Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Young and Old
Yesterday I went to Fry's for groceries, and I've shopped at that location for a long time the cashier said it was her 37th Christmas at Smitty's/Fred Meyer, Fry's. That made me feel very young. I was 6 when she started working! Today the girls and I went to the dentist, R and I to get our teeth cleaned and S had a tooth that needed to be pulled. The dentist that cleaned my teeth, not the regular dentist, was talking the whole time, asking questions, I nearly choked when he asked if I had any grandchildren. That made me feel very old. Geez, I do have friends I graduated with that are grandparents, but my oldest is only 16.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Lights 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
He did it!
For the first time since he was in 6th grade J earned honor roll! At his high school they do grades only at the end of semesters, I am beyond thrilled! If you know of his struggles the for the last 5 years you would understand my excitement. S and R also earned honor roll for the 2nd quarter. I am one proud Mommy!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
S has started in the past 2 weeks not wearing her glasses. She's decided they are very uncool, even at home unless I ask her where they are, so I know she hasn't lost them.. R desperately wants glasses because she thinks they are cool, but right now her eyes are not bad enough to have them. S's eyes really are not good enough to see well for long periods of time. I know when I was in 5th grade I hide my glasses in my desk everyday, my eyes are much better that S's. I totally get S thinking they are uncool. She last went to the eye doctor in January she will have wait a few more weeks to go back. Last year the doctor said when she was 13 she could get contacts. I don't know if she remembers or not, I think I won't say anything and surprise her and wait to tell her when we get there.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
J took this test in October. On Saturday a Air Force Sergent called him. He did very well on it. 74th percentile, which I guess is good. He was very happy to hear he did well. The Sergent said he will most likely be able to pick the job/speciality he's most interested in doing, which made J very happy. Speaking of J, his knee surgery will be on Jan. 13th, Aunt Marlene's birthday, he missed sharing a room with Aunt Jul by 2 days, her knee replacement surgery is on the 15th. Oh, that reminds me I meant to fill out the form today for a personal day for the 13th, I need to remember to do that tomorrow.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Productive weekend
I got a lot of my Christmas wrapping done on Friday afternoon. I even talked P into helping me after dinner. It feels good to have that mostly done. Saturday I had to get up early, but not as early as the Saturday before J needed to be dropped off at 8, to gather mistletoe with his scout troop. When I got home I laid back down for a little bit, not that I fell back to sleep, but resting felt good, my cold seems to be getting worse not better. I had to wake both girls up at 12, in order to be downtown by 2, so we could watch their cousins dance in The Snow Queen. When we got home I reluctantly did 4 loads of laundry. After church today I started my Christmas baking. 4 loaves of Amish Friendship bread, and pizzels. I think I'll only be baking a few different kinds of cookies, peanut blossoms, M and M's, chocolate chip, and sugar cut outs. Since I really suck at making fudge, I'm not even planning on trying this year, the only candy I plan on making is Christmas bark. Only 4 and a half more days of school,(until winter break) Although I am working till 3 on Friday, I don't want to use my personal time to leave at 12 when students leave, we have to option of working, not getting paid for 3 hours or using personal time, teachers get to leave when students do though, so not fair! I am so ready for the break.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Not trying to stress
But I'm having a hard time keeping myself in check. Not getting enough sleep, and a cold on top of that isn't helping my stress level. I did cross off 2 major things on my to do list. Christmas cards, and the invitations for our church Angel Tree party. I just need to stamp everything to mail. I called P at work to bring me the stamps. I tried cutting down on the amount of cards send this year, by only sending cards to just my first cousins and not second cousins. Since I only send cards to P's Aunts and Uncles, I already send way more cards for my family. The tree is still not decorated yet. Well, that's not completely true, someone started to, but then got bored or something. I have 4 boxes sitting on my living room couch, and on the love seat there's a large broken down box for S to use in her project that's due soon, I hope. The only place to sit in my living room is on 1 of 2 computer chairs. The boxes are making me feel claustrophobic. P is off tomorrow I have hope that the outside lights go up and the tree gets finished. Well, maybe not the tree the girls have dance and J has to work 6 hours. I haven't baked one cookie or wrapped one present yet. Maybe this weekend, I can fit something in, in between all the other activities. I will not stress, and enjoy December, and get a couple of good nights sleep to kick this cold...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'm sure that some of the extreme emotions I felt yesterday had to do with being up since 5:30 AM. Yesterday was the first of 2 shows for my girls as they danced in The Snow Queen. While they were on stage dancing during the first show I just felt very proud of them and happy, and frustrated that because they are in the same scene very hard to watch them both at the same time, and they were on different ends of the stage the whole time. At the end of the show all the dancers come out by group to take a bow. I cried then. The plan was to come home between shows to grab something to eat before heading back downtown for the next show. S and R didn't come out of the dressing room, everyone else left including the show's director, and still no S and R, I was freaking out, and it was worse because I'm the only one standing there waiting for them. I tried to go back to get them, but because of security they wouldn't let me. Finally they come out, They are not alone they have another girl with them, who is about R's age. She wants to go to Subway, R wants to go with her. I was very angry at that point and no way would I let R walk around downtown without an adult and we needed to go home not only to get dinner but to get P who was coming to the evening show. I'm sure I embarrassed her with my anger. I felt embarrassed too, but I was stressed out and angry. We finally made it to the car, and surprisingly I figured out how to get to the freeway by myself. Only one freeway curves off and the freeway I'm in the wrong lane to get on the freeway I need to be to get home. Sigh. So I get off the wrong freeway to turn around to get on the right one to get home. By the time we stopped to get food (fast food) to eat at home, because J and P needed dinner too, we had 30 minutes to eat before we had to leave to drive downtown again. I'll get back to what P did that made me crazy. On the drive home, my cell phone rang. S got it out of my purse for me, I just figured it would be P or J wanting to know where we were or what's for dinner. Nope, it was my MIL who tells me that herself and FIL will not be coming to the evening performance, because her brother died and she was too upset to go and FIL was going to stay with her, so he wouldn't be coming either. OK, I get it that her brother just died and she's upset, I don't want to sound cold here but her brother had cancer, and really he lived a lot longer than his doctor thought he would. So it shouldn't really come as a shock that he died. There's more feelings into this, but I can't get into it. P called her when we got home last night and she couldn't talk very long to him without crying. So she hands the phone off to Dad, P asks his Dad about the Cardinal game they are supposed to go to today. Yes, he would still be going to that. MIL wants him to go. WHAT. That really angers me. She'll be OK, the day after her brother dies, for her husband to go to a football game, but not be OK to let him go watch his granddaughters dance the night before? Really, really angers me. I thought I would feel better about it today, but really it makes me more angrier, because you see my husband as in S and R's father is going to this football game with his father and not going to watch his daughters dance. Back to P last night. He just was getting home when we pulled up to the house at 5 PM. Only he forgot to get my prescriptions that I've had on the counter since Wednesday, I call the scripts in and leave the empty bottles on the counter, so he knows to pick them up, they are filled at the pharmacy located in the store he works at. He leaves to go back to get them. So instead of having a little (and I mean little since we only had 30 minutes anyway) of a peaceful family meal together, I was left to do everything and be stressed that he would be back by 5:30. He barely makes it, and I don't talk to him the whole drive downtown. There was just too much for me to be able to talk nicely, so I just didn't say anything.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Snow Queen Weekend Ahead!
This afternoon P (so thankful he was off to take them to one of the rehearsals) took the girl to their first of 2 rehearsals at the theater they will be dancing at for 4 shows this weekend. Tomorrow I get to take them to the second one. Then I get to take them Saturday for the first show by myself, come home and pick up P and J, and go back down for the evening show (P can drive us then). Sunday I get to do the whole day by myself. I so NOT like to drive down town. I always feel all mixed up, when driving down there, I am already feeling very stressed out. I took J to work, and got groceries this afternoon, which I hate doing, well both buying groceries and going after I've been on my feet all day at school. The girls needed to have snacks for back stage and we'll need food to eat next week, no time for that this weekend. But man oh man do my feet hurt. And I started coughing this afternoon and it's getting on my nerves already. It better go away fast.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
What a Mess!
I love decorating for Christmas, but I hate all the mess. It is very time consuming too. The kids were supposed to help me, but that didn't work out so much. J was the most helpful and he worked 8 hours today. If I can convince one of the girls to vacuum I'd be happier about all the boxes stacked in the family room. P is off tomorrow, the boxes should disappear into the attic then.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I am sweating!
