Friday, March 31, 2006

A student

Even though she's steals and lies, she gets straight A's in school. You think she would no better then. I took the girls to McDonald's for lunch to reward them on their very good report cards.


Oh, my girls thought they might try stealing today. Luckily they weren't good at it, and I caught them. Rachel had gum stuck in the elastic waistband of her pants, but it fell out. She said it was Sarah's idea, of course Sarah denied it, but I know she was lying. Lying and stealing not a great combination. What worse is when I had Rachel go put it back, she didn't, she just put it back in the waistband of her pants again. Of course she was caught again, because I wasn't leaving without them both being inspected. UGH

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Reading to his sisters!

Joseph is not allowed to use any eletric equipment today, he didn't have his teachers sign that he has no missing assignments. He counselor came up with this plan. So after fighting about it, he relented because I am right. He's been riding his bike, playing with his sisters all afternoon, and is now reading with them. It's so very pleasant, with out some loud battle in the background or T.V. blaring!


Joseph just asked me if Rachel has had any x-rays. I said no, but Sarah corrected me, she's had dental x-rays. LOL

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Why am I so tired? It's starting to get on my nerves. I took a 2 hour nap yesterday, then fell asleep before 9 PM last night. This morning I did not feel rested at all. I started to watch the movie I was suppose to watch with the kids on Sunday afternoon (but I fell asleep before it started), Anyway I couldn' t keep my eyes open, finally I just gave up and went and laid down for an hour before I had to go get Rachel. I haven't felt like doing anything this afternoon. Plus I hurt my back putting something in the trunk of the car. UGH!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Spring Break

The week is almost over. It went by so fast, yesterday I was thinking about it and it seemed more like a weekend than a whole week. It was a good week, with not much fighting between the kids or them with me. Pat was also on vacation so maybe that helped? Monday afternoon Pat and I both took Sarah to her gymnastic class, that was fun, to share that with him. Tuesday I took the kids to the mall and had Joseph's pictures taken, and we had lunch. When we arrived at the mall it was sunny, 4 hours later when we're leaving it's pouring! We didn't do much on Wednesday other than going to our church small group that evening. Good thing we rested up, and there was no school we didn't leave until after 10 PM. Thursday, Pat took Joseph to Sedona for them to fish. They went to a trout farm, so it didn't take much to catch 5 fish. (one for each of us, I hope I like it) The girls "helped" (HA) me paint the family room door. I was very very thankful Marlene came over and helped me finish the door and paint a kitchen wall. The colors really liven the place up! :) Friday I used the kids' help in cleaning, they were doing such a good job, (no complaining and not much fighting) we did more just the basic stuff. A little Spring cleaning done, YEA~ Friday night we had family over to help Joseph celebrate his birthday. He was a smiling happy boy all night. Saturday morning, I had to get up way to early to take Joseph to a school were he was meeting his scout troupe to go to White Tanks, for a day/night of hiking and camping. After dropping him off, I went back to bed. I was so tired, up late, then Pat waking me up at 2 AM, then Rachel coming in at 5, she had had a bad dream, I was so tired I couldn't even understand what she was saying, I just let her get in bed with me, it seemed the easiest thing to make her go back to sleep so I could. In the afternoon we went to a church picnic for the children's ministry. When we got home at 7, we watched a movie with the girls "Because of Winn Dixie" It was a cute movie, the girls liked it a lot. After we put them to bed Pat and I watched "Friday Night Lights", I fell asleep right at the end of the movie, so when I woke up I had to ask, "who won the game?" Opps! After church this morning, we went to lunch with 2 other families from church that was fun and yummy (Nothing but Noodles). I was going to rest for a few minutes while Joseph showered and then watch a movie with the kids, I woke up when it was over half over. He told me when he was done showering, Sarah came to get me, I said I'd be right there to both of them, I blew it, I just couldn't wake up, thankfully they've forgiven me. I guess it been a long weekend that lasted a week!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

My Teenager!

