
and more piles o f clothes, looking for his wife. He was
worried she might be ill, or that something serious
had happened. He was met with a small trickle of
water as it made its way out the bathroom door.
As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap
and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of
toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been
smeared over the mirror and walls.
As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still
curled up in the bed in her pajamas, reading a
novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how
his day went. He looked at her bewildered and
asked, 'What happened here today?'
She again smiled and answered, 'You know every day
when you come home from work and you ask me what
in the world did I do today?
'Yes,' wa s his incredulous reply.
She answered, 'Well, today I didn't do it.'
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
2nd down
My foot surgery went fine. Now I pray it worked. I'll be in a boot for a week, then go back and have the dressings removed in a week, followed by another visit in 2 weeks to remove the stitches. We just got home, they girls were awake, but J wasn't. He's feeling fine. I'm really tired, I'll be going to ice my foot and take a nap now.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Dream House Flooded
I just heard from our friends who are selling their house here in Phoenix, and retiring to their new house near Roosevelt Lake. They got back from the lake to find their house flooded. The evap cooler pipe burst. The new carpet is a mess, as well as some cabinetry, and ceiling. They had a buyer for the house, but he had to pull out, do to the loan not being able to go through for him. Then there was another couple who wanted to purchase it, but can not afford the payments. Our friends are discouraged, which I don't blame them at all. But God will work it all out. But in the mean time, could you keep them in your prayers?
One down
J had his oral surgery this morning to extract his wisdom tooth. He did fine, and is asleep on the couch. It too longer for Fry's to fill his prescriptions than it did for the dentist to get the tooth out. My foot surgery is tomorrow. Hopefully it will go just as fast. I have to be at the surgery center at 6 in Gilbert. Pat has to close tonight, he will not be getting much sleep. Not that I will either, but at least I'll be in bed longer!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
The kids and I hung out at home all day, reading and playing computer games. When P got off work he was tired and S was worried about a monsoon storm. It was quite windy. We decided to stay home and celebrate without going to see fireworks, but watch them on TV, I had glow necklaces and bracelets I got at the local dollar store. We blew bubbles, the girls and I face painted each other's faces, we had poppers, and glow worms. Then I went out and got BOGOF sundaes at Sonic for a treat. It was a fun night, even without live fire works. Look through my flikr pictures to see our fun!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
One of my favorite pastimes. Tonight a was finishing a really good book. Beyond the Clouds, by Karen Kingsburg, when R wanted to do something. I was 6 pages away from the end, and even though I could have waited to read it, I thought it might be a good way to get R reading a little bit. I finished my book, before she could cross off a 20 minute mark on her library reading sheet. I decided to put away the Narnia books, and pull out The American Girls -Kit series to read with her. I love reading the AG books with my daughters, and we have loved the 3 made for TV movies of Samantha, Felicity, and Molly. Kit is coming to the big screen this week! I'm so excited! While I take the books in to my room (that's where I left R reading)to ask if she was ready to start reading them together. She was asleep :( Now if I wanted her to go to sleep she would be bouncing around, goofing off. Guess we'll start reading tomorrow.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
He's Home!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Save the Planet

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Dance recital marathon is over for another year. I just love everything leading up to recital, and then watching my girls and my nieces beaming on stage, but it takes it's toll on me. Thursday night was dress rehearsal at the high school, which was about 5 hours of sitting, helping girls change costumes, and some how I managed to loss my camera :( Friday night Pat and I went to The Melting Pot, for dinner, which is a fondue place, it was fun and so yummy. Then we decided instead of going out to a movie, because that would be a typical date night, since it was our anniversary we wanted to do something else. We went to As You Wish, which is a pottery place and painted coffee mugs for each other. Saturday, S did 3 of her dances, and R her 2. This morning, the girls and I went to church for the 9 O'clock service, because I've been helping nursery/toddler coordinator set up at curriculum for the little ones, I needed to be there to teach the first lesson. We came home ate some lunch, then off we went to watch more dancing. S had her 4th dance, and my nieces danced. P's work let him off to come watch. He was supposed to be off, then they scheduled him 12-8:30. S was very happy her Daddy got to see her jazz dance. He called when he got to work to tell her, her face was beaming, with happiness that he was going to be able to come. Hopefully I'll be able to get the girls to bed now, they are still a little wired from the last few days. S has her last week of leadership camp this week, she really needs to get to bed, or she's so not going to want to wake up tomorrow. This is J's last week at camp too. He'll be home on Saturday.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Was I just hungry
or is the McDonald's Southern Chicken biscuit I ate, really good? I had to have some blood work done this morning, and I needed to update my driver's license picture. (who knew every 12 years you had to do that?, I can't believe it's even been 12 years since I got my last license, in Arizona licenses don't expire until you turn 60, my new license expires when I'm 65) I stopped at Micky D's because I had a free coupon to try the chicken biscuit. (and I was hungry). I just finished it, it was pretty tasty, maybe I should have tried it when I wasn't hungry though, to really know if it was good or not, ya know?
Monday, June 16, 2008
My new favorite author
Nancy Rue. My book club summer book is "Healing Stones". Which was good, about a female professor of a Christian college, who is caught in an affair. Made me want to check out some of her other works. Every parent with a daughter needs to read "Tristan's Gap" Well, I take that back every parent should read it, the message is so overwhelming. It reads like a mystery. I had to read the last 2 chapters after I started it, so I could go to sleep to make sure it all ended well, it gripped me so.
studio dress rehearsal recital part 3
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Driving home from church we were involved in a bumper, to bumper, to bumper accident. The 3rd vehicle caught on fire. We were the first car to stop for a woman who crossed lanes to turn left, she was in the opposite direction than we were going. Our car and the car behind us were completely stopped, not so luckily the van in last place did not stop fast enough. We are all OK, and surprisingly there was no damage to our car. My head and neck are hurting now, but I'm not sure it was do to the impact or not. I had a headache this morning before church, and we haven't eaten lunch yet. P went to get us something, but R was scared and just wanted to come home.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
dress rehearsal recital part 1
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