I dropped J off to work (safety training) for the first time this morning. I wanted to take his picture, but I didn't want to embarrass him. Yesterday I put away all the autumn decorations and did 5 loads of laundry. Today I am boxing up most of the everyday decorations around the house and washing 4 more loads of laundry (the girls cleaned their room yesterday). I have 6 boxes done, with 2 more to go, I am waiting until the dishwasher is done, because I wanted to wash all my mugs and teapots I've collected since high school first, my plan is to have them clean for the month they are in the attic, so when I'm ready to put them back they are clean and dust free. I'm ready for P and J to get the Christmas boxes out of the attic, when they both get off work this afternoon. Hope I feel like starting to decorate tomorrow. I thought the weather was supposed to be in the 60's today, so I put sweat pants on this morning, I am so hot, I should have put shorts on to work this hard!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Medical updates
Monday I went to have my bruising and claw marks looked at. Thank goodness I had a appointment. Or maybe it would have taken 2 hours. It took about an hour and 45 minutes. On Friday I asked if it was going to take a long time, and was assured it wouldn't since I had an appointment. NOT. The only thing the doctor did was look at it, and said "it was healing nicely". What a compete waste of time. The antibiotics they gave me caused a yeast infection. So not pleasant and it's been since Sunday. I only took 2 pills. Rachel woke up yesterday morning covered from head to toe with a rash. P was at work already. We took the day off and headed to the doctor's office. Her doctor said it's hives, but from what we don't have a clue, nothing new. Off we went to buy Zyrtec and Calamine lotion. By the afternoon and a long afternoon nap for her, it was worse. Since it was too soon for more Zyrtec the doctor said Benadryl and Avenno lotion. This morning she was still broken out and had more redness than last night. I called the doctor who said that's normal, but no school again for either of us, P again was at work already. J went to the Orthopedic doctor yesterday afternoon. Good think P was off then, so he could take him, but I don't feel like all my questions were answered, I should have taken him, but I was already trying to handle R's crises. The MRI J had done a few weeks ago showed cartilage that broke loose under the knee cap, he will need to have that fixed, or it could blow his knee out completely. Maybe that could be scheduled for January when my sister is having her knee replaced, they could take care of each other! J's surgery is not supposed to be that bad, like maybe crutches for a few days, he may not miss any school except for the day the procedure is done. I don't know when that's going to be yet, I was hoping the doctor's office would call today to schedule it since I'm home.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Was it necessary to have a fire drill and lock down drill on the same morning at school? The lock down didn't go well, so have to do it again one day next week. Oh, joy. In between drills we had a student incident. Which took an hour to take care of. I was left with claw marks, swelling and bruising. I had to go and file a claim, and get a tenuous shot. Took over 2 hours, and I am only going to get paid 30 minutes for that time, and I have to go back on Monday. To say that today was a long day would be putting it mildly. Now, J is off at a friend's house watching a movie, S is spending the night at a friend's house, P is working till 11:30, and R is have 2 friends over to spend the night. I just want to veg. in front of a movie and relax.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
R is so funny, last week I made spaghetti squash for the first time for my family. R said she kinda liked it, but ate 2 big helpings. Tonight I cut up a kiwi for each of us for dinner. She first thought it was too sweet, and wasn't going to eat it. I mentioned that I think kiwi kinda tastes like strawberries to me, which she loves. She tried the kiwi again, she rated it kinda good, like the seaweed last week! LOL She then asked for another, cut it up herself and ate it, and was disappointed that there are no more left, maybe she'll get desperate and eat J's who hasn't eaten yet, because he's to busy polishing his shoes for a competition this weekend to come out and to eat.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Not Striking!
P's union made an agreement with the company and right now they won't be striking! Union employees still have to vote and approve the contract. I am hopeful the employees will approve the contact. I heard this news early yesterday morning, but felt better by the news after talking to P about it after he got off work yesterday. What a relief! J was hired as a temporary employee if they striked and filled out all the paperwork, they need carry outs at P's old store (the store that hired J), the front end manger talked to P yesterday and him to have J to call her on Monday.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veteran's Day Parade

Monday, November 9, 2009
No go on the cell phone and job for J?
Cell phone doesn't work. Not sure when I'll be replacing it. Thinking it should wait until we see what happens this week and P's job. J was supposed to have an interview today at 5 at P's old Fry's, only the computers were down, so she asked him to wait 30 minutes. I decided to do some grocery shopping, not to waste time doing nothing. Then at 5:30, she says come back between 7-7:30, only I had him call before we drove down there, and now the interview is tomorrow at 3:30. There is supposed to be a meeting on Wednesday (I think) for union employees. I hope they get to vote, whether if they'll except the contract or strike. P says the union is fighting for future employees rights and not current union employees.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Washed cell phone
I think it was S who had my cell phone last night, and she put it in her pocket, and didn't take it out of her pocket, thus when laundry was done today it was washed. I took the battery out, and the phone and battery are "drying" on the counter. What do you think, will the phone ever work again?
P's employer could let the union strike. For 3 years the current contract has been extended. The last extended date was Oct. 30th. Yesterday P got a letter in the mail, that said if contact negotiations are not reached by Nov. 13th, the union will strike. I'm really having a hard time believing that a big grocery chain would really let the union employees strike so close the the holiday season, (union employees make up most of the adult employees) just seems like the company would lose a lot of money by, bad publicity and if they have to hire new employees thus poorly run stores. Maybe in there is wishful thinking, and a lot of fear too. Raises and insurance premiums I think is the bottom line in the stale between the two sides. While paying $800 a year for insurance premiums is not a lot, compared to other companies, it's a lot when you've never had to pay premiums before. Without P's income we would be in some serious financial problems.
Medical dramas
I love medical dramas. OK, House is a bit weird for me though. I think it all started with Emergency, from when I was a child. Other top favs were, St. Elsewhere, Ryan's 4, Quincy, Chicago Hope, Er, Grey's Anatomy, Trapper John MD, Third Watch, Private Practice.. I'm sure there were others, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. This T,V. season brought me 3 new ones, and I'm sad to learn my favorite one is going to be canceled Trauma :(
Mercy, and Three Rivers haven't gotten the ax yet.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The hardest part
About working at the school in the neighborhood you live in is that were ever you go you see families everywhere you go. Like when I grocery shop I see on average 3 families per trip. It's sometimes embarrassing seeing them at the drug store. I see families at Dollar Tree every time I'm there, no matter when I'm there. Target, Payless, etc. too. Today was the first time I had a family see me getting gas. Geez, I love the kids, but sometimes just want a break from being Mrs. M-----!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
carpel tunnel or something else?
A few weeks ago, a student grabbed my right wrist (it was a reflex) I reflectively pulled away, which left my wrist scratched, which later turned to bruising. Since then my hand has been hurting, not all the time, just when I use it, it feels weaker and my hand hurts when I am sleeping. It seems to be getting worse and not better. Is it a coincidence? Or did he injure me some how? Arthritis? It's just so weird because the bruise is gone, there's no swelling, but it hurts. I guess I should try to remember to call my doctor and schedule an appointment :(
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Six Flags
S is in CA with the church youth group at Six Flags. I know my dare devil daughter will have a blast, even though I've never been to Six Flags myself. Please pray for safety for her, and the rest of the kids and adults that went. She'll be home tomorrow morning at 7 AM.
Yesterday was J's school's homecoming football game. The JROTC participated in the parade yesterday morning. Juniors and senors got to hand out candy. S and the rest of her middle school got to watch. J was on S's side of the street, she got lots of candy from big brother and was very popular, which is good for her, because she really struggles to make friends. It was cool to hear she got to see him in the parade. Next year I will have to take personal time to go see him, in his last homecoming parade. A few weeks ago J asked a girl to go to the homecoming dance. First time ever he has asked a girl out, she didn't want to go to the dance, he asked her if she wanted to go to a movie or go hang out at the mall! (He asked me what do you do when you hang out at the mall though!, he's never done that before, but knew it was something teens do, lol!)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Geez, it's been 10 days since my last post
And I only have 5 minutes before Grey's Anatomy starts. I guess even with P being on vacation for almost 2 weeks, hasn't left me with any more time. He has helped me by taking the kids to their activities, that has been nice. Today was a long day at work, for parent/teacher conferences. But it will be worth it leaving tomorrow for the day at 12! S did well first quarter in Middle School, earning honor roll. R did well, with everything except writing, which sadly kept her of honor roll. She was positive and said she has 3 more quarters to earn it. That's my girl! Not to leave J out he has semester grades in high school on quarterly grades. But he is doing well, even with junior year being tough.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The 3 day weekend is over. Friday after school, I went grocery shopping so there would be one less thing to do during our 3 day weekend. We all just hung out as a family Friday night. Sat. I did a few errands and got meals prepped for this week, and laundry done, and I watched disc 2 of the first season on Fame, and watched My Life In Ruins. I had a sinus headache that would not go away. I was sound asleep before P made it home from work at 8:30. Sunday morning I had to leave extra early to set up for church, and greet/sign in the babies through 3 year olds, for both services. Grabbed some lunch, picked up girls took them to their Snow Queen rehearsal. Very disappointed to find out that S and R, will not be dancing the same weekend as their cousins. There's nothing we can do about it, so even though it upsets me, I am not going to let it destroy me. Dropped S off at Aunt Jul's for the rest of the day and night. The rest of us played a really long new game P got on clearance at Fry's called- Pirates. R and I got bored with it, so we weren't very upset when we lost all our gold coins. I have been watching all the new medical dramas that just started. One was on last night, I feel asleep last week watching it, and again this week. I just kinda wanted to like it because the hospital is in Pittsburgh. I'll give it another chance. Today we dropped my car off to be fixed, AC, weird lights coming on, new tire, oil change, clicker thing. Saturn fixed it all except the clicker thing they have to order, today while we were at the movies. We went to the Toy Story (s) in 3D, I think it was a waste to spend the money on seeing the movies that we own, even if they are playing in 3D. P loved it, so I guess that's good, that one income maker did. I need to be off to bed, but I'm curious about why P's Dad called P and his brother over to talk about the weekend grand Canyon hike that they are supposed to leave for on Friday.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I thought
yesterday's headache was bad. But today's is even worse. Blah. Tylenol hasn't helped much. I'm starting to feel very crabby.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
One more day...