It seems so hard for me to believe, but it's true, my first born is now a teen! It doesn't seem all that long ago that I held him in my arms for the first time. His first night at home he didn't want to sleep, it was a long long night even. Because he was born a month early, he attended, my baby shower on March 27th. We didn't have much ready for him yet either. Pat was still painting his room, when I told him I thought I was in labor. We didn't even have a car seat yet, my cousins were giving us a car seat as a shower present. One of them brought it over to Pat so we could take baby Joey home from the hospital. Joseph has always been independent and willful. Sometimes those traits were and are a challenge. I'm looking forward in watching him grow in character. Happy Happy Birthday! Love, Mommy

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Silly Me....

Sometimes, I am so silly, like Friday night I was so tired after spending 3 hours at Marlene's scrapbooking, I wasn't sure I'd make it home driving without falling asleep. I wanted to read another chapter in a book I started on Thursday. Well, I couldn't put it down, even though I was so tired and yawning the whole time, I finished the book, it was 3:30 AM. Why did I ever start reading when I was so tired? I didn't do much of anything yesterday, I was way to tired! Good thing it was a nothing planned Saturday. Today, I still felt really tired, but dragged myself out of bed, we needed to be at church this morning at 8:45, I think I felt more tired this morning than I did yesterday. At 1 PM we left church to go to the Rain Forest Cafe, Pat had a little trouble getting us there, he passed it twice! I rested in the car and felt a lot better. We had to wait over an hour for a table, we were all starving by the time we ate. Joseph had a great time, which I glad about. He wanted us to take him there for his birthday instead doing anything with friends. After we ate, we had to walk a mile to the car, it was so crowded today at Arizona Mills. We got home after 5PM, talk about a long day. I feeling pretty tired right now, good thing there's no school tomorrow, and Pat is on vacation, we can all SLEEP IN!!!

goofy kids

We took Joseph to the Rainforest Cafe today for his birthday. The kids had fun dressing up with hats and wrapping snacks around their necks. Check out my pictures to see more, from The Rainforest Cafe.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


All week long, for some bizarre reason, I can't seem to keep track of what day it is. The girls have been cleaning their room for 3 days, it was bad, but really shouldn't have taken them that long. I didn't want to rescue them again, by helping, which really translates is that I do everything and they either play or leave the room. They still have to put back together the books on their bookshelf/dresser. The room looks a lot better, than it did on Monday. But those little stinkers, filled up the hamper with any clothes they found on the floor or bottom of the closet, including dress up clothes. Guess what I did today? Laundry :( Tuesdays and Saturdays are laundry days, this does not help my confusion.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


So, today is my BIL's birthday. I hadn't gotten him anything for his birthday yet and to save money I wasn't going to get a new dress for Easter this year, and just wear the skirt and top I wore last year, but I've tore apart my closet and can't find the top. I want either a new dress or top now. So, Rachel and I go to Khol's they had nothing for BIL, NO dresses, a few skirts, but really nothing I liked and no tops I thought would go with the skirt I have. So we go to Meryvan's they had about 5 dresses, but nothing that would look good on my short self. But I did get a pair of shorts for BIL, but I wanted to get a T-shirt too, and they didn't have anything right for him. We stopped for lunch before heading to Target, they had a few more dresses than Meryvan's, but nothing caught my eye. I did find a white blouse I liked, so I got that. Went to the men's department and got a plain black t-shirt for BIL. Not really what I had in mind, but got it anyway. So where are all the dresses hiding?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Back to the 3 week pain of my period. Yuck. The doctor hasn't been able to figure out why my last cycle was so long. But she did have me in for more blood tests, which I finally did yesterday. Hopefully it is a smiple thing like my hormones out of whack, that I can take yet another medicine for.

Monday, March 13, 2006

I Can Only Imagine!