Then a 3 day weekend! Illnesses have taken a hold of lots of kiddos, but surprisingly not much staff on the campus I work at. Not me or R, thank goodness. But it's made my work load a lot harder the past 3 days.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hours in the Day
The weeks are so long in between weekends. And really even though I am "off" from work. I've been busy doing stuff since 8 this morning. I am so tired. I've totally been thinking about for a few weeks, how can I enjoy more of my weekends, like have a day I can sleep in, lay about and do nothing, or go do something fun the whole day. It's not like I don't do anything all week long. I do laundry 2 times during the week, so I'm not doing a million loads on Sat. Today is 5 loads, and I'm not done yet. I could get away with not making ahead or starting a few meals for during the week on Sat. but I like to have my menus planned and dinners at least prepped, so when I come home from work, I don't have to stand any longer than necessary at the stove, my feet hurt and I'm so tired, and then there's always having to shuffle kids around stuff and making sure homework gets done. The house is roughly cleaned, which the kids helped me with. P is off at 4:30, the plan is to take the kids to see the Toy Story's in 3D, right now I am much to tired, but I am hating myself for wanting to stay home and just let him take them. It has been ages since we've all done something together. I'm supposed to go to a church meeting at 9 tomorrow, but I said I couldn't be there, I already feel terrible about missing it. There's just not enough hours in the day for me, I'm so tired.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I am getting pretty tired of them. From mostly the guys who live in this house. One of who blames his disrespectful attitude on being a teen. I'm thinking yes he is a teenager, but if he knows he's doing it, why can't he stop doing it. I am very thankful for my friend who listened to me, and understood, especially when I am crying.
The weekend has had it's ups and downs. Friday night mostly down. But I watched a movie with R. Sat started with a BIG down, that lasted until it was time for the girls and I to leave for a cousin's baby shower. Those next 5 hours were very fun, I really miss being with my family. Came home to being way down again. The girls and I watched a movie together and things stayed up because I went to bed. Sunday morning was the usual one person getting up before the rest of us, but waking me up. When I got out of bed 40 minutes later, I woke up the children, and kept them on track to make sure we'd get to church on time. While the one who woke up first, just took care of himself. He did try to talk to be as I was getting in the shower, I'm not sure what he thought he was going to accomplish by picking that time to talk to me, other than seeing my naked body. He had not talked to me for 24 hours. He tells me he's sorry, for what I want to know. That's about all we've said to one another today except where do you what to go to lunch. Of which we brought home to eat, and he sat like a lump eating, while I tried to hold conversations with the children. I cried though most of church. Message was relationships and are you a fighter or flighter. Based on Luke 15 and the prodigal son. At one point Pastor Ray went off on a side note on wives respect your husband and husbands love your lives, and added if there is discord the husband is the head of the household needs to make the first move. Well that never happens, it's very hard to respect when I do not feel loved and cherished like the bride of Christ loves his church. So after all my tears I had to take my messy contacts out and had wear my glasses to take the girls to their first Snow Queen rehearsal, followed by going to see the movie Fame. I loved it, but it left me with wanting more. S liked it, but she thought it went to fast and R was bored until about senor year and the end of the movie. We talked through some of the scenes, that could happen to them in real life and what to do if this happens to you kinda talk. One more down thing- why was it so freaking hot today! It's the end of September for goodness sakes.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I cannot wake up
I am so tired this morning. I'd love to crawl back into bed. I'm not sure why I am more tired today than on other days. It's gonna be a long day :(
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Even though I slept terribly last night, either coughing or weird dreaming, I have energy. But I feel exhausted. J went with me this morning to the co-op to pick up our fruits and veggies for the week. He drove and I coughed the whole way there, OK for 10 minutes straight, he even noticed. standing in the humid outdoors waiting I didn't cough once. I got tons of tomatoes, so I thought I'd try to make sauce again. Last time it was way to watery. It looked better today, but still watery and I didn't even add any water. J thought it smelled awesome though, guess we'll find out on Monday when we have it for dinner. Didn't feel like standing over the stove to make meatballs, so I just browned the meat and threw it in the sauce. Then while I was on a roll I threw a meatloaf together and threw it in the oven, browned some chicken tenders to make white chicken chili one night this week too. One morning this week, I'll throw a whole chicken in the crock pot, I feel so way ahead of the coming week already, it feels great. Now only if the pork chops and corn were cooked for tonight's dinner :( I did make an apple crisp for dessert already though :) The oven was on, so I figured I should make the most of it, it's still way to hot really to turn on the oven in my opinion unless you plan on really baking. I'll close from this funny quote from our old pastor. Just think...when you go into court, you are putting yourself in the hands of 12 people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.
Friday, September 11, 2009
sick sick
S made it to school today, but I did not. She missed 3 days of school. Yesterday I had P take her to the doctor who said it was "viral". She started to feel better last night. About the time I was coughing so hard I threw up my dinner. I slept terribly and decided I better take a day off and see the doctor. My right ear is full of fluid and I have bronchitis. I will not be doing much this weekend, if I can help it.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Yesterday was plan awful
I felt awful yesterday. I did nothing. All day. I felt lazy. But I really didn't care. I feel a some better today. I found some antibiotics yesterday I had from my last infection and started on them. Saturday unloading groceries into my car in the pouring rain probably didn't help my cold at all. It's been at least a year we've seen it rain that hard and for so long in Phoenix. I was trying to hurry and I threw my keys in the trunk of the car while throwing in the groceries. Then I shut the trunk. Luckily I unlocked the car before opening the trunk to begin with. And had grabbed an umbrella. Got back into the trunk but couldn't find the keys. Called home. The line was busy. Great S is awake. That girl could be on the phone for hours. Called P's cell, but I knew he was in bed so he would not know I called. Called J's cell. Why he didn't answer I don't know. Tried the house again. S answers. P brings me the other set of keys. It takes him 30 minutes to get to Fry's a half a mile away, (he drove, not walked). It is now only barely sprinkling. But I am soaked. While I was waiting for my rescue I called my sister to wish her a happy birthday in Spanish as is our tradition. S had woke up do to the thunder and lighting. Went looking for me, freaked out because my car was gone. Then when I called home the first thing she says to be is "What's wrong?" After unloading the groceries and putting them away I put on dry warm clothes and started the laundry. Then I had afternoon errands to do. It was quite a long day. No wonder I felt so horrible yesterday. This afternoon the kids and I are going to the grandparents house for their birthdays. I don't want to push myself to hard. We may not stay very long. And S has a stomach ache. She says "it feels like someone either punched me in the stomach or stabbed me). She also has tiny pin pricked marks on her stomach area. I'm ready to go to bed now.
Friday, September 4, 2009
A cold and other random things
Yesterday day, all day long I had a very sore throat. It felt like it was on fire. As soon as I got home from school, I was coughing. My ears were ringing and and my nose was running before I went to bed. I loaded myself up with cold medicine before school today. I felt OK, all day until 3 and then my throat felt like it was on fire again. UGH. I am so glad we have a 3 day weekend. J joined the ROTC drill team. Which is great for him to get more involved at school. But that also means 4 days a week I have to go pick him up at 4PM. If I knew P would be home more often when we are, it wouldn't seem so bad, I feel like a single parent all they time. It gets old. The last few days at work were a nightmare, not the students but the sub in the learning center I am in for all but 1.5 hours of my day. She thinks she knows everything. But really she's a talker and not so much of a doer. I've been getting free coupons donated from local businesses for school for straight A's and Honor Roll students. That's been a job in a half. The best one I got was from Sardellas' is awesome they sent free pizza coupons for the teachers, and free slice coupons for classroom treasure chests, and free pizza coupons for straight A's and Honor Role students. Not much planned for the weekend except for chores and a birthday party for my FIL and MIL on Monday. J is going to help his uncle lay some new flooring too. And I hope to see my sister and oldest niece for their birthdays.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
How can I have just...
Did 4 kinda big loads of laundry on Tuesday and now tonight I have 4 more to do? It's like the clothes are mating and having babies! Enough already. Maybe it wouldn't bug me so much if I wasn't so darn tired.
Morning visitor
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Positives and negatives
On the plus side we didn't have to go to a training on the first early release day. On the negative, we had to stay on campus. While that wouldn't normally be a bad thing, it was today because there was too much work to do and I still came home sweating. Plus- my eyes felt great all day, negative- my eyes starting hurting as soon as I got to the dance studio to sit for an hour. Negative- I forgot J needed to be at Moon Mountain Elementary school at 5:45. Positive- he was only 5 minutes late. Negative- I still have to go pick S up from dance at 7. Positive- J got a ride home from one of the other scout moms, which is good since he's done at 7 too. Negative- I had to get dinner ready and in the oven before 4:10, I got home at 3:30. Positive meatloaf and potatoes were good. Negative- I ate too much. The jury is still out on butternut squash. I thought it was OK, R spit her's out, and no one else had eaten it yet. Negative- I am so tired. Positive it's almost my bed time. I can not stay awake much later than 9 PM. Negative- the kids are in charge of putting themselves to bed, and staying awake until 9:30 last night to finish the laundry was horrible for me, I kept falling asleep on the couch. Positive P only works until 8:30 tomorrow night so he can make sure the kids go to sleep. They must be doing OK, with going to bed, since no one has had trouble getting up in the morning. Positive- neither J or S have missed their bus, to or from school. Don't want that to be a negative at all, all year! Positive- a high school boy friend found me on Facebook, which is so cool to be reconnected with him, he lives in Long Beach and his in-laws live in Phoenix. I think it would be fun for our spouses to met!That's all I can think of right now.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dry Eyes
What the heck, my eyes are so dry they hurt so much. I think I'm going to scream. I thought taking my contacts out would help. I think they even feel worse, how can that be? Grrrrr
Monday, August 24, 2009
Here today gone tomorrow
Yesterday I decided or God helped me along in deciding to just enjoy the day with my special student I had all last year. Even though I am feeling really sad that she'll be going to another school tomorrow, we had a good time today. Maybe not as fun as the day last week when we splattered Ranch dressing all over, including us, but it was close. I walked her out to the car so she could hug me goodbye. Her Aunt invited me over to visit anytime. I may have to take her up on that. I'm not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow exactly, but we are short all over in coverage so that won't be much of a problem, it just won't be the same as taking a little kindergartner and watching her learn, push herself in her wheelchair, walk, and use the toilet.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Lovely morning before it got humid!
Waking up on a Saturday was a drag, but because of a wonderful thunder storm last night (with rain even!) It was very pleasant at 8 this morning picking up our href="http://02b8ce3.netsolstores.com/login.aspx?checkout">Fruit and Veggie basket This is the first time I'm trying this to see how it goes, I did go to the grocery store right after and as I scanned the produce section I really could take note of how much we saved. You never know what you are going to get. That might be a challenge for me and my picky eaters. And we will try different things that I probably wouldn't buy. Like today there was 2 butternut squase. I'll have to look up what to do with that! J was very pleased with the tomatoes. Because I don't like tomatoes so I never buy them. R especially will be very pleased by the very yummy looking strawberries. J went back to bed after he helped me. (I told him he could) Then I went off to href="http://frysfood.com">Frys
for the rest of the groceries for the next 2 weeks. I hate going to the grocery store. I was trying to go every 3-4 weeks, but I think it will be easier to plan for 2 weeks, which in my state of tiredness seems like a good plan. Who knows maybe I'll hate having to go every other week. One load of laundry done 3 or 4 more to go, then I think I'll take a nap!
Friday, August 21, 2009
I am so tired.
I think if it wasn't so darn hot. I wouldn't be so tired. But maybe, there a lot of walking and physical stuff I do. So, the heat does not help. I am just drained every afternoon when we get home. Then to have to cook dinner or go back out again, really seems to put me in a bad mood. That's not so possible at least 3 days a week. I've done really well cooking dinner every night this week even though I didn't want to. but I think Friday's should be pizza night. Maybe in a few weeks when I get a real pay check. Unlike the one I got yesterday for 1 day, even though I worked 2! But the first day was extra duty and not contract, yet mandatory. Figure that out! Monday could be the last day for my special student that I love so. Her family is moving and she couldn't be varianced in. For a really dumb reason. I am going to miss her something awful. We found out today, it was her last day, but it got changed to Monday. I am very sad.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
OH for goodness sakes
The school A/C circuits were tripped or something, it was cooler outside than it was inside this morning. So after a hot morning in the classroom we get to go outside for lunch recess and it's now about 110 outside. We were Hot, but then we were HOT~!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Are you kidding
Fire drill day 2 of school, what the heck was that about about. Caught the staff all of guard too. We usually know about them in advance. Not today at 2:30. 108 degrees outside too! Blah. R's teacher wasn't there today, she had S's 4th grade teacher who retired and has subbed since retiring S's class was the last year he taught. So, R had a good day she's had the sub as a teacher more days than her 4th grade teacher!
Monday, August 17, 2009
I think it's too hot for school to start!
But we all made it through our day. R had the worst time of it, getting to know a new teacher and is male takes some getting used to. She'll be fine once she figures him out. S's schedule has lots of back and forth all over campus. J didn't have any complaints, but needs another expensive calculator for his algebra class. I bought these really expensive shoes that are suppose to be wonderful for my foot problem, they seemed OK over the weekend, by this afternoon, I was hating them. Should I wear them again tomorrow? Or some other pair of horrible shoes? UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd really like someone to rub my feet.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I woke up this morning, FREEZING! I think the A/C guy did a great job fixing the problem. I had to take a long hot shower to warm up. Of course as soon as I was decorating walls in classrooms, I was sweating. At lunch some how I managed to bit my tongue. It still hurts! What pleases me- My first 2 days, I will be in a 1st grade classroom with the girl I was with last year, then I'll go with her to the learning center for part of her day. Unless our mapping gets changed again. But at least 2 of the service coordinators (they were the only ones in the room when we were talking about who's doing what) want me to be with her, since I know her the best and all her gadgets.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
One Down 181 To Go!
I couldn't find my CPR and first aid card, which we'll need to fill out some new paperwork for this year, so lucky me I got to take the class this afternoon. And really one afternoon in a cool auditorium instead of sweating in a classroom, helping teachers set up their classrooms was awesome!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Ready or Not
Tomorrow is the first day back to school (work) for me. And it's a long day, I think so anyway. The first 4 hours will be at SDOCHS then we have an hour break for lunch and to get to our campuses, only now that I think of it do we have to stay until 4 or get to leave at 3:15? Guess I'll find out tomorrow. Monday I did a bunch of errands, including going to the DMV to get my handicap thing replaced, the sun melts them faster than they expire. That took just an hour Went to the grocery store too, but according to R we still don't have anything to eat. Funny I spent a lot of money on no food. Yesterday only 2 errands, library and Foot Source to get some shoes for me, that hopefully will feel great and help my feet. Managed to blacken as in char $20 worth of baby back ribs. That did not please me. Then last night it was getting really hot inside the house. When I checked the thermostat it said 92 degrees. It was a really long night. The A/C guy made it out at 6, by 7:30 the A/C was working. Well working rather hard to cool the house down. The girls started dance back up again today, so for 3 hours we got to get out of this heat! R had 1 of her classes today and S had 2. Tomorrow they reverse that. S seemed way better than the girls in both ballet and tap, and she is about the same age as the girls and even younger than some, and she's never been in classes with most of these girls before. Only 1 girl from last years ballet class, except she's in her tap class this year. Pretty strange.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I am ready for bed!
I tried to watch So You Think You Can Dance, Why I didn't? You might wonder. P did not record it right! :( Oh brother! Well at least I know who one. Still!