Rachel and I were driving home from Costco this afternoon, I had just turned on the radio, when she asked to listen to The Wiggles tape that is in the car. "I Can Only Imagine" just started on the radio, and it's one of my favorites, so I asked her if we could listen to that first. She agrees, a minute later she sings. "I can imagine listening to The Wiggles after this song is over" It totally cracked me up! But since we live so close to Costco, "I Can Only Imagine" just ended as we pulled into the carport.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Saturday I got 5 loads of laundry and the grocery shopping done. Dropped Rachel off to a neighbor girl's birthday party. I took Joey and Sarah bowling, because our church was doing a fundraiser for the benevolent fund. They bowled 5 games in 2 hours. It was really kinda boring just sitting there watching them. I knew when we got home I wouldn't feel like cooking dinner, so I had gotten a sub while I was grocery shopping. Pat and I watched a movie after the girls went to bed. We were up way too late. This morning I did not want to wake up for the 9 AM service, so we stayed in bed. Pat and Joseph went to a Spring baseball game with Pat's Dad. I took the girl's to Rachel's friends birthday party. The party was a tea party and the Mom went way overboard. The girls came home with hats that they decorated, gloves, a mini porcelain tea set, boa, plastic tea cup they decorated, another cup and saucer, a little favor bag of candy, a lollipop and a necklace. There were 4 boys at the party too, and the decorated ties, so they wouldn't feel left out. The food was wonderful, really everything you might expect for an afternoon tea, at a fancy restaurant. The family lives off of Carefree Highway,(the girls thought it was so cool we were so close to the mountains with snow on them!) I had no problem getting to the house, one of the roads has not been paved yet. (that was new for the girls) I missed one street and it took a little longer to get back on I-17 to get back into town. The traffic was horrible going south. We met Pat and Joseph at church for the evening service, but because of my little detour and the traffic we were a half hour late. Opps~

Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's Raining!

Not a big deal for most of the country, but for Phoenix it's like an annul event! Not really, but since it hasn't rained for over 4 months, it's kinda exciting! Especially for the kids. Some parts of Phoenix there's snow!

Friday, March 10, 2006


That's what I did all day! First I went to Sunrise elementary and did a book craft with the kindergarten classes. After Rachel and I went to lunch, we planned next week craft for the kindergarteners. Then I worked on scrapbooking Joey's first year for 3 hours. I ordered 6X6 albums to do mini baby scrapbooks for each of the kids but they haven't came in yet, but I have all of Joey's pages done. I have the fewest pictures of him as a baby, so strange since he was the first. I have by far the most of Rachel as a baby! After dinner Sarah and I made some homemade soaps, then did some beading. Fun day :)

Flashback Friday... Spreading the News (I couldn't decide so here's all 3!)

Well, with my first pregnancy, we were using birth control, because we wanted wait a year after we got married. Well, less than 2 months later, I thought I was pregnant. I was so scared to tell Pat. But he was excited. So the next day after work I got a HPT and waited 6 hours to pee, well almost, because the test said, in first morning urine, I couldn't wait till morning, for goodness sakes. Pat was at work, he called me, which was/is totally unusual for him to do and I told him on the phone, he was excited and said he had been telling co-workers all day that I might be pregnant. What a relief I felt, I thought he'd be totally upset because it happened before our first year anniversary. My second pregnancy we tried and tried for months (15) I didn't think it was ever going to happen. Pat was at work again when I tested, I had laid Joey down for a nap, and was lying down on our bed waiting for him to come home, when he came home, I told him, he was so happy, he called his parents right away, after he told them, he asked if they would watch Joey while we celebrated. We went to a movie, we saw Mission Impossible. When we went to pick Joey up, Mark and Marlene where there and we told them too. My third pregnancy, I didn't think would ever happen. After more than 2 years trying to get pregnant, after Sarah was born, (we didn't use any birth control and were trying the whole time). I saw a fertility doctor and he put me on a low dose of Clomid to see how my body would react to it. Very well! I got pregnant that month! I had been to the fertility doctor's office for a biopsy of my uterus on Wed. 4 days before my period was due and I took a pregnancy test and it was negative, I cried all the way home. On Sunday, when I was a day late, I went out and got a HPT and tested, it was positive! Pat had taken Joey and Sarah to get some dinner for us, I just showed him the test, when they got home. We cried. The next morning I took another test and showed Pat and we cried again! A little later that morning, I was online and Marlene IM me, she asked how I was, I don't remember what I said, but she knew by whatever I said that I was pregnant, she made me get off-line so she could call me, she couldn't scream for excitement for us online she said. We told Joey and Sarah that night, Joey being 6 was excited, Sarah was only 29 months, so she really didn't get it. We wanted to wait and tell Pat's parents until after Marlene's son The Teenager's birthday party the following Saturday. We told Joey not to tell anyone, well, during the party he asks Marlene's Social Butterfly, "do you know my Mom is going to have a baby?" Everyone heard him. So needless to say Grandma, and Grandpa heard during The Teenager's party instead of after.