Thursday afternoon we headed to Scottsdale and played in the pools at the Hyatt Resort. P had pizza delivered and we ate poolside. 4 hours of fun! We made it back to the room to see who won So You Think You Can Dance, I was pretty disappointed in the winner, she's not who I voted for and not my second choice either. I have the whole show taped and will watch it later on in the week. Friday after having a lovely breakfast at the resort, we stopped at home to get a few forgotten things, like I'm the only one who packed a jacked! I did tell the kids more than once to pack one. It turned out P packed one but forgot he had! We drove to Flagstaff in near silence, the girls had a DVD player in the back with headphones, J had his DVD player in the front with headphones and I had a book in the backseat. (J gets car sick so I have to sit in the back on long trips.) We ate a very late lunch, then checked into the hotel, and went swimming! The water was cold for an indoor pool, but it didn't bother the kids at all. We went out for a late dinner, and then went to bed. P, J, and R went to the Cardinals training camp with Grandpa, Uncle and cousin. S and I hung out at the hotel, went out for lunch and played in the pool. R was very tired when they got back, P and J along with Grandpa, Uncle and cousin went out for a late lunch. Then P took J and S to the Observatory, R was tired and she really wanted to swim. I couldn't handle any meltdowns from either R or J. R because she was tired and wanted to swim, and J for missing the Observatory. SO even though I was in the hotel all day, and had to put on a damp bathing suit, eeew. Rachel wanted someone who would play with her in the water, and I knew P would struggle with this because of how cold the water was, even though it bothered me I just didn't let it get to me. They were all happy. We didn't get many pics P's camera only stored 11 pics before the memory card said it was full, and even though I took 2 sets of charged recyclable batteries, they didn't hold there charge. A little disappointing. But wonderful memories were made. We made it home today about 2:30, and by 7, all the laundry was done and all the unpacking, and suitcases put away. Gotta get up early tomorrow S has to see the orthodontist, and then we get to go pick up her 7th grade schedule!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
dates, pictures, date, and a little get away
P had to work his first 2 days of his vacation, but then will get those 2 days next week and he has jury duty one day next week, so he should only be working 2 days next week, so that doesn't seem so bad. Last night J and I went out on our date. We went to Black Angus and used my last birthday website offers coupon. It was great to save up to $18.99 at Black Angus. It's very expensive there these days. J just wanted to hang out with me, so a nice relaxing, dinner was perfect for him. Today we went to Target and had family pictures done. I like to do them every year, but we didn't manage to get it done last year. So, I thought this would be a perfect time to do it, before school, and other activities started and P on vacation. Other than it was a little hot out, it was perfect. Tonight P and I went out on a date. Dinner at Red Lobster with a gift Card I got in May. Then we went to see a movie-The Ugly Truth. I didn't much care for the language much at all. Very disappointed. Tomorrow afternoon we are headed to a resort in Scottsdale to play in their water park. Then on Friday we are heading up to Flagstaff for the weekend. P and J will join P's Dad, brother and our nephew at a Cardinals training camp and practice game. While the girls and I head off to a movie or swimming. Saturday night we'll head to the observatory, J was there a few weeks ago with his scout troop and says we must go!
We'll spend the night in Flag and come home on Sunday to get ready for the busy week ahead.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
sussessful event
We had lots of families show up for the Desert Breeze backpack party. Under the outside canopy wasn't so bad. I ended up getting the sponge water relay game started, then face painted for about 30 minutes before we headed inside for corn dogs and chips. They kids seemed to enjoy the message, then we handed out their backpacks, and otter pops as they were leaving. We had a relaxing evening, played Yahtzee, then watched a movie that I promptly slept through almost as soon as it started. I usually last a little longer than that. I guess I was pretty tired. Hope I sleep tonight. P did something with the car, hoping it would fix the problem, unfortunately it didn't. We'll have to take it in this week while P is on vacation.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Busy Week
My title is changing a new language. I've checked my settings I don't know what's up with it. How weird is that? It's been a busy couple of days. Tuesday was the dreaded Justice day, we were out of there in less than 2 hours, with only 1 shirt each for the girls, a pair of jeans for R and a pair of gray shorts S will need for PE. P was off early and we met up with his Dad, brother and our sister-in-law for dinner. I asked the kids to clean up my car for my birthday, it has been such a mess for a long time, I couldn't stand it. They listened! How long will they keep it that way? Wednesday was my birthday, the kids and P gave me my birthday card and breakfast in the living room, because can you believe it I was the first one up. That's sarcasm there, I think all summer I've been the first one up, unless P has to work at 7. We played some games on the Wii before P had to take a shower for work. The kids and I went to Red Robin for dinner, I had a web offer free birthday gourmet burger meal free coupon. The 4 of us ate for less then we would have fast foot because of the coupon, and they also gave us a free huge sundae. The girls and I watched So You Think You Can Dance, then everyone did there own thing until bed. P came home and we played Yatzee together I think I beat him in all but the first of 5 games we played.
Yesterday afternoon R and I went out on a date, she's been despreciate to paint something at AS You Wish a pottery place. She painted a cute penguin bank with blue eyes. She wanted a Jamba Juice but I promised she could have one when we pick up the penguin. Because even though she said a Jamba Juice would be fine for dinner, I really thought she needed a little more real type food. Off the McDonald's her favorite place to eat. Then we picked up some personal things we needed at Walgreens. When we got home it was time for So You Think You Can Dance, and my favorite girl and my favorite guy are still in it!Today was S's date with me. We started at Valle Luna both of our favorite Mexican food restaurants. Then off shopping! a few more tops for her for back to school, she really wants skinny jeans but were not having any like finding what she wants in the correct size. After shopping we came home and watch Confessions of a Shopaholic. Cute movie, not as funny as the books at all. Tomorrow is the backpack outreach party at church. 41 families from my church and school will receive backpacks, and hear the gospel message from one of the young men that pastors over kids 1-5 grade.It's going to be a scorching hot day out there, but the families will be blessed. I just gotta keep remembering to drink water and not get dehydrated. Please pray for tomorrow and my car, not the cleanliness but overheating, it hasn't been fun doing all this driving in a car I'm afraid to run the A/C in, because I don't want to car to over heat. P said we'll take it in next week when he is on vacation.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I just ate the second grilled shrimp taco left over for my Rubios meal. I think it was even better than last night's. Mmmm, now I which I had another one.
Friday, July 24, 2009
One long day. Took R to Target for school supplies and her backpack for the new year, and picked up basic stuff for J and S. I hate Middle School, and High School, you never know what the teachers will want for supplies and even though our school district doesn't require students to have their own supplies, I know that J and S will like to have their own things, and some teachers who want students to have certain things will give students bonuses for having various items. But the thing I hate is, parents don't have a clue what to buy, until after the student attends class on the first day of school. I want to shop now all at once and get everything they need now, and while the stores are having their back to school sales. After Target R and I went Famous Footwear. I had bought some shoes for me that someone recommended, only I couldn't stand them, but when I returned them I couldn't find the receipt, so I got a store credit. R found sneakers, and I picked out a pair for S because they were having a BOGO half off sale and I figured I could chance she might like them and I guessed at the right size. I picked up some socks for J too, only for sure I have to return those because he likes the over the ankle socks and I just got the footie ones. I'll wait until S tries on the shoes first before returning the socks. The R and I went to Rubios because I had a free meal and free taco coupon for joining their online site, the taco was free for joining and the meal for my birthday. We got it to go for dinner. Then we went to Cold Stone and I got my free birthday ice cream. It was so good. Coffee ice cream with caramel and pecans. R had this weird blue ice cream with gummy bears. We called that lunch. Came home and rested for an hour then off to Kohl's. J got some new Tees and I picked up a backpack for S, and J got one too. They are both Jansport for $30, which are guaranteed for life. I figured I could exchange that with S too if she hated it. But then I was thinking she should she happy that I was thinking of her and got it for her while she was hanging out with her aunt. After Kohl's J asked if we could go to Family Christian stores to look at other Tees. After really making sure he was going to wear Christian message Tees to school we headed there, and he got some other shirts. He should be set on shirts for school for the year. Then we went to Wing Stop and got free fries and 5 free wings, another web site offer thing. It just costs me $7.00 for 10 more wings. We came home and ate, the wings and the Rubios. Oh, my goodness is the grilled shrimp tacos yummy from Rubios. And the fries from Wing Stop amazing. Back to school shopping I hope is nearly done, hoping S like the shoes and backpack. The girls get a shopping trip to Justice to get a new outfit for the first day, hopefully I'll be motivated to take them next week. For such a little store it takes hours to get out of there.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sleepless in Phoeinx
I had a headache last night at dinner, so I took some Tylenol and my sleeping pill. My headache went away fast, but I slept though most of So you think you can dance. But less than 2 hours. That's all I managed to get in the last 24 hours. Now I'm sweating doing 5 loads of laundry. It would have made sense to do the laundry in the middle of the night, cooler, and cheaper. But also creeper. If someone else was awake, or my washer and dryer was in the house, not in a separate room, that I must go outside to get to it, it would not be a problem. J went fishing with his uncle today, he hopes he catches dinner for tomorrow night. I hope not. S asked if I could take her to McDonald's for breakfast yesterday, and she set her alarm to make sure she was up to go during breakfast hours, so I knew how important to her it was. I was hoping to do a few other errands, it is much too humid for me. Between sweating,sinus pressure, and lack of sleep those won't be happening.
One of my goals this summer was to catch up on all my scrapbooking from pictures from January 2008 to current. After a few runs to Costco to pick up pictures, a few runs to Walgreen's to pick up pictures from disposable cameras, and two trips to Micheal's for adhesive and certain stickers I wanted for a few pages. I am pleased to say...I'm finished! And as a bonus to myself (since I was on such a roll) I managed to finish my wedding album! I think it's been 4 or 5 years since I worked on that, and yes I know I've been married for 17 years, but I didn't start scrapbooking until after R was 1. A good thing came out of just sitting down for hours and hours, and days and days to scrapbook, it really made me look at if I use all the tools and toys I have. It's getting harder to remember things like I used to. I pulled everything out of my room before I started, P set me up with a table in the living room, so I didn't have to put it all away anytime someone wanted to eat in the kitchen. I'd love to have my own scrapbooking room (with a computer). I do have a few impulse items I could have done without, and it helped having everything out to make really look at all the things I have. I have so much stuff it's overwhelming, but at least now I have it a little more organized, so hopefully I can keep up. But will I...
Monday, July 13, 2009
It's so hot
I know I shouldn't live in Phoenix in the summer, but that's were my husband and children are! I just feel the need to complain this morning about how hot it is already. It was HOT at 9 AM getting in the car, and at 10 after the car sat in the sun for 30 minutes, ugh. R had an eye appointment this morning. She is barely nearsighted, and even though she wants glasses desperately, I would like to wait until she really needs them to see. She is most mad at me. But since I've had glasses/contacts since 1st grade, I know what a pain they can be, she doesn't "see" that yet, only desperation. I really, really wish for a pool in the backyard. I think it would be easier to go out in the heat, knowing I could come home and jump in the pool and cool off.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
If you order a bacon cheeseburger with only ketchup and mayo, what would be on it? List all ingredients.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Witty and Fun
How come I think of witty and fun things to write here on the blog when I'm doing something else but when I'm sitting in front of the computer I can't think of any? And why can't I figure out why the spaces don't work on this blog? I hate the running all togetherness of different thoughts. OK enough of that. I haven't slept much for the last few nights. Most of my sleep has been from 7 AM-12 PM, I'd like to sleep a little more and normally. Thank goodness it's summer vacation, and I can sleep for those few hours in the morning. But I feel like I'm wasting my day. Another trouble with me being in bed at that time trying to get a few hours of sleep is my children sleep that late and then are up until all hours of the night. I'm hoping that tonight will be better since I had to wake up to go with J to the dentist earlier this morning, thus he had to get up too, and I woke the girls up also. Luckily last night I watched a movie and slept though just about all of it and finally fell back to sleep around 6 for 3 hours. It's almost time for S to go to the dentist. Yes, I was just there earlier w/ J. but couldn't get them both in at the same time and I thought it might be easier to remember one day than 2. Anyway before we leave I want to write done this funny story that happened on the 4th, not that I'll forget it anytime soon, but maybe some of the details. The girls and I were playing Taboo with my sister. R and I were a team, thus S and Jul were a team. We were taking the game very lightly and helping each other out depending on the team. S was trying to give Jul clues for a word, she said "my mom was one when she went with me to the zoo", Jul says looking at my red and white stripped shirt, "zebra" S says, "no" Jul says, "giraffe" At which point I couldn't stand it, being called a zebra and a giraffe, how would a human be able to change into an animal just because they went to the zoo. I started laughing so hard I couldn't stop and couldn't even complete a whole thought. Last night at dinner after J cooked steak-ums (which really were not as good as I remember them to be from childhood)for and the house was smokey and we could barely breath, but luckily the smoke detector didn't go off, and the kids and I were a bit punchy anyway were we reminiscing about the zebra and giraffe, (can you guess what the real word was?) We were laughing so hard we all were crying. Just one more thing about that red and white stripped shirt, the last time I wore it was at video taping at the dance studio and J says to me rather loudly, "you look like Waldo" and one of my friends says, " he's right, you do" Waldo and a zebra, I'm not sure I can wear that shirt again.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Camp group shot
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Did I mention and just found out
I've had heartburn on and off for about 4 days? It's starting to get on my nerves. And I have a little tiny, tiny piece of glass in my foot from something I stepped on in the girls' room. Oh, and I think girls' should pick just 1 or 2 themes in their room. Bunnies, Hannah Montana, ballet, Princess, horses, Rattaoli, Wall-e, just to name a few that's in there now. It's a bit overwhelming. And I just learned that S invited my sister over on the 4th, wonder what she has planned?
Is the week over yet?
I miss my girls. Don't tell them that or it will go to their heads. It's been strange not having either one of them home. While I can email them daily, they can't respond to the emails, it's very challenging trying to come up with different things to "talk" about without making them long for home, and the one sided conversations are weird. They'll be home tomorrow. But I must admit every time the phone rings I'm nervous about answering, thinking something is wrong. Do, I just not have enough faith that God will take care of them? Or is it just a mother's heart? Or, maybe a little of both? Of course I have been praying for them constantly. Maybe I should have also been praying for me. J and I have had the week pretty much to ourselves. Although P did take him to see The Terminator late Tuesday night, and P was off yesterday. Monday J and I were out and about all day, as he filled out applications for a job, and I asked for donations for a church outreach. Tuesday was spend working on cleaning (overhauling) the girls room. It's been 2 years since I've spent a lot of time in there, and boy did it need it. Many, many, many trash bags later, and 8 hours, I feel comfortable saying I'm done. Although yesterday we had the closet to do, and 6 loads of laundry. Today I haven't felt like doing anything. I did try to go to the library to pick up 2 books for R that are on hold, but there was some program on today and I couldn't find a parking spot, unless I parked at the Walgreen's nearby, but I figured it would be so crowded inside, I would just go back later. Now later I just don't feel like going back, it's too hot, and I just don't feel like getting all sweaty again. P has to work until 9:30 on the 4th, the kids and I will stay home and hopefully if we get some propane to grill hamburgers (that's what J wanted when we went to the store earlier in the week).
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Yesterday both girls were tired and I let them stay home from their summer programs. I'm not sure what the heck R's problem is today other than she can't seem to do anything with her hair or get over it. She has gotten mad at me and ran out the door. Do I chase her, and make her more mad? Or let her cool down and she'll come back in the house when she's ready to talk to me rationally? I've done both and the second option works better. I've got to figure this out when she's older will she really come back once she cools down?.... She was in the front yard today, I knew she wouldn't go far because she didn't have shoes on. It wasn't pretty but I got her to fix her hair and get her to school, only 30 minutes late. There's only a few more days left and I want to teach her she has to finish what she's started.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The weekend was lovely. Friday was a relaxing kind of day, with some little cleaning and 4 loads of laundry getting done. Saturday morning it seemed weird to not get up and get busy getting ready for dance classes, only no classes this day only a recital starting at 5:30, we seemed to have plenty of down time before having to get ready. So just more relaxing. Saturday was also the anniversary of P and me. 17 years. it seems so remarkable all that God had given us, and graced us with, and healed us physically and working on our hearts. We have so much yet to learn, in a personal way with HIM, and together as Godly parents to raise our children up in the ways of the LORD. This morning we were honored to serve in the 2's and 3's classroom, then after church we grabbed a quick lunch, and I took a little nap. The recitals both last night and tonight were beautiful. I fell sorta let down that it was aver already. S was sad it was over until August, she would dance all the time, she loves it so.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Dress rehearsal done!
The dress rehearsal is always long. This year didn't seem so bad, we had to be there at 4:30, but then had an hour break for dinner, which was good because I forgot the pink tights at home for R's ballet costume. Luckily we live close by, and we had an hour to eat and go home to get them, and get back to the school were the recital is in plenty of time for the girls to change into their next costumes. 4 more dances for the girls and we were done by 9:40, and home by 10, with everything put away and set up for Saturday and the first recital :) Rest day and laundry tomorrow for sure.
Meet the Teacher
So R will get to met her 4th grade teacher before school starts this year, as we are having a meet the teacher night in August, for the first time ever in all the years we've been there. I found out for sure who her teacher was today. I am pleased with the choice for her as it is in the SAGE (gifted) cluster classroom, and I really did not want her to have one of the 4th grade teachers, and the other one has not taught 4th grade before. The only thing that worries me is last year this teacher was fighting cancer, and only taught for about 3 weeks the entire school year. He is doing well now. Please pray he stays in remission.
Monday, June 15, 2009
I am a LOON
My high school 25th class reunion is August 1st. I was really hoping to go. I even convinced P to let me and take the girls. Who could hang out and get to know my brother and family. It would be a stretch on our finances, but it was important to me. Only I am such a dunce that I didn't even realize until today, that the date of my reunion is the same date as a church outreach event, helping families from my school. And I mailed the save the date cards to the families last week. I wished I had connect the dates last Monday and not today, so that I could change the date of the event.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
J warned us on Sunday that he was having a disagreement with the camp director on something new the director was making the staff do and he might be calling to let us know he might need to leave. All went well on Monday, but last night at the staff campfire not so good, he called to say he had been fired, P had to drive up to get him. They got home at 2 AM, J will be at home for the next week and a half, and leave again on the 20th to go back to camp with his scout troop for the week.