Thursday, March 9, 2006

New look for Spring!

Big THANKS to>Karin for my new Spring/Easter design. Didn't she do a good job?

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Movie weekend

I haven't felt great all weekend. I've had a sore tingle throat all week, and now it's a serious cold. I rented 4 movies Friday morning. I watched Pride and Prejudice, (which I thought was a little boring) Friday afternoon, watched Yours, Mine and Ours (kinda cute family movie) Friday night with Sarah and Pat, then watched Walk the Line (liked it). Saturday I watched Peter Pan with Rachel, and The Weatherman (dumb ending, well, there wasn't really an ending) with Pat after the girls went to bed. Today I just watched one movie-Aguamarine with Sarah. She loved it, I thought it was a cute movie. I think that's the most movies I've seen in 3 days ever!

A Little Upset

Next Sunday afternoon Rachel was invited to a birthday party, from a little girl in her dance class. The girls' family has been starting to come to our church. I really want to take Rachel and just Rachel. She was the only girl from dance invited. The family lives past carefree highway, so I'd probably just stay at the party. Well, Pat is going to a Spring baseball game with his Dad, and my FIL has one other ticket, so Joey will probably go, but I think last year Sarah did, and really had a fun time. I'm a little upset that both Joey and Sarah couldn't go, and now I have to take Sarah to Rachel's party. Pat tells me I can find someone to watch her, that really makes me upset, why do I have to? Why can't he? Do I have to because Rachel's invitation to the party came after the baseball was planned? It doesn't seem fair to me...

Friday, March 3, 2006


I'm not sure what to do to teach Sarah to take her glasses to school, everyday. I took them to her, several times, then didn't, to see if that would teach her. (didn't work) I had her put a note on the door to remind herself to grab them on Wed. Night. The note is right at her eye level, and the glasses are on top the cabinet right by the door. Well, it worked yesterday morning, but not this morning. I wasn't here when she left for school this morning she didn't remember them or her lunch. She's at lunch now, so she'll have to buy, there's money on her lunch account. But should I take her the glasses? I'm thinking no, what good is that in teaching her the resposibilty in remembering them. But I feel badly for her too.

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Trying out the new sword

Today was Joey's field trip, the 7th graders went to the Renaissance Festival. What the heck was the high temp. for today? It felt like summer sitting in the stands waiting for the jousting to start. Pat and I were both able to chaperone. But the bummer part for me was that Joey was in Pat's group of kids with 5 others. I had 7 kids I never met before. But I kept us all together, Pat had a little bit more trouble, keeping his group together, what a rookie field trip chaperone! Luckily the kids got separated from Pat when I was near by, so they weren't totally lost. I totally forgot about putting on sun block, even though my FIL reminded to do so, and it was on the floor at my feet in the car on the way to school. The back of my neck really hurts and my face is a little splochy, and of course the top of my head isn't so pretty either. Someday I'll learn.