Monday, June 8, 2009
I'm tired
Up way too late last night with P. S woke up way to early, to met a friend before catching her bus. Why she can get up on her own on some days and not others, I'll never understand. I have a planning meeting in a little bit at the church offices, so no rest for me this morning. P is off today, the plan for us today is to take the girls to the movies this afternoon, what will it be Night at the Museum 2 or Up, only time will tell...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
sleepovers, over sleep, movies
Thursday night S begged to spend the night at her friend's house, followed by a all day pool party on Friday, when she got home and P was off we watched Bedtime Stories together. A cute family movie. Saturday I set my alarm for 8:50, instead of 7:50. S missed her ballet class. What a dunce I am. I have been working on getting everything they need for the dance recital coming up soon for the past 2 weeks, I was stuck not finding hair nets for buns. Thankfully my sister-in-law Marlene found them for me, yeah no more running around. R had a friend spend the night last night, so S had to have one too. They had fun, and we watched Enchanted I took all 4 girls to church with me (P had to work). Then I took the girls to lunch and then dropped them off at home. R and S couldn't understand why I had to take them home. They were all getting along well, and that's really the time to break up the togetherness, before they start getting on each others nerves, and it had been about 22 hours already. I was wiped out so this afternoon, I vegged in front of the TV and watched some older movies My Best Friend's Wedding, and Just Married. The girls vegged in front of the computer and watch Hannah Montana shoes. Week 2 of summer camp starts. I'm glad they only go in the mornings with Fridays off.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Home Alone
I've been home alone all morning, and I must saw it's been weird. The girls at their summer school programs, and P had to work at 7. I've gotten the laundry done, cleaned out the refrigerator, and started the dishwasher, and fell asleep for a half hour watching the Today show. It's so strange being home alone, and even watching the clock to make sure I remember to pick R up at school on time, during the school year since I'm on campus we just come home together. I best be off now.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mumbo Jumbo
When I was a child my Dad you to say things like"If you hear the fire alarm feel the walls to see if they are hot", "Are you born in a barn?" (When we left a door open.) He said something clever when we left lights on too. I which I could come up with that one. I'm sure it had something to do with not wasting electricity. Why am I thinking about these things, you might be asking yourself? P and the kids are terrible when it come to turning off lights, and it makes me crazy. I guess it must be being home this past week and all the lights I've had to turn off, is really starting to get to me, and J has been at camp for that week. J has called almost everyday, he is a little homesick, this week should be easier on that since he will be busier, the first week is pre-week (before scouts show up to get camp ready, but less to do)
Summer programs started today. Of course I didn't sleep well last night and didn't want to wake up at 6:45 this morning, but I did anyway. My workshop on co-teaching started today too and will conclude tomorrow. Today's been a long day, I pray I'll sleep better tonight.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I don't know if it true or not but it does seem so in the case of our kids. J got his first 2 teeth at 9 months (the bottom 2 broke at the same time). S got her first tooth finally at 14 months, R got her first tooth at 7 months. R by far has the worst teeth. And she's the one who always brushes and flosses. We have to beg the others, just to brush their teeth. S's teeth are the strongest. It makes me ponder about the age of the first baby tooth and the strength of them and then the adult teeth that follow. Today R had a cleaning at the dentist and she again has a cavity. I feel so bad for her.
25 years ago
I was in my first wedding, and I was the maid of honor.
Happy 25th Anniversary big brother and my sister-in-law. Doesn't seem like it's been that long ago we were driving in the fog, with heads stuck out the window to look at bridesmaid dresses. Hope you have a great day!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Enjoying being off and a few days of nothing to do. Well, nothing I have to do anyway. I could do lots but I am not motivated by anything right now. Enjoying the peace. P was off all weekend, a rare occurrence. He drove J to camp on Saturday, and when he got home we met his Dad for dinner for his birthday (which was in April). On Sunday P and I left the girls to clean their room (which they actually did!) and went to see Star Trek, it was pretty good for a trekie movie. Yesterday P hiked and I made hamburgers and strawberry shortcake for dinner. That's about all the excitement there's been around here.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
School's out for the Summer!
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! The year went by so fast, it seems almost unreal. I will miss the children I had direct contact this past year, and I look forward to seeing them again in Aug. Come Aug. and for 2 years I will have all 3 of my kids at different schools, J a junior in high school, S in 7th grade at middle school, and R in 4th grade in elementary school) that should be fun and challenging for us.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I'm still awake
It must be the excitement of only 6.5 hours left to work in my current contract. But I am working a few days in June which is a workshop on co-teaching. And maybe I'll get some calls to sub during summer school. Tomorrow 4th thru 6 grade will have their award assemblies, and Kindergarten will have their celebration party, which is a little bigger than parties grades 1-3 will have. But first grade has a really fun theme, the kids are going to have so much fun. Unfortunately I don't know what 3rd grade plans are, and because the 2 students I work with are in Kindergarten I will miss S getting her Honor Roll ribbon for the year. I believe her teacher did really well in preparing S for Middle School. S should also get an Art award and possibly a PE one. I hate that I'm going to miss seeing it all for myself. P has to work too :( I think I'll write her a letter and tell her how proud I am of her. I am also proud of R who was on Honor Roll all year, and J almost getting there. He just struggles so with writing, he has from the beginning of his education so that's nothing new. He'll end up with all A's and B's for the year and a lonely C in Language Arts(baring he doesn't totally bomb is final tomorrow)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I have been so tired the last 2 days. This week at school has been Spirit week, yesterday day was pajama day, a friend suggested that because we are in pj's our brain gives us the signal that we're tired. I'm not sure I buy that since I was sound asleep by 8 PM last night, and I slept completely through the night. A little less than 11 hours of sleep. I would have hoped I had lots of energy all day today. Sadly no, I did not, I'm was so and am so tired, I wish I could crawl under the covers and go to sleep. S went to her 6th grade dance tonight, P is working late and J left with his uncle on a scout fishing trip right after school today. I'll have to be alert enough to go pick S up at 8 tonight. No fair.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I made it
Last night was S's over night field trip. J dropped us off at school at 5:15 PM and helped up unload and load the bus. We unloaded and walked into the zoo with our stuff to the picnic area for pizza. Then we did some walking around, it was starting to get dark, which was weird. Then we picked up our stuff and walked to the tents near the lions. It was way to much for me, I rode on the cart. I was having a terrible time breathing. They showed us more animals up close, then bed, well more like floor. I took J's mat but even with it, it was very uncomfortable. I'm not sure I slept. The girls woke up at 5:30, after everyone was dressed and we cleaned up camp. We walked back to the exit area to drop off our stuff before breakfast. We were given a tour of some other animals, took the safari ride (which in my opinion is not very long, which really seemed short when your feet hurt), we broke up into groups and my group wanted to play in the water, the kids played in both water areas and we saw the monkeys, before lunch, then thank goodness it was 1 PM, after we all ate, and time to pick up our things and head to the bus and back to Sunrise. It was pretty hot walking around, but not nearly as hot as the bus was on our trip back, it was bad. After we unloaded, I needed/wanted to check on my student and the things we use everyday. I'm glad I did because her voice box was not plugged in, her computer mouse was left in the computer lab )she sues one that has only 1 clicker part), she was only taken the bathroom once all day (she's toilet training), and her Mother's Day gifts we worked on in her classroom did not make it in to her backpack. Geez good thing the bus showed up back at school in time for to help her. I'm so tired and my feet hurt so much. I think I'll take a shower and go to bed very early.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Looking good!
My job at R's school is looking good for next year. What's even better is 2 of my supervisors were fighting for me! They told me today all the details from the conversation they had with the principal yesterday. Man did that make me feel so awesome to hear the compliments today!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
maybe good news
The paras at my school got their contracts today. It's still not a defiant guarantee that we will have a job in the Aug. and not necessarily at the school we are at, but at least it's more that what we had yesterday! I am praying that my contact will be honored and I'll be at the elementary school R will be at for 3 more years.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
It's late Sunday afternoon already...
The past week went by fast. Last Monday I went to work with sandals on, on Tuesday and the rest of the week I wore my slippers, my feet felt much better Tuesday on. I see my doctor tomorrow, I'll be able to see what type of shoe I should be wearing. I was so tired all week after working all day. I was thankful for a school fundraiser on Tuesday night at McDonald's and I didn't have to cook dinner. J and his ROTC class helped at a local elementary school Friday night. I said half jokingly picking him up at 9:30 would be past my bedtime. Luckily I got an hour nap and was able to pick him up. LOL Yesterday J had his orientation for working at scout camp this summer. P took him, I felt kinda bad having him, because he had to close both Friday and Saturday night, but I knew the walk from the parking lot to the place were the boys met the leaders would have been hard on me, and the girls would have needed someone to take them to dance so it's not like he would have been able to sleep in anyway. I decided to take yesterday off as a Sabbath day and do all my things I would normally do on a Saturday today. Grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning meal planning, etc. I did really well shopping and have enough dinners and lunches and stuff for breakfasts (for less than $200) planned for at least 3 and a half week. P will have to keep us up to date on milk and stuff I forgot or we run out of, but that's the best part of him working at a grocery store, it keeps me form running to the store and buying things we don't need and saves us money. I am getting another cold or something. It just started yesterday, I just finished the last antibiotics on Thursday, crazy. but so far I've only had a little mucus and it's been clear, sorry TMI hopefully it will stay that way.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Hurt. Today I wore shoes for the first time since my surgery. I did wear Crocs on Friday when I went to have my blood checked, but I had my feet wrapped, it was tight and pressed a little on my incisions. Yesterday driving the kids around I had my feet wrapped and socks over the ace bandages. This morning for church I wore sandals with a little arch support, I couldn't wait to come home and take them off! It hurt, and it was making me sick to my stomach. Tomorrow's going to be a long day going back to work. Maybe I can just take my slippers?
Friday, April 17, 2009
I wasn't going do it but....
I was feeling good because my blood level was normal, and he asked. This afternoon, I had my blood checked and from where is was pretty low on Monday was perfect today. J asked if we could go get his license. I wanted P to enjoy getting it with him (read in between the line here, then I don't have to wait for hours at the DMV and it would be a special memory for J) J had today's date programed in his brain of 6 months exactly since he got his permit. He didn't have to take the test because of the driver's class he took and it only took 1 hour from start to finish to get the license. Yesterday it seemed like it was only going to be R and I home tonight, it now seems as though all of us be home. P's schedule got changed, he's off at 6:30, J was supposed to help at an elementary school thing (he was off a week, it's next week), and S was supposed to go to a birthday party. She decided to not go because I'd have to pick her up early for dance tomorrow, so she'd rather just not go. That's been the suckest part of dance early on a Saturday morning, it really cuts off Friday night activities early. What's really funny is she had her party on a Friday night went to her classes and came back home before anyone else was awake. Harder to do at someone else's house.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
Hopefully pictures will be added this afternoon, time to get moving off to church. I didn't sleep so well last night, between my feet and knee hurting, my coughing, P's coughing and trying to keep a blanket on with out being in trapped in it pillows under my feet, it was a rough night.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Easter Eggs

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Surgey went well
There was some concern about my knee and how bruised and swollen it is, and my blood being too thin, but thankfully the surgery did happen. My knee is getting a little better, bending just it just hurts. I need to walk to keep the fascia in my feet from tightening up. P went to Fry's to get my pain meds. I feel OK, right now, but I don't want to wait too long before taking something. On to recovery and praying the surgery will take and I'll be able to walk pain free.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I'm not sure how the week went by so fast
I'm tired, getting a cold (I think, my throat has been sore for days and today my nose is runny and stuffed up) My feet hurt, and my back is messed up again. And today my right knee is a little swollen and stiff from a fall I had last night. Luckily it was at the very end (clean up) of the school carnival. S helped her teacher with face painting to earn a partial scholarship for the 6th grade overnight field trip. Which is a good thing because, we just had to buy her a new retainer, because I didn't know it was in the sink and after I did the dishes when I got home from the retreat on Sunday I turned on the garbage disposal and heard an crunching noise. So not good. Anyway back to the carnival P was off so he kept an eye on the girls while I served snow cones all night. I was supposed to be in charge of the craft table but because of the wind crafts didn't happen. I wasn't sure if maybe the whole thing should have been postponed because of the wind, it was pretty windy. But I'm glad it worked out and is over. The kids had a great time.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I had a fun and Spirit filled weekend with 110 other women from church. I rode up north with 2 other ladies Friday afternoon. It certainly was much cooler in Herber than it was this weekend in Phoenix and man was it windy Friday night and this morning. The food was great, bed comfortable (even though I couldn't fall asleep at all Friday night). I felt very blessed to pray and minister to my small group. P had to go off to work, I got to see him for just a few minutes, and he has to close the next several nights, I think I may see him again on Wednesday night :(
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Who Knew?
That you need to have a permit for at least 6 months before you can get a license? J said he knew that, but of course didn't tell me until after the lady at the DMV told us. He'll need to wait until after April 17th to get his license.
16 Candles!
Monday, March 23, 2009
what a mess

Saturday, March 21, 2009
coming home early
J went hiking/camping this weekend with his scout troop. They were supposed to be home late tomorrow afternoon. He called about an hour ago saying they were on their way home. He said they decided to come home a day early. Then he mentions he fell and hurt his knee. (he said they had decided this before he got hurt, but it makes me wonder) The opposite one from the one he hurt at camp a few years ago. He doesn't think he needs to go to the ER, I'll look at it to know for sure. We have an abundance of knee braces, (2, but he only needs one) and he still has his crutches so he'll be able to stay off of it for a few days if he needs to. I thought R and I would have a quite night just the 2 of us, with P at work and S spending the night with Aunt Jul. I guess not. update- 8:30 PM- he's home and the knee looks a little swollen, he has a brace on it and is icing it, I felt around and didn't feel any movement like if he broke his knee cap. We'll see how he does the rest of the night and tomorrow morning, then we can decide if we need to take him to the doctor's office. Rest and ice it is my prescription for him. Dr. MOM that I am. HA!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I either didn't take my sleeping pill last night or it didn't work, I was up most of the night. Around 2 when I still wasn't all that sleepy I should have taken one, but didn't. I thought if I just laid down I would fall asleep. I was wrong. P had to work at 7 this morning. He told me goodbye before he left and the next thing I know is I hear someone rustling around in my bed. So I as "who's that in my bed?" P answers. I have terrible thoughts run through my head before he has a chance to explain that it's only 5 AM. he set his alarm for 3 instead of 5 and didn't notice what time it was until he went out to the car to drive to work and the clock in his car says 4:57. Needless to say he laid back done for a few hours before going to work for real. He did offer to watch a movie with me, since we were both awake but I thought he should get a little more sleep.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Fun Days
Sunday Pat took the kids with J's scout troop to the Reinesson's (someday I really need to learn how to spell this!) Festival. I had the day to myself. I went to church, then out to lunch came home read and took a little nap. I sent my camera with them for them to record the day for me, but for some reason they forgot it in the car, All I have is pictures of them in their costumes they wore to the festival when they got home. Yesterday we went to the zoo and indoor aquarium it was a fun spring break day for all. I'm still recovering today. I have things I want to do, but I'm thinking it might not be until at least tomorrow before I start them! I posted a few pictures on flickr on the left side bar.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Is it Spring Break Yet?
I am pretty ready for it to be. Don't get me wrong I really love what I do and the child I spend most of my day with, she has made such progress from where she was in the beginning of the year, just in so many areas, today I tested her ability to toilet (this was from a meeting we had about her yesterday) and she did great! She's going to do so well in 1st grade, she'll always be a little slower than her piers, but she's getting there. My neck and back back have been messed up most of the week. My personal RX for Spring Break is to sleep in, do a few activities with the whole family, and scrapbook some. I'm even getting together with a friend on Friday morning to help motivate me in this scrapbooking goal (I haven't worked on anything in about a year :( ). Just one more work day and tomorrow shouldn't be so bad since the kindergartners and 1st graders are going to The Phoenix Children's museum. That should be fun! I am looking forward to it.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
April 9th
I finally heard from the surgery scheduling girl yesterday. The first available day the doctor can do the surgery on my feet is April 9th. I really thought she was going to offer me later dates in April, so I was happy to hear the 9th. The only thing I thought of when I said that date was fine was, S's field trip is a month from then so I should be healed pretty well and have little trouble walking. When I told P when it was today, he says,"happy birthday to me". Then it occurs to me, that the weekend following the surgery is his birthday and Easter weekend. I didn't mean to do that! But I didn't mean for any of this feet problems either, or that no other treatments worked for it. I will have "boots" for each foot, so I'll be able to get around, just how fast, and how comfortably will remain to be seen. I should have some lovely pain medicine too. Another bright side of the 9th is I won't have to take the Friday after the surgery off because it's Good Friday and it's already a paid day off for me.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
6 weeks ago, I had my last cortisone shots in both feet. After a few days following that I had 4 wonderful pain free weeks. Then the pain started again. I drove on hour after school today to see my foot doctor. It's no longer a matter of wanting surgery but when he can do it. He's scheduled already into April. If it's not early in April I won't be able to do it until after May 8th, S has an over night field trip, I'm already scheduled for. I get paid to go, of course I'll be working, but really it won't be much of a difference even if I just went as a parent. The doctor did offer to do both feet at the same time. Which I am very glad about. I only have to go through the worry of surgery and recovery once. I sure hope AZ makes enough money to put cop cars all down the freeway in some spots it seemed like ever mile, that backs up traffic. I did see one car being pulled over, it was in the carpool lane, which of course during rush hour, is the only lane that is moving. The worst part of that is, the car and the cop car had to stop the other 3 lanes to pull over. Ridiculous. It seemed to me that caused more of an accident waiting to happen cars driving a little to fast. My neck and shoulders are sore and tight from all the driving.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Yesterday afternoon, I realized it was Thursday already, and how fast the week seem to have flown by. In comparison to last week anyway. How weird of a thought that seemed at the time since I only worked 3 days last week, it should have seemed longer this week. The difference was when you are sick or not feeling 100%, time seems to stand still. Of course today although the day went by pretty fast, I am stating to get sick again. Not the horrid stomach issues, but cold symptoms. J and I were flopped together on the couch after school comparing symptoms. Dinner was frozen waffles, I didn't feel like cooking and I couldn't convince him to either. I think it's time to teach S how to cook, more than her limited items she can cook.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I forget
It occurred to me today, after S and I stopped and did a little errand after school, when we got home the house was locked, very strange for J to lock the house when he gets home, just ahead of us. Then it dawned on me, he asked me to pick him up today. I don't remember why he needed to stay after school today. P pulled in the driveway right after I figured out why J wasn't here, he went to go get him. Geez, my memory is not what it used to be.